Avatar of Grin
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 50 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Grin 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Welp. Now that I'm on winter vacation I can go ahead and start writing again!! Yay! Hopefully I can get that and commissions done!


Hello! welcome to my profile. What levels of boredom brought you to this little tiny pixel on the internet? Either way..IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING:

I am a woman of many hobbies and writing is one of them. I'm not SUPER active like a ton of well devoted people are on here but I most certainly love to write. Also, as an extrovert, I love to communicate with other people. Writing and community, what a lovely combination!

As for my other hobbies I am a gamer at heart, my mind is consistently thinking of funny anime shit and my soul has been sold to get me magic the gathering cards. It was a great idea at the time...I think.

As well as my hobbies there is my main source of life and that's through my friends, school, and my artwork. I've hidden a Horcrux in each of them. shh. Either way if you are looking at this profile you are either already acquainted with me or are going to be in some way! or maybe you're just some fucking random person but hello to you to then! I hope to work well with everyone on here and write something fantastically amusing. Till then I'll probably be doing something and keeping busy. Carry on!

Most Recent Posts

Storm Clouds

Grin, TheMerlinHawk

Day 1, Morning

Christian, Raven

Christian smiled out the window before using his will to close the door of his office. “Archive tell Raven to head to the top of the Tower. With that Christian got a running start and dove through the window as he passed through it his body rippled and he grew in size to his dragon form in one fell motion. Massive wings beat as he pushed himself through the air towards the top of the tower.

Grey clouds swirled in the air above the tower as he reached out and warped reality into a dimensional bubble in the air above the tower preventing magic and force from escaping it as well as matter. Giving it a flat glass surface as well as adjusting the gravity along the walls of the bubble and adding smoke glass geometric architecture to climb and hide within as he rose towards the bubble. If raven hurried she could catch him on the way towards the bubble.


The musical sounds of water hitting pavement trickled in the air as Raven’s footsteps tapped against the pavement. She chuckled a little. “He couldn’t ask me in person, could he?” And with that she licks her fingers before running them through her platinum locks of blonde hair. The woman inhaled, then disappeared from existence.

Christian’s Dragon form surged up past the edge of the tower in one fluid motion. Come on my beloved I have a surprise for you The voice resonated in Raven’s head as Christian heaved himself up onto the edge of the tower before standing on his back legs and beating his wings once to stabilize himself.

There was a sound, a holding of breath to prevent laughter. Already Here. Beyond the edge of the tower was the woman in question, standing boots first on the side of the building, arms crossed. Her hair stayed obedient to gravity, however, falling at a 90 degree angle from her horizontal silhouette.

Christian landed on his legs and turned his body slightly so that she could climb onto the spot where his neck met his shoulders where she use to ride all of the time. I moved a dimensional bubble a ways up above the tower I thought we could play a little Christian wiggled his tail and hind legs like a cat waiting on her to climb onto his back.

Raven weakly smiled before swiftly climbing onto his neck. She sat upright, running her fingers along the familiar, yet resistant bronze scales. “Yes of course. To where are we going?” She scratched along Christian’s body.

“You’ll see” Christian’s voice rumbled like distant thunder warm against Raven’s leg as he launched himself into the dark clouds. Climbing on powerful wings that stirred storms Christian breached the clouds and hung suspended in air above a plane of dark grey glass with structures and platforms extruding from the surrounding walls as the whole structure was a ball of the grey glass through which the storm could be seen. “A play ground”
The lady calmly stepped down from Christian, cinnamon eyes collecting the stormy clouds in front of them. After a long moment they then took in the bronze of the dragon in front of her. “Play ground?”

“yes. I wish to see how your skills have progressed since we last parted” Christian shifted back into his human form. “I know you’ve been playing around with the Dark Star Sword and I’ve seen a few of your new tricks.” Christian leapt backwards and landed on one of the platforms suspended in air. “Show me what you’ve learned?”

