Avatar of Higanbana
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 81 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. Higanbana 3 yrs ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Alright I can safely assume my rp's are in the grave again after the holidays. Welp, back to square one WHO WANTS TO DO A BLEACH OR ONE PIECE 1x1?!
2 yrs ago
Cause getting made you want more, and hoping made you hurt more; Oh there must be, something wrong with me.
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2 yrs ago
There's nothing you or I could do, so let the stars fall. 'Cause from up here, the sky's my thoughts and we're all so small, we're all sooo....
2 yrs ago
Ok waiting for replies is going slow today so I'm working on a 1x1 interest check list that may or may not have a maid rp involved. I'M SO BORED RN!
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2 yrs ago
Keioko Nobumoto… See you space cowboy…


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Hello hello, and welcome!
In Hello 4 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the guild!
You can call me Nim or whatever variation of this username floats your boat.

You can't tell me what to do! I shall call you boLim, and it'll be odd!


Welcome to the guild, hope you have fun here with us.

Welcome back friend!

Welcome to the guild!
Damn you amazon prime with your bullshit subscription based pay walls!

Oh wow Celeste, you know way more about Yuki Yuna than I do, really put me into a research frenzy and I need an English translation Nogi Wakaba stat! I was so disappointed when I finished the show cause I thought that was all there was, to me it felt like another dark magical girl anime where it explored the same kind of depth as Madoka did but with a little less
(Which I loved because all of the drama was focused more on the consequences of being caught in a lie you didn't sign up for and the mental strain it put on the girls.)

Also I thought it was the coolest thing in the beginning that there was a magical girl in a wheelchair that tied into her actual costume and power design. Though her friend in the hospital always hit me pretty hard, and thanks to knowing now that they expanded the lore in japan I also feel very sad to find out the circumstances that lead to that being the case as well. I would love to see that adventure prequel animated now, as well as Nogi Wakaba.

@Allycat Wow that's a lot of anime experience you have there! I like magical girl anime when it's got a strong narrative to it, but I must admit I don't have that much experience with the genre by comparison. I would definitely miss quite a bit if I was trying to list them all off but following suit my experiences are mostly confined to Sailor Moon, Prisma Illya, Madoka Magica (and spin offs), Card Captor Sakura, Yuki Yuna is a Hero!, and of course Pretty Cure. Not sure which season it was but me and my sister watched a dubbed version of Pretty Cure where they 4kids'd the hell out of it and changed everything to the point it was stupidly hilarious. The american one was called "Glitter Force" and we watched it on taco nights because it was pretty ridiculous. And if you want to consider indirect transformation animes as part inspirations, Kill La Kill is freakin awesome and I'll love it forever, Panty and Stocking is a pretty good one about (not so) magical girls, and who can forget the long time magical girl anime classic, Dragon Ball Z.

Next post is up, anyone feel free to jump in and help Kori not do an un-alive.

Looking forward to the rest of our adventure! Still brainstorming a better name than shadow beast... Open for suggestions cause it's delaying my big lore dump on the categorization system for them. I'm that kind of guy that gets pretty hung up on creative names.... Yeah.... It's a problem.

Welp to keep things nice and lively here in the OOC, who wants to talk about magical girl stuff?

I would love to hear your influences and what your favorite magical girl pieces of media are! For me, I was inspired to make the RP partly from Puella Magi Madoka Magica while I was pondering the concept that the character Mami was heavily underused in the main story but served a functional purpose to teach the new magical girl candidates the ropes of being a full fledged magical girl. Then I took in a few elements from shows such as the classic Sailor Moon and the Pretty Cure franchise and decided on this little tribute to a classic piece of anime media.

For my characters though, I pulled inspiration from my favorite show in the magical girl genre, "Yuki Yuna Is a Hero!" where they were stylized in their uniforms in various different ways and no one magical girl was really the same.

Who knows maybe later on we can have cool final form transformations or something like that since I loved the "Mankai" forms in that show that kind of set their powers into overdrive.

Let's talk! I'd love to get to know you all a little better!

Kori stared at the whistle as she walked out towards the school gate. It was so tempting.... She hadn't done anything but carry it around since that day it appeared in her hand after her little adventure. Her father always told her not to play with things she found in the street after all. He was always so stern about it to, and the things he told her always stuck in her head.

"You never know where they could have been before you picked them up. And some of things like that can make you really sick too."

That's what he would say to discourage her from picking up garbage and random objects that were sitting around on the sidewalk. She most certainly didn't want to be sick. Kori recalled a time when she was ten and had to miss three days of school because she had a nasty case of the flu that forced her to be bedridden the whole time. That was awful, her head was pounding and just her breathing caused her to cough in a painful way. She never wanted to feel like that again surely....

But something about the whistle looked just so... fun! It was just a whistle but there was something in her head for days now pushing her to blow into it. It was so shiny and it was made out of real metal, she never had a whistle before but she did hear Mr.Malone the gym teacher blow into his whistle every chance he got to. He always looked like he was having fun! Maybe she would give it a toot, just to get it out of her system.

NO! No no no! Back in elementary they taught the class the importance of not blowing whistles willy nilly just because you can! Whistles are important tools to get people's attention, and if you run around blowing whistles as loud as you possibly can people will think that there's some kind of emergency! People thinking that there's an emergency when there isn't one is bad! Right, so it was decided; she was not going to-

Before she knew it, she blew the whistle loudly in the middle of the street after exiting the school grounds.

