Avatar of FaithsRose
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    1. FaithsRose 10 yrs ago


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Hey @Teddiplier! ^^ Erm, in the OOC, the rest of us are each adding in a new character o.o Filthy Mudblood has added Josh, I'm adding Shay and Rose is either adding Eva or another guy(?).

Apart from that, not much is happening <.< Sorry for the confusion, I tagged you in my previous post because was wondering whether you wanted in on a vote, I was torn between adding Allison or Shay to the roster ^^' Shay is winning at the moment.
@Filthy Mudblood Thank you! :D

So unless @Teddiplier wants to tag in on this vote? I'll add Shay in under Callum on the character tab ^^ Let me know if anyone wants me to change anything on his relationship chart o.o or if you want anything changed in his profile Rose ^^'

I'll get on to upgrading Callum's relationship chart soon as well.

Rain started as Andromeda spoke, the only hint of her surprise was a brief widening of her eyes before they focused on the gorgon's face.

"Hey..." Rain murmured, lifting a hand up to push as section of her dark blue hair away from her forehead.

"I'm still here" She assured Andro, the edge of her mouth twitched up briefly before she looked over into the fire.

"That I can't say, you passed out on me back there...I was too worried about you to remember which direction to go in. We're just lucky this cave is here" Rain answered her, hugging her knees closer to her body as she did. She knew there was more to be done, Andro needed more warmth if she was going to get any better. The fire wasn't as good as normal fire, she had reluctantly used her luna energy to start it when the fire wouldn't take.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked Andromeda, looking side long at her as she did.

She'd pulled the hood of the coat up over Andro's head after she'd briefly woken up and she'd done her coat back up to try and trap as much warmth in as possible. But she knew it wasn't going to be enough...she needed to figure out what else she could use, to keep Andro warm, albeit herself.

A few ideas had crossed her mind but even the urgency of their situation hadn't been enough to fight off the embarrassment each one brought, Rain had angrily shaken them from her head and willed the blood away from her frostbitten cheeks as she trudged through the snow.

"We passed by a few evergreens...I'll go back and see if I can get a few branches for you to lay on. It won't be much but it'll be better than that floor" She told her after allowing her to answer her question.

Her eyes drifted to the front of the cave, the occasional cold draft was still flowing in across the floor but overall they had escaped the lashing snow storm. Just looking at it caused a shiver to run down Rain's spine, she was definitely better suited to the cold than Andro was but she was regretting discarding her coat earlier. She couldn't suffer any lasting damage from the snow, providing she was careful but she still had to live through the pain of frost burns and aching muscles when she ventured out into the snow. Each time she had to heal or alter her body temperature she had to use up precious energy. As she thought this her stomach rumbled, reminding her it required filling soon.

"Sorry, I skipped breakfast..." She apologised, rolling her shoulders and stretching her legs out to rest next to the fire. It was going to need more fuel soon, unfortunately she'd used all of the dry twigs near the entrance of the cave so now she had to hope the boughs of the evergreens weren't too wet...
Hmm, I'm kind of going to do the same thing there o.o'

Thought on what you said before, but because there isn't a need for a specific gender I'm struggling to choose who to submit, so I'm going to put two up here and if it isn't too much trouble, ask everyone which they'd prefer to be in the RP ^^' I'd be committed to playing either of them. Also the relationship charts are just a rough draft, still need some editing and fact checking done ^^'

@HylianRose I'm in. I've got a few CS's in the wings that shouldn't take too long to alter <.< Any preference on gender?

Your signature is awesome ^^ Seen quite a few of those signature rotaters around lately, they're pretty nifty :)
I'm leaning more towards the continuing on with the same characters and waking up the next day <.< Are we okay with the amount of characters we've got now?
The interest check is here. Hopefully we can start up again soon ;D

Awesome! :D Thanks ^^ Shall look forward to getting this going again :)
o.o In that case are you still thinking of putting up an interest check, @HylianRose or just continuing on?
Not sure about the alive bit o.o but I'm around still!

Sorry, between internet misfortune, broken things, uni transfer and for the most part very bad time management -.-' Haven't been online for a while :/

Things have settled again now, so I'd be interested in continuing this, if you'll still have me.

Balthazar wasn't entirely sure what to expect, he'd taken a few pictures of the scenery on the way to the boat. They weren't his best shots, taken with a small ... Whilst his canon was nestled in the bag he'd brought with him. He hoped they were allowed to keep their bags, he'd been too preoccupied sorting Dusk out to go over the details of the show.

Crossing over to the island hadn't been as peaceful for him, so much so he hadn't been able to take any shots at all. Having never been on a boat before Bal wasn't prepared for the ferocious onslaught of seasickness that hit him as soon as the boat left the harbour. The cowboy was used to motion but this was...something else entirely. As soon as they'd docked, he'd staggered off of the boat and be accosted by several members of staff. All of which were trying to help him as well as shield him from view as he fought to keep what was left of his lunch in his stomach.

Because of his unfortunate trip here, he'd arrived a little later to the party than most people. Now his feet were back on dry land he'd managed to calm his stomach and despite resisting at first, Bal eventually allowed the show's crew to tidy him up a bit afterwards. Once they'd released him, Balthazar had taken it upon himself to head straight for the bar and sit himself down on one of the seats on the end.

After the embarrassing trip over to the island, Bal was hoping he could 'hide' out there, at least until he'd consumed some liquid courage. Losing the contents of his stomach over the side of the boat and spending the entire time bent double, groaning like something from the Walking Dead, was not how he wanted to be remembered...he could only imagine what the other contestants already thought of him.

With a long winded sigh, Bal took his hat off and placed it on the bar beside him, waving the barman over he ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it back from his face and ordered a drink. What he needed was bourbon or a strong whiskey...what he got was a tropical cocktail.

"Erm, I, I didn't order this-hey!...and he's gone...perfect" Bal started, gradually lowering his voice as the barman wandered away from him.

Balthazar twisted the drink this way and that as he debated whether to drink it or not. Right now, he was acting as if he had never seen anything like it before. He had, but he'd never been in the situation where he was the one having to drink it.
"Bottoms up, I guess" He shrugged after a few indecisive moments before he lifted the drink up and proceeded to dodge around the plethora of decorations adorning the top of the glass. It was a battle that ended with him poking himself in the eye with a pink umbrella as he poured the sweet drink down his throat.

"Good god, syrup...pure syrup" He commented, putting the empty glass down and pressing the back of his hand against his mouth.

Bal was so sure, he was invisible at the edge of the bar he wasn't worried that people might frown at the fact he was talking to himself.
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