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Utena Soriyu

Yep, this was not a great plan. Actually calling it a plan was really an insult to plans in general, this was more of a snap decision with little to no thought put into it, maybe a bit of daydreaming while eating lunch if she was being generous. But it was what was happening now, so all that was left to do was to go through with it and hope she didn't end up in a cell somewhere. Maybe if she was lucky they would throw her in the cell with Terrorkeat. That wouldn't be so bad really. But that wasn't going to happen! Because they were all going to escape, every single one of them!

The entire base was surely on high alert now, dozens of soldiers already surrounding her with more surely on the way, but these guys were grunt soldiers, bottom rung fodder that was only good for putting bullets into GMGs while the trained professionals kept them occupied. And that was also important to note, they were trained to take on GMGs, not humans. The hesitant expressions on many of their faces, the fact that most of them hadn't even put their fingers on the triggers. This was one of their commanding officers going turncoat, it was enough to make everyone think twice before firing. And those few seconds of hesitation would cost them as Terrorkeat screamed.

It was enough to rattle her skull as Utena's knees nearly buckled, her eardrums shaking and her vision swimming under the force of Terrorkeat's audio assault. She distantly heard monitors shattering one after another, all electronics in the area shutting down as their delicate internals shook themselves apart and were torn apart by broken shards of glass. Many soldiers dropped their guns just so they could cover their ears, some began firing with reckless abandon, shakily pointing in the general direction of Terrorkeat to try and silence her. There was a lot to focus on in the room, Utena honestly being the least of their worries as they turned on the escaping GMGs.

Utena capitalized on this as she grabbed a gun off the floor, firing off several rounds into the crowd as she fought her way to Terrorkeat and Schrodinger, and I do mean fight. Punches were thrown into the crowd to move people out of her way, she body checked several grunts onto the ground as she swung the butt of the rifle into the heads of those less willing to move. The world wasn't wobbling nearly as much as it had been before, looks like her training as an Aerial Diver was coming in handy in regards to recovering from Terrorkeat's sonic scream. Sonic scream, would have to remember that one.

Terrorkeat was doing a fine enough job at freeing herself from her cage, but Utena had two GMGs to worry about busting out after all. Her sword was pulled from her belt as she stood in front of the captured Schrodinger, its frost blue edge glowing as she began to carve through the metal slowly. "COME ON WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO WASTE!" She shouted just a bit too loudly, hacking away at the metal of the cage to give the catgirl somewhere to start. She most certainly didn't need the help, but Utena didn't like feeling helpless, and it really felt like she was making a difference now!

Rose frowned as some new girl just showed up and cleaved the boss, hands on hips as she was completely shown up in one fell strike. Like sure she kinda just saved their asses, was very impressive, very heroic, blah blah. But she totally had that under control! Didn't need that help at all! Nobody asked her to do that! It just made Rose look subpar in comparison, it was really quite annoying! But hey, nothing could be done about it now unless she wanted to look like a jackass and challenge their savior to a duel or something silly. The voices of Clair and Akiko snapped her out of her funk as they landed on her ship, as well as the incoming last hurrah of the dying demon. Her smile picked back up immediately, looks like she was getting her chance to show off after all. Akiko ran to the wheel to try and take control while Rose fucked up the demon one last time, but no way in hell was she taking sloppy seconds from another woman!

"No can do Akiko, I'm the captain and the captain is always at the wheel!" Rose said to Akiko as she refused to budge, already working on just how they were gonna pull this off while simultaneously deciding what the perfect words to kick this off. "Alright ladies and gent, looks like we're gonna be going through a little bit of turbulence as I absolutely style on this loser, so hang on tight!" Rose yelled as she worked the control panel of the ship in a flash, killing the power to all systems and sending the ship plummeting to the earth within moments. The clap missed em by a mile as they dropped like a stone, Rose anchoring herself to the deck of the ship with nothing but sheer willpower as she cackled like a madwoman, only to be drowned out by the explosive boom of the clap above.

