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    1. DragonofTheWest 7 yrs ago


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The Story So Far...

The Great War

Nobody believed in the “Void” at first. Since the dawn of history, the beings from “the other side” were just a myth, a rumor that was used to scare little kids at night. Yet for all the monsters that existed in the current world from the great dragons in the skies or the fierce leviathans in the seas, nothing could compare to the demonic beings that spilled forth. The monsters that arrived were so cruel that even the most notable of vampire covens or fearsome of orc warbands that plagued numerous country sides were incomparable to the evil that killed indiscriminately.

Initially the sightings were just isolated incidents, and the world idly ignored the growing problem for some time. It did not matter if a village here or some town there was ravaged… the great kingdoms of the world had little care for the problems in other countries until the Void appeared on their shores.

As the world became fully consumed in war it became known that many countries were supportive of this new demonic regime that had emerged. Whether they collaborated to bring the Void into the world or simply submitted to them in the hopes of avoiding their wrath is simply unclear. The remaining kingdoms who opposed the Void and its allies rallied under a “Coalition of Order”. The Coalition which consisted of various great kingdoms and other free cities threw aside past rivalries and banded together to combat the enemy.

The war took countless lives, but the Coalition emerged victorious after defeating “The Chosen” the appointed war lord of the Void as well as finding a way to destroy and seal the portal gates that allowed the Void to enter the current realm. The peace that followed however was fragile. While some kingdoms recovered and even surpassed their previous strength, other kingdoms remained entirely devastated. Countless refugees spilled into foreign lands and many desperate survivors undertook all sorts of crimes to ensure their survival leaving the future unstable and uncertain.

Perhaps the most dominant of the factions that emerged from the war was the Mages Guild. Initially the Mages Guild was a private order devoted to all things science and magic who only invited the best and brightest to join their ranks. Yet with the war over the Mages Guild changed its policies and began to provide services to the remaining survivors of the world such as…
1. Providing loans to countries in need of money
2. Hire talented merchants, craftsman, farmers, sellswords and anyone of value and “rented” them out to countries in need to help rebuild.
3. Allow Mages to reverse the terraforming the Void inflicted on ravaged countries (an expensive and lengthy process)
4. Build and develop their private island into a massive seaport that served as a global hub so countries from every corner can trade goods in a singular area.
5. Perfected the use of magic conjurations to open portals at sea to increase the speed of travel. While portals existed in smaller fashion, only the Mages Guild developed portals large enough to transport trading vessels.

Initially many countries benefitted from a more powerful and collaborative Mages guild. The new global trade hub ensured countries began to connect more and profits soared. However, it wasn’t long till jealously and doubt began to fill the minds of the various rulers that once made up the Coalition. Some began to believe the Mages Guild was responsible for the Void invasion, believing that they tempered with ancient artifacts that ripped a hole in the dimension that allowed the enemy to spill forth. Others believe the Mages Guild foresaw the Void invasion and purposely hid their power, allowing the world to rip itself apart just so they can take advantage of the ashes. Regardless of blame, countries who could not recover from the war became so dependent that they were more or less owned by the Mages guild.

Since the war against the Void has ended, the Mages Guild has fully opened its once secluded island to the world. What once consisted only of a giant spire of knowledge in the middle of the sea has emerged into a grand seaport with taverns, brothels and trading centers that are unmatched throughout the world. The Mages even built a great “Arena” to entertain the various guests that arrived to provide legalized gladiatorial combat. If money was to be made the Mages Guild had part of it.

Chapter 1: The Mages Guild of Pandarosa

It has been a full 100 years since the end of the Great War. Despite the era being considered a time of peace and rebuilding, several kingdoms had engaged in smaller conflicts thus further shifting the hierarchy of power in the world and the old alliance that was known as the Coalition becomes increasingly a relic of the past. In response, the Mages Guild led by its council the “Enlightened Ones” has sent personal invitations to the great rulers of every country along with invitations to reputable mercenaries, scholars and any being of notability or status in the hopes of a grand gathering of great minds. While the timing seemed suspicious, its widely believed the Mages Guild wants to accelerate its growing business by showing off new secrets and technologies it had to offer the world in a grand celebration as well as attempt to keep the fragile global peace. Regardless of affiliation or reason, it seemed appropriate for people to attend, after all surely there was something of value to gain in the most diverse island in the world.

