Avatar of Gavin
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 177 (0.05 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Gavin 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
So I didn't get a chance to say it on here last night, but happy new year everyone!
6 yrs ago
I'm seriously addicted to checking for notifications on here.
6 yrs ago
I felt like I should post an update status, seeing as my last one was seven months ago. So here it is. Hi status bar.
6 yrs ago
Currently reading Explorers of the Void while it's going slow. All of it. All 1260 posts of it.
6 yrs ago
I'm back. (Only took 3 years)
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(Awesome Gible avatar made by Ridlins)

To-do List:
1. Write a bio
2. Celebrate for finally having written a bio

Hey, my name's Gavin. If you've seen the RP(s) I'm in, you'll know that I name most of my characters that, too. I'd like to say I do it to keep track of them easier or something, but it's really because I'm so bad at coming up with names that I just use my own. I tend to RP with a specific group of people, but if I find the time I'm not opposed to joining other RPs.

I got into roleplaying a while back from a stray Google search. It lead me to a website with a fanfiction written by multiple authors. (Don't judge me too harshly; that's really what I thought it was.) Eventually, I figured out what this "roleplay" concept was. It seemed like a fun idea, so I decided to track down the people who wrote what I had just read and join their current RP. Looking back on it, I'm amazed that my app was (eventually) accepted. I'm not exaggerating when I say that my roleplay/writing skills were absolutely horrible - I was lucky to be able to write a couple sentences per post. If any of you are reading this: thanks for putting up with it back then.

After that RP and its prequel ended, the group I was with moved to this website. I joined (or tried to join) a few of their RPs, but I kept losing interest along the way. There were times where I would get an idea and decide to work on an app, but those never lasted long enough for me to get back into RPing. I stopped making apps, and started checking in on people from time to time because I wanted to keep in contact with them. I eventually realized that it was kind of rude to keep posting on an RP I wasn't in, so I decided not to keep doing that. I checked back here less and less, until I eventually forgot about it.

Until earlier this year last year. A while ago, I remembered the old RPs I had been in and decided to write one of them into a book for myself. I pulled up the old website and started stitching the posts together in my own words into a continuous story, structured more like a book than an RP. I got about a hundred posts in, and that's when I realized that I wanted to RP again. I could tell it was different now; this time I wouldn't get bored halfway through making an app and give up. So, now I'm back. And I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, so you're all stuck with me.

Most Recent Posts

It's just as I remember! That was the day I realized that burning down a good chunk of the rp's world (in an application, no less!) isn't a good idea. I think I was just happy to have gotten more than two paragraphs written down for it.

I've actually been meaning to say this, but thanks for being patient with me back then. Especially on MCF when I was first joining - I had no idea what I was doing when trying to make an app or write a post longer than two sentences. That said, I still have a lot of room to improve, so if anyone has any writing/character building/general rp advice for me, I'd be happy to hear it.
Lol, sure! I still have it in a PM to myself from years ago! I sometimes go back and read my old stuff, but I always cringe too much to keep reading. (Not that I still don't cringe at my current writing - I just hope that it's slowly improving!)
Well, the guild doesn't have much of a role right now because everyone's (as in, all the player's characters are) out adventuring, but I'll keep that in mind.

Yeah, I guess that more applies to the earlier part of the RP. I was just thinking about their role in the story because I think it might increase the sense of danger, or emphasize the weight of the teams' actions and what could happen if they fail.

It's a little mindblowing to think we've been at this for four years. I've never been in an RP that even lasted half that long, and yet this one stood the test of time.

I know! I think everyone's been doing a great job with it; it's fun to see how the characters and the dynamics between them are evolving over time.
Well, I did it. After putting it off for a while (because I didn't want the story to "end"), I finally finished reading the RP. It was great.

So, here are the current teams to my understanding. If anything is wrong or missing, let me know.

It's been about two weeks since the start of the RP. Also, I think there should be theme music for places/boss battles. (Unless it was in the OOC and I just missed that.)

Overall, I think it was great. It never seemed to get too slow for any teams, and they all have part of the storyline to do (void crystals, orbs of balance, the eldritch nightmare creature). If there's one thing that bothered me about it though, it's that the guilds and townsfolk characters faded into the background a bit too much. I sort of feel like the guilds should have more of a role in this, seeing as they're the main source of authority around and the teams are dealing with potentially world-ending catastrophes.

Other than those concerns though, I loved reading it. I'll probably write up a short summary of the RP's events up to this point
As a child in Scale City, I would often explore adventure through Sunswept Plains with my friends. Despite not getting very far, learning about mystery dungeons was still fun. On one such adventure, we discovered a strange place atop a hill, where a bright red and yellow carpet was laid out on the soft grass. A Kecleon sat in the middle of the carpet surrounded by various foods and items that could be useful to adventurers. “Welcome, welcome!” he said to us, “Feel free to examine my merchandise!” What followed would be remembered by all as the worst day of our lives.

