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    1. Engel 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
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Alyx had been a contestant in enough races that she could live a life of some luxury when she wasn’t racing. She had her own room in a spaceship owned by an old friend, of sorts. Her room had a shower, holovision, music system, gaming simulator, bed and kitchen. It was more than the majority could claim to own on this backwater planet. Sadly, the spaceship wasn’t going anywhere in the state it was in. It had crashed a decade ago, any valuable parts had been scavenged and then it bad been transported to the nearest city to be turned into housing.

Sometimes it paid to bet against yourself, and throw races. She hadn’t done that in some years now though. Her get quick rich scheme had begun because she was bored, when no one provided enough of a challenge. It had ended because of one girl who wouldn’t just give up and go home. Admittedly, this backwater planet probably was her home. It’d explain a lot about the girl in question. Alyx had ended up here because she’d thrown races and bet against herself, which some groups didn’t appreciate. They were angered and wanted her head. She needed her head, but they weren’t particularly understanding about it.

Alyx had spent more time on this planet by now than she had planned to. She’d become a different woman, not really personality wise or anything, but she’d enhanced her skills with modifications to her body. It seemed such things were more readily available here, or the merchants for them were at least. She had a connection at the back of her neck that allowed her to jack into her bike, and a number of adrenaline injectors across her body. Her physical strength had been increased artificially too.

There was another race today, in a few hours. Alyx was as ready as ever to win. She did enjoy the challenge she’d encountered here, but she wasn’t going to roll over and if she didn’t she usually won. Usually, but she’d lost a few times lately. Regardless, it wouldn’t happen again. That’s why she’d gotten new modifications to her body. Needle may have said something about how she might end up dead before the race even started if she wasn’t careful with the modifications, but she’d laughed it off. He wasn’t the first one to warn her about how this or that might result in her death. She already knew how she was going to die anyway. She’d seen it in a vision of the future, caused by a drug induced episode.

Alyx threw the towels she’d wrapped around her body on the bed, and got dressed. Besides, she’d already died, metaphorically and literally, but she’d been revived. One of these days she wouldn’t be so lucky. One of these days she’d end up a smear on the wall, like her idol before her. It happened to the best if they didn’t retire. At the moment though, she was running down a dream. Alyx turned on the music to mentally prepare herself.


I've been in a few games, been co-GM and GM, on a different forum which isn't really active anymore. We used stats and dice to determine the outcomes of actions/fights. The rules were simple though. It was still mostly focused on writing, and telling a story.

I don't really know what kind of character yet.
I might be interested. I've done godgames before.
Name: Alyx MacGrath

Age: 29

Jaya seemed content with Kasai’s answer, simply smiled and returned her attention to her tea. Avani doubted it was the last she’d heard about it, unless she left right now and avoided her cousin for the rest of her life. Ekta may take Kasai’s side to defuse a situation, but she wouldn’t protect Avani much. Besides, she’d feel like a child if she went crying to one of her elders. She assigned herself to drinking tea, and praying that Kasai wouldn’t somehow find another way to make Avani’s first visit to her relatives in a long time even worse.

The conversation went on for a while without any further incidents, and Avani told them about how she’d come to visit because they were traveling the world together. The Earth Kingdom just happened to be their first stop. Ekta offered them to stay in one of the available guest rooms, as it would be cheaper than renting a room somewhere. Avani said they’d need to discuss it, which of course made Ekta insist that they stay with them. The kids wouldn’t be too loud. Avani was still hesitant. Ekta seemed to approve of Kasai at least, acting friendly and trying to get to know her, while Jaya had excused herself after she’d heard one of the kids crying.

Eventually Ekta got tired, as any old person due to age. Avani saw it as a good opportunity for her to drag her girlfriend away so she could ask her what she wanted to do. If they stayed they’d likely meet more of Avani’s relatives.

She grabbed Kasai’s hand and headed back out the front entrance. That way she could make sure her motorcycle was still around too. While the motorcycle was still where she’d left it, someone was investigating it. A lightly clad woman that was too familiar to her. Damn, she must have recognized her motorcycle. She’d thought Iluq would have moved away after all these years. She wasn’t an earthbender after all.

Avani tried to turn Kasai so that her back was against the motorcycle, before she spotted what might look like a thief. To be fair, Iluq was a thief, but she doubted she’d steal from her. Honour among thieves, and a shared history.

“What do you want to do?” Avani asked, and placed her hands on Kasai’s shoulders. As she looked Kasai in the eyes she remembered that she should be angry with her and not worry about her opinion, or that others were causing her headaches as well. It made her want to put a gag on her, tie her up and use her as a toy until she felt better about the whole day.

Iluq noticed her at that point, and waved. Avani felt her eye twitch. When her ex took steps in their direction, Avani kissed Kasai forcefully while keeping her eye open to glare at the ex. The waterbender stopped and frowned, then returned to the motorcycle and straddled the seat, leaning back. Oh joy, she had to be made to leave.
When I'm being arbitrarily held back or stopped from doing something, while others who either have the same qualifications or lower are accepted like nothing. It's not like I did anything to deserve different treatment. This isn't about RPing, even if it sounds like it could be cause I'm being vague on purpose. I just don't get what some people have against me, or if they get off on the power they have over others. I'm leaning towards the latter in this case.

Also, when a game you've been excited for isn't what you hoped it would be.
@NuttsnBolts I love Redline, never seen anyone else mention it though. It's the main reason I want to do a racing RP, though I wouldn't do it in a group myself. I think it's very likely to fall apart when a winner is supposed to be chosen, as people would throw their hissy fits like usual if they're unhappy with the results. That's assuming it would even get that far.
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