Avatar of Esailia
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Rishun, standing beside the table with her little mechanical annoyance sitting on her shoulder, smiles at the compliments directed to Scrap, but at that moment she was thinking of different ways to tear its code apart....

"Kh'Langhoa. Thank you, but he is meant to actually go back to his container when I order him Qyii'radey. It's where he recharges and saves power when not in use." At the Ottrean word for home, it scurried down her back and flipped the lid on its container, falling silent. Rishun let out a breathy noise of frustration, a cross between a half-assed screech and a yip, stomping a padded foot on the floor "He is supposed to respond to both!"

She shrugged and took a breath, calming herself Before looking to Vonys, nodding once "Yhe, before I yienahiiek, let's get going. Seeing my GEAR might prevent me from tearing Scrap apart."

She waited for the others to stand, and took the lead towards and out the door...


Down in the bay, the small group entered in ther own time, with Rishun sprinting across the open space in that bounding run otters refuse to get rid of towards her GEAR. The same size as the rest, and outwardly it didn't have any differences to a stock GEAR. The barely colored exterior didn't help make it stand out either. However, there was something worth noting; an otter was looking at a clipboard, standing by the GEAR's leg. The military clearly thought this out, knowing the only way an otter would get anything across to their maintenance parter was if that partner could exchange thoughts just as quickly.

Rishun slowed her speed, but didn't stop upon getting up to the other otter, and the sound of running caught the engineer's attention, his face lit up.
The both exclaimed repeatedly, the clipboard set on the foot of the GEAR so the pair could circle each other happily. It was after ten seconds of this happy greeting did they stop and sit on their hind legs, barely a foot apart from each other to converse.

Rishun: "Uukhma'Shoamhien'mlud'yhezlikh'yunka??................Yhe'yhe'yeh'yhe!"

They were pawing at each other's hands accompanied by their yips and flowing language, overlapping each other regularly.

Rishun: "Uukhma'Rishun'yhe'muyn?.............Yhe'yhe'yhe'Yunka!"
Engineer: "..........Uukhma'Z'awwkh..Yhe'yhe'yunka...........Yhe!"

The engineer had gestured downwards with both arms when mentioning 'Yunka', while Rishun's arms hadn't done anything at all. At this point however they started to speed up once they had heard each each other talk, overlapping speech and gestures so quickly that even Ai would be unable to keep up with both accurately. Which is part of why Silverwind would've been informed of Z'awwkh's inclusion on the ship despite his lower qualifications.

The two kept at it for a few minutes, then turned to the GEAR, Rishun climbing up into the highly technological cockpit with Z'awwkh close behind. They resumed their chattering there as Rishun Typed a string into a security panel, flipping various screens on and off, then pulling up holographic read outs.

At one point Z'awwkh flipped around and climbed down the leg again upside down to grab the clipboard again, climbing up and handing it over to Rishun. On it was a manifest of the modules and equipment she had installed currently. Rishun loved to take the stuff that made her feel like God, but it also would expose her to enemy detection systems. Perhaps this mission wouldn't benefit from that...

Manifest Tab

Transfer of: RI-G23 "Hargun" GEAR from Research and Development division to ***redacted***

Request: Lieutenant Rishun Sprinsteam

GEAR Designation: RD-0230
User Name: "Aqua Goddess"

All standard GEAR weaponry and features have been inspected/maintaned as per SOP

Requesitioned Loadout:
Package Designation: Overwatch and information gathering

-Amphibious assault rifle, Underbarrel spear launcher attachment, Sidebarrel spotlights, Handheld/Rear Hardpoint

-Ten(10) aquatic calibre magazines, Left Hip Hardpoint
-ECM(Electronic Countermeasures) pod, Right Hip Hardpoint

-Utility tool pod, Left Forearm
-Standard issue Pile Bunker, Right Forearm

-Long Range Radar dome, Left Shoulder Hardpoint
-ELINT suite, Right Shoulder Hardpoint

-Advanced sensor Suite, Back hardpoint
-Standard issue combat knife, Inside Left Shoulder (Shield)

Other Stores:
-Personal mobile drone kit, Inside Rear Left Leg
-personal weaponry and toolkit, Inside Rear Right Leg

