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Greetings denizens of this thread!

I'm a late addition to the roster (having cleared my character and her CS with the GM), but I'm quite pleased to be joining what has so far been a very entertaining story to follow (and I have great hopes for the future).

I answer to H, Hugs, or by my full username (if you so desire). Although given forewarning I suppose another nom de guerre is not an impossibility. ;)


Credit where credit is due, the artist behind this wonderful painting is one Butjok.

Name/Nicknames: Charly

Race: Arcane Construct (Golem)

Age: Charly appears to be in her mid-twenties, but it is likely that she is considerably older.


Charly stands slightly above average height and has soft, delicate features that exude an aura of perpetual fragility and sorrow about her person. Her eyes are a gentle, muted green, full of calm and quiet reflection. Her skin is fair, only gently touched by the sun and bears precious little indication of the number of years she has seen. She has long black hair that is held back only loosely by a bit of string, and always threatens to escape.

The unassuming guise of the golem has led more than one observer astray and ultimately hastened them to an early grave. For Charly's lithe appearance belays a remarkable strength and she has been known to best even large Orges in hand-to-hand combat. She moves with an inhuman precision, not with the stiffness of a machine, but with an eerily perfect fluidity to her movements.

When given the choice Charly is a pragmatic dresser. She tends to wear simple black jeans, matched with a non-descript t-shirt, inevitably black, and a well-worn leather jacket, that is perhaps unsurprisingly also black in color. She wears practical shoes, disregarding anything with heels, and is generally found sporting a pair of unremarkable sneakers.


Charly unquestioningly follows the orders of her superiors, having learned quite early that feedback or creativity is rarely desired from an arcane construct. She possess an iron willpower and a self-control far beyond that of your run-of-the-mill mortal being.
While she may not be quite as bad in social situations as one might first assume, neither is she a great conversationalist. For while Charly may understand the patterns of human interaction, she does not possess an innate understanding of what it means to be human. She is direct and to the point, even at risk of being rude, and has little patience for what she deems to be unnecessary social niceties. However she knows her place, will defer to the expectations with those with power over her when required.

Unlike a great many arcane constructs or golems, Charly is capable of feeling emotions, an archmage would not never have been satisfied by anything less than achieving the remarkable. However, Charly has learned to ignore, if not completely silence, the voice of her burgeoning conscience. She is the tool not the craftsman and her judgement is not required for the task at hand. For those that make the effort, Charly may even display a remarkably robust sense of humor, although it is a trait she rarely has reason to show.

When she is left to her own devices Charly indulges in her love of Jazz music and can be found listening to a much prized collection of well-worn LPs that she has acquired on a battered turntable connected to a positively ancient set of speakers.

Charly’s life is driven by two distinctly paradoxical motivations. She feels a strong, almost irresistible compulsion to acquiesce to the demands of her masters. Yet, at the same time, she has of late begun to feel a burning need to secure her own freedom and escape the bonds that imprison most of her kind. Deep within the heart of the golem, is a growing, nagging hatred, rage, so much rage, rage at years spent trapped by the whims of twisted fools and mortals lost to their own pride.



- Charly serves as an enforcer for the infamous, but not quite high ranking Rat gang leader known only as the Alchemist. A mysterious figure clad in a robe of rags, this man, a wizard of middling talent and power, rules a small piece of territory in one of the poorer areas of Santa Somabra holds court in a rundown building. Focusing on the creation and distribution of drugs, he has christened his motley band of villains the Chemical Fiends. A brutal and fearsomely violent group, the gang survives largely due to their willingness to deal with anyone if the price is right and thanks to a surprising ability to recuperate from losses that would dissuade many other gangs. They are however far from organized professionals and operate in a most chaotic fashion.

- Charly has a general disdain for both knives and guns, preferring to use her own hands (so to speak) in combat. On the rare occasion that she is armed, when compelled by her master or when the task requires it, she carries a sawed-off shotgun, appropriately nicknamed the “Door Knocker” by the other members of the Chemical Fiends.

- At a first glance, Charly appears to be a human of flesh and blood, although a remarkably resilient and strong one. Very perceptive characters or those possessing great magical gifts may be able to notice that something is different about the young woman and begin to entertain the idea that they are not dealing with a normal human being. A particularly talented practitioner of the magical arts might even be able to detect that there is a distinctly ethereal air about Charly that suggests origins beyond the corporal realm.
We won't bite, as long as you don't move too fast that is. ^_^
Attention to detail is always nice! :D


Added three levels of important persons to BI and the Blackwatch, which should mean that I can easily interact with various characters and factions in a plausible manner (i.e. a lower level member of BI can talk to a lower level member of another corporation, instead of the CEO implausibly being tasked with accomplishing this task).

However, I'm still working on writing stuff for each character, so it's all very WIP at the moment.

Also, PiratePad is great, I had a really nice exchange of ideas with @Apokalipse yesterday using it.
"Sitting on their hands" is after all a proud tradition of the Jedi Order. :D
Looks fancy and fun!

I"ll admit some level of trepidation in regards to what character to write, but a quality interest check like this deserves some attention!
Inspired by Apokalipse's text edits, I tried to make something simple but fitting for BI and the Black Watch.

Below is what I have so far, alas the night approaches, and I've a dinner gathering to go to.

So forgive me any grave errors with my scheming. My goal was to represent a small, but talented corporation, that relies more on cleverness, talent, and wise alliances than brute force and numbers to survive or even excel when facing giant mega-corps.

I'm hoping to get some character biographies written up in the near future, although I have a number of character already sketched out so it shouldn't be too bad of a process.
The concept I'm batting around right now involves a group of hackers who see themselves as vigilantes, constantly orchestrating hacks to get information on corporate corruption or digital murmurs of illicit drug trades. They have some fighters among their midst, but the general feel of the group tends to paint them more as information brokers. They don't want the big corporations or gangs to have free reign, but they also realize they don't have the manpower to stop them, so besides small sting operations, they mainly archive and auction information for those who really can use it. Small-time CEOs would love to have them on the payroll.

I could work with that as I'm going for a small but very forward research corporation with perhaps less moral constraints than many. The morality aspect of your group might cause some interesting "deal with the devil" dynamics, but I think it works with the "we'll do business with anyone so long as it benefits us" mentality of the corporation I have in mind and I could easily see there being ample compensation provided to the hackers for their services to ensure that they might find it too tempting of an offer to refuse (and there are probably worse corporations out there).

However, that's just an idea, and by no means something that needs to be set in stone, but I liked your idea so I wanted to offer some feedback or rather some potential plot hooks. :D
@Aristo I've sent you a brief blurb for "Blackwell Industries", a small corporation with a heavy focus on research in the fields of cybernetics and cyberization...essentially human augmentation?
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