Avatar of Elgappa
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  • Posts: 388 (0.14 / day)
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    1. Elgappa 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
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There is nothing broken with it! People just need to post, thats all...

Revolution must come to the Commonwealth! I am still here!


Agility: 6

Smarts: 4

Spirit: 4

Strength: 6

Vigor: 5


Climbing 1

Fighting 3

Gambling 1

Intimidation 1

Persuasion 2

Riding 1

Shooting 4

Stealth 1

Survival 1


-Gras Model 1874: The dream of every Mercenary, and taken from the dead hands of a french soldier. One of the best rifles of its time, the single shot bolt action rifles is loving cared for by Constantin, who has given the gun the name "Amelie"

-1872 Swiss revolver: Won from a Swiss merc during a game of cards in Timbuktu, the six-shot revolver is a loyal sidearm, who has proven its worth, be it in the damp jungles and deserts of africa, or in the dusty fields of china.

-Ida Sword: A personal thropy, taken during contract with Zanzibaran Slavers, Constantin adores the blade he uses as a melee weapon. A strange weapon for an European eye, it has an strange weight in ones hand, and at time, people claim that the blade would whisper...


We are awaited! Lets ride!
Go ahead, mate!
CPLA - Day One

Peoples Liberation Radio

... "Oh, moin Dieu! Breaking news! Today, a family of poor Wastelanders was cornered by the Power Armored Thugs of the Brotherhood of Steel! Yet, oh my how brave, a small patrol of the glorious Peoples Liberation Army found them, and intecepted the Brotherhood goons. Outnumbered and outgunned, they fought like cornered Lions, to allow the Family save escape! Said family has now a new save home, welcomed by the Chairman himself, who personally salueted the heroic soldiers, and pardoned them for their break of orders. Mhh, only i have yet to met them...anyway, Ladies and Gentleman, the Chairman!"

"People of the Commonwealth! It is me once more, your humble Chairman, once more offering up my thoughts to the hard working people of the Commenwealth, the proud backbone of our revolution! And like always, i am just humbly asking, for a moment of your precious time!

Today, i want to talk with you about the Future!

I ask all you parents out there, to look at you children! Are they playing? Are they working? Or are they sleeping in your arms? Now, tell me, do you think they will have a better future then you? Do you think, that they will have the life you would wish them to have?

If you answer with yes, Comrade, i applaude your optimistic spirit! It will be people like you, who we will rely on, to plan a better future, yet also people who can see the world as it is! For NO, is the answer to this, with a few selected exceptions maybe, like wicked folk in the Upper-Stance!

But what, if someone could turn this clear no, into a resounding yes! What if someone was able to tell you, that he has plans for a better tomorrow, where your children will not have to struggle each day to surive, but become doctors, engineers or officals to represent the people? Well, worry not! For the Chairman has the answer! The glorious five year plan!

These are not just empty words! For some of you already have read my little red book, where i have written down my plan, the "Five Year plan". A great and final struggle, to turn the Commonwealth into a better place for our children!

Year One, shall be a great war against the most vile enemy of all. Hunger and his cowardly ally, Thirst. We shall fight this war on the farms, the pens and the rivers. Collected and united, we shall march into the farms, to support and help out our brothers and sisters already fighting this battle. We will bring in new tools, ideas and techniques to increase our production tenfold!

Year Two, shall be dedicated to infrastructure! Roads shall be cleaned, Outposts build and hubs settled. For, now that we have the food, we shall make sure that it finds it way to all the plates in the Commonwealth! We also shall see, in what state the railroad of old is! For i promise you, Comrades, the days of the Iron Horse are not over!

Year Three, shall see that ever woman, man and child, shall enjoy a home. And i am not talking about some ransack shack, build from trash and tears. No, i am talking about a solid and noble home, with a bed for everyone, a warm fireplace and a GOD DAMN TOILET!

Year Four, we shall eradicate the plague that is the lack of education! We will build schools and acadamies, for the bright young minds of tomorrow, yet every Comrade shall learn how to read and write? How else, should you otherwise understand my little red book?