I’m reminded of that moment as I look over to two Kecleon standing at a stall nearby. Could this be where that Kecleon was from? I always assumed he slept on the carpet... I walk over to the short line in front of their stall. There's a Zigzagoon in front of me who keeps changing his mind about which TM to buy. I sit my bag on the ground and open the front pouch, taking out the 1000 Poké I brought for food. I’ve never seen how much things cost in other towns, so hopefully this should be enough.

“Thank you, have a nice day!” I hear the Kecleon say as the Zigzagoon walks away with a Thunder TM. Not wanting to keep him waiting, I hurry up to the stall with my money in hand.
“Hi, how are you?” I ask the green Kecleon, attempting to make small talk, “Do you sell any food here?”
“Of course!” he replies cheerfully, “What do you have in mind? We’ve got apples and various berries in stock right now.” I pause for a moment to think.
“How much would three apples and an oran berry cost?”
“That'll be 380 Poké.”
“Thanks.” I reply as he turns to get the food for me. That was much easier than buying from Danny, even if I did have to walk to another town!

I reach down to open my bag, but it’s not hanging from my shoulder. Remembering I left it on the ground behind me, I turn around. My bag isn't there. “No... No, no, no! Where is it!?” I say to myself in disbelief that I let it out of my sight. “I- it was right there in my bag! This can’t be happening right now...” I look at all the nearby Pokémon, none of whom are paying me any attention. I check the area again and my stick (and bag too, I suppose) still isn’t anywhere to be seen - I don’t even see any Pokémon carrying it away!
“Excuse me?” The Kecleon asks from his stall, “Is everything alright?” I turn around to address him, but I’m not sure what to say.
“I - uhh... It’s my stick. And my bag.”
“Your bag?”
“It was right here a moment ago. I just put it down for a second to get some money out but now it’s not there and I don’t know where it is...” I trail off. The Kecleon realizes what happened and looks at me with a combination of worry and disappointment. He puts away the food, knowing that I’m no longer looking to buy anything.

“Now, normally I’d tell people to go to the guild in a situation like this, but I don’t think you’d have any luck there.” He thinks out loud, trying to figure out if there’s anything he can do for me.
“The guild?” I ask, “Where’s that?”
“It’s the building shaped like a Wigglytuff on that hill. You can’t miss it. Like I said, though, there’s not much they can do for you. They have a bit of a situation at the moment.”
“Well, I’m still gonna try.” I reply, disregarding his warning. “Thanks for your help!” I run off towards the guild, keeping an eye out for anyone holding a pointy stick. Hopefully this guild is as skilled as the one back in Scale City.

”What was all that about?” the purple Kecleon asks after I'm out of earshot.
“Oh, you know.” The green one sighs, “Tourists.
I mean, it's still better than what my attempts at drawing them would be!
Having surpassed one of the greatest challenges I've ever faced, I soon see a hill up ahead. I must be getting close to the town by now... I think to myself. Climbing to the top, I notice a small settlement down by the ocean. The buildings look like nothing I've ever seen before. Some of them aren’t even buildings - just tents! "Ohh, I need to see this!" I exclaim as I begin running down the hill towards this settlement. Perhaps this is a camp that keeps guard over the town nearby. Although, I haven't actually seen the town yet... That's strange. It should be right around here.

Soon, I find myself slowly walking along the dirt road, taking in all the exotic sights and sounds of this strange place. Several of the buildings (or tents, I can't really tell which they are) are shaped like Pokémon I've heard of. To my right is one up on a hill shaped like a Wigglytuff, and just down to my left is one made to look like a Chansey. Scattered around in a few places are totem poles carved to look like Pokémon stacked on top of one another. One of them I recognize as a Pidgeot, although most of the others are new to me. It takes a while before I realize that I should move on from this settlement soon. The town I'm heading for shouldn't be too much further south, but I decide I should find out the name of this place before I move on.

"Hey," I begin to ask a Kangaskhan working at a shop, "What's this place called?"
"Hello there, sweetie!" she replies cheerfully, "This is Margret's Storage; I'm Margret! If you have any items that you need me to take care of, feel free to ask!"
"I- uhh... Sorry, no. I meant this settlement. You know, with all the tents around and stuff..."
"Oh, you mean the town? This is Treasure Town, and Allure Town is just down the road there."

I laugh at her joke, but then the confused look on her face tells me she's serious. I stop laughing and the smile fades from my face as I stare blankly at her. Wait... This... "This is a TOWN!?" I exclaim in astonishment, louder than I meant to. How can this be the town I was heading for!? I thought a town would at least be half as big as Scale City... This place is tiny! I look around again and notice all the Pokémon nearby. I had been so preoccupied with the strange buildings and art that I completely ignored everyone. Firstly, I notice a few of them are staring at me. Secondly, I realize that I seem to be the only dragon type around. If those two observations don't embarrass someone, then I don't know what would.

