Avatar of Emera Lore
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 189 (0.13 / day)
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    1. Emera Lore 4 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
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Hello Adventurer,

It seems we have met in an unlikely of places our destinies have clashed in this moment. It is up to you, if you decide to be a friend or foe. I have taken chances with rolling the dice for long epic adventures for around five years. I have written and participated in several one on one adventures. I have led and been a participant in Escape Rooms, or a DM in Dungeons and Dragons. Along with solving Murder Mysteries by completing jigsaw puzzles.

You may find that I am a fan of gaming and anime.

Gaming has always had a place in my heart. I mostly lean toward Role Playing Games, but I take pleasure in other genres as well. Some of my favorite games would be: Zelda, Vampyr, or Assassins Creed, and Pokemon.

My favorites for anime are far and wide. My absolute favorites are mostly Shonen Jump, Isekai,and Slice of Life.
Some examples would be: My Hero Academia, Inuyasha, and Carol and Tuesday.

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Aela turned to them both, "Yes it is nice to be together. But my flames burn anything around me when I need to waste mana. I am uncertain if the swamp releases a flammable gas or not. I'd rather not risk you two exploding. Or having to take an explosion, it's never fun." She thought to herself please take the hint and leave me alone.... please take the hint.

Aela kissed him back and stopped when he stepped back quickly. She cleared her throat and finished eating deciding to do the dishes. When Eric and Emily finishing eating.

Aela excused herself for a moment as she needed to blow off some steam, but said instead "I need to reduce my mana, I am going to step away for a bit and we can continue on our journey are you okay with that?

Emily may or not have recalled the warning the serpent gave to her.

Aela ate while writing something down she looked over to Eric with a smile. "I do, and do you know I love you with a burning passion?"

Aela held Eric's hands gently and glanced over to Emily she was concerned about her. But she knew better than to pry into something she shouldn't when it came to Emily.

Aela glanced back to Eric as he began to speak to her. She paused with that demand, but nodded in consideration. "Okay, I promise that I wont be reckless and waste my life in protecting you two. We will all make it home safely. I can promise you both that. Now, go ahead and eat so you can have energy for the day."

Aela smiled to Emily's humble answer. "It was thanks to your quick thinking we all survived last night." Aela turned to Eric and held both his hands this time "I really appreciate what you did, but I don't think you should sacrifice your life for mine. You've protected me twice and I know I might not look it, but I can protect you too. I promise you both will see my gifts and I promise to get stronger to protect you chosen ones." Aela teased.

"Now eat up before we continue our long journey."

Aela glanced over to Eric “It’s about last night. That was very brave and very sweet of you. But extremely reckless. You scared me and Emily, for a bit...I thought I lost you...and it would have been my fault. If Emily didn’t go off and bring back our serpent friend...I don’t think my powers would have been enough to save you. Thank you Em.”

Aela held Eric’s hand as emotions swirled within her. Twice Eric had saved her on this journey. She wanted to protect him too. Normally, she’d be a bit more harsh due to her emotions. But, with almost losing Eric last night..she couldn’t bear for him to leave her side. Her hand gripped Eric’s slightly.

Once they gained enough distance, Aela made a jam to go on toasted pieces of bread. However her mind wandered a bit.

Aela looked concerned for Emily, but dropped it when she looked away. “let’s keep walking and gain some distance between us and the spiders. Then I can make you both breakfast. Then we can discuss how we should proceed. Is that okay with both of you?”

Aela appreciated Eric’s help and shouldered her pack. She held Eric’s hand as she lead him out of the cave. She wanted to talk to him tell him how she felt last night.she didn’t want to let his hand go.

Aela glanced from Emily to the Serpent. “Em? You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost that or you’re sick.”

Aela glanced past Eric into the cave. "Food might draw the spiders out. And they might come for us. That is why we should gain some distance between us and them. Unless you'd like a repeat from last night."
The serpent nodded as Aela and Eric emerged glancing back to Emily. "Take care of one another. Dark times are ahead, Emily." The serpent slithered off into the swamp looking like it was going to hunt for it's food.
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