The Mages Guild remain quite protective of its island. Well trained and armed mercenaries act as the island’s personal army while a small but powerful fleet of warships secure the waters around the island. The Mages Guild also decreed numerous laws, examples including
1. Beasts of war and engines of war are prohibited. No exceptions
2. Limits to the size of ships which basically prohibited any sizable warships. Upon arrival security is allowed to check any and all cargo being brought aboard as well as investigate any personal onboard.
3. There was no fighting allowed on the streets regardless of fault. Any personal vendettas were to be settled in the Arena at a time deemed appropriate.
4. The Mages Guild were free to adjust and deviate from the law if necessary. Their island, their rules.

While there were some countries that have the militaries to challenge the Mages Guild and its allies, no kingdom dared to make any sort of aggressive action towards the world’s leader in science, magic and trade in the belief that attacking the Mages Guild, meant an attack on the world itself.


If you made it this far, I thank you for your time. So sure enough, what exactly is going on? This RP is inspired by numerous works such as Warhammer Fantasy,WoW,LoTR,Elder Scrolls etc. While many concepts and terms may seem familiar, the idea behind all of this is basically a sandbox-esque RP under an original (though heavily inspired) lore that was created. Due to the vague concept and flexibility provided due to not having a singular main source material, all sorts of storylines are possible from adventure quests, epic battles and collaborative character stories coming together.

So still interested? Well the story plans to start on the Island of Pandarosa in a grand festival that is meant to bring the world's best and brightest into a single location. Where we go from there will naturally be figured out but whether you are a member of a royal family or a curious wandering swordsman, you don't want to miss this celebration.

RP Guidlines

Updated Example rough draft character sheets.

Jon smirked, the look in her eyes said it all. The kryptonian took a small menacing step forward, eyes glowing brighter, his body poised to launch forward to attack in an instant. Jon's mind was all but made up, his natural aggressive instincts having taken over that he hardly noticed the speed of her voice until the world around him visibly slowed and now it was him bearing the look of uncertainty and confusion.


It was all he could reasonably mutter at the moment. Perhaps this was all an illusion or some sort of other technological trick yet every feeling in his body all told him that this was reality, there was no trick. Jon alas watched as Raimi explained herself, her voice having slowed and her words more clear. Jon wanted to ease up and laugh as his mind had drifted to what Agent Coulson had said earlier about the world getting more strange however he kept his composure... after all he didn't want to break his menacing persona.

"Time physics huh?" Jon replied, his glowing eyes having reverted to normal and his body posture now relaxed.

"You are a strange one but I suppose we can work together considering you seem to have honest intentions. If you have a plan other then blowing it up or having me throw it into the ocean, I'm all ears."
East Gotham

Please be advised, all citizens are asked to seek shelter and avoid travel.

The emergency broadcast repeated itself continually having taken over every major radio station. Jesse cursed quietly to himself as he shut off the radio and turned up the heat in his car another level. The broadcast was driving him nuts. "I'm so close." Jesse tapped the wheel of his car in irritation as he took another gaze at the traffic around him. They moved at a snails pace, the long lines of vehicles all attempting to exit off the freezing highway but ice and wind all slowed their travel and the last thing anybody wanted to do was abandon their vehicle in the chaotic weather. Jesse peered through his passenger side window and took note of the Gotham river which was now looking ice solid. It had come so suddenly and all of Gotham was woefully unprepared to deal with any of this.