"Alright, let's kick it into high gear!" Out of the fire and into the frying pan, one danger replaced for another as gravity worked it's magic. Rose restarted the engine quickly as she began adjusting knobs and pulling levers on instinct, dials and meters going wild as the altitude of the ship continued to fall. The engine was started, now all that was left was to reverse their downward momentum and bring em back into the air before they splattered all over the concrete below like a messy wooden pancake. Sure hope nobody on board was seasick, because this next part was gonna super suck. "Swing baby!"

It was a miracle and a half that Chen was able to hear their crazed captain as he got to work once more, the other half of the miracle being that he still had enough energy to keep producing so much fucking ice and greenery even after that concentrated barrage. But such was the power of the Green Relic, an eternal battery that would keep it's user supplied so long as they had the will to press forwards. Vines and ivy shot forth from all around the ship to latch onto the buildings around, ripping out the concrete and glass they latched onto while only slowing their momentum slightly. But the vines never stopped, more and more erupting from the wood of the ship and continuing to grab onto the skyscrapers, snapping and growing more and more, shifting their momentum ever so slightly. And then all at once, that momentum shifted, from straight down, to forwards. And then up.

The ship was launched back into the sky like one of those pirate ship rides you would see at a carnival, you know the ones where it's basically just a giant swing. Yeah this was basically that, but instead of stopping and going backwards Rose and Chen just launched themselves back into the sky at ludicrous speeds. "Chen you are the fucking best and don't let anyone tell you different! Fuck yeah!" Rose cheered as she stumbled out of the captain's cabin, grabbing Akiko and dragging her onto the main deck while Chen rushed in past her so somebody could take the wheel while she did a fucking victory lap. "Alright gang, let's check out our haul below deck! Best first robbery ever!" Rose stood in the middle of the deck, posing victoriously as she looked back and forth at Akiko and Clair.

Ami visibly deflated as her cool and dramatic entrance was met by a simple "Oh, hey" followed by Kanbaru taking the time to absolutely beat the shit out of this other girl dressed in some weird pointy toed shoes. The rest of her outfit was fairly normal by magical girl standards, but the pointy toed shoes? Major fashion faux paux, whichever Mascot had seen fit to dress her like that needed a major lesson in what was acceptable to wear. Soon enough the beatdown was over, she didn't kill her at the end which was quite surprising, and Ami decided now was a good time to walk up to Kanbaru. Sure she might have been in a bad mood, but that's never stopped anyone from approaching Ami! And she could get into a downright nasty mood when she wanted.

"'Wow Ami, I can't believe you showed up in the magical floating tower too! Such a small world huh, I'm so glad to fucking see you!' Oh thanks Kanbaru-chan, you know how it goes, sometimes shit just happens!" Ami remarked in an annoyed manner, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting at Kanbaru viciously, before taking a deep breath and letting it go in a sigh. "Whatever, it's cool. You obviously had shit on your plate. Bad timing. Whatever." Ami shrugged and took another deep breath, before letting it go and smiling. "But seriously, it's great to see you. It's been way too long."
Utena Soriyu

Two blinks for first response. Good, communication has been established, Terrorkeat at the very least could understand her in GMG form. That had been an initial worry of Utena's that perhaps she could only understand humans while in human form. Second answer was concerning, but also somewhat relieving at the same time. Knowing that the two had nothing to do with Akari's disappearance took a load off her shoulders, not once did she consider the possibility that Terrorkeat might have been lying. She seemed too honest to lie, too kind hearted. Maybe a bit too naive as well considering she only appeared when other GMGs were around. Utena always got the feeling she was trying to help, she just wasn't good at it.

Last question, most important one of all. One blink. And then another to seal the deal. The back of Utena's neck tingled as McNair and Kusanagi watched her from above, one developed this kind of sixth sense after spending so long on the battlefield. Utena turned around and looked up into the eyes of McNair, face blank as she stared down her commanders. Her frown deepened, it was now or never. She turned back to Terrorkeat and Schrodinger, each one struggling to keep their limbs close to their bodies, lest they be zapped by that which confined them. The constant trembling from Terrorkeat, a bundle of nerves ready to explode at any moment. Yeah, it was never much of a choice if Utena was being honest with herself. "Alright, get ready then." Utena mumbled, more to herself than either of the GMGs as she walked to the nearby control panel for the cages. A scientist looked up from his clipboard as Utena approached, his smile upon seeing her quickly disappearing as she shoved him aside.

