Avatar of Habibi359
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 200 (0.06 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Habibi359 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Little bit of work, little bit of studies, little bit of hobbies. Things are going quite decently indeed
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7 yrs ago
All the burden on my shoulders has been put aside for now, and when I have to pick them up again, I take it happily as this time I have someone to help me.
8 yrs ago
I finally participated in writing contest. Naturally, I lost. But I enjoyed it a great deal. In other news, soon a bachelor.
8 yrs ago
Soon it's summer and soon I'm enjoying holidays.


They called me Habibi when I played World of Warcraft. I enjoyed the nickname.

I also enjoyed playing it. Reading the lore, raiding, eventually playing in RP-servers and making quite many stories there. From there my interest to roleplaying rose. I tried forum RP:s, Larps, dungeons and dragons... And eventually I found myself here.

I enjoy playing characters and wondering how different people and characters see the world, why they think like they do, how they would do their relationships. I enjoy telling stories and wondering things from different perspectives. Moral issues from black to white and every shade of grey between them. Wondering religious, philosophical and ethical things. Trying to understand one's culture and background. Trying to understand others from the point of view of my characters.

As for what else I do? I'm studying physics in Finland. Going to specialize in material physics. I also dance. Like, a lot. Ballroom dancing, historical dancing, Charleston, Swing dances... I love the way of expressing myself through music. A hobby of mine that I'd love to do bit more professionally.

Most Recent Posts

Alright, I'll make a post by tomorrow (Sunday) evening.
Happy midsummer to you lot!
The hit that Marcus received came out of nowhere. He had been careless. He thought that this being would have faltered or cried out pain, like those he used to rob year ago. First blow bringing them down in pain, crying, begging him to stop. Not this being. It didn’t care, didn’t feel pain, only got more angry. So when his second hit was to come down, the hand had came surprisingly fast – and hard. Like a sledge hammer, he thought, before his back hit the cots. It fell along with a screaming patient on the floor and Marcus was next to them on the floor

Pain didn’t bother him too much. He wondered if he was about to die. Bones broken in his chest and his body was numbing down the feeling, preparing to die. Then he thought that it was the being that had done this. And he felt the urge. The being was fighting back, but it was wounded, crippled, unbalanced. He’d slaughter him.

Marcus stood up, gritted his teeth. The fellow sickly man - no, a warrior- was safe from being’s wrath. “I have this! Get the beast!” He yelled. If the beast was to surprise them, they would be in trouble.

Marcus ran towards the being, cane tightly in his right hand. At the end he made a swing from left to right, aimed at the being’s right arm or side, whichever it’d hit.
Post sent. My wits weren't with me two days ago (reply came after a LARP) and I see that could have written something after all two days ago.

Anyway, I can post next time on Wednesday (perhaps Tuesday but I expect I'm exhausted then, too).
Marcus had barely time to feel the cae in his hand – Moderate weight, well balanced – when the door crashed. In came something from the stories that the streets had. Not a hound, not a man, but something between dressed in clothes too small to it, seams ripped at shoulders. Formidable both in its size and strength, as it had kicked the door in. There was no cut any longer in it’s other arm where the spear had pierced it and cut it when it pulled itself together. The beast wielded Marcus’s sword and a meat cleaver. However bad it seemed, it was still Marcus and the sickly man next to him still standing. Also, the order “Hurt” suggested beast couldn’t go full against the both, which would give the two an edge.

Marcus glanced to his right. His ally stomped surely on the ground, echoing that he was ready for battle. Marcus nodded and prepared to fight. He prepared to lunge. He felt the thrill… a challenge… A prey in front of him... A thought alien to him, once again the mysterious urge was trying to control him. Marcus flinched back realizing the loss of control and focused. This cost him time which they didn’t have at the moment and the distraction that his ally had given to him.

