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Alligator is a person that can easily take things to seriously when it comes to certain things trust me I am like that myself when things go over my head
And I made it sooner but Raven still is in the dark only Eliezer and Hidebrand will now know
Raven just listened but turned he head away from what he basically said when he wanted to justify saying how what he wanted to do was not self worth but for the people....the very people that can be cruel. Allister saw the look and knew this was not good if the two would not chose to marry then he had to get Raven back to Lunar to her grandfather and to the people of Lunar. But soon when the female knight came in the news came a shock for the assassins he released were being killed off and what the prince just said even shocked him more. But before he could speaker Raven spoke in and empty like voice.

“BEfore I forget “Prince” Eliezer.” She said emphasizing the prince part for she had not called him that for a while for she thought the were together but after what happened she lost hope. “Shadow reported to me about how the Red Robin does have som Lunar assassins on her side still for their loyalty is to greed and money and also My hunch how miss Robyn Reed might actually be this Red Robin for when the Red Robin appeared she vanishes and stranger from the report also told me she loves Mathazar but tries to seduce other male staff kinda strange and if you do not believe me ask Sir Hidebrand she tried with him last night.” Raven said as she put her mask back on and hood also. “And do not worry Prince Eleizer once you are safe and have the throne you will never see me again and become a doll again that only cares about duty be happy with who ever your family chooses you to bare and heir with.” Raven said as she went to the window and jumped out.

Allister freaked a bit after what he heard and watched Raven flee the window and before Eliezer could leave Allister was freaking out. “No I worked to hard to find Prince Aster’s daughter if she disappears again the king of Lunar will kill me and I already lost my sister I cant lose her next.” Allister said and looked at Eliezer. “I had hope you two would fall in love before I told you this but seeing how you decided to follow this path and not trust her anymore when she has done nothing but prove her loyalty to you after choosing to go against Mathazar then maybe peace would finally come between the kingdom that is why I released the assassins to protect the missing princess and now I know why Prince Aster left it all now clearly.” Eliezer siad and sighed and walked to his desk.

“Once you ascend the throne I will leave I will send word to the assasins to return to lunar and take the refugees also back since we are not safe here anymore no thanks to people like your father, and myself for starting this mess also, for your father may use this as an excuse to execute all of the lunar people here for I know he believes the lunar heir is in this kingdom.” Allister sighed and walked over holding the doors. “So I will take Raven back to Lunar where she belongs and repeat that Raven is the missing princess of Lunar to anyone It will have bad consequences.” Allister said in a quiet voice and close the door before them.

Raven had made it home and took her mask off and her master saw her and opened his arms to her and she ran to them crying again and her master sighed wondering if staying to protect Eliezer was the best choice for her. HEr siblings were there and all watched heart broken for their sister who they saw how strong and great she was in their eyes oks so weak and frail now.

Allister soon summoned the main one and he bowed. “Take the other assassin and the refugees of lunar back to Lunar.” HE said and the Asssassin looked shocked. “WE have to you are target by the Red Robin and her goones and now the Royal family which I know this is the kong’s doing will just take every Lunarian out there and execute them claiming their at assassins for all we know I can’t take that chance for we know the king is still looking for the heir so he might use this to his advantage and we can’t let them do that to raven shebis already branded at the lunar assassin when she is in her gear so we are taking no chances.” Allister explained and the Assassin soon nodded and spread the word to the other Assassins still loyal to the Lunar royal family do as told and started to get the Lunar refugees out and back to Lunar.
lol alright but sooner or later he is going to have to admit it
if you would like it’s completely up to you if you want to wait longer to reveal it you can or have her leave and he can tell eliezer
Allister was not happy to hear that they basically hear everything between him and his niece but freaked when ELiezer told Raven that he was her uncle and Raven looked at him shocked. “WAIT WHAT!?!?!?!” She yelled not happy at all at what she just learned.

“AH Raven calm down please you are my niece on your mothers side I am your mother brother I only found out on the night I went to get more info from you and when you mention your mother name along with her maiden name that when I Lee Red it was my sister.” Allister explained to Her trying to keep her calm. “I had reasons for not telling you due to well who your father was.” Alister finished explaining and Raven looked at him.

“Wait you also knew my father?!” Raven said to him for her parent told her they only told her grandfather they married any other family had no clue they married.

“Well yes and forgive me Eliezer I had to since I knew they would obey me and I needed them to keep an eye on you both.” ALlister explained.

“But it does not explain why though it seems weird to have Lunarian assassins and it already started to cause trouble.” Hidebrand said to him while he kept his eye on Raven and Allister. “Also I felt with them they’d re the ones they also tipped me off about Raven being a Lunarian assassin.”

Raven took her mask off along with taking her hood off revealing her now really shot hair that she had cut after what happened between her and ELiezer yesterday.She raised an eyebrow at Hidebrand “Me a Lunarian Assassin?” He asked confused. “Ok they must be mistaken I am not a Lunarin Assassin I never been to Lunar or even came from there I was trained here in Dainia to be an assassin.” Raven said to him and Allister groaned as he rubbed his eyes a bit before looking back at Raven but then looked shocked at Raven’s really short hair style wondering if that was the cause from yesterday with Eleizer.

“Um actually you are the forest where your parents raised you is in Lunar territory known as the low class/ working class in wood cutting and other simple stuff to earn money from nobles and the royal family.” Allister explained to her and she looked at him angry. “Is there anything else that I need to know dear uncle.” She said in a growling tone.