"H-hey, what do you think you're doing?! That's-" His words went in one ear and out the other as she studied the panel, unsure of what buttons did what. Fuck it, no time for any of this nonsense. Utena unsheated her sword from her side and jabbed the edge of it into the controls, sparks flying everywhere as power to the cages was cut. At this point people really started to take notice of what Utena was doing, panic quickly spreading amongst the crowd as scientists and soldiers alike realized what this meant.

A loud click heralded freedom for the GMGs as the cages unlocked. Utena turned back to the two sisters with a nervous smile. "I really hope you guys are taking me with you." Utena said as she began to run for the warehouse doors, sheathing her sword once more and warming up her wings.

With all the focus on Claire as she held back the giant boss monster's immense attack, Rose and Chen were scrambling to get everything ready for the opening strike against the giant boss monster demon. Rose held the course steady at the wheel of the ship as she weaved in and out of the clouds, always a second or two away from collision with a giant flaming fist. Seems her position as Warrior had given her some good experience with piloting though, knew that class swap from Mage was worth it in the end.

Chen on the other hand was working his ass off to get the ship ready for the opening salvo as he dashed all around the ship, creating cannons of blue and armor of green, his Relic on overtime as he fully outfitted what should be a merchant's vessel into something resembling a military class ship. Closer and closer they came, the crew worked in perfect tandem and fought for every damn yalm closer to the massive monstrosity. Rose would dodge every beam of fire and sulfur, what she couldn't dodge Claire would block against with all her might.

And just like that, it was time. "Open fire!" Rose shouted up at Chen, eyes closed as he focused on every single armament he had created in what little time he had. And then his eyes snapped open as dozens of harpoons of ice and bark shot out of the cannons all over the ship, peppering the demon's face and going straight for the eyes to blind and batter him. It was an annoying assault to be sure, but there was no way it would outright kill the demon. Chen was strong, but this thing was a veritable behemoth of hell, it was going to take more than a couple dozen harpoons to kill this thing.

She smirked as she looked down at the rampant chaos and violence of this floor, mayhem reigned supreme here as every student fought tooth and nail to "graduate" from the Umbra Academy. Yeah, this was her kind of place alright. Too bad a giant demon had to come out of nowhere to ruin the fun, really stole her thunder before she even had a chance to shine. And now we've got these other wannabe explorers riding in with an airship, shooting at the big dumb idiot with their tiny little guns. Like that was gonna do anything.

"Well, now's as good a time as any to make an entrance I guess. Who knows, maybe they'll think I'm so cool they'll immediately ask me to be their leader!"

And so she stood up and cracked her neck, hefting her sword off her shoulder and glaring directly at the demon's neck.

"TAKE THIS YOU COCKSUCKEEEEEEEER!" A burst of flame heralded her arrival as she descended from the blimp she had been sitting atop, carving through the demon's neck with her blackened sword of flame and malice like a cleaver through a fresh cut of pork. She landed on the skyscraper opposite Kanbaru and turned to the bluenette with swagger and style. "Sup Kanbaru-chan? Ya miss me?"

The hero had arrived.
Utena Soriyu

Utena sat alone at the cafeteria, picking away at her food. It had been like this for the past hour, the whole mood was this strange mix of somber and elated as various groups talked about the recent accomplishments and victories the MFF had managed to score of the dangerous GMGs. It was a turning point in the "war", they had finally managed to score a string of wins against their dastardly foes. But there was always this backdrop of anxiety as everyone skirted around one simple fact.

Commander Akari had never made it back. At some point during the rescue mission on the island, Akari had gone entirely missing. A sweep of the island revealed no trace of the red head, they had been patrolling the surrounding ocean for a while now to see if she had maybe somehow been swept away. But no word so far, absolutely nothing. Utena got up from her seat and started walking a familiar path, left at the first turn, right at the third, another right past the vending machines. So it went until she found herself in that warehouse once again, scientists bustling around as she looked up at Terrorkeat and their new "acquisition" Schrodinger. Not a cute name at all honestly, Utena would have gone with something like... Tigris. Like a tiger, but a girl.

