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Utena Soriyu

Utena smiled quietly as she felt her lines go suddenly slack, knowing for a fact that was likely Diva transforming and escaping somehow with Terrorkeat in tow. It was for the best really, she didn't know what the commander would do with two restrained GMGs, all that pent up anger and frustration... ok maybe she kind of wanted to know. But that was besides the point! A distant yelp shook the world as Utena exited the fog bank, looking to the sky where it came from and seeing... nothing. How odd.

The sound of a low chirp stole her attention as she looked over to Akari, her eyes widening a tad as she saw the captured Terrorkeat. Shit. Shit shit shit, that was not supposed to happen. Akari's voice crackled to life in the comms, asking what they were supposed to do with the giant bird now that they had captured her, command was probably going insane right now trying to figure out what to do. They had never actually caught a GMG before, only ever driven them off, so this was a major victory for them all in all. It was also going to be a major turning point, they were going to expect more and more captures now that they had gotten one, life was going to get a lot crazier for everyone soon enough.

Utena landed in front of Terrorkeat's face quickly, her face wrinkling with concern as she held herself back from touching the GMG's face. "I'm sorry about this. I'll make sure they treat you right, you just gotta play along with everything for now." She whispered, before turning her comms on herself. "Alright crew, I know you're all in a celebratory mood but now's not the time to get sloppy. Get some cranes, clear a path to HQ, hopefully we have a warehouse big enough to store our "guest" until we can build better accommodations. Move!" She ordered, whipping the MFF into a frenzy as she layed out the gameplan for now.

Rose payed little attention to what Kanbaru was signing up for, more than trusting her 2nd mate to not do something ridiculous and sign her up for some ridiculously packed lesson plan in the hopes of turning her into a pirate lord. She would really hate that.

So the graduation ceremony was the world's biggest crime spree. Rose could get behind that, maybe she could finally cut loose and have some real fun around these parts. Of course Kanbaru and her had the same idea at the same time, gotta steal an airship, Rose was in desperate need of a proper vessel.

Claire stepped away to grab a uniform, Rose looked thoroughly unimpressed as she rested her hands behind her head. "If you think you're getting me into a uniform you've got another thing coming." She said aloud as she looked at Iona, her look particularly challenging as she stared down the fake angel. But her mood brightened when Claire asked their plans. "Well I'm glad you asked my fellow thief slash ne'er-do-well! Our first and foremost plan is to of course discover where the airships are in this city! But perhaps we shouldn't discuss our plans in front of the judges. Don't wanna spoil our surprises right?" She winked mischievously, before popping out of her chair and stretching her arms.

"Alright gang, let's get a move on. Caprice, Akiko, you can have fun in the BDSM dungeon if you want, maybe I'll visit, but we pirates need to get moving. So if you're coming with, it's now or never." She remarked to the two as she walked towards the door, before stopping and turning back to the president and Iona. "Now where the hell are the dorms?"
I'm in, even have a Master idea already plotted out.

Rafiq payed little attention to the torture proceedings going on, they were a bit squeamish when it came to that kind of thing. Very brutish, not at all their style. No, they payed much more attention to the cat, a dangerous beast that wouldn't hesitate to slaughter them. Rafiq faded from view quickly as Jukati expressed her displeasure, quickly reappearing next to the Oni at their original height. "Quite brutal stuff they do. Brutal, savage, vicious."

Speaking of the torture, it seemed to be going quite poorly overall. Amateurish stuff really, even an old dog like this one could handle getting kicked by some idiots like this guy. "You're a thousand years too young to get me to talk with-" The wolf hissed as his flesh burned, but even still he held steady. "-with that kind of sloppy shit." Maybe if they had kept one of the lesser wolves alive they would have talked, but he had worked hard to get to where he was today. He wasn't gonna sell out just because they threatened to kill him.

But then she walked forwards, the one the skull man referred to as the prison itself. Now the werewolf was a guard of these prisons, it was his sole duty in life. Keep the prisoners locked up, keep order for the world above. He didn't give much of a shit about the world itself, but it was his job nonetheless. So when the prison itself compelled him to speak, he felt very much conflicted. And then he heard them talking about making shock collars for his still living packmates, the decision was made.

"Ok wait, wait! Stop!" He growled at Velo and Willowa, before looking back to Pandora. "You know as much as I do about what the hell is going on up there. The boss told us to get our shit together and ramp up security, so we did. I can tell you the patrol movements for the day, but they're gonna be randomizing and going into high alert when I don't report in. Me and..." He looked to his fallen packmates sadly. "And everyone else."

As for Azrael's final question, it was a foolish one. "You think any of us know how to get to the entrance? Hah!" The wolf laughed sharply, his breath hitching as his skin was seared by the burning blade. "We're all prisoners here angel, the only difference between you and me is that I'm part of the pack."

Goomie frowned as the fishy lady and birdy lady spoke more nonsense, and then the birdy lady got blown up by one of the naughty humans! "I think I get it now." She crossed her arms and nodded, assured in the conclusion she had come to as she stared down fishy lady and birdy lady seriously. "You guys are bad owners!" She burbled, pointing a finger at Diva and Terrorkeat dramatically while the fighters of HART and the MFF fought overhead. "You guys are the type to roll over whenever your pet gets uppity, so they have no respect for you! That's why everyone is getting hurt, because you guys don't know how to assert your uhh... that word that means control but fancy!"