"I need to get of this fucking bridge man." Jesse cursed aloud as he tried to avert his eyes elsewhere. The irritation, the anxiety of realizing he was in a bridge above a frozen river was egging him on. Trying to find something to distract him, Jesse eyed his rearview mirror and noticed the eighteen wheeler truck behind him had left a sizable space between their vehicles. The traffic remained stop and go, stop and go and the people in the cars around him were just as irritated. "Come on man let's fucking move!" Jeese shouted, mostly to himself before his eyes were averted back to his rearview mirror.

The gap that was left between him and the truck was growing smaller and the truck wasn't slowing down. "Oh fuck." Jesse could just see through his icey, snow covered mirror that the driver of the truck was in a panic. It all made sense and Jesse felt his life slow to a crawl... due to the conditions the truck's breaks were failing and the truck was pushing forward with no signs of slowing down. Jesse looked to his right towards the passenger side... he was right next to the edge of the bridge, the only thing that would stop him was the steel rails but they wouldn't be able to halt his car. Jesse looked left, maybe he had to exit his vehicle, maybe if he was fast enough maybe.... Too late.


The truck slammed into Jesse's sedan which crumbled like paper, his chest pressed into the wheel before the airbags went off, pushing him backwards as the seatbelt of the vehicle was the only thing preventing from the poor man from being launched from his car. The windows in the rear of his vehicle had shattered and Jesse could feel a gust of cool wind enter his car. Worst yet his vehicle had punched through the steel rails and though his vision remained obstructed he could feel his car starting to tip over. "Fuck fuck!" Jesse knew what was happening, he could feel his car inching forward, he was going to go over the edge. His mind flashed with dozens of memories as the car fell forward, accelerating downward like a rollercoaster but even in his terror he knew that it would all over in a second. Jesse closed his eyes, accepting his fate only to feel his momentum pause. "What the fuck?" Jesse turned his head as he felt his vehicle move but not by his will...something was carrying back towards the bridge.

Jon pushed the sedan back on the bridge as he could see dozens of people having exited their vehicle in astonishment to get a better look at the newly arrived super being. Jon than turned towards the truck whose front end was peeking over the bridge. Jon leaned over, grasping the truck from the bottom and with a quick tug, fully pulled the 18 wheeler fully back on the bridge. The surrounding Gotham citizens watched dumbfounded as Jon displayed a quick display of strength beyond imaging but he wasn't done yet. Turning back towards the damaged sedan, Jon tore the door off and freed the immobilized Jesse.

"You alright?" Jesse could barely come to his senses though the blue armored figure who stood by was the only thing he can focus on. "Su-Superman?" Jesse muttered. Jon nodded at the man he recused in acknowledgement only to hear the crowd that had gathered began began to clap and cheer. It was odd being the center of attention like this. His father had done similar acts hundreds of times but for Jon this was still rather new... after all his 'super hero' career involved chasing down the most dangerous of adversaries, not resucing common people in natural disasters. Jon tried to think of saying something witty or creative to put the people at ease but lightning streaked across the sky following by an ear shattering boom ending ruining the moment.

"Get to safety, all of you." Jon said aloud at the thunder faded, his request sounding like a military command. A hard wind rushed through the packed highway as the people instantly tensed up as if to brace themselves but Jon alone stood unaffected. It was hopeless, time and time again he made valiant attempts to aid the people of Gotham but the weather's intensity and unpredictability almost made his efforts meaningless. Jon gazed at the sky, his eyes trying to focus on where the weather device machine hovered. Would destroying it actually do something? Yet in his debate, Jon caught a passenger plane steak across in the sky, its nose tilted downward. Jon focused his eyes... something wasn't right. His eyes honed in on the engines and judging from his view and estimation, the engines were being affected by the weather and the pilots were losing control.

One last rescue, then he was going for the machine. Another hard wind blew again as Jon took off, accelerating towards the falling airplane. He did not want to admit it but the weather was having some effect, his efforts were slowed thus requiring greater effort to move against the howling force. Lightning bolts raced past him, striking indiscriminately at Gotham below as Jon attempted to survey the aircraft. Now that he was right next to the aerial transport it was evident that the engines were as good as dead and the only way this craft was going down safely was through his hand alone. Jon took a quick gaze alongside the windows of the passenger aircraft, his eyes capturing the frightened looks of the passengers aboard. Jon raised a hand as if to calm the passengers who could see him as he raced towards the front of the plane. He wasn't going to let them down. Maybe he wasn't his father but Clark Kent's obligation to help his fellow man was an instinct he also inherited and a call he could not ignore.