She moved closer to the cages, questions buzzing in her mind as she stared the two GMGs down. Utena looked around nonchalantly, making sure nobody was too close by. And then she began to whisper. "I'm going to ask some questions. Blink once for no, blink twice for yes. Now then, do you both understand me? Starting out easy." Utena asked as she crossed her arms seriously, constantly watching out for eavesdroppers and busybodies. "Second question, do you know where Commander Akari Yashiro is? Red haired girl with twin tails, a bit shorter than myself. She disappeared when we... captured you." There was a slight grimace as she glanced over at Schrodinger, it was quite evident she didn't agree with how the MFF had done things. But there was one more question that needed to be answered.

"And lastly. Do you have anyone who could take you in if you got free?" This was the most important question of all, as it would determine just how Utena would go from here. If they did have some kind of larger association they could go to after getting free, there was absolutely no doubt Utena would likely join them after this latest event. The way the MFF was engaging GMGs at this point was setting a dangerous precedent for future engagements, if it wasn't for the fact that Goomie seemed quite literally immortal they might have even killed her with that assault. But if they didn't have anywhere to go, then Utena would have to harbor them in her own home until she could figure out a better plan, which could work for a time if they can all transform into humans like Utena suspected. But it was a short term plan at best.

Rose nodded as Claire pointed out the much better armed airship, likely to have its own unique treasures on board as well as serving as a much better vessel for her sky pirate needs. But at the same time, there was a certain charm in taking a humble trading freighter and slowly building it up into a mighty warship that would rival even the greatest military vessels. But she wasn't entirely sure she had the patience for such an endeavor, especially when there was clearly a vessel right there ripe for the taking. And she could also improve on that one too, so it might become even greater than the theoretical ship she was imagining in her mind. But did it even have the same-

Oh, and now there's a giant demon in the sky. World boss? Final boss? Whatever, she would just have to beat it up and make it drop it's sick loot regardless. That's how this kind of stuff usually worked anyways. Rose turned to face the military airship to comandeer it, only to see that Clair was way ahead of her on that note and was already pointing the cannons at the demon. "Alright then Claire! You keep it's focus on you and I'll ram it in the side of the head! It'll be a one two punch!" Rose mimicked a boxing stance as Chen already got to work on piloting the ship, clearly used to the eccentricities of people like her. "Alright Chen, take the wheel- oh you've already got it. Not bad." Rose mumbled as the ship began to rise into the air, taking a discreet curving path into some cloud cover to avoid the demon's attention.
Utena Soriyu

The MFF personnel were whipped into a frenzy by Akari's passion and Akane's orders, thrust into gear as they moved to save the captured MFF members before anyone else could even react. Protests from the willing captives was summarily ignored as the rank and file began working on breaking open the cages and moving the civilians out of The Cavern. Utena too was shaken out of her... whatever it was you could call what she was feeling at the moment, realizing that she still had a job to do.

"Right! Can't let myself be outdone by the new Major so quickly!" Utena said as she slapped her cheeks, activating her wings and taking to the air as she followed Akari deeper into The Cavern. They were fast, fast enough to catch up to the tentacles as they withdrew, even fast enough to actually cut up a few of the tentacles before they could disappear from sight completely, freeing their prisoners as they advanced further and further in. But soon enough they were surrounded only by complete darkness, only the light of Akari's flames and the comparatively weak glow of Utena's flashlight.

But then a familiar face of goo slithered out of the darkness, towering over the MFF officers with a lasivicious grin on her watery face. Utena squinted at Goomie carefully as she drew her sword, something almost immediately feeling off about the GMG she was so familiar with. "Hey Akari... she's smaller than usual." Her eyes scanned over the GMG as something else clicked in her mind. "And the guys she just captured aren't in her." Indeed they weren't, her gooey body was suspiciously absent of any recently captured MFF personnel.

A loud plop sound echoed through The Cavern behind them as Utena turned around, back to back with Akari as the puzzle solved itself. "We might be in a bit of trouble." Utena muttered as she stared down a second Goomie, passed out MFF members plastered to the ceiling above her with a gooey tape.