Year Five, shall be our most ambitious and glorious effort! For the silent forges of the Commonwealth shall roar once more! There is more then enough scrap metal laying around, so that we can rebuild a solid commenwealth, arm our noble comrade soldier with the best of weaponry and give Comrade farmer tools of Rust-free Steel!

I ask you, people of the Commonwealth, who else can offer you this future? Who else even cares about your children?

Only we do care! Only we want a better future for them and for you! So join us! For we need the victory first, before we can start our five years plan!

This is Chairman Jones, signing off...

"..it seems,like i am not permitted to met said family! How rude! Be aware, rude man, i will talk to the Chairman about this!
Until then, some more music!

The Chairmans Office, Vault 81

...hard to ask people anything, when they fire lasers at ya, chief.." The bandaged Soldier was once more pressing his hand into his side, where the laser had strived him, setting his cloths ablaze and leading to a small, yet rather nasty burns. The bandages had been rather lose, as the medic had little time to stitch him up, before the Chairman wanted to see him. Disgruntled Jones glared at the man, sitting at his desk, brooding over his signature cigar, as his finger strived over his black mustache, with strings of grey slowly fading into it. "Have they understood what you were saying, Comrade?" The Soldier cought out in anger, wincing as he once more held onto his bandage. "FOR CHRIST SAKES, CHIEF, THEY WERE FIRING A.." A kick in his knees send him flying onto the ground, as Lieutenant Combes had quickly ended his angry screaming. "You are talking to the Bloody chairman, Comrade! Dont you dare screaming at him!"

With a raising of his hand, Jones ordered the Officer back, before getting up, walking around the table, towards the soldier. "I..i am sorry, sir! We..we really wanted to deliver that message but.." Jones got down onto one knee, before placing his hand on the soldiers shoulder. "What messsage? There never has been a Message! You, Comrade, are a hero! Rescuing a family from the clutches of the vile hands of the Brotherhood, who would have shot the men and done horrible things to the child!" The soldier looked in disbelieve, as Jones simply gave him a pat. "You can leave now, Comrade-Corporal!" The suddently promoted Soldier, still seeming confused, quickly rose from the ground, rushing towards the door. After Jones heard it closing, he let out a sigh, before taking a long puff from the cigar. "See to it, that all members of this squad have double rations of booze, cigarettes and sugar for the rest of the week! And that they keep the new truth! Also, be so kind, comrade, to send for Commissar De Luca and for the Leader of the Youth-Battalion!"

The Chairman could see Combes swallow, as he called for his daughter. "Dont worry, Comrade, i will not send her out! She is far more useful in educating the youth into bright young guardians of the Revolution, then she would be on combat duty! I just need her to find a volunteer, to deliver a message to an old friend! As for the Commisar, tell he that i need two Demagogues for a mission to Diamond City and Goodneighbor! "

[A few hours later, in front of the Vault]

"I am so proud of you my boy! Your bravery knows no bounds, and your chairman salutes you!" Jones slowly turned around towards the child, before handing him the later, looking him straight into the eye. The blond boy, wearing the red scarf around his neck, kept his eyes straight, once more giving credit to the education in the Youth Battalion. "Now, you know what to do?" The boy quickly nodded. "Deliever the letter to the vile capitalist traitor Colonel Church! Do not stay to chat, just wait for a response!" Smiling with approval, the Chairman handed the boy the letter, before tapping his forhead with two fingers. "Dont get yourself killed out there! Remember, your Chairman trusts in your abilities! Dont make us regret picking you up from the outside, my boy! Now off you go!" Watching the boy running off, made Jones question his chances for a moment, yet once more, his priorities were elsewhere anyway.


You have my interest, sir!

The revolution would welcome the industrious Comrade from down below! Her robots would be valiant members of the fight against the tyranny of the BoS!
CPLA - Day One

Peoples Liberation Radio

... "Et volia! We are back on air. Bonjour mes Amis, Comrade Curie speaking, and i am so happy to have you. You are hearing Peoples Liberation Radio, avec moi, your little voice in your ear! But enough of moi, there is once more, a very important person, wanting to talk to you! Mesdames et messieurs, the Chairman!"