Raven paused, her brow furrowed. “I won’t use the dark blade on you, however,” With that she leaned down a little, tossing off several layers of her jacket and armors off of her. Underneath it all she had on was a simple black tank top with white wrappings layered over her chest and stomach. Her arms, now completely exposed, had a black tattoos engraved down the left, the intricate patterns representing a sharp norse theme. The right was pure, aside from the slight mint glow strips from the hi-tech metal inside it. “I suppose I could show you a few things I’ve picked up over the centuries.” She smiled confidently. It only lasted a second, but her eyes had their old shine back in them.

Christian smiled “Oh is that so? Well then impress me.” With that Christian popped his neck and thunder ran outside the globe of glass around them. “I think you will find I’ve acquired more than a few tricks of my own my dearest Raven.”

She exhaled and a purple glow appeared around her. An ancient grin appeared on her face, one that spanned since their earliest years, then she disappeared completely.

Christian snorted and flicked his left hand out a nimbus of white light in the form of one of his claws in dragon form swiped at her ledge playfully. Even though it was easily several feet across on the palm of the talon. “You plan on just standing there?” The talon smashed through the glass she was standing on. The glass cascaded across the floor before reforming into another ledge elsewhere.

Raven’s form suddenly appeared and she stumbled and got on her knee. “Shit…” she exhaled before chuckling. Immediately after she charged at Christian, her eyes beginning to glaze over into the purple of clouds at night. The purple around her bathing her and extending the reach of her limbs.

Christian moved faster than the eye could track backwards to the wall and let loose a hail of crystal shards which exploded into electric charges which skittered across the glass. “Have you heard the new Nickname they’ve given me? Lord Shard.” Another fusillade of the crystal shards landed as he leapt again his eyes blazing with lightning. Landing with his feet on a vertical wall he grinned down at her.

Raven lay beneath and took all the hits, her body shaking a little. She looked up at him, her grin still apparent as purple blood started dripping down her forehead. A laugh gurgled out of her. Then, without any warning, Raven shattered into a million pieces of glass. A clone.

Without any delay Raven appeared on the wall vertical to him, sending black bullets straight to his chest before disappearing again.

Christian crossed his arms and projected the heart of Storms in a solid sheet of Crystal in front of him as the bullets slammed into it falling in a hail of lead to the bottom of the sphere. The shield shifted into a single bow. Christian drew and arrow and let it go. The single arrow splintered into two dozen forks of lightning which scoured the thirty degrees of the sphere in front of him before he leapt again. As he impacted the top of the sphere an ethereal draconic tail impacted the roof causing a ripple in the glass to radiate from him as he drew the six and seven of sparks from the deck of storms and unleashed thirteen bolts of lightning straight down the length of the sphere.

There was a crack of the lightning, as if it struck something, then the sight of more shattered glass appeared to the far left of Christian. Suddenly Raven appeared behind him and reared for a roundhouse kick to the head. There was dark energy in her leg, and it swirled and spiraled like a purple singularity at the sole of her boot.

Christian dropped and whipped out with his tail aiming for her base leg as he twisted his legs around in a flurry of hind leg claws aimed at her body. Ethereal wings swiping the air around his human form. Christian smiled as he began to warm to the fight a little.

As Raven fell she felt the connection of part of the tail hitting her body, her hands collecting in a symbol directly under her chin. She shattered again, the faint sound of coughing echoing in the air as she suddenly appeared behind him and used the momentum of her kick to connect knuckles with his shoulder, the energy from her leg popping out her bone and connecting to the glass underneath them, swallowing a huge diameter of it and creating a spiderweb of cracks across the entirety of the bubble.

Christian yelped in surprise more than pain before he simply changed full scale into his dragon from sweeping wings and tail in a circle to clear Raven from the area around him before he shifted back to human form. The Four of Gales appeared in his right hand as he swept it to the side causing a set of four tornadoes which spiraled outwards from him in a circle.