Installed/Inspected By: Technician Z'awwkh
Signed: Z'awwkh
Date: xx xx xxxx

She gave a quick nod to Z'awwkh and gave a short reply, punching in the security code again to lock the interface away once more and slipping out of the cockpit. Once back on the ground with her new friend, they started looking around, with Rishun pointing out her squad members one by one and saying their names. For otters this was a common practice, and Z'awwkh quickly returned the favor by pointing out a few of the other of the technicians he knew.
Trying to find my muse tonight. No promises.
From popular request, an Ottrean primer as been added to Sprinsteam's character sheet! If popular vote wants translations at the bottom of IC posts as well, I can do that, too.
Ahhhh That is the point! She has trouble with remembering to use the right words at times, and just slips into using ottrean words. But I can start adding spoilers at the bottom of my ic posts with translations if I need to? (Could also start a new spoiler in her cs with all the words she’s used so far)

I haven’t because I had imagined it coming out naturally as the story progressed, both her ability to speak without the slips and others learning to speak a little ottrean.
Say hello to my little friend? If I missed anything let me know, I'll rtoss up an edit <3
"Wish I could just zlikh all my equipment with my energy! I try to keep it down but hey that's just what Uukhma is! That's why we got the thickest fur, it's to contain it all. But yheney ask about what hair products I use, I can't keep track of 'em grath'yunka."

All this poured out as she was sitting down, her hand waving with her speech almost randomly. Never ask an otter to socialize, you will get lost down a tangent and need to ask directions to get back to the main subject. Every time they open their mouth.

She quieted down as Vonys started up again, her embarressment keeping her mouth closed to stop from interrupting every five seconds as she learned about her new squad. Taking notes with her pebble with everyone speaking. She didn't record out of a respect she had been taught ages ago in basic training when one time she was caught recording a particularly nasty interaction between the drill instructor and another cadet...

Vonys being a medic could make use of a program that could tell her details of each squad member out in the field, tailored just for her to streamline the process of both keeping track of vitals as well as treatment of each member.

Leslie the combat engineer. Now that would be interesting to play with. Technology and physical power combining to make things go boom, crunch, or bang. A tailored readout for her personal gear to help keep track of any details she wanted to...

Max the gun toting badass. He already offered to allow them remote link to his optics, but what if she coded something one step further, with enhanced optics on all the GEARs as well as equipping their infantry weapons with visual optic hookup as well so command could report instantly a visual to Silverwind on the field, thus cutting out the need for one of the squad to explain. Maybe even allow Silverwind himself access to it while in his gear....

Rishun giggled like a tiny mad scientist at the possibilities, not really catching onto the downer subject of killing people until the room went silent for a few moments as things settled down. It was then she realized they might be waiting for her, and she quickly spoke up again.

"So uh, Aah- er. Hello, I am Lieutenant Rishun Sprinsteam, tech specialist and guru on all things with an electric pulse. I haven't been sent anywhere outside the country, but I have been into international waters for some surveillance missions. My travels are across the net. I have been to every corner of the dark web, designed too many programs to count, though one of them was brought up in my recruitment interview for being a little too invasive on the military network..."

She coughed, her speed starting out slow but had sped up as she became more enthusiastic. Rishun was clearly making an effort to avoid using Otter slang or words, sometimes stopping mid sentence to think for half a second before continuing.

"I will be trying my best to lend all my skills for this team. If you ever feel like your GEAR or any personal equipment could do with a technical touch, let me know. I am already compiling a list of additions or upgrades to your gear that I will present when we have more time."

She shut her mouth with a downward stare to the table, her furry face thankfully preventing the others from seeming the blush on it. She was proud she stayed on topic, and it was this inward monologue that almost made her miss Silverwind speak about her squad comm idea, and she quickly nodded with a "Yhe'Sir!" and a salute out of instinct, which she quickly put her hand back down and returning to examining the edge of the table.

But it was at that moment of weakness Rishun would endure another embarrassment in the form of a little mechanical creature clacking to life from a container the same size and shape as the batteries on her tail. It climbed up to rest on her shoulder, rubbing its nose and squeaking with a clear speaker hollowness.

She quickly grabbed it and muttered "Scrap ney'yunka! Return home!" To which it meeped at her and crawled up to her shoulder and sat again, much to Rishun's frustration. She repeated the command, but the little tiny mechanical squirrel refused to budge.

HUffing, she just let it sit there for now, instead standing and giving a small bow "I should follow suit if you wish to speak now about the comm system. Better to prioritize it before we go out on our first mission."
No worries Silverwind! This little meetup offers an opportunity~ I have been busy with work myself but I want to get in one more post before Friday.

Edit 10/31: I couldn’t find my muse today...maybe sleeping on it will help it return.
All my channeling from six episodes ago paid off. A post I can be proud of! Hope that was a big enough splash to redeem myself and more thoroughly introduce Rishun.

