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    1. DragonofTheWest 7 yrs ago


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@MarsMatter We would be happy to have you
Capitol City

Achilles's blade flashed with fire as the Arch Angel steadily fought his way through a ruined city street. Every swing downed several combatants yet the hordes seemed endless. These demonic imps despite their lack of strength seemed immeasurable in number and were persistent enough to deny the Arch Angel to freely regroup with the majority of Heaven's forces. With a push of his wings Achilles shot outwards towards the sky only to be swarmed by several more winged demons. They snarled and claws at the armored warrior but their attempts to intimidate or wound the warrior of light failed as they hurled themselves at reckless abandon regardless of the inevitable consequence. Through his armored helm Achilles eye's were active, scanning for an opening... he could feel the other Angels on the move, looking to make a driving counter assault.

There was a sense of urgency in the air as if the upcoming battle would be determined in the upcoming moments. Pushing himself harder, Achilles continued to fight through the ruined city until at last he could eye Zaphiel leading the others to engage presumably the main host of the demonic hordes. Eager to join Achilles again attempted to take to the sky before several beings leaped forward, grasping his leg. Achilles scoffed at their attempts as he used his free armored hand to smash the beings off him but the temporary delay allowed the horde to swarm forward. As Achilles attempted to free himself, off in too his distance and in the distance an Angel was approaching "One of Zaphiel's?"

If it wasn't obvious before, it was crystal clear now. He was needed on the front lines... he hoped that he would not be too late.
Capitol City

He had arrived in secret, alone and ahead of the others. While other Angels arrived in various groups, Achilles introduced himself to the battlefield, charging single handily into the outskirts of the demonic invasion, slaying various imps with a simple swing of his heavenly sword. Whether madness drove them forward or fear, Achilles did not know but time and time again he struck down imps with incredible speed and accuracy yet no matter how many he slay he could feel demonic presences all around him. Leaping into the sky, the Arch Angel urged his wings to propel him forward towards a nearby skyscraper to get a better vantage point.

Upon reaching his destination Achilles could only watch all around him the true extent of the chaos that erupted all throughout the city. It was only when his fiery eyes comprehend the vastness of the demon invasion did Achilles take note of the the laughter of a demon which seemingly echoed for miles in all directions. From his view, Achilles reflected on the miserable sight and his eyes raged with fury. This war wasn't supposed to be waged so openly and as the sounds of the demons radiated from the streets below, the Arch Angel took this moment to silently admit that he possibly may be responsible for all of this. "If only I..." Oh how the word "If" resonated in his thoughts so frequently. Stretching his white wings out from behind him, the armored Angel gazed into the sky above through his armored helm knowing full well who orchestrated the madness. The Angel's silent frustration boiled over as the concrete he stood cracked under the Angel's power. "Not this city. Not today" Achilles announced to himself though it seemed more of an open declaration to the sky above.

Yet before any moves were made the dark fog that emitted from the sky began to make its way downwards. Upon first contact Achilles grimaced slightly, he felt eyes tingle with a slight burning sensation and it became evident that prolonged exposure could end up being potentially fatal. Recognizing the severity of the situation, Achilles leaped outwards, flying towards the gathered defensive position of Angels and humans with great haste... it would take a concentrated effort to help repel the incoming hordes.

Hope my profile is fine, I'll make the adjustments if necessary.
Name: Achilles

Nickname: Arch Angel of War
Age: Unknown
Class: Warrior
Race: Angel


Personality: A shining example of courage and strength, Achilles knows of no fear as he hurls himself at demonic hordes every chance he gets in the defense of Heaven and Earth. Unwavering in his cause, Achilles at times fights with a reckless abandon seeking to destroy as many of his opponents as possible believing that every demon he slays potentially saves a life. Despite his desire to see humanity thrive and survive the wrath of Hell, Achilles in his most private of thoughts has doubts about the success of his mission and silently accepts that his eventual actions may be for nothing.

Biography: While humanity has often looked upon to Angels for guidance and strength, the angels of heaven look upon to Achilles, a powerful Arch Angel whose sole purpose is to destroy the demonic hordes that threaten humanity and the heavens above. His exact origins remain a complete mystery even to most angels in heaven. Achilles was there in the front lines when the civil war in Heaven broke out... an event he desperately tried to prevent. Despite his efforts the demons of Hell have grown in strength and their presence in humanity threatens the very existence of a world he vowed to protect. With any personal feelings of brotherhood that once unified Angels now thrown away, Achilles arrives on Earth to help humanity make it's last desperate stand against the overwhelming chaos that engulfs the world.

Notable Skills:

Physical traits: Bred to be a warrior, Achilles’ physical traits surpass those of mortals.

Swordsmanship: While Angels have their various weapons of choice, Achilles wields a heaven forged weapon, preferring to destroy his enemies in close, personal combat.

Magical abilities: Despite being of considerable physical status, Achilles is also capable of using a variety of magical abilities such as telekinesis or conjuring heavenly flames. Despite the destructive potential, the uses of such abilities are draining and only used against the most powerful of enemies.