Raven reeled back, her legs buckling as she got sucked back into the tornados. Alright, play that way. He felt her subconscious wink at him. Inside the tornado she let some of the shards of glass cut into her skin and the wind rapidly attack the strands in her hair, giving it a wild look. There was an unsettling noise, like wind being ripped apart, before the tornadoes collapsed into nothing, leaving Raven there with wild eyes and her arms crossed. The shadow energy around her created dark wings that spanned about as large as Christian’s dragon wings.

“Hey now” Christian roared and shifted into his dragon form as the deck of storms began sticking to his skin, transforming everything the cards stuck to into storm clouds, translucent scales and lightning. “Two can play like that” Christian smiled in his dragon form at her.

Raven pouted a little.

Christian gave her a sad dragon face in response.

She looked at his dragon form up and down. “One too many cookies?”

Christian turned and looked down his side. “Nooo. I’ve been building a tower for a millennium and a half. For the record half that darn thing I personally built. Dragons just get...bigger. As we age. No fair making fun of me for being bigger. I’m not fat” Christian looked back at her and frowned sticking his nose in her face and snorting.

“I saw the cookie jar in your quarters, no need to hide it.” Her pout turned into a collapsing smile, threatening laughter. “And the brownie jar, and the dog treat jar--”

Christian nosed her with enough force to spin her in the air, “I built a tower, you brought home a ship. I deserved those cookies.”

Raven couldn’t hold it any longer. She broke into an unusual fit of laughter. Her eyes wrinkling a little from the huge toothy grin on her face. She hadn’t smiled like that in a while. “After centuries of learning martial arts, tech, and the shadow’s ways I come home to my lonely little dragon.” She rubbed his nose and hugged it.

Christian stood on hind legs and placed his two large claws over his nose to hold her to it. “Yes. Lonely.” Christian reverted to the slow halting syntax he’d used when Raven and he had first met. Not out of nostalgia but out of familiarity. “Please stay”

He felt her nod against it. “Bring me to your belly? the boogers in your snout are threatening me..”

Christian plucked her from his nose and curled around her tucking her against his stomach and curling his whole body around her as the cards peeled off his scales leaving him a rather large bronze drake as the sphere compressed and the card glass became softer and he lay curled around her in the middle of the dark storm clouds. “Better” his voice rumbled against the already threatening sky.

Raven pressed her cheek against his soft belly. “I haven’t fought with my full potential in such a long time, my body still rejects me from using anything beyond what I should. It’s like gears rusted over.”

Shifting around her Christian settled. “I’m worried that the new generation of Knights won’t be okay without me fighting alongside them. But I know it’s time to step down. Maybe you and I should retire now that you’re home.”

Raven frowned. “Perhaps some day, but in this day and age there is still so much to live for and help with.” The woman hesitated. “I haven’t used my divine form in almost six hundred years.”

Christian huffed. “I know how you feel. But it just feels like if I could find someone to take over a little more I might be able to step back. The Avatars of Metal and Sand haven’t been seen in 600 years. I’m one of the only ones with a public face and It gets me in a lot of trouble. It’s been tough here without you.”

Raven tensed up a little. “It’s been hard, watching my crewmates grow up and die for me, out of age, disease, or battle…”

“You know I took in a kid who has grown into my Master of Blade, a little girl of a Shadow Elementalist who is the second in line for a position as an Avatar of Shadow and the newest True Fae Akime. All of which have cost me more in the last 800 years than the previous thousand years ever did.” Christian wiggles some more. “And I found a Master of Word who seems intent on outliving me”

Raven’s posture suddenly filled with slight solitude. “Right….Dragons pass eventually…”

Christian rumbled. “Not this Dragon. I’ll leave the rest of my lengthy lifespan. AFTER I stop being the Avatar of Storms. IF that ever happens. Which by the looks of things I’m approaching a critical mass in terms of magic and experience that not much can trump. Especially with almost all the God Weapons accounted for.”

Lady Marrowblade laid back as she played a little with the dark energy swarming her. “Grandma wants me to fully utilize my divine form before she steps down from the moonless night position..but I’ve been ignoring her.” Her face hardened.

