Avatar of grandia20
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  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 276 (0.10 / day)
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    1. grandia20 8 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Rewatching Danganronpa the Animation! I still cry every time I see Alter Ego...
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5 yrs ago
Holidays are hectic. I should be back after.
6 yrs ago
@CAS1006 I'm playing the HD collection at this very moment XD
6 yrs ago
Sorry for the delays. Holidays kept me busy and now some family stuff.
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7 yrs ago
TMW you're trying to watch your favorite movie online and internet sucks. (Summer Wars in my case)


Hello, I'm Kyle. I'm 25 and I love role-playing. Some of my favorite past times are reading, video games, watching anime, and... and... Ya, that's about it really XD Hit me up if you ever want to rp! I like every genre but Romance s a must for me, even if it's not the primary focus. I'm not so into Sci-fi or historical_(except Fuedalish Japan, I love that) but I'll do them if I like the story enough.

Most Recent Posts

@Demous Mieu!

Name: Kyysucara

Race: Demon: Therion. A race of demon that feeds on other demons to gain their strength.

Home World: Unkown.

Class: Therion

Overlord: None

Likes: Eating, a good fight

Dislikes: Going hungry, easy fights

Personality: Kyy travels to find the tastiest demons and good fights. Nothing else really matters to him. He loves a good drink and is a flirt, often getting into trouble when trying to sneak peeks at the ladies.

Sword: D
Fist: B
Spear: S
Bow: C
Axe: B
Gun: C
Staff: A

Fighting Style: Kyy relies on his speed in a fight.


Goals Align: Allies are not affected by his area attacks. Can still attack them if it's single target.

Therion Blood: Each kill he gets has a chance of boosting his attack and speed.


I'm Hungry!: Kyy grabs a target, taking a big bite to deal moderate damage and increase his own attack.

Drunken Antics: Kyy pulls out a bottle of Sake and chugs it before either boosting his own attack and counter or reducing the defence and speed of anyone surrounding him.

Legion: Kyy releases all of the power he's built up from his meals to unleash a flurry of strikes on everyone in his reach. Attack boosts on Kyy increase the number of hits but are then reset.
Kyy looked around, trying to formulate a plan. He knew he had to get free so he could help. It was then that something came to him. "Its worth a shot I guess... Nothing else I can do." He presses his hands against the man on him, taking a deep breath and concentrating. His starts using his fruit in an attempt to move something within the pirate, the man's heart starting to vibrate before starting to beat again. He then grabs some nearby rubble and hits him atop the head to try knocking him away while he keeps him alive tempararily.
What should be included in the character sheet? That way I can at least start coming up with a character.
I'd love to get in on this!
Kyy stepped back as he got a face full of dirt and debris. "So you actually had the guts to fight one on one. Now that you've shown you can be a man, I'll stop holding back." With his eyes closed, he breathes deeply, switching his stance to one where both spears were held backhand and his lead leg was actually behind the other. "First Movement: Fenrir's Bite!" He launches forward, ramming the blunt end into his gut. "Second Movement: Cerberus Strike!" He throws a one-two combo of kicks followed by an uppercut using the blunt end of his spears. "Third Movement: Amy's Claw!" Speeding himself up, he starts spinning incredibly fast, repeatedly slashing with the business end of his spears and throwing dirt and debris everywhere.
Kyy looks at the others. "Think you guys can handle them? I'll go after the runner." Without waiting for a reply, he took off after the smaller one, keeping up with ease but hiding and waiting to attack in order to see what he was up to.
Kyy arrived just in time to see the assault and join in. Running up his chest, he stops just in front of the giant's eye. "First Movement: Belial's Horn!" He slams his spears as hard as he could into the legion pirate's eye, blinding him. He quickly dashes to the other as the beast starts to fall. "Second Movement: Abbadon's Claw!" His spears tear into its other eye, finishing the job of blinding him. "He can't see, now's our chance to finish him!"
No, but you probably won't be able to come in til the next arc. This one's almost over.
Kyy nods at Abbygail. "I'll get her to safety. I'm not as powerful as Rainer so he'd be good on the offensive." He jumps to Janet's side and picks her up. "Sorry if I'm getting too handsy but I swear I'm just getting you out of harm's way." He wasn't sure if she heard him but still felt it was necessary to apologize. Once he gets her to a safe location, he rushes to give the others backup.
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