Avatar of gowia
  • Last Seen: 9 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: gowia
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1755 (0.46 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. gowia 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes it doesn’t matter too much what choice you make, as long as you make it quick and stick to it.
2 yrs ago
Merry Easter, one and all. Happy Day if you celebrate it or, if not, I just hope it was a happy day anyways
2 yrs ago
Just had a long weekend of travel, weddings, and hangovers. I will reply ASAP once my head stops hurting. Apologies for the delay
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2 yrs ago
You should laugh every moment you live, for you'll find it decidedly difficult afterwards.
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2 yrs ago
Remember never to step on a mans Timbs. Entirely not based.


Hey there, I assume you want to know about me so here it is...

The name is gowia (g-ow-ee-ah) or Alex. Or anything else you come up with, I'm not fussy.

I am a 25 year old male, though comfortably I'll play anything as a character.

I am a Brit born and bred and so that is my lingo, I use British words and love my slang, and if I don't seem to make sense I may simply be using English idioms that don't translate outside the rural country abodes I swan around.

I enjoy all sorts of things, I am an avid football (soccer) player and supporter, adore music, and live for a good story. I am in love with history. So you will always get a decent plot or conversation out of me on that subject.

If there is anything else you need to ask, feel free too. I swear I don't bite... much.

Most Recent Posts

Unfortunately, something has come up that means I cannot safely say I would stick this out
My WIP is up
Interested, but would prefer to see an OOC first before declaring myself sworn to this.
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Ace of flames01 Ahhh got you now, that's clearer :) And he wasn't attacked, that was twitter trolling from preteen fangirls who weren't there. Essentially it was so packed it was dangerous, when he tried to crowd surf it was so pressed together that people couldn't lift their arms up to hold him. And then when he started to go down the people who could lift their arms tried to push him back up, thus his top was ripped. Nobody attacked him, they just shouldn't have put them on a smaller stage. They were main stage worthy without a doubt and it was a dangerous crush of people. I lost count of the number of people who went down and needed carrying out.
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Ace of flames01 I'm not going to have a damn clue xD Though, for my own knowledge, the post ends on talking about doing something original, for the most part every single one Jack has sung is original. I really haven't quoted many lyrics at all. Oh, and kudos on the Twenty One Pilots, I saw 'em at Reading. They were awesome :P
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Ace of flames01 I fan the flames of competition :P And I recognised the song, not from my own personal taste though, heard my brother playing it and singing it very badly a number of times. I needed him to tell me who it was
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Posted, so I am still around!
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
A prince in the tower

Where: The Party
Who: Sophie Blackthorn, @Ace of flames01

Jack could see her now, and as they twirled and jabbed in their melodic duel, Jack found himself more and more enthralled by the game. He had caught her again, on the edge of his dance floor domain, and her reversing hadn't stopped there. Towards the water she walked, though he doubted she was intending to stop for a dip. As her voice echoed across the sand, he finally understood her motivations, and he was regaled with the words of Wine Red, a song he had not expected, but found did not entirely disagree with the beat he was letting play. A chuckle and a grand round of applause was his way of demonstrating his appreciation for the move. But now it was his turn again. She seemed to be refusing his invitation up so far, but he was not beaten, and he would not back down without fighting his corner to the last. Running fingers over switches and turning down dials he let the tune play out again. Leaving the entire beach feeling somewhat desolate, after the warmth of the permanent beat.

Playing the first layer, he heard the soft melody of a guitar hum across the people. The dancing had slowed now, and people who were awaiting something new turned to watch as he carefully played the deck. Meanwhile some of the less enthusiastic dancers were filing away to continue socialising, now that there was a possibility to be close to the dance floor and not trampled. Jack didn't blame them, if he could have his way he'd be down there now, but then again, he never would be in the position he was. And never have caught the girl attention. As the guitar played, Jack then added some drums, softer than before they added to the melody. Speeding the tempo and getting some people swaying and the odd dance here or there. Jack leant into the mic, and looked directly at the girl as he sang.

"I said you were in a storm, now you've got a reprieve, and I don't want to cut you lose, in fact I want to reel you in." He smiled and dragged the tune into a long whine, letting it build. As it built, he sang quicker, letting his voice meld with the song and smiling as some of the dancers wound themselves up to go again. "You called me Prince, I think that makes me royalty, however I do believe you are forgetting you are really quite something to see. It wouldn't be a crime, not a sin, not a travesty, to have you up here keeping me company." Sampling from the sounds he had stored on his laptop he created another layer to go over the track, the sound of a clap, one swiftly taken up by the crowd again. "I'm a bird with his wings clipped, I struggle to fly. And now you're staying just out of reach and I don't know why. I don't bite, and I know you'd have fun, just come up and take your place, come be the one." On the final word Jack flipped a switch and the track changed, the long note broken into a beat that matched the clap. Before switching on the last sound Jack had been working on, which added a new melody, causing the beat to become the base of the track. People danced, and the speakers pulsed. But all Jack could do was look at the girl, as he stood and pointed at a spot next to him. A cheeky grin dancing across his lips with each moment passing.

The song was quieter than the last one, and by checking some of the systems, he was to angle most of the sound away from his booth. Even allowing Jack to hear the crinkle of plastic as he drew another sunflower seed from the packet he had. Depositing it in his mouth, he chewed absentmindedly. The competition was probably flirting, of sorts, Jack realised, but in reality what it was to him was fun. He loved to DJ, it was his lifeblood, but the party was not to see him, it was to party. And as such he wasn't working with a crowd he was used to, making the experience a little more boring than he had hoped. She was something fresh, and seemed to demand his attentions. He would not disappoint.
I'd be tempted to join, but would want to see the main thread first before saying definitely interested.
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