Rose landed on the second airship as she transformed into her normal attire, immediately pulling out her rapier and the Chen card as she rolled to her feet. She sprung out of the roll into a little hop as she tossed Chen's card into the air, summoning him forth onto the deck of the ship as he quickly snapped to attention. "Alright Chen, here's the drill. We're taking over this baby, along with everything on board, this is our ship now, no, it was always our ship! The guys who built it just didn't know about that. So here's the deal, gonna need you to go around and take out whatever losers might already be on board, throw em off the ship, make em walk the plank, you know how it goes when you're a pirate. Then we gotta find the bridge, start working on getting this baby airborne and out of here fast, don't want the attention of the whole city on us, not yet. Hey Claire, sorry I'm late!" She interrupted her speech to wave at Clair on the other ship, leaning over the railing slightly as she smiled brightly.

Chen didn't bother waiting for the rest of Rose's instructions as he nodded taciturnly, turning and walking to a nearby door to start looking for the bridge. Cargo could be assessed at another juncture, for now what mattered was capturing the ship. Even if it had absolutely nothing of value on board, he was well aware of how valuable the ship itself was to his card's owner.
Utena Soriyu

The woman in the cage jumped slightly as Akane appeared seemingly out of thin air, yelping in surprise as she answered the question posed. It took her a few moments to regain her composure, but soon enough she was as relaxed as before, albeit visibly confused for some odd reason. "Rescue us? Oh uh, no thanks. I appreciate the thought, but I'm fine with staying here. Ken, Sumire, either of you want to leave?" She looked over her shoulder at the other two captives, only for them to respond in the negative as they went back to... whatever it is they were doing. Reading a magazine apparently, though it looked a bit damp and damaged.

Opening the cages was incredibly easy for the MFF troopers, as they would find there were actually makeshift doors built into each one, all unlocked and opened with hardly any struggle. No, the real struggle was in getting the people to come out, as most of them were in similar states as the woman they first encountered. A select few certainly looked happy to leave, fresher acquisitions from the look of things, but for the most part there was a general effort to resist rescue, as if they were happy with their lives as playthings for the GMG.

Akane looked to be in a rush as she asked the captive further questions, a stark contrast to the "prisoner" who looked quite relaxed and was definitely taking her time in thinking about it. "Ummm, it's kind of hard to keep track of days here. So liiiiike... I guess we were the first people goo girl adopted? It was a while ago, I definitely know I had never heard of her before. Anyways, it was pretty scary at first, we were all rushing into the shelters and stuff when she scooped me up, it was kind of hard to breathe and I think I might have passed out. I dunno, it was all kind of a blur. I woke up in this cave with Ken and Sumire, we were all really scared and stuff because goo girl was totally gone. We left the cave and tried to figure out where we were, but we got really lost in the forest, almost got eaten by like, a tiger or something."

"It was a panther Yukari!" Ken called out as he turned the page, smiling at whatever he was reading. Akari tapped on the wall of the habitat to get someone's attention, an older woman in her 40s, only for said woman to completely ignore her as she looked deeper into The Cavern.

"Right, panther. Anyways, goo girl totally smushed the panther, but not like killing it, she just kind of smushed it around until it ran away. Then she took us back to the cave, dumped a bunch of like, trees and stuff on the ground. It took a while to figure out what she wanted, but she was kinda trying to figure out what we eat I guess? It was a long process. So we got to know her after a while, turns out she's really nice, just kind of dumb and stuff. But like... yeah. We're all cool here." Yukari smiled as she fiddled with her hair, looking deeper into The Cavern as if she was looking for something. "Anyways, you guys should probably leave soon. Or don't, it's pretty chill here. She likes collecting us, it's like going to a cat cafe or something for her. Every now and then she has everyone like, start climbing on her and stuff, she kind of burbles around which is like her laughing. It's super cute."

Almost at the same time as the chaos on the beach began, a similar tension began to build within The Cavern as a bubbling sound began to echo down the corridor. Utena was the first to notice as she whipped out her sword, the edge creating mist as it's cooled surface clashed with the warm humid air within The Cavern. The bubbling got louder and louder, closer and closer to the group as every single prisoner in the cages looked into the depths, until finally... it stopped.

This would be the only warning for the MFF as several dozen tendrils of slime shot through the darkness, slapping down on those MFF members who were foolish enough to go to deep and swallowing them into their slimy embrace. They screamed as they were assimilated into the deep blue fluid, until their heads were covered and they were silenced, only then would the tendrils pull back just as quickly, dragging the poor jobbers into the darkness and the unknown.