Passing by the cockpit, Jon took a quick glance at the pilots of the aircraft who struggled to keep the aircraft airborne but their visuals were compromised and their transport no longer in their control. Jon took a quick glance downward... they were close by the river and that was likely the best place to help guide the aircraft. As the young kryptonian positioned himself in the front of the airplane he privately weighted the risks of his actions but figured that the river was his best shot at an easy landing and it also allowed him to avoid guiding the transport through Gotham's skyscrapers. Admittingly what he was about to do was crazy, he never attempted such a feat before but with time running out, hesitation was out of the question.


Jon gritted his teeth he could feel the airplane screeching come to a halt. The kryptonian's blue armored boots sank into the thick ice as he balanced the aircraft in the air before gradually easing it downward. Considering the weather conditions, the airplane should hold on the ice, at least long enough for the people to evacuate. With delicate precision, Jon eased the airplane downward with an exhale and with a soft thud, the airborne transport had made it back to the ground. Stepping backwards Jon took the moment to contemplate what he had just accomplished... he had pulled an airplane out of the sky and brought it safety to the ground. Impressed with himself, Jon peered at the cockpit and he could see the relieved pilots waving at him, their expression said it all.

"Jon, hell of a catch. If we all get through this you'll be on the cover of every newspaper for the next month." It was Coulson and still in a good mood to his credit. Jon pressed a pair of fingers by his ear to access the communicator by his ear to reply.

"Talk to me Coulson, tell me you have something on our guy." Jon braced himself, ready to move on the Weather Wizard's location and-

"Unfortunately no. Our other asset is on the ground and doing what she can. I guess you're up." Jon took a pause, disappointed with the news but he wasn't surprised. With Nikita now deployed to help Gotham's citizens, Coulson had more or less gave him the signal to go for the weather machine.

"Copy that." Jon gazed at the sky, the ice under him cracking as the super powered alien prepared to explode into action once more.

"Do Gotham a favor and break it good. Don't need any loose ends falling down on someone." It was a witty comment disguised as an order but Jon didn't need to be told twice.


Jon soared the air, racing past various lightning bolts and freezing gusts of wind as his eyes honed in on the vast machine over the city of Gotham. Jon debated just flying through it's center in one quick pass to smash it too bits and then deal with the remnants but he wanted to take one good look at the machine to see if there was anything he can learn from it. Positioning himself above the machine, Jon's eyes scanned the various metallic pieces, planning his attack but something caught his eye... someone else was already on the machine. Could it be...? No that's not the Weather Wizard... maybe an associate?

In a display of force, Jon flew towards the center of the giant machine and landed just several feet away from Raimi with a forceful thud, the metal under him bending from his strong landing. Jon took a quick glance at the mysterious being before him, his mind assuming the worst as his eyes began to grow an eerie red...

"So, the Weather Wizard has a partner?"
Somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic

Jon ripped through the sky like a speeding bullet, the air seemingly being split open before the kryptonian. He must have taken flight thousands of times at this point in his life and even then, it still was exhilarating. Despite being fully aware of his capabilities, S.H.I.E.L.D in their various headquarters throughout the world often watched in awe as Jon would ‘jump’ from one area to another, covering dozens of miles in seconds. Despite being deep in the mountains of Eastern Europe, Jon was rapidly making his way over the Atlantic and closing in on the Eastern Seaboard. Such a trip for an ordinary agent would have taken several hours at least even with the most advanced aircraft available but for Jon, it was just another quick trip that felt like that would only last minutes.