Whether they were happy or not wasn't what mattered, they didn't know what was best for themselves! It was like if you saw a puppy playing in a bunch garbage. Sure the puppy may be happy there, but it wasn't safe! So even if the puppy snaps and bites at you, you gotta take it out of the garbage and back home where you can teach it what's right! "Now then, I think I'm done talking to you bad owners. We can talk again after you've thought about what I have to say!" And with that Goomie turned away from the fishy lady and moved through several buildings, eager to go back home with her new pets. The nerve of some people, honestly!

Utena cringed as every one of her missiles collided with Terrorkeat, she was honestly expecting the GMG to do some cool wind stuff and direct her attack away! "Sorry!" She yelled as Terrorkeat fell, her impact softened by a giant wave of water. A wave of fog began to roll over the group as the GMGs continued to argue, but Utena unfortunately didn't have the luxury of waiting for them to finish their conversation. A hook launched forth from Utena's wings, latching onto Diva's dress as she tried to reason with the slimy GMG who was leaving the scene.

She burst forwards towards the Undine Idol, circling the singer as she tried to entrap her within the line of her energy hook as Akari focused on Terrorkeat. "I'm really sorry about this, but orders are orders! I promise I'll make sure the commander doesn't go too nuts okay?" She called out to Diva as she continued to fly around her, each loop tightening the idol's bonds just a little bit more. Hopefully the two would forgive her for this, but the commander was just on the warpath today! She couldn't risk pissing her off right now, who knows what she would do.

Goomie just narrowly missed the roof as she swept her hand to cover her face, several missiles slamming into her arm and just barely missing the squishy humans inside. Then the birdie started flapping her wings and pushing her around, telling her what to do and what not to do like she didn't know! Wait did she think she was eating them? Man, this was all just some big misunderstanding wasn't it? She cocked her head with confusion as the humans bobbed up and down inside her mass, clearly unharmed despite the fact that they clearly should have been digested by now. "Why would I eat them? They're way too cute to eat!" She burbled, facing Terrorkeat more seriously now as she turned her attention away from Akari. Talk about a short attention span.

And then it started raining when a fishy lady showed up! Goomie went silent as she tried to process the fishy lady's words, lots of hard metaphors going on here that were flying right over Goomie's head! Not that anything would fly over her head, especially if it was a cute human. She would catch them. "Ummm... this isn't a pond. It's a city. Are you doing okay fishy lady?" She asked cluelessly, before turning back to Terrorkeat. One of the jets came swooping in for another run, which Goomie actually noticed this time as she casually swatted at the bad plane trying to hurt the cute humans.

Now while this seemed to be a pretty ineffectual attack considering just how far away the jet was from Goomie as she swept her arm in it's general direction, what the pilot wasn't prepared for was Goomie's arm suddenly stretching to an abnormal length to grab at the plane. It swerved in a desperate attempt to avoid what seemed like certain death, the main body of the jet avoiding the slimy grasp of Goomie. But the left wing was caught, which was capture no matter how you spun it. The pilot rushed to eject, but it was already too late as Goomie's body swallowed the rest of the jet, her arm pulling back to her body as she continued to talk. "Did you girls come here to collect humans too? There's plenty to go around!" She burbled as the jet inside her arm dissolved in an instant, the human inside unharmed and struggling to swim through her viscous body.

While all this was going down, Utena was groaning as she tried to communicate with Terrorkeat. Of course she couldn't speak while she was in this form! And then another GMG showed up! They were all making very heated roars at each other, burbling and cawing and... doing whatever noise it was that fish girls did. This was probably her cue to start attacking, as she definitely couldn't justify staring down Terrorkeat for this long. "Sorry Terrorkeat... or whatever you wanna be called. Never got your name. Gonna have to start the capture up, do your best to dodge..." She said to the giant bird as she pulled out her sword and gave her a nasty glare for whoever may be watching. And then, she reactivated her comms. "Akari, I'm relying on you to keep Goomie busy, my arsenal isn't suited for her liquid body. I'll focus on Terrorkeat and Diva." She just came up with that name on the spot, her dress looked like something an idol would wear.

Utena's wings tilted back as she burst away from Terrorkeat, leaving behind a trail of plasma that hung in the air... and then shot towards the bird like a swarm of missiles! Because it was.

"Noooooo paaaaaaaper woooooork!" Rose wailed as she desperately tried to pull her friend from the evil stack of bureaucracy, it seemed as if the dastardly pile of papers already held sway over Kanbaru! Her efforts were not enough as her grip slipped, sending her tumbling backwards into whoever was behind her. She brought up a good point regardless, why the hell was a school dedicated to evil so... orderly? And the president responded convincingly enough as well, it was a solid answer for most. But not for Rose.

"I'm still not buying it. You claim to run a school for villains, yet you have a literal angel running errands for you. It's fishy at best, but at worst it's blatant hypocrisy." Rose said as she slid back next to Kanbaru, staring down the president intently. A few moments of this passed, before she sighed ad shrugged. "But whatever, as long as I don't have to do this stupid paperwork I'll play along. Have fun Kanbaru." She trusted her 2nd mate to get all this bullshit done, it seemed like she was insane enough to actually enjoy the shit for some reason. For now, Rose would kick back and wait for this little meeting to end. This chair sucked. This room sucked. Ok maybe she was sulking a little. Just a little.
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