The Sith stealth transport carrying it's task force had moved a reasonable distance away from the vault to avoid detection from the arrival of Covenant forces as well as the ones who claim the vault as their own. The gathered members waited patiently inside, silent as they monitored the situation of their captured leader through the shared HUD interface they shared within their helmets. Fortunately none of them had damaged the helmet allowing Dragos helmet to continue to serve as an inside look. However with the situation seemingly escalating and recognizing the danger, Captain Fordo decided to take initiate, the armored captain rising to his feet and walked over to the main holoterminal located at the ship's center.

"It's possible they'll pick this up." A trooper stated though it sounded more like a reminder than a warning. If anything it was all silently agreed upon that they were willing to take whatever it took to retrieve their captured lord and the waiting was killing at them.

"Our ship's stealth characteristics should provide us some cover. Besides with all that is going on I'm sure they'll likely ignore us, if not..." Fordo shrugged and input the commands attempting to establish contact with Invincible . For several moments there was nothing, no response until suddenly a holographic figure took shape in the form an older man but one that all in the Empire recognized "Governor Tarkin, I was not anticipating you to be on board the Imperial flagship unless of course I contacted the wrong ship" Fordo said.

"Ah not at all captain, you made no such mistake. I was in the area with Imperial command retrieved your previous message and I decided to come aboard in preparation for what I assume will be the request of immediate assistance." Tarkin paused, pondering his next decisions. "Is there an update on the situation?"

"Lord Dragos remains in the hands of the enemy but the situation he's in continues to intensify." Fordo then leaned over, pressing several buttons on the monitor as he transferred a display of Dragos HUD allowing the governor to see for himself.

"How odd for Lord Dragos to be caught in this situation. It seems our approach to this must be well thought out... Grand Admiral Thrawn, your opinion?" The captain's eyes slightly widened at the mention at the name. Grand Admiral Thrawn was a legend among the Empire being the only alien to achieve the rank of Grand Admiral. Stepping into the holographic view a tall, blue skinned alien appeared alongside the older individual as he gave a quick nod to acknowledge Fordo "Captain" The admiral stated as if too encourage the Captain to continue.

"Grand Admiral your appearance is also unexpected."

"I can imagine. I had long been waiting to work with Lord Dragos again how unfortunate he's in a difficult situation"

"I felt it was appropriate to call on you to help retrieve Lord Dragos. Together your efforts smashed the greatest of Republic defenses" Tarkin returned his gaze back to Fordo. "Grand Admiral Thrawn is here to assist us. His mission that led him to be temporarily transferred of the Invincible is over, he has command of the ship now along the rest of Dragos fleet. We are prepared to strike at once"

The Sith task force silently watched but this was the best news they could possibly hope for, Thrawn arriving with the largest ship in the Sith fleet? Surely the enemies at Aurora had no chance however "Governor Tarkin if I may... I disagree." Thrawn took a pause to eye Dragos HUD and began looking over the prior information that was sent earlier. "Our tactics must differ from brute force. The Invincible despite it's unrivaled firepower lacks any sort of discreet qualities. The gathered factions on Aurora will long be able to detect this ship and likely have time to leave before we arrived or worse yet be able to trace our movements back to Imperial territory." Thrawn paused again to gather his thoughts as he monitored a small map of the Aurora system. "Arrival on top of Aurora would also be quite the risk. I believe an arrival outside of the system and stealthily approaching will seem most appropriate. For now we shall coordinate only in code, I'll make the necessary arrangements for this rescue party, Captain I hope your men ready"

"Understood Admiral" Fordo bowed his head as the hologram faded watching Thrawn give a small shrug towards Thrawn as if to acknowledge his intellect and trust his opinion. It would take some time but sure enough the Sith would arrive to aid their own. It was just a matter of waiting.
I too have interest
On the outskirts of Constantinople a small war party stood atop a hill eyeing the city from afar. The horses they rode eagerly trotted in place, ready to move as the head rider gave the signal to advance. As they closed in on the famed city it was obvious these men were not ordinary for they were armored in full plate riding dark armored steeds themselves. To any watchful eyes this normally wouldn’t mean much as Knights regularly passed through the city but there was an aura about them, something dark and the armor they wore was dark and ornate indicating that these men were far from your regular warriors. As they got closer it was evident even the bravest of warriors would tremble at the sight of these heavily armed knights and passersby’s were sure to let them through lest they be trampled under the armored might.
As they entered the city the crowds could only look in suspicion and awe as the head rider raised an armored fist causing his war party to halt. Slowly approaching from among the crowd an individual in a dark robe advanced and bowed his head at the lead armored figure, speaking in a tone only audible to the pair. “Welcome my Lord, I been anticipating your arrival for some time, all that I own is yours to do with as you wish, I live to serve”

Your loyalty has been noted and will be well rewarded.” The figure replied.
The robbed man bowed his head again. “If I may my lord, I would urge some caution. Various clans and other creatures have made this city their own. Your presence will be noted; your enemies will fear you and stay out of your way however those ignorant to your power may confront you”

“Good. It would save us the trouble of hunting down our adversaries throughout this city. I look forward to the challenge” The robbed man lowered his head with respect once more and stepped aside as the head of the war party led his troops deeper into the city.
I'll post when I get home from work today

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