Every once in awhile Jon would eye a lone vessel out at sea and if they were lucky the crew would catch a glimpse of the speeding humanoid figure until it disappeared, leaving a thunderous echo as sound raced to follow the alien in his wake. “Soon.” Jon thought. Yet in his private thoughts the realization that that he was returning to Gotham to find and bring in his childhood friend, Damian bothered him. The fabled Bat family was shrouded in myth and awe and Bruce Wayne in his time was every bit the hero Clark Kent was or at least that’s how Jon figured. Bruce did not have Clark’s kryptonian physiology yet made up for it through unparalleled strength of will and mind. Yet for all his greatness, Bruce was dead along with members of the Bat family and the killers were roaming free.

S.H.I.E.L.D however were not the mourning type. Batman was a vigilante, independent of the law who did not answer to any authority. This unpredictability made him dangerous and with the circumstances regarding the death of Bruce Wayne and the others, Jon was tasked with bringing Damian in to uncover the truth because… S.H.I.E.L.D had to know everything. Jon had long pondered this mission and why he was chosen. Perhaps it was the bond he once shared with Damian? Or perhaps those in charge thought Jon would be able to convince Damian to turn in easy or maybe it’s because of Damian’s abilities made it that anything less than the son of Superman himself was incapable of bringing in the son of Bruce Wayne.

So consumed with his thoughts that only did Jon realize the air around him turned cold as if he was suddenly entering the eastern European mountains once more. “That’s not right…” Jon took a glance around him and realized that it was snowing. Suddenly a bolt of lightning streaked across the sky and the roar of thunder echoed all around him. “This came out of nowhere so quickly. So… unnatural.” Jon mused privately as he focused his eyes straight ahead. The clouds were darkening, and the bizarre weather was only getting stronger, and he was heading straight towards its source. Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, Jon clenched his fists and accelerated…



Jon landed with a soft thud, his boots sinking into the snow-covered roof. It was the storm of the century going all around him and Jon could hear the raging panic in the streets below. At this point the wind was blowing extremely hard and violent bolts of lightning struck at Gotham’s tallest buildings with an unnatural violence. Amidst the chaotic weather small rays of sunshine poked through the clouds at random catching Jon’s attention as the wind blew and paused in some unpredictable manner and the air felt hot and cold all at the same time. The kryptonian turned his eyes to the sky and tried to focus past the clouds and his eyes managed to make out sort of machine in the sky. If it was not obvious before, it was now… Jon entered the Gotham S.H.I.E.L.D safehouse in a hurry knowing he was about to get his answer.

"You're late." A voice called out as Jon entered the large communication room where dozens of S.H.I.E.L.D agents frantically analyzed screens filled with data and images of what was not only going outside Gotham but seemingly the whole world. Agent Phil Coulson approached the Kryptonian, his arm extended for a handshake. Jon took the hand firmly as they greeted each other with a customary nod fitting of good friends. “Sorry. Bad weather. I ran into traffic.” Jon replied. It was a joke but not a good one. “So, what are we dealing with?”

Coulson pointed towards a TV recording from one of the major news channels as reporter Vicki Vale relayed the news. Jon listened intently as images of the chaos from all over the world filled the screen.

“We need to find Mardon.” Coulson finally stated concluding that Jon heard all that he needed to hear.

“If he’s in Gotham, I’ll get him.” Jon replied.

“Last I checked all of command is trying to find something that can lead to his whereabouts. As of now command wants to keep you here, ready to go should we get a lead on Mardon.”

“I’m not sitting around here while all of this is going on.” Jon argued.

Coulson shrugged. “Not my orders but if Mardon is in Gotham and he knows you are here, he’ll do what he can to stay away from you.”

“I’m not going to stay cooped up while people are dying. Command has 15 minutes. If they don’t find something I’m destroying whatever that is above Gotham.” Coulson’s expression changed to one of amusement and shock.
“Hold up, we don’t exactly know what that will do”. Coulson raised a hand in a calming fashion as if to temper off the kryptonian but Jon was undeterred.

“You’re right but I’ll take my chances. The aerial fleet may be down but I can still get to it.”

