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Still heavily leaning towards Mage, I love the Dragon Age vibe I get from them, but I might do some more character brainstorming. Bard is my favorite fantasy class of all time, and being a healer might be beneficial.
Yep yep you say?

(Which is my way of saying I am interested, i love me some fantasy and oppressed mages)
Aveline continued to examine the hurt man's face, helping him sit up against a wall so he would not suffocate on his own blood. Yeah...the busted nose was pretty bloody, but not unworkable. Behind her she would hear Sheriff Higgins questioning the travelers about why they were in Selina, as it was obvious that they had not come all this way just to assist the town with their big cat problem. But eventually this chatter just fell into background noise in her scattered head. Aveline rolled up her sleeves, flashing the injured man a smile that would hopefully reassure him that he was in good hands. She was about to get to work when she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye, one of the men was offering her a handkerchief. And while the man might have intended on it being used to clean the young woman's hands, she quickly interpreted this as a tool to help with the broken nose. Aveline smiled and tipped her head in thanks before turning back to her work.

Moving quickly, as to not give the man time to dread the pain, Aveline placed the handkerchief over the man's nose and twisted it quickly to the side, resetting it back to it's normal position with a sickening crack and pop. And while it would be rather painful, it should heal just fine, it would make the man's breathing easier than living out his days with a crushed nose. Aveline quickly wiped up the remaining blood with the handkerchief, picking a cup unidentified alcohol off a nearby table and offering it to the now recovering man.

Aveline stood up, trying to utilize the now blood soaked handkerchief to clean her hands, when she finally tuned back into the conversation around her. Something the Englishman mentioned suddenly flooded her mind with thoughts. Of the friend of Father O'Flanagan, the deceased miner Charles. If these people were looking for a strange ore, Father O'Flanagan might know something. Aveline quickly scanned the room for her small slate board and chalk, wiping her bloodied hands on her dress before hurrying over to it. She began to write out a quick message, glancing up at the travelers to make sure they did not leave.

When she was finished the mute woman moved over to the men, waving her hand slightly to get their attention. She turned the board around, and there written in clean handwriting reads:

"I might know someone who can tell you about someone who owns an active mine!"

Clearly not a clear message, or a well thought out one, but regardless Aveline looks up at the travelers expectantly.
I'm working on a post now! I had been camping this weekend!
Before Aveline could make her way into the bar she was cut off by the towns sheriff. A polite woman, Aveline let him into the building first. Not that she had anything against the man, he seems to think she is an idiot due to her head injury. Not that she could blame him, it was easy to underestimate her, especially when she can barely verbally defend herself. She noted that the sheriff was being rather...lenient...on the attacker. Aveline was unsure if this was being the stranger had just slain a beast that was bothering the town, or if because the sheriff knew he couldn't take the stronger man in a fight. The sheriff was at least...fair...but he was a simple and clean man. So taking the talking route really didn't surprise Aveline. What did surprise Aveline was the other mans reaction. Honestly, she expected more violence, or at least a rude response, but the other man seemed to compose himself completely.

Not only that but his name and accent spoke of far away places.

The quiet woman was about to fall into another one of her day dreams when the man, Constantin, stood up, and addressed her. Now, Aveline wasn't beginning to pretend she knew what Mademoiselle meant, for all she knew he was insulting her to her face. But it...sounded...like the word madam, and that way he said it...Aveline took a quiet, but deep breath. No need to look unprofessional.

She attempts to keep a neutral look on her face were tested further when he kissed her hand.

Aveline did not think she had ever been kissed on the hand. She wasn't exactly a ticket item in this town, and most of the men living in Selina were far too crass for such behaviors. Plus, she lived and worked in a church. Aveline's eyes widened and her jaw tensed as she attempted to keep herself from blushing. What would Father O'Flannagan think if she was to be fawning over some stranger. No less a stranger who had only been in town for less than an hour, and already got in a fight during that span of time. Aveline became aware that she was staring and falling into her thoughts.

The young woman retracted her hand, gave Constantin a polite smile and bended her knee, preforming a quick curtsy. She then stepped around Constantin, turning her attention to the injured man on the ground. Aveline navigated around the broken glass and spilt drink, knelling in front of him to assess the damage. The sheriff was right, the man's nose was quite broken. Even if he had been...inappropriate...he deserved at least a little help. Looking over the damages, and how she could possibly alleviate the pain, Aveline would like to make a [Healing] Check.

(OOC: Yo, Bangoskank, can I attempt to cast a spell? Or would that be a PM thing? Or perform some sort of heal check?)

(OOC: EDIT, Yes Lewis251 is a brilliant person)
Aveline, always the silent observer, watched as the gentlemen took the slain beast off the top of the coach and into the taxidermy shop. Drat Aveline thought Zeke got to them before I could ask about their adventures! She was about to return into the church, probably to assist with the injured man in their party, when one of them acknowledged her. It wasn’t much, but as the towns backetcase it was more than she normally got. Aveline smiled and waved at the gentleman, knowing attempting to speak back would be difficult, before he too went into Zeke’s shop.

The town began to disperse, the excitement of seeing the dead animal fading. Aveline herself was about to retire to her rocking chair and magazine, when more commotions came from the taxidermy shop and it’s attached bar. Aveline could hear Lilly, bless her, screeching that she was quitting. Aveline didn’t blame her, the woman had a difficult job. As the olden woman stormed out of Zeke’s Aveline offered her a sympathetic wave and smile.