Christian Snorted before squeezing her. “You’ll live forever on your own right? Do you want to be a Goddess? I wouldn’t want my dad’s job but I mean if you want to be a Goddess I guess I can take over the family business.”

Raven’s expression remained the same. “It’s not that.” her eyes grew cloudy with melancholy. “I still can’t fully control all of my power. It’s….wreaked chaos to everything around me..I’ve tried, but it’s too dangerous. So I’ve been refusing.” She looked at Christian with sad eyes. “I’ve slaughtered the entirety of one of my crews before. Accidentally.” It was almost as if tears threatened her stare. “I had to clean everything up afterwards..alone.”

Christian peered over the edge of his belly at her. “The first time I used the Ace of Storms the way it was meant to be used I wiped out an entire city while I was fighting a Devil Lord. It brought down a mountain on top of the city I was trying to defend. When I sent the Devil back to the abyss I turned around and walked away. I never once looked back on the city. If you really want to learn control the tower is built like nothing else in this world. It will be safe here. You will be safe here”

Raven frowned. “Okay.” She didn’t sound convinced, but her tone suggested a change in conversation. “Let's talk a little bit more before going back to our duties, I’ve missed this.”

Christian rolled over and took Raven with him clutching her to his tummy as he rocked back and forth on his back before flopping over onto his right side. “So Marielle. Where did you find her. That child has more sass than you the first day you stepped off the boat and a mouth to go with it.”

Raven chuckled. “Reminds you of someone, huh? She’s like a contemporary version of my younger years. I couldn’t help but take her in.” She smiled wryly. “Her backstory, however..” Her smile suddenly dissolved. “That’s where things get tricky…”

and @kingfisher continuing with what Merlin said, perhaps you can PM me and discuss what you'd want for your character? I have a couple of ideas to make your character a pirate captain relevant to Blackwing, since there are many smaller component ships attached to it (All about the size of the ship from the movie Sinbad.) Which are legitimate ships you could possibly own as your own. Just a thought. :)
@Tracyarmav I'd love to do a collab with your character, sorry for the delayed response things have been super super crazy at home. :)


Day 1, Morning

Marielle, Raven

Darkness is silent, patient, like a sly handsome man..

Marielle could use an attractive distraction right now. Something alluring, fascinating, breathtaking. Instead she had to stare at an old wooden door, crystal eyes drooping. The girl used the nearby wall in the wide corridor as a temporary bed, attempting to get a few minutes of rest to pass the time. Perhaps then she would dream of something interesting. The image of a man, a familiar man with chestnut hair and a smile like warm lanterns at night time seeps into her mind like dripping paint. Her mouth twitched in the faintest of smiles before the sight rips into something not so warm. A woman with blonde hair and a pirate cap, and though her one eye was red, it was cold as newly melted ice. Marielle didn’t even try to fix her posture, just slightly opening her eyes at the woman to show her mild annoyance at the disruption.

“About damn time.” Marielle smoldered.

Raven said nothing, she just glanced at the girl, then walked further from the massive twenty-foot door from her quarters. She didn’t have to say anything to have Marielle understand to follow her, just a small gesture of her hand.

Marielle half followed, half stalked. Lady Marrowblade was her prey for a good time, for any kind of task she got was through her, and as much as the strange girl would hate to admit it, she was out of options. Raven noted Marielle’s dismay, and she frowned slightly.

“What troubles you, child?” The pirate queen’s smoothly cut voice had a string of concern laced into it.

Marielle didn’t have to think twice before she spat out her answer.

“Everything is just so fucking boring! I want a real mission, not knock off bullshit chores. Can’t you give me something else to do other than wiping your ass all the time?!”

Raven sighed, then turned to face Marielle as the duo reached the afterdeck on blackwing. No sooner than Raven’s look of discontent had crossed her features it was replaced with one of patient amusement.

“I need you to grab me the files for the most recent autopsy reports and death investigations in the last few months. It should be a building in the ToS that’s being guarded by a fae named Zachary Crow.”