“And what will you in the 15 minute grace period you've decided to bless us with?” The question came with a bit of sarcasm and sass though Coulson was one of the few who had that type of relationship with Jon.

“I’ll go street side, see what I can do to help get people into shelter.” A good answer.
Coulson nodded begrudgingly knowing whatever opinion he had or alternative suggestion, Jon would have just overruled him. Coulson’s eyes then scanned over one particular screen that detailed a variety of information.

“I almost forgot. We do have another asset in Gotham. Perhaps she can be of some help…”

Jon shot Coulson a puzzled look and in return Coulson reached over and grabbed a tablet and sorted through several files before handing the tablet over. Jon scrolled through the tablet “A Russian girl… Nikita Kos… 19…Huh… that’s interesting.” Jon continued to sort through Nikita’s profile. At its conclusion Jon looked at Coulson “Is she field ready?”

Coulson shrugged in reply “Well she’s with another agent, a longtime friend of a mine… a miss Daisy Johnson.”

“Get in contact with them, try to see if they can provide aid to any people that need it and if they get a chance on Mardon… you tell them to contact me.” Jon turned and headed towards the exit but paused as Coulson called out to him. “As important as this all is we still have a Bat issue.” Jon didn’t reply immediately, taking several moments to come up with a response.

"He can wait you know." Jon said finally breaking the silence. "This right now is priority."

"If you ask me, I agree. But the agency wants their pound of flesh. They want Damian brought in ASAP.” Coulson turned to look at the various data screens once more, one that was highlighting several meta humans all around the world taking actions to help deal with the current event. “This latest catastrophe is revealing a lot of interesting folk like yourself. We’ve had some odd sightings coming from Coastal City for example. All I’m saying is, just be careful out there Jon, we don’t know whose side people are on and the world just keeps getting weirder.” There was truth to those words, but Jon remained undeterred.

“Just keep me up to date if anything else comes up.” And just like that the new Superman was off.
Jonathan Kent/Superman

Eastern Europe-Balkan Mountains

"Strike Eagle this is Mother Goose do you have visual on the target?"

"Strike Eagle to Mother Goose. I have visual confirmation, permission to engage"

"Stand by Strike Eagle, awaiting confirmation."


"Strike Eagle, green light to engage. Good luck."
"Copy. Strike Eagle moving in to engage... have the clean up crew ready, this shouldn't take long.


Finally it was time to move. Jon unfolded his arms, his eyes focused on the singular target despite being over several miles away in an elevated position. Even the most advanced military scopes would have had difficulty locating the singular being who trekked his way through the snowy, windy landscape but these kryptonian eyes were physiological wonders. Jon took one last look around the winter landscape, there was nobody around and no potential victims that could get caught up in the upcoming confrontation. Jon arched himself back like a sprinter preparing to explode out of the blocks before he he extended his arms forward and in an instant was ripping the air sky echoed with the sound of thunder.

Ivan Petrov lumbered his way up the mountain, his head lowered as freezing winds slashed at his skin to little effect. This harsh environment would have proved to be a mighty obstacle for most but not for Ivan. This was Ivan's everyday life as his past as a former Soviet soldier forced him to remain secluded from the rest of the world. His past sins were admired under the Soviet government but that government no longer existed and no country was willing to house a renowned killer such as himself. It had been a long trip back home and his "business meeting" in Metropolis was a success, all there was left to do was head home and prepare for his next job.

Ivan approached the cave that provided him his shelter and though a sense of relief filled his spirit something felt off. The giant of a man paused and took a long hard look at his environment but all he could hear was the blowing wind and his sight remain obstructed by the raging blizzard. Shaking his head in irritation, Ivan entered his residence, running a gloved hand through his long hair as ice and snow dripped from his body. The man unfurled the duffle bag he had carried with him as he moved to grab an unopened bottle from an organized stack at the side of the cave. Chuckling in anticipation and savoring a proper drink, Ivan moved to open his alcoholic vice until the sound of thunder echoed outside caught his attention. Ivan turned his gaze towards the entrance of the cave as he took a hard swing from the glass bottle. For several moments there was nothing and Ivan grew disinterested. "Nothing. Just my imagination" he thought to himself as he turned away to grab a second bottle in preparation but he heard a thud at the entrance of his home.