"People of the Commonwealth! It is me once more, your humble Chairman, once more offering up my thoughts to the hard working lads and lasses of the Commenwealth, the proud backbone of our revolution! And like always, i am just humbly asking, for just a moment of your precious time!

Today, i want to talk with you about Diamond City!

First of all, i salute Comrade Piper, who i believe to be a fellow revolutinary in heart, yet sadly not in mind! Her struggle for truth is admirable, and her political efforts in her city are most valorous! Yet, i may ask, what next?
Is she going to change the situation for the Lower Stands? Is she going to give them their fair due, for performing all the work in the City, feeding the corruption and decadence of the villainous upper stands?
I do hope so, for i once more proudly call her a Comrade! Yet, being a man of reason, i only can see her fail in her noble goals, using the corrupt means of Democracy! For, as i have said before, and always will say, there is no talking with Tyrants, Thugs and Leeches! No, we need to show the iron boot of oppression and exploitation the fist of steel of the working class!

People of Diamond City, i address you now! You have nothing to lose but your damn Chains! Prepare yourself to rush the upper Stance, and join our struggle! The Revolution will welcome you, and your heroic, if misguided leader, Comrade Piper!

And to you, people of the Commonwealth, i call you to arms! There is a Rifle and three meals waiting for every lad or lass, willing to crush the chains in our ranks! Yet, dont try to find us, just wait, and be patient! Just be ready, to answer our call...

This is Chairman Jones, signing off

"..hearing him speaking like this, almost makes me wish it was not a recording! Oh, did i said that aloud? Oops! Well, lets continue with a bit of music, shall we?

The Chairmans Office, Vault 81

"Of cause i am not really planning on handing them rifles, you idiots!" Jones let out a sigh, as he began to rub his nose, before once more guiding his cigar to his lips. "Handing out weapons for free to everyone and their mother...that is how the Minutemen fell apart!" Getting of the table, Chairman Jones made his way towards the small group of officers and Commissars in front of him, cramped into the old Overseers office. "I was talking figuratively! A rifle of ideas and hopes.." Pointing with his cigar towards the red flag draping the room, he slowly walked towards the large round window, looking down at the working people below.

"Are talking about three figurative meals as well, Chairman?" Jones turned around on his heel, looking at the asking face of Comrade-Lieutenant Combes, holding up a notepad to write down his personal orders. "Are you getting cute with me, Comrade Combes?" The tall man only needed a few steps to cross the distance, as the rest of the group quickly made ways, knowing that this question clearly had woken Jones anger. "No, Si...i mean Comrade Chairman i..." Staring into the mans eyes, the Chairman kept the same stare up, that had made him rather famous during his days as a minutemen, able to crack open any man. "You all are dismissed, Comrades! All except you, Comrade-Commissar!"

Returning to his desk, the Chairman did not check if everyone else had left, knowing that few if anyone would dare to disobey his very commands. Hearing the door closing, the Chairman took another deep breath from his cigar, before blowing out the Tabbac laced breath. "You made the arrangements, Comrade-Commissar?" A moment of silence followed, before the Chairman let out a sigh. "Permission to speak, Comrade De Luca!" Some more time passed, and Jones could once more take in the cigar, before the Commissar had found words. "You constantly preached that the Brotherhood is the greatest enemy we have, yet you want me to find a way to contact them...it makes me think!" Turning around, the chairman raised an eyebrow, before sinking into his seat. "Good, that is why what i have political Officers for! To question and think! Let me put it this way, lass..." Leaning forward over the table, he looked the woman into the eyes. "We have a great position to work from, yet, the Brotherhood only needs to sneeze, and we are history! So, we need to get them onto our side, at least for the moment! And what better way to do so, then by making them believe that they have us in the pocket, rallying the eyes of all who are against them somewhere else..."
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