Things only got more elevated as one of the strangers left the taxidermy shop and had a quick conversation with one of his friends. And while Aveline could not quite make out their conversation she could recognize the stern mans foreign accent. Aveline tried not to feel too excited, she wondered if he traveled from far away. The stern man than entered the bar, and caused the commotion to continue with full force. The sounds of fighting and violence were obvious.

Aveline chewed her lip anxiously. Where there were fights there were injuries. She briefly considered finding Father O’Flanagan, but decided to take the initiative. She gathered her skirts and walked across the street towards the bar, peering in to assess the damages.

Aveline's morning continued quietly. The visitors on their horses headed towards the town's bar, as most visitors did. The sun was getting quite high, and the heat was beginning to bother the woman. Although her curly hair was cut short, a side affect of the surgery to remove the bullet from her head, the humid air was still stifling. Aveline was about to head into the cool church, perhaps to find Father O'Flanagan and a task to complete, but she could see another coach on the horizon. The quiet woman's eyes widened. While upon first glance the coach seemed like every other wagon to roll into town, but as the crowd began to gather Aveline could tell this was no ordinary group of travelers.

The smell of blood was a dead giveaway.

Aveline stood up from her rocking chair on the porch of the church, taking a moment to gather her chalkboard and chalk. The coach rolled into the center of town, a large group of townsfolk gathered around. Aveline tried to get closer, but was blocked by the crowd of curious people. She settled for standing up on her tiptoes and peering through the gaps between the people. The large cat strapped to the roof of the wagon was quite shocking, it was enough to send a buzz through the normally sleepy town. Zeke was quick to take advantage of the situation, but at least he offered the men drinks.

She watched as people began to tend to a rather injured man, and eventually even Father O'Flanagan joined the scene. Aveline was concerned, and knew she should probably help the hurt gentleman, but she figured the others could handle it. If they needed her she wasn't hard to find. To quell her feelings of guilt she said...er...thought...out a quick prayer. Pleading that He watch over the recovery of the coach driver.

The quiet woman turned her attention back to the interesting men, a wistful look falling over her face as she began to day dream about the adventures they must have been on.
Selina, Church

The morning continued on in Selina without anything of note. The quiet woman moved onto another article in her scientific magazine. An article towards the end of the printing was about an Irishman in New Jersey. Even that sentence sent Aveline into a deep series of thoughts. New Jersey...that was close to New York right? But Ireland...that was a place she dreamed of going. Aveline did not know why, but she had a desire to travel to far away places. It was a sort of wanderlust she figured, to see new sights and learn new things. But her condition would make it difficult to travel alone. She shook her head, pulling herself from her daydreams, and continued reading.

The Irishman, whom the article identifies as John Holland, had created some strange boat that could travel under the water. The thought of being underwater in a boat was terrifying for the woman, that sounded like a death sentence. According to the article it was able to stay under the water for an hour. Holland himself operated the machine, at least that showed off his bravery. Not only that, but he named the vessel after himself.

As the article ended Aveline looked up, surprised to see someone she did not recognize. A well dressed gentleman with a horse speaking to the sherif. They were too far away from the church for Aveline to make out their conversation. Eventually the well dressed man exited his conversation and began to walk with his horse further into town. Aveline silently scolded herself for not watching the creatures steps, like the strange camera experiment she had been reading about.

She would be given a second chance, however, as a second man entered town. Also leading a horse. He was rougher looking than the first man, he looked more traveled. Aveline took a moment to appreciate her luck, that not only two strangers would enter town in such quick succession, but that both would be with horses. Aveline began starting to stare at the black horse, rapidly blinking her eyes. In her mind, she was trying to look at the horse in motion as if it was through a zoopraxiscope, but in reality she might look a little odd.
Aveline jumped slightly, she had been so engrossed in the article and trying to make the horse run with her eyes that she had not heard Father O'Flanagan come up the stairs of the church. Not that she found the man intimidating in the slightest, he had saved her life and continued to support her through the church. And while, for a moment, she was worried he was about to chastise her for rushing through her chores, she could see the sorrow he was trying to keep hidden.

He had begun to talk to her, about the deceased miner. Aveline knew her speech would be too slow and clunky to have an honest conversation with the man, so she simply keep quiet. She did, however, raise her eyebrows and shake her head slowly when he mentioned knowing the miner personally. She had not known they had such a history together. It made Aveline's heart ache for the Father, no wonder his sorrow was so powerful.

The two sat in silence together for a moment. Aveline wished she could say...or do...something to comfort the man, but she did not want to make the man uncomfortable, or overstep any boundaries. Before she had a chance to overthink any more he began speaking again.

His question was an interesting one, and one she did not think she could answer easily. But it soon dawned on her that Father O'Flanagan did not need a response. He was talking, musing, probably trying to make sense of the events that had taken place. And while Aveline was not a great speaker, she prided herself on her listening skills. If Father O'Flanagan needed someone to listen to his sorrows, she would be here.

But then she watched, with a slight frown, as Father O'Flanagan readjusted his clothing and tried to make himself sound...normal. He had snapped back into his persona of a town leader, although his pain was still evident. Before he retreated into the church he had mentioned how nice of a day it was. Aveline nodded, and watched as the man hurried into the dark interior of the church. She turned away, knowing she was again alone before she attempted to speak.


Was all she was able to accomplish before her stutter took over, ripping the word ibeautiful from her lips. A dark blush began to spread across the woman's face as she tried again to make the pictures of the horses move. She was just thankful Father O'Flanagan was not around to have experienced her inability to say even a simple word. She turned to the next article.

Perhaps later she would have to find some flowers, bring some brightness and color to his office.
holy shit dude you got me on like...all my aesthetics and interests. Consider me interested.
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