"Ivan Petrov." A voice announced as Ivan turned in surprise at the sound of his own name as an armored, muscular figure entered his home.
"Do I know?" Ivan questioned as he examined the individual before him. At first he was wary, surprised that someone else was capable of traversing his mountain until his eyes focused on the S symbol on the individual's chest. "Ah... I see. You are that new Superman aren't you? S.H.I.E.L.D's dog." Now it all made sense.

Jon smirked at Ivan's response and stopped just several feet before his adversary. "So you do know who I am. If that's the case then you know what this is about. Ivan Petrov, you are wanted for murder, assassination of a federal officer-"
Ivan cut off Jon with a chuckle. "You do not need to state what I already know. You follow orders as I have followed mine. I have taken many lives. It is simply business"
Jon was amused with the answer. Perhaps he was going to get some action after all. "This is your last warning Ivan. You've been under surveillance since you departed Metropolis. We know all about your little therapy session with Bruno Mannheim. You have no where to run, nobody to help you, it's over."

"Your first mistake Superman...I do not bend." For several tense moments nobody made a move, each individual attempting to anticipate the other. Ivan finally took initiative, lunging to a nearby assault riffle that lay against the cavern wall and just as quickly as he had retrieved the weapon, Ivan was just as quick to unleash a hailstorm of bullets right into the kryptonian's chest. However much to Ivan's disappointment the bullets harmlessly ricocheted off Jon's chest and after several seconds of sustained fire, the clip was emptied with no damage dealt.

"I commend you for your accuracy but your bullets won't be enough to kill me." Jon boasted as he began to advance towards the former Soviet soldier. Despite the task ahead of him, Ivan gritted his teeth and in a series of Russian curses grabbed a pair of hunting knives he had kept at his sides and lunged forward.

"He's fast but not that fast." Jon thought as Ivan moved in a manner that was greater than a normal human being, his physiology was not enough to overcome the alien before him. In a swift response to his opponent's actions, Jon caught his opponent by the wrist, his composed smirk never fading. With a frustrated snarl Ivan threw a second strike with his other hand but that blow was also caught by the young kryptonian. With a brief application of pressure Ivan grimaced as it felt like the bones in his wrists would snap. Ivan struggled in vain to free his arms but Jon's strength was too much.

"Give up." Jon demanded as he applied more pressure, inflicting more pain in a brutal forceful attempt to impose his will on the former Soviet soldier who could only return the kryptonian's actions with a barrage of insults he could not understand. Having decided that he had his amusement, the kryptonian raised his blue armored foot and connected with a sharp front kick into Ivan's chest, propelling the former Soviet soldier backwards into one of the nearby cave walls. The impact between the rocky cavern and Ivan's body shook the very foundations they were standing in. "It's over Ivan. That kick right is several broken ribs." It was far from a full powered strike but surely enough to damage his opponent.

"You dare mock me?" Ivan replied as he struggled to stand. Despite his strength of will even Ivan could not ignore the pain that radiated from his torso as his own legs struggled to support his weight. With his body beginning to fail him, Ivan prepped himself for one more attack. "If you think I'll surrender, you are gravely mistaken. I may die in this cave Superman but I will take you with me!" The former Soviet threatened as he once more rushed at Jon who stood his ground. Jon had to give Ivan some credit, his previous blow would have killed an ordinary man and yet despite his injuries was still coming for more. Seeking to oblige him once more, Jon fired a quick straight punch into Ivan's midsection as the Soviet was launched what seemed like a dozen feet deeper into the cave, hitting the ground in a vicious thud. It was a mighty blow that Jon felt could have burst his opponent's chest wide open.