Marielle was in the process of groaning as Raven held up her hand slightly.

“Then, when you’re done, I have a mission for you.” Her eye glowed like a cold flame.

Marielle’s blue stare flecked with curiosity. “Huh?”

Finally, under the shadow of the sail, Lady Marrowblade grinned like a Dark God.

“Tell me, what’s your opinion on pissing off Law Enforcement?”



Grin, themerlinhawk

Day 1, morning

Marielle, Zachary Crowe

“Holy fuck, it smells like shit in here.”

The sound of a rather surprised woman blasts into the room, the crack of a door slamming soon following. Any living being would be able to recognize that voice anywhere. In fact, if you didn’t recognize the voice you will soon learn to.

Zachary sat perched on a stool observing a flayed corpse he’d had the med bots open up for an autopsy. “..subject has internal trauma to the liver-” He cut off and turned to look over his shoulder at the noise from the entry way. “If you die because you walked out of here with some sort of virus stuck to your boots because you didn’t put on protective gear i’m going to stick your soul in a jar.”

“Is that a threat or did your balls just get cramped up?” Marielle scowled and leaned over to the side, carefully staring at Crow’s current project. “I’d bet it was the latter. Since I interrupted you playing with your...fetish.”

“Hey why don’t you go play in the crematorium, I’ll even turn it on for you.” Crow leaned over and sniffed her. “And I’m not sure why you’re talking about smells.” Crow gave her a smug look. “It’s not a fetish it’s a fascination. Perhaps you’d like to get you choice of words correct.” He continued to survey the corpse.

As if it were normal conversation Marielle stood beside him to observe what he seemed to be looking at. “How did this dumbass die?” She was tempted to poke it with some kind of stick but held back the urge. “Oh, and before you get any ideas dipshit I came here to get some information for the old bitch. She wants some records on the dead or some stupid thing like that.” Her eyes didn’t wander from the corpse.

“Cardiac arrest due to Internal trauma to the major glandular organs due to an unknown cause.” Zachary swiveled towards her. “Shard wanted the autopsy done as soon as possible. What did Lady Marrowblade want? I have case files or did she want the autopsy report for this particular case?”

Marielle’s fingers found her chin, rubbing the pale skin as she recalled her current task. “Just case files I think. I don’t get the old hag sometimes, but hey, she gave me some cool new shit so might as well do somethin’ about it.” Her eyes finally met Zachary’s, and as she stared an observant pout found her lips. “What the fuck is wrong with your face? It looks like a raisin.”

Zachary did something truly strange. Reaching up he grabbed his face and peeled the skin off of it to reveal an alien beautiful face of a man in his late twenties. The features were so stunningly beautiful that it hurt to look straight on at Zachary. “My real face is a bit harder to use since it tends to make people go slightly crazy. Something to do with being Fae.” Zachary rubbed his face and it returned to normal. With that he swiveled his chair around. “Oh hey check this out.” Zachary waved his hand and a keyboard of energy appeared in the air. “Archive, pull the case files for the last two years. Highlight unusual cases and order by case number, unusual cases leading followed by the other case files.” He turned and grinned. “Watch this.” A being made of coding rose from the floor “Files pulled. Write to a medium?” Zachary turned “What shall I have Archive write the files to?”

Marielle’s eyes widened in admiration. “Here, use this for the files,” The girl held out her hand and a purple energy oozed around it. If Zachary stared long enough he could see that the same energy also glowed from the inside of her outlandish magician’s cap, hanging behind her head from a small glowing string around her neck. Before time could follow the will evaporated into a gas, and when it subsided a small rectangular piece of glass took up the space in Marielle’s palm. Before the Fae could react Marielle jammed the device into his grip, then crossed her arms impatiently. “Don’t keep me waiting..Raisin face.” She grinned at his new nickname, showing her perfect white teeth. They almost seemed fake when she revealed them behind the seal that was her pink lips. “Doesn’t matter what you have underneath, the outside still looks like shit to me.” The thought of the perfectly shaped face crossed her mind again absently before she brushed it off.

