Avatar of Dredigan
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Dredigan
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 415 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Dredigan 10 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Anybody else played Vampyr? Almost done with it and it's a pretty sweet game if you don't mind combat that was seemingly designed by a wet noodle.
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6 yrs ago
"The fears we don't face become our limits." - Robin Sharma
6 yrs ago
"Hope is what makes us strong, it's why we are here. It's what we fight with when all else is lost." - Pandora, God of War 3
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6 yrs ago
"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart." A.A. Milne
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6 yrs ago
"Find something to believe in, and find it for yourself. When you do, pass it on to the future." - Solid Snake


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Hey guys, thanks for your interest.

I've been writing stories, lore, D&D campaigns, and roleplays in my world for over 12 years now, as the title indicates, and I'm looking for someone to play through some stories with me. I would like to do it in a way such as that you play a character and I act as an omniscient dungeon master of sorts, however there will be no rolling involved, you'll simply react to the world as you see fit and it will do the same to you.

I'm hoping to find a partner who can respond with at least a couple paragraphs, can handle mature situations, and who is willing to accept that this is a long running world with a story I'd like to tell. That being said I'm happy to allow you to influence the events of the story and change them. It would also be a plus if you could post frequently, as I'm generally available to do at least one or two per day. I know most people aren't interested in posting that often but I would at least like one every few days (2-3 a week minimum). If you feel interested in this world and would like details on the setting, lore, or anything else please feel free to message me.

Thanks again :)
Sorry guys I know I failed to fulfill my promise of a post the other night :(

I just got tired and it got late so that was that. Im gonna be up for quite a while tonight so if I get time later to get a post ready I'll have it up between 5-9am EST otherwise it will be saturday :/

@MrDidact I also wanna state that I give you express permission to take control of any of my characters when you have to write a post just to make sure you can further the story in my absence. For instance if you have to take control of Julianna to make her dance with Aemon or give a toast that is perfectly fine with me. I do this to ensure I don't hold you guys up. After my first post I'll be in the habit of posting when its my turn, on time, as often as needed.
Yeah no problem I just wasnt sure which year he actually became hand but this works fine no problem. Im partway through the IC post at the moment, quality work I must say and you always kill it with the artwork!
Just noticed a discrepancy. The IC post says Julianna and Aemon have been friends since they were children but the CS says they met in their teens. I am perfectly fine going with the post so I'll get that repaired shortly.
Hey folks, gonna finish up my CS tonight and hopefully I'll have a post up as well.

EDIT: @MrDidact Finished my CS. I might go back and revise the grammar so on and so forth, but its good enough for you to look at it. If it's accepted I'll write a post.
Sorry for my absence, Friday is my D&D day and I had to work super late last night. I'm just now going to bed at 7am, I'll catch up and read everything tomorrow! Can't stay up right now so I hope I'm not holding anything up.

@MrDidact No problem I'll take Darry off the list. I'll have to make the revisions a little bit later because I've been reduced back to mobile for a little while.

Also to answer your question about Jaime and Brienne, I would like to keep that ambiguous until the start of the game, so long as you're willing to give me the right to determine breiennes story from the end of the novels? I can make a CS for her if you like but I didn't intend on using her as a major character.

This is still a work in progress, I'll be uploading sheets for Jaime and at least one or two other major characters. @MrDidact hopefully this is good enough to be accepted for now though, if there are any discrepancies please let me know and I'll work them right out!
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