Jon casually walked over towards his downed opponent as his second blow had all but put Ivan down for good. The Soviet struggled to move but his damaged body would not respond and it felt like his very own life was fading away. "The Soviet's attempt to mimic the Roger's serum is pathetic but it's because of it that you should count yourself fortunate you aren't dead." Jon stood over Ivan who was now struggling in and out of consciousness as blood began to drip from the sides of his mouth. "You should have saved yourself the trouble and surrendered now look at you." Yet despite his gloating Jon realized that his opponent simply began to chuckle.

In a weakened effort but an effort none the less, Ivan began to start sprouting off random words in Russian leaving Jon dumbfounded. "Perhaps I hit you too hard. I got you all delusional." Jon took a knee next to Ivan as his kryptonian eyes worked to decipher just how much damage he had caused but suddenly Ivan's began to laugh in a way that unnerved the krytponian. The laugh was filled with pain and mixed with bloody coughs and despite the physical agony, the laughter would not stop. For several moments no sound filled the cavern but the laughs of a dying man until another sound began to erupt from throughout the cave. It was quiet at first but it became faster and louder. A bomb... Jon turned his head trying to locate the source of the sound as he realized that Ivan was playing his final surprise. Just as the kryptonian debated his next actions, he felt a weak hand grasp his ankle.

"Hail Hydra." And just like that the walls imploded in a fiery explosion as Jon was bathed in fire...

"Strike Eagle do you copy? Are you alright?"

"Strike Eagle, please respond."

"This is Strike Eagle. I'm alright. Target has been eliminated."

"What happened?"
"Ivan had no intention on being captured. Took himself out along with his little hide out."
"Copy that Strike Eagle. We're sending a recovery team in to see what they could salvage from the wreckage... Heads up, Director Fury is requesting contact."

"Copy. Send him through."

"Jon, I told you I needed him alive." Despite their communication being through the radio, Jon could tell right away Fury was slightly disappointed.

"I had every intention on making it happen but Ivan had a contingency in place. This patient game isn't working, we should move against Intergang now."

"Not yet. We need to know why Intergang is reaching out to Soviet operatives. There will be others and perhaps next time you won't let them blow up. As for now I need you to stateside ASAP"

"What for?"

"Just got word from a Commissioner Gordon. An old friend of yours has been spotted in Gotham."
@DragonofTheWest Good CS so far, but i'm gonna need a little more on the enemies, as well as some expansion on the "Where your character is going" part of the story overview. Pretty much, i'm gonna need this CS to tell me, roughly, where you want to take Jon in his story.

No problem, I left things kind of vague because I'm not sure what what is exactly the state of world affairs/current events are.

If you have any insight on how you want to start things off I'll make the proper arrangements
Hopefully it all checks out, looking forward to seeing this take off

Any specifics on era? Or were you leaning towards just a sandbox, anything Star Wars type of thing
Any idea on how I should get started? I dont want to jump in and possibly mess with something already in motion
Name: Jacen Solo
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Faction: Federation

Personality: Talented and boisterous, Jacen is every bit the stereotypical hot shot rookie, thrust into a conflict he truly doesn’t understand. Born with nerves of steel, Jacen’s lack of fear has led him to develop aggressive tendencies that often put him in danger but also made him unpredictable and unusually dangerous. Despite a cocky exterior, Jacen cares deeply for his fellow soldier and will do whatever is necessary to not only win, but also to protect his fellow allies.

History: Originally nicknamed “The Rookie” Jacen was a prodigious talent that caught quite the amount of attention when he enlisted to be a pilot. Despite his young age, Jacen’s displayed an incredible natural feel for combat as he dominated battle simulations time and time despite doing "all the wrong things". While military superiors found Jacen’s personality at times insufferable, they could not deny they had a young talented pilot that can prove to be a powerful asset in the battles to come.

Due to his natural offensive temperament, it was only fitting that Jacen was provided with a The “Strike Freedom” Gundam. With an offensive arsenal that few MS can match, Jacen is sure to be an offensive powerhouse for the Federation.

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