"They'll be fine." Yukari spoke up as Utena stared on, covering her mouth to conceal her features. Most would assume she might be shocked, possibly horrified, likely infuriated, but in reality she was just trying to cover her blush. "Goo girl kinda just wants to like... break in her new pets I guess. Everyone goes through it, but she's gotta take an extra long time with you MFF guys. They'll come around though."
Utena Soriyu

The call was sent out, the forces mobilized quickly, soon enough the forces of the MFF would find themselves on the beaches of an uninhabited island, or it seemed uninhabited anyhow. As they approached the beach they would notice the composition of this island, a dense forest a few yards away from the sands, anything within hidden beneath the very tall trees. Anything, except for the exceptionally tall mountain smack in the middle of the island, a couple miles or so away from the beaches which they had landed in. But what was immediately worth noting however, was many of the trees on the edges of the forest were covered in slime. A clear trail left by their quarry, a path to follow as they pursued.

Utena tugged on the straps of her jetpack uncomfortably, constantly glancing back at Terrorkeat, who still looked quite miserable in her cage. At least it wasn't electrified anymore, a small comfort to the GMG sympathizer as she looked back to the forest. "Alright, this is a search and rescue op people! I know we're all riding high on our victory, but we can't get too cocky here! Capturing Codename Goomie is a secondary objective, our main goal is locating and rescuing every captive civilian on the island. We don't know how many are around, nor do we know how Goomie will react when we take em, so stay on your toes! Now move out!"

And with that the mission began, the MFF forces moving into the forest to follow Goomie's trail and find the captives she had taken. Tracking her was easy thankfully, which gave Utena and Akari some time to speak as they walked through the forest. Utena motioned for Akari to turn off her comms as she did, only speaking once the fiery haired girl did so. "So we know this isn't cool right? This whole thing going on with Terrorkeat I mean, not rescuing the people. Terrorkeat was trying to help us, but we're treating her like a monster." Utena's brow furrowed as she spoke, a very serious and worried expression on her face as they moved through the trees. "It's weird, just a few days ago I wouldn't have thought twice about this but... it's like caging up a person. A giant person yeah, but still a person. She can think, speak, reason. We just can't understand her most of the time."

Utena shook her head and sighed deeply, there was nothing they could do about it for now. They. Utena was assuming Akari still agreed with her initial assessment of the situation, god only knows how things will have changed now that she's gotten a nice cushy promotion. "I just hope command will ease up if we capture Goomie and save the civs." Utena said as she turned her comms back on, just in time too as they reached The Cavern.

It was a deep dark hole in the side of the mountain, the trail of slime ominously ending just before the entrance of The Cavern. Utena clicked on a small flashlight on her jacket and shining a light into The Cavern. The forces of the MFF entered, with Utena leading from above as she hovered near the ceiling, acting as a searchlight of sorts as they made their way further in. The walls of The Cavern were unnaturally smooth and damp, it was obvious that Goomie made The Cavern herself by eating her way through the mountain. Occasionally a bit of slime dripped from the ceiling, splattering on the ground harmlessly and giving more than one soldier an excuse to test out their new cryo gear. Worked like a charm.

But eventually, they reached the first cage. Well, calling it a cage was a bit of an exaggeration, it was more of a habitat really. Nice soft bedding made from a bunch of carpets and pillows, blankets, a two crude wooden bowls with enough food and water to feed a family for a week. And four civilians inside, one man, three women. The man was unshaven, a full beard on his face as he stared at the MFF with an inscrutable expression. The women looked similarly scruffy, as if they had been here for months. They likely had, the attacks from Codename Goomie had been happening for quite a while after all. But most curiously of all, they weren't begging for help, scrambling to the walls of the habitat to reach out for the soldiers. They were just kind of... existing. Like the MFF were curiosities rather than their saviors. But eventually one of the women spoke up, a woman with sun bleached blonde hair and a healthy tan, wearing what appeared to be a red sundress that was in surprisingly good condition. Just where was Goomie getting all this stuff?

"Um... hi? This is awkward uh, do you guys need something?"
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