Avatar of grandia20
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  • Posts: 276 (0.10 / day)
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    1. grandia20 7 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Rewatching Danganronpa the Animation! I still cry every time I see Alter Ego...
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5 yrs ago
Holidays are hectic. I should be back after.
6 yrs ago
@CAS1006 I'm playing the HD collection at this very moment XD
6 yrs ago
Sorry for the delays. Holidays kept me busy and now some family stuff.
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7 yrs ago
TMW you're trying to watch your favorite movie online and internet sucks. (Summer Wars in my case)


Hello, I'm Kyle. I'm 25 and I love role-playing. Some of my favorite past times are reading, video games, watching anime, and... and... Ya, that's about it really XD Hit me up if you ever want to rp! I like every genre but Romance s a must for me, even if it's not the primary focus. I'm not so into Sci-fi or historical_(except Fuedalish Japan, I love that) but I'll do them if I like the story enough.

Most Recent Posts

I found a way to get Kyy involved XD
Kyy was currently behind the tavern, making food for the customers. He'd arrived a few months back and had offered to work for bill as a cook, to help draw in more customers. Today was like any other. Plenty of cooking, talking, and of course, drunken antics. He looked over at the masked man who was making a scene and frowned. "Hey, I'd let him go if I were you." He didn't move from his station but he had a glint in his eye, one that made it clear how serious he was while also telling how much he hoped the man would give him a reason to act.
Okay. ^.^
I'd be interested.
Name: Saki Masukita

Alias: Dead-Eye Damsel

Age: 18


Position: Sniper

Bounty: 60,000 Beri

Personality: Saki can be a bit flirty but that's when she's trying to get something. She's a relaxed and strong willed girl who's never afraid to get her hands dirty. She often plays the part of a damsel in distress to fool her enemies before letting them have a gun to their back. She loves tinkering and making new things.

Background: Saki grew up on a small island until a Buster Call was made by corrupt Marines. There were only a few survivors thanks to the island's elder noticing the corruption just in time. She grew up on the sea without her parents but was taken in by another survivor and taught how to defend herself. The man who took her in was an inventor and lead to her love of it. After he passed naturally, she head out on her own, making a name for herself by stealing from marines.

Abilities: She has the ability to make something useful out of almost anything, a kind of blueprint in her head when she needs it.

Weapons: She has a custom made pistol that she made when she was 13. It packs a punch but is small enough to keep hidden. The bullets are made from Seastone and has six chambers that can fire one at a time or all at once. She also uses her inventions. An example would be her goggles, which work like a magnifying glass, allowing her to aim more accurately in long distance. She also makes specialized ammunition, such as exploding rounds and electrified rounds. She also has a little robot of sorts that she made but it's more for sneaking around since it has no weapons.

Techniques: To be revealed in the story.
I wasn't planning on her having all at first anyway. I figured she'd get more as they traveled. I'll start with gun for now. Maybe she find the parts to make her robot buddy as they travel here and there.
It's near the bottom of page 1. I had to post a second one because my phone was derping at the time and wouldn't let me edit.
Oh, did you ever get the chance to look over the edits I made to Saki? I added more info about her weaponry like you'd mentioned. ^.^
@jynmi88 Its okay! Can't wait. :)
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