Zachary turned back around in the chair “That’s Croweater to you, brainless”. Zachary held his hand out to the Archive “Write to medium”. The Archive touched the piece of glass and blue, red and green lines etched themselves through the glass before the Archive removed its hand. “Write complete, do you have any other tasks?” Zachary smiled, he loved this thing it had made his life so much easier since he’d discovered it. “Tasks complete” The Archive dissolved into the floor; Zachary spun back around and tucked the piece of glass under the strap of Marielle’s suspenders calmly as her arms were crossed. “Will that be all? Or did you have something else you needed. I’d happily let you play in the crematorium.” Turning back to the cadaver on the table he added “Or have vulture chase you out of here.”

Marielle slowly grinned with ominous madness, re-securing the hold on her gloves. “Play with fire and you’ll surely get burned. If I play with fire, the result is the same.” She took the glass harddrive out of the strap and put it in-between those disturbingly white teeth. The girl leaned in closely to Zachary, the two completely different faces mere inches away from each other. Her sick humor wanted to gauge some sort of reaction for her own pleasure.

“Your sorry ass will be handed to you.”

With that she chuckled hoarsely and spit the glass out of her mouth off to the side, the result having it evaporate back into purple smoke for her hat to snack on. Marielle leaned back slightly but kept her smug posture, leaning on a nearby wall. “Got any other bright ideas on how to get your precious place burned to the ground?”

Zachary leaned in closer so that Marielle could smell his breath. It smelled of burning cedar and strange incense. “Please, there are those that fear death and those that are death.” His face split into a grin “I have fire that will burn even you darling so best not to prod the croweater. You might get burned”. Zachary twisted his head and looked at her face slowly. “Anything else you needed?” His eyes snapped back to hers.

Marielle wasn’t phased. She just stood and contemplated his question for a moment. “Nah, I don’t see anything that I need.” She stated, looking him straight in the face. With that she turned on her heel and prepared to walk out the door, her heels making gentle claps on the ground.

“There are also those who don’t give a shit.”

And Marielle Spade left the building, task completed.

Okay guys! so new edit to the IC posting. Be sure that underneath the in-game date of the post you also mention which characters are present in the post. Like so:


name of authors

Day #, Time of Day

Character example 1, Character example 2

There's no need to use color, I just used it to help show the change. Thank you and happy posting! :)
To Set Sail


3615 ATF..An older year of Galendar.


The sounds of blades shredding wind, just skimming over pink lips and gold hair. Hot breath fogged the steel from those lips. A caress from a shadow, a kiss from the darkness. Her game, small lights in the dark like teeth in a silent grin. The game of swords, the thrill, the fight. Waves crashing over your boat in the sea. They spit on your skin just as she would. The wind tears down your sail, sending a rip straight through it. Her rapiers.


She toys with a small blade, flipping it into her fingers. The woman rests on firm wood around the bulwarks of the bridge of blackwing, hat pulled over her eyes, one arm resting behind her long locks of blonde hair. Boots hitting the flooring of the ship sounded like drums, and like a shadow carefully stalking its master the lass looked up from her daydreaming state, revealing those scarlet eyes that glistened without the need of light.

“Captain…” A males voice filled with breathless shock stings the air around the unspoken company.

“It’s good to see you again.” Her voice was like water gliding on rosepetals.

“tell the crew it’s time.”

And like the fingers of a lover slipping down skin, blackwing vanished from the stygian port.
If anyone wants to Join Marielle actually breaking her out she'd be down for that. :)
Sorry for the double post, but I'm super excited for the Roleplay. Sorry I haven't been really involved in the OOC posts guys, life has been crazy busy. Can't wait to see all of your characters shine so brightly in this RP :) you have all been very patient and awesome, and I thank each and every one of you. Let's all have fun and kick some Stygian ass! >:)
@vietmyke Irving is freaking awesome. I love it!
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