I gulp and look back at Margret, who asks, "Are you okay, sweetie?" My mouth hangs open, as though I'm trying to say fifty different things at once and none of them are coming out. My attempt at an apology probably comes out as an inaudible mumble, and I lower my head as best I can to walk away towards the ocean. Hopefully, they all soon forget about what I said...

I get to the bluff overlooking the ocean and see a Dugtrio shouting maniacally at it. "Sea! Oh, beautiful sea! We long to see your shimmering blue water again! We miss the mighty roar of your waves crashing against the cliff face!" I'm about to stop him, but decide it would be a bad idea. Getting closer to the cliff edge, I notice that the ocean is a lot darker than it looks in paintings. Actually, it doesn't even look like water... Instead of light blue, the ocean is a dark mixture of black and deep purple; the colors seeming to swirl and refract around each other as I look at it from different angles. Occasionally, I think I can see movement somewhere inside it, but it's never clear enough for me to be sure. The most unnerving part about the ocean, though, isn't what it looks like. It's the deafening silence emanating from it. There's no calming sound of the waves or the faint cries of Wingull flying above it - there's hardly even any wind. This is definitely not how I imagined the the sea would be.

"I thought the ocean would look more... I don't know... bluey? Is that a word?” I ask the Dugtrio beside me. He pauses his shouting to look in my direction, then looks back down at the ocean.
“The ocean is blue! Well, it should be... You don’t seem like you’re from around here.”
“I’m not. I came from Scale City; I’ve never been this far south before.” I admit. The three heads look me over for a moment, noticing the bag loosely hanging from my shoulder and the stick in the side pocket.
“Hmph. That much is clear.”
“So...” I begin, eager to change the topic, “What’s wrong with the water? Why’s it not blue?”
“We don’t think there is any water down there, anymore. That’s the void.”
“The void?” I ask, confused.

“Well, that’s what everyone’s been calling it, at least. Apparently there’s these things called void crystals. They’re sort of like time gears - ever heard about those?” He asks. I nod my head, pretending to know what he’s talking about. The name sounds familiar, but I don’t remember reading too much about them. He continues his explanation, “So, when a time gear is taken, time stops in that area. When a void crystal goes missing, that... stuff starts appearing and taking over the mystery dungeon. We don’t know what happens to Pokémon who are stupid enough to go into it, but it can’t be good. In fact, when the ocean first disappeared, a Wailord washed up on the beach trying to escape it.”

“That’s... horrible.” I take another cautious look over the edge of the cliff. Noticing a beach down there, I can’t help but imagine how terrified that Wailord must have been to beach itself there. “Is it usually like this around here?” I ask. The Dugtrio thinks for a moment before answering.

“Depends.” he replies. Yeah, that’s reassuring... I say goodbye and head back into Treasure Town, hoping to buy the food I came here for. I knew that adventuring would be dangerous... But I honestly didn’t expect something like this! Everyone around here seems so unaffected by it... Maybe they’re used to the void by now? I don’t know how anyone could get used to something like that sitting on their doorstep. It’s a wonder they haven’t started moving away yet... I look over a few of the stalls lined up in town. Now, which of these sell food?
Well, he did wake up while falling through the air. Perhaps he hallucinated it while making his way back to his Bonnie and Eralion? Tini probably isn't very good at being alone, so I think it'd make sense if he created friends in his mind.

Yeah, I can definitely see Tini as the type of person to leap through a cave or wherever fighting off imaginary monsters.
Hi, I'm interested in joining if that's okay with everyone. Here's my app:

Thanks for taking the time to read over it. If there's anything that needs to be changed, I can change it.
Well, that's good to know, I'm sure that'll ease some of the confusion down the road.
I'm still not entirely clear on the ocean's relationship with the void, though; did the void end up receding from the ocean completely, partially, or not at all? After they got back from taking the void crystal, I think Spruce mentioned that the void seemed to have receded from the shoreline a bit.

And sorry everyone else (including my character), but I think Kamina is still one of my favorites.


"...yes..." he whispered to himself, not as a response to Celes, but rather to some unasked question. The Goomy had a hat. If Kamina put the Goomy on his head, then he would have a hat. A hat wearing a hat. Something about this spoke to Kamina in ways he had never been spoken to before.

Moving quickly, he slithered over to Anthony and scooped him up with his fin and plopped him onto his head "...yes!" He cried out triumphantly "a living hat wearing a hat! So simple...yet brilliant! With such power at our disposal, how could failure even be a conceivable concept!?" Catching sight of M, he then said "M! Quickly, get on top of my hat-hat. With you added to it, it'll become a hat-hat-hat. Can you imagine the possibilities!?"
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