Avatar of Greatmar2
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Greatmar2
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 81 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Greatmar2 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current WordPress: greatmar.co.za Tumblr: dragon-tumbls.greatmar.co.za
9 yrs ago
I made myself a blog! greatmar.co.za
9 yrs ago
I need to think of a new status…
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9 yrs ago


Gamer, roleplayer, writer, coder and all-round dragon lover.
Find my blog here: greatmar.co.za

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by vietmyke>

*pat-pats the robot superior enough to think he is superior*

Actually, to think at all at that. VIs don't count as thinking.
<Snipped quote by Greatmar2>


*pat-pats the robot superior enough to think he is superior*

Hey, there could always be an alien invasion from another dimension that forces us to work together. :P
I am in love with Artie @Vietmyke

Can't wait to see how him and his handler work together...

I like him too. Interesting to have an AI as a character, as in almost every roleplay the characters are some organic creature. But that does make sense. Unfortunately our characters are on opposite sides of most possible conflicts. And mine is in a tight spot… XD
*robotic voice* PUNY HUMAN. YOUR TIME IS NIGH.

Yes, my time. My time to break into the world's largest chocolate vault and eat all of it, then all the chocolate in the world!!! Bwahaha! Or maybe to reveal to the world that I'm a dragon and all humans should respect me! Bwahahahahahahaha!


I'm expermenting with a "Community Post" category on my blog. I want to create somewhere where followers of the blog can write stuff and post it if they do not have their own blog. If you guys have anything, feel free to put it there. If you've published it somewhere else as well, you can provide a link to the original. It must just be you who wrote it.

Do you guys think I should add a forum feature? It won't be used for roleplays, that's better left for sites with massive communities like this one, but it could be used for other stuff. XD
I wonder what would happen if I shouted "This statement is not true!"? XD
Stack overflow error! Or something of that sort.

Anyways, I've made my blog presentable. Here it is: greatmar.co.za!
"Citizen 4561-2407-9485, Renat Emlyn. You are under arrest. Do not resist."

They should really program these VIs to take into account things such as human annoyance, Renat thought as he panted, hearing the same message again.

"The human body has a minimum reaction time of .11 seconds, and a maximum theoritical speed of 65 Kilometers Per Hour. Taking into account the reaction time of the X3 and X4 models, as well as the 2000 meters per second velocity of the round fired from the ACR-10, I estimate your chances of avoiding my weapon at 0 percent."

Since when did VIs gloat? And what is an X4? I haven't heard of that model before.

"Do not resist, and you shall not be harmed."

"Ok, I get it. I've surrendered," he snapped at the robot before stopping himself, secretly thankful that VIs were not very good at human behaviour or tone recognition. He noticed an X3 approaching from behind with cuffs. Stun cuffs? I heard they were not as bad as they sound, just enough to keep you rather uncomfortable. Though I still don't fancy trying them on. Renat continued talking in a calmer tone - despite that the VI still probably didn't understand half of what he said, he still needed to try. "I've surrendered and am not resisting. Stun cuffs hurt, that means I would be harmed - which you said I wouldn't be if I don't resist. And could you please tell me why I am being arrested? I have not done anything wrong and was never planning to." He was pretty indignant at the current situation. Sure, they had probably somehow figured out he had powers, but he hadn't caused a threat to anyone. Nor displayed his power to anyone - only telling his parents and friends. He didn't need or want to be another story shoved under the carpet wherever the 'freaks' go.
<Snipped quote by Greatmar2>

Bear in mind @Vietmyke is doing finals right now.

Ah, ok. I have exams coming in a couple weeks too, but mid-year ones. My finals are in September... *cries out of dread and anticipation*

Best of luck, Myke!
I still need Myke to reply to the PM thingy. :P

I'm making a blog for myself! If you guys want, I will send the link to it once I actually have some stuff on it. Will be mostly writing. I'll also put on links to websites I make, downloads for programs I made, and other stuff as I see fit. ^^
Ok. It was a pretty bad idea to check back at the park... D;
Thanks for the post, @vietmyke. Quick comment, it would have taken some time for Renat to do a large arc around the park, I am unsure how long the target data downloading process would have taken, but I do not think as long as it would have for Renat to go around. If you want, you can leave the post is and I'll continue with it like that when I post, or you can edit your post to include what Artie would have been doing in those several minutes, whether he was standing in the park doing his thing, or actively searching for Renat.
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