...A sudden sharp jolt shook through the bus, making Kori very abruptly yelp out as she clenched the pole designed to assist her in keeping her balance. She was already nervous enough with everyone staring at her, and it didn't help that she was such a shy girl. The murmurs and whispers were the only other sounds in the bus besides the clanging metal of the under the bus that shook with every single bump in the road. She rested her forehead onto the pole making the light green locks fall into her view as she stared at the poofy black dress adorned with bright fresh flowers and black high heels.

"Wow, isn't she kinda young for modeling?"
"No no they're getting younger and younger these days."
"Well maybe it's just a cosplay?"
"I mean it would explain the trumpet..."
"Is there some kind of event in town?"

With that little whisper her face flushed just a bit after drifting over to her large instrumental horn. Her father was right you shouldn't play with things you find in the streets or magically appear in the palm of your hand in the forest. But how was she supposed to know that the whistle was going to turn her hair green, and change her clothes, and turn into a big cumbersome brass horn? Carrying it around was tough when she also had to carry her carrying bag with her, especially when it weighed like a million pounds! Stupid magic whistle... And these heels were making it hard to keep her balance, she never wore anything like them before....

"But she looks so cute though, do you think we can get a picture?"

She heard the one of the gossipers whisper it to a friend. Kori's face turned bright red for a moment, and she turned her head towards the back of the bus to hide her embarrassment. Though as she calmed down for a moment a little smile did sneak across her face. Nobody ever called her cute before... Well, nobody that she knew of besides her father. Wait, how was she going to explain her green hair to her father?! What about her school uniform he'd never believe that a whistle magically replaced her school clothes with all this expensive clothing! He was going to think she'd been doing something nefarious and then--

Suddenly a loud piercing shriek echoed through the night so loudly it took her right out of her train of thought. Kori looked around at the other bus patrons, all still gossiping about the odd girl in the black fluffy dress. "Wait... Did nobody else..." she muttered to herself before sharply pulling on the cord to signal a stop. As the bus began to gradually slow and came to a long stop that carried a bit of the momentum with it, Kori clenched the pole so she wouldn't fall over. Without a minute more hesitation, she lifted her large brass horn and ran off the bus.

Before jumping back on for a moment to give a light bow in the direction of the bus driver, "U-um, thank you for the ride!" And with that she hopped off the bus and began to move as quickly as she could without falling down in a direction she felt she needed to go in....

From the two new attendees' perspectives, this large creature looked as if it were fuming black smoke off of the back of it. The deep black shades of it's body shifted in an unsettling and unnatural way before silently sprouting two large hulking forearms from it's upper mass, two stubby legs that seemed to hunch from it's lower mass, and a large thick tail figure from between the new legs. As it manifested it's fully mobile functional form, it didn't break it's sight away from the terrified man and it's large mouth full of jagged white teeth began to widen as if it were going to let out another roar.

The man cowered and cried out as the beast proceeded to shriek once again, which shifted into a garbled jumble of noises as it raised it's hulking ape like arms into the air. The Man quickly stood to his feet and attempted to flee towards the back door, but soon slipped and fell onto some of the glass shards from the windows as a large tremor was sent through the tiling along with a loud crashing noise. Outside, the girls saw the beast swiftly lift into a hulking twelve foot tall figure and begin wailing onto the store front as it let out bestial roars. It's arms came down on the building and the edge of the windowsills, tearing away the cement from the walls as well as flinging scraps of sharp metal into the glass covered road way.

It was on a rampage, tearing into the store itself in an attempt to wedge further in to capture the terrified Owner. The Man let out a terrified scream as he scooted across the floor away from this monster before calling out.

"SOMEONE! ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME! HEL-" His words were cut off by his own weeping as he realized that the beast's roar was drowning out any hope of someone hearing him. His cries once again turned into a desperate scream, and then suddenly the beast froze in place. It took the Man a moment to realize, but when as he took a few deep breaths he realized he could hear something in the distance.


The beast shifted it's head out of the store, and off at the end of the road a young girl with bright green hair in a black dress with heels on came running down the road. Even more odd she was carrying a large brass horn and attempting to keep on a large sun hat with what appeared to be an old leather document bag, not to mention she was wearing a sun hat at night. The beast pulled it's hands away from the broken windows and stood at a hunched height of 10 feet tall as it watched her run forward. The closer she got the more clear her voice was to the spectators of the store front.

"You can't do that! T-that's ille- AH!" As she came into full view of the scene, the odd girl tripped abruptly in the middle of her chastising the large monster between breathes and face planted into the pavement. As her horn bounced off the hard ground to a new position a few feet away it was made apparently obvious she wasn't exactly the most skilled girl at running in heels. The Beast's attention zeroed in onto the girl, and as was coming closer and closer it began to lean forward as if it were a predator about to pounce onto prey. It's teeth began to lift up, and it's chest began to expand before sprinting froward with a bellow. As the girl shuffled back to her knees and looked up clenching her nose, the only thing she could see were sharp teeth and an endless abyss leaping toward her. She let out a sharp "eek" sound, which was all she could manage in the short time it would take for it to reach her. It appeared as if in a moment she would definitely be a goner.

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