Avatar of Forgiveness
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 195 (0.08 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Forgiveness 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Agreed
1 like
6 yrs ago
Your first mistake was mentioning it in the first place. Now someone'll definitely spoil it.
6 yrs ago
Holy jazz hands batman, I'm still awake!
6 yrs ago
If tomatoes are fruit, is ketchup a smoothie? #TheseAreTheRealQuestionsWeShouldBeAsking
6 yrs ago
that 'all these people looking at my thread' feeling


“My breaths came fast as the mist trailed through my body, strengthening and healing, pulsating and throbbing. I held my hands out with my head to the sky, almost in benediction, as I let it fill me, save me.”

“To err is human, to forgive, divine.”

"And who are you?"

Just another sod on this site, staring at this screen with a dull face. My name? I'll tell you eventually. My age? one of those numbers. I've been roleplaying for about 2 years now, 1 and a Half years spent on the phone app 'Geeking' and just under 6 months on this site. What kind of roleplayer am I? I honestly don't know. Certainly not the advanced novel writers but above the casuls in the free section. High casual? Yeah, that works. I don't know what else to put here, maybe a friend list when I get some. As for now.....

Also, don't trust that Online crap. I'm not at this laptop.

Most Recent Posts

Cool beans, I'll have a sheet up within the hour

Stop. Heretic.

Marble = Hella Gay
And Another one joins the party
Just some random nERD


While there is a abundance of magic, the overwhelming diversity sort of balances it out. It'd be best to contact the GM with your idea, 'cause I'm just some random.
Room for one more? I was thinking about a mage that uses wildly chaotic temporal magic, wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff like that. Limited in that his magic can cause rips in space time or have undesired effects. If that's too crazy I can always make a more generic character, let me know what you think.

Hi, whalecum 2 da cht hav a fun time

I have problems just ignore me
I was trying to address a concern! T-T *owner of a dishonored cow*

Well given the summons it stands to reason they would call for the most known people. Magic being rare those with it would be the first though when creating a list of adventurers. So there might not be many with magic within the world, it's only a dozen or so people out of an entire world that have gathered together from all across the land. Where the world might only have 5/10% of the populace having affinities to magic, our patched together group might have a higher degree.

I feel that was a cluster of non sense but I hope you understand what I mean xD

You done messed up.
You took the meme too far. FORSHAME
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