His ears sharpened. He heard the bell ring once again. Suddenly the being underneath him, ‘Echo’ as he had someone call it, flashed again red. Marcus glanced down- The leg was whole, so was it’s head, and as quickly as it had healed itself, it had risen. A sudden realization came to him. They were not safe as long as…

“The Bell! We have to get there!” He said to his ally, hoping he had his wits still with him. He swang his arm to right side quickly, changed the grip so that his hand was just underneath the handle, and swung to being’s head with cane's other end. Once, or three times if he had the time. They had to deal the Echo before the beast would be upon them.
Hmmm... My post would come this on Thursday, bit late I think, and wouldn't hold inside too much anything interesting, so I'd say I'll post after you @Dark Jack.

Also I'll be away from Friday to Tuesday, so I'll write a response on Thursday.
Marcus fell to his right shoulder after his attach, but kept his sight on the beast. He watched in amazement the summoned demon’s actions. No matter the shattered leg, it still kept on fighting on. Pain should have been unbearable and stability lost, but it was not offended by such actions.

As he rose up, he was more amazed by the actions of the sickly man. He saw him land after taking leap backwards and could swear he saw, for a mere second, a grin, a thrill, eye glaring like determined to see the beast dead. A whimper from the beast, as to say “I missed? How?” as the sickly man made a dash forward and brought his sword down on the beast’s head. Beast let out another noise, this time a screech inhuman that Marcus felt like his heart would freeze. So inhuman, so unlike anything he had ever heard, voice from his nightmares and beyond.

And then the demon fell silent. Limp. And fell down. Marcus stood there for a second, amazed. Then he remembered. “The door… Door!” He yelled as a warning to the sickly man, and turned around. He looked at the door, then at the sickly man. His comrade had gotten a strike, Marcus was afraid if he was alive any longer. But he didn’t have time to go and take care of him.

His rifle was not good enough a weapon, he was afraid that the stock would loosen up and gun break or the barrel would bend. He took a look at the cane that the beast had. It had made an impressive mark on the floor with the attack he had done and it seemed to be of high quality, hopefully not hollow as the rifle. In normal situation he would have rushed to grab a sword or an axe to hack the beast and the bell ringer. But he couldn’t trust that he had time to do so, leaving the sickly man alone against the enemies on the other side. Rifle on his left hand, he reached to grab the weapon from the screeching demon...
I can write something on Thursday, Marcus needs better weapon ^-^
Well then! I introduce this old character of mine with new story to tell.

Now that you put it that way, I start to have second thoughts. After reading the description of the attack, I saw in my mind's eye that it would leap in front of Arctucus arms preparing to strike and after landing in front of him it'd swing it's arms. But if instead swing's already on the way while leaping, I'd say Marcus aims the right knee instead as mad one's head might be out of reach.

Is this change in action agreeable?
Marcus never got the weapon. The being despite it’s rage hesitated, looked it’s surroundings. Being was between him and the rest of the… patients. Throwing a weapon or other sudden movement would perhaps provoke it. Perhaps that’s what they were afraid of. Marcus cursed.

His comrade made an effort though. He took a firm stance, few running steps and came behind the sick man. Everything was sudden after that. He heard the spear hit the chest. He saw the being grip it’s cane firmly and swing it with such a force that his companion actually flew backwards. Behind them cots and patients were hit by this cannonball of meat and patients, cots and such fell on the floor. The Beast’s cane itself was, surprisingly, still intact.

Being’s scarred body, or rather it’s scars, started to glow red and purple. Arms, legs and chest and head. Everything. Marcus knew nothing of arcana or these beings, so this could mean anything dangerous. He couldn’t take steps backwards due to door and the beast’s waiting, ready to grab him and thrust it’s claw through his chest. But the glowing being was turned backwards towards Marcus. so he took a solid grip with his two hands from the barrel of the rifle. He had no sword nor bullet. A sneak attack wouldn’t be effective, but he had to try.

As he lunged to action, beast too lunged towards the sick man. He was armed with weapons, but beast made attack from both sides with the wild movements. Marcus roared and while dashing pulled his rifle high. He swung down, rifle’s stock acting like a hammer, aimed to the beast’s right knee. To harm it, to distract the being, to make it's landing unsuccessful. He was prepared to strike the being again if the hit was successful.
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