Allister freaked a bit for he did not want to say anything especially about her father. Hidebrand noticed this. “Allister you look like you know something but do not want to say it.” He said to Allister and Allister just freaked more.

Raven sighed for she was getting frustrated with all this for this was a lot of information so far finding out she is actually from Lunar that Allister was her uncle but then she remembered he said he knew her father. “Wait Allister you said that you knew my father also then you must know what family he came from and who my grandfather is.” Raven said to him and Allister was sweating a bit when she asked that suddenly
Morning had come finally and Raven was up with her master in her normal rearguard villager outfit rubbing her swollen red eyes. Her master was reading a letter and has a serious look. “What is it Master?” She asked him as she poured them both some Coffee for she knows she really needed it.

“Shadow delivered his report early this morning it seems while he was watching Eliezer he witnessed Miss Reed in an almost seducing way talk to Hidebrand and yet he has witness her talk to Mathazar claiming she wanted his love but if that is the case why talk to a knight that way.” Their Master explained and Raven ran her fingers through her now really short hair that barely went past her ears.

“I Never trusted her the day we meet she felt to fake for my liking my fear is she my be in line with the Red Robin or maybe.........” Raven said as she stopped.

“You think she could be this Red Robin don’t you Raven.” Her master said as he looked at her.

“My gut has never been wrong about these things but with her being so close to Mathazar I can not just yell she is the Red Robin trying to kill me people may think its to crazy because of the facade she has developed over the years to gain those trust even if she falsely likes them only for gain.” Raven explained to her master as she sipped her coffee.

“you might be right though Shadow tried to follow her last night but lost her and this Red Robin suddenly appeared and followed her through the wood and according to this she has hired help that already killed two Lunarain Assassin that from what he remember hearing the Butler released and claimed was well protecting you for some strange odd reason.” Her master explained and Raven raised an eyebrow at him.

“Wait protecting me but why I do not know who he is and he barely know me why did he release those who tried to kill me at first then basically have them willingly protect me.” Raven was now just flat out confused for this made no sense to her.

“It seems that way and she paid the goones that are loyal to her still to kill those assassin and I know those men they are just refugees like you were when you were little no home no way to make a living they do not deserve that fate.” Her master explained and Raven just sighed for this was just not easy and soon got up and walked back to her room.

“What are you planning Raven?” Her master asked but she closed the door and after a bit came back in her assassin gear and mask. “Raven?” Her master looked at her.

“I will be back.” Was all she said and soon disappeared making her master worry.

Allister was waiting for Eliezer to come in to discuss a few things with him about the upcoming few weeks along with cost and other details that needed to be iron out. As he was pulling a book from a shelf he heard the window opened and when he turned around Raven was standing there with her arms crossed once he turned already right around making Allister cover his mouth to prevent a scream but ended up stumbling backwards into his bookcase.

Once he had calmed down before his niece he took a deep breath. “Raven what are you doing here and also you almost gave me a heart attack I was not expecting you to be here at all.....Wait why are you here especially in your assassin gear?” He asked her and Raven had her arms crossed before him still.

Hidebrand was with Eliezer heading to Allister’s office for his protection after all the warnings Raven gave them. As they made it to the door Hidebrand stopped and heard Allister say Ravens name and how she was in her assassin gear. “What Raven is here?” Hidebrand said and looked at Eliezer.

Raven looked at Allister. “I want Answers Allister and do not play mind games on me my brother Shadow delivered a report about last night and one thing that stood out as he followed Red Robin and listened to her talk to her goones is that you released the Lunar assassin that were originally sent to kill me and now are there to protect me all of a sudden under your orders.” Raven said to him with her arms still crossed.

“Raven please understand obviously you are in danger I am just trying to protect you......” He said but she cut him off.

“Why are you protecting a complete stranger/orphan like me and obviously know I am an assassin and can take care of myself the first time I meet you was when you appeared at my house was to interrogate me for the first time.” Raven said getting really mad now. “You are hiding something, I know you are so I want answers and I am not leaving until I get them.” Raven said and even with her mask it was obvious to see she was angry and was tired of not getting answers from people that she knows are hiding the truth from her.

“Raven please calm down why don’t you comeback later I have Eliezer coming today to discuss upcoming events and also go over cost on things.” Allister said trying to avoid this all.

“No I am getting my answers I already cried all night last night in my masters arms, he had to put me to bed because I passed out from crying after what happened yesterday for I know you told Eliezer I was an assassin and that he was my original target who....who probably does not even believe that I love him with all my heart and probably thinks I kept this all up to just take him down when that was not true.” Raven said to him and choking sound could be heard from her voice for it sounded like she was about ready to cry again.

“Raven please I am sure he might still love you he could just be confused and feels betrayed I am sorry I told him but I feared Mathazar would try something so I was only trying to protect him and you both but there are something things even you are not even ready to know for safety reasons.” Allister tried to explain but Raven took her dagger out and stabbed the bookcase next to his head.

“No I am not a child anymore and I am tired of being in the dark when I know someone is keeping me in the dark.” She said and soon the door opened for Hidebrand couldn’t take it and opened the door and Raven looked at them both.

“Oh boy how long have you two been out there?” Allister asked as Raven put her dagger away and turned her head away keeping her hood on.
Yeah sorry so greatful I got three days off coming soon and might pa a Disney trip to Disney World since I have a annual pass now.
Lol yeah in a way also thanks to my busy schedule i been possessing I was not in a creative mood
They could be called the robins since the red robin is the main one
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