And yes, I already built a small library of words for Ottrean. All the words and phrases will have a direct translation.
Rishun made absolutely sure she was the last one to enter the ship, taking the time to tug out her pebble out to snap a photo of the outside of the ship. It was a hobby of hers to collect images of things that reside on and in the water, and her library was extensive. All manner of aquatic animals, a plethora of plants, dozens of coral types, and of course, boats and ships.

This one was special, though. With her name emblazened on the side, the Corvette HMS Repulse was a fine ship, and she deserved respect like any vessel regardless of size. Rishun had butterflies in her stomach as she gazed at the ship, a little lost in the feeling she had grown addicted to since joining the military. She had a passion for technology and all things that had a net signal, but seeing massive ships bobbing gently in the waves was a huge perk not had back home, where the biggest vessel to be seen regularly was a pontoon boat used for parties.

The otter realized she had been standing and admiring a little too long, and quickly scurried up the ramp to follow the group. She chittered worriedly as she zipped by sailors in the tight corridors, her sleek frame making it easy to catch up. Dumping her duffel onto a cot in an unclaimed cot she padded after the backs of those she stumbled in front of on the dock, into another room, this one a rather adorable baby boardroom.

Taking an empty seat she started to pull out her pebble out of habit, then an instant later thought better of it. How would it look to record what was most likely NOT a normal reassignment...She squirmed as she tried to retain what was being said, most of her life having an issue with listening and remembering important details no matter how hard she tried. She was a visual sort who could pick out a pattern in a long string of code if she had it in front of her. But her species worked against her in this instance. Otters communicated in a sort of audio shorthand when they speak their language, and as such regularly repeat themselves as a conversation carries on normally between them. In this case, Rishun had to make do without notes.

The biggest thing she picked out as the briefing went on was this group, Silent Line. She knew the name, and in her off time had researched everything she could about it. But like the Solernian military, she couldn't find a trace. But she believed they existed. Any cyber swimmer worth their circuits would try and uncover any mystery on the nets, yet Rishun and countless others had yet to piece anything together. She knew of the increased incidents in the last few months. But even with extra clues, there were no links, no currents she could swim down, all the streams ending in eddies of disappointment.

The general, which she honestly dd not recognize, handed the briefing over to her new commander, she perked up. At last more specific details! No more history lessons! And what's more Silverwind was detailing their first assignment in the east ocean. While she was not from there herself, she had a cousin (several times removed, typical otter family style) who lived near that coastline.

She was genuinely excited, grinning ear to fuzzy ear as talk turned to Intel gathering. This was her chance to get ahead of all the competition on the nets, finally connect the dots, and expose this imaginary Silent Line! It was all she could do to avoid yipping gleefully in the middle of the briefing.

None of the other details stuck with her, and the briefing came to a close, with Rishun waiting patiently until Silverwind wasn't occupied by another member of the team, then walked up and gave a firm salute.

"Aah'khkh, Commander. Technophile Rishun Sprinsteam. I am officially accepting the assignment, and excited I was chosen. I have done my own research into the name Silent Line, and will lend what I have found to our efforts here. If you wish I can get to work securing the squad com link with my own security systems, or anything you might want for the Dieachuwaz'ounkh. Just let me know. Yehney'Aah'khkh, Sir."

She saluted again, and quickly rushed out the door. Otters tend to forget to listen to replies to their inquiries...


Rishun slithered her way back to her bunk, noting the Brown Bear, Fionn, in one of the rooms reading. She blinked. An interesting pass time for sure, and she didn't want to disturb him, instead opting to hop onto her own cot and whip out her pebble, quickly flicking the personal access codes she programmed in before getting to work appraising herself on the most recent kidnappings and instances of piracy or hijackings on the eastern board of Solernia. Who knows, maybe something would reveal itself to her...

She was deep in article number nineteen when her pebble pinged at her. She tapped the save page and flicked her screen to address the alert, noting Max the Lion wanted to share the morning. Well, she could keep reading another time. She pocketed her pebble and, out of habit, bounded out of the bunk room on all fours and into the corridors in search of the smell of coffee.


The otter skidded past the entrance to the Mess hall a minute later, having gotten directions from a passing sailor after a few wrong turns. She entered and pushed herself up onto her back legs, waving to the trio already there ahead of her.

"Hi! Rishun Sprinsteam, nice to introduce myself! WaitthatswrongImean, Nice to meet you all! I don't like coffee much but I am happy to muyn with you still."

*utterly smooth....* she thought, rubbing the back of her neck as she chuckled nervously....
My boss is yanking me around. I will be working tomorrow but I am going to try and write a post tonight. Don’t hold your breath though
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