Avatar of Ijoyen
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    1. Ijoyen 7 yrs ago


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This night worked out. I almost got in a fight, ran, came back and it was gone. It's Pokemon all over again.

It's cool! Take your time, we don't wanna rush it XD.
Yukimura Sanada

(Mion Riverbank)

The entire lack of any presence at the riverbank now that time had passed had Yukimura fairly embarrassed, as she looked to her master, then the river. While her face started to turn as red as her prided armor. Turning to her Master, she twitched a bit before laughing in a very tense fashion, rubbing the back of her head.

"Well my Lord it... Seems to have left. I guess it didn't live here as I assumed then... So nothing to worry about... Oh um!
I don't mind at all! In fact I understand what you mean. There is nothing wrong with being selfish or Ambition. If anything they are good things. They drive us forward. I much more prefer serving a Lord who knows he's selfish than a Lord who'd claim they are doing this for the world."

Responding to his comments on her previous question as a distraction, she desperately glanced around the Riverbank. If anything she was very mortified by this result. She had made such a deal out of reporting to him about it and how she wanted to be sure, but when it came down to it? It went nowhere at all.

"If you're interested... My wish is simply to fight to my hearts content. I don't need a new life or to change anything,
I simply wish to enjoy the time I shall spend here during this war."

The smile on her face was nice but also gave away how much this had thrown her off.

Yukimura Sanada

(Southern Miyama, Riverside Cottage)

While she knew checking the situation on her own may have been a good idea, she also had the previous thoughts of what a situation like this may be. After all these were many possibilities, and she was not as familiar with some areas. Meanwhile her new Lord was a Magus. Thus he should be more versed in these areas.

“I would have but I just know it isn’t an enemy Servant. Thus I was unsure if it was natural to the area, or perhaps something that someone had placed there. It was my hope that as my Lord, you may know more than I on this matter. But if that is not the case then I apologize. I truly should have looked into it more.”

Giving her apologies with her head down, she raised it to see the motioning and opened the door to walk ahead of David. She was oddly eager to do well, and he was trusting her to protect him tonight. Her first act as a Servant.

“I am joyed you have decided to leave it to me. I shall not let even a scratch come to you, be it from a Servant, a monster, or whatever this creature may be if it is hostile.”

The smile that accompanied her worlds was oddly bright for someone who was getting ready to go out and possibly kill something. She hadn’t donned her armor again yet either, if only because she felt it might stand out. A just in case measure really.

Yukimura was not without worry though. The fact her Master didn’t know of the creature concerned her as he had made his base in this location. As well the thought came to her that if it was an Assassin Class Servant who could mask his presence as another sort of creature, then her Lord could very well be in danger and it would be her fault for leading him into it.

At the moment though she had to lead. Taking the front, as well as checking back occasionally with a glance, she made her way down the Mion River, to make it to where she felt the creature before. The silence would truly bug her along the way if nothing was said, so she had thought of a few things she could speak with her Lord about as well just in case. Since he hadn’t asked her to carry him, she’d have to walk at his pace rather than her own after all.

“… My Lord something occurs to me. This War… The winner receives a Wish at the end yes? Would you care to share yours with me and hear mine in kind? I will not be offended and understand if you refuse though. After all Wishes are something very personal, and can expose our desires.”

Even while she asked her question and clarified, she had her hand out to be ready for battle. She may need her spear at any given moment after all. There would also be the need to call her armor, and tie her hair back into a ponytail so it wasn’t in the way during combat. Unfortunately the fact she wasn't too fond of silence may prove to be a bad thing in the long run past this night.

@Breo @Moonlit Sonata
Yukimura Sanada

(Southern Miyama, Riverbank)

There were a few options laid out before Yukimura at the time. While sometimes she acted without thinking, she was trying very hard since it was the fight night she had, and she didn't want her Lord to become upset. Even more so, this presence wasn't a Servant. For all she knew it could be natural to the area, and fighting it may be a mistake. Not that it felt like it was but there was always that small possibility.

But first things first was she needed to report back. Though she had only examined the one area. She didn't want to go back without any information either. There was also the fact she was leaving her Master undefended though. While all that was present, she had a simple thought that came first though. A very simple thought in fact, that spawned from her current loyalty to the one she'd be working under, and the desire to not violate his trust.

"... I should go report back and tell him about this."

Nodding to herself with the words, Yukimura took off with a sudden burst of speed, heading back towards the cottage without waiting for whatever was coming to actually arrive. While she was very curious, it also boiled down to the fact she could tell. It probably was not another Servant. Which meant this had nothing to do with the War as far as she knew. As much as she would love to explore the possibilities, for now she had to focus on winning.

Maybe she could wish for another chance at life so she could look more into it later. Either way, she made her way back to the cottage fast, immediately going to head in so she could talk to her Lord.

"My Lord! I found an unnatural presence at the Riverbank!"

Of course this would also provide evidence that working with the Lancer known as Yukimura Sanada might take some work. While she had permission to act as she decided, or so was her understanding, she still reported back, and still looked for her Masters opinion. If this was because she was careful or simple has yet to be seen though.

Yukimura Sanada

(Southern Miyama, Riverside Cottage)

Thinking, Yukimura nodded to herself a few times. While it had mostly been talking she felt now the time was appropriate, especially since darkness had fallen over the city. While there were many options before her at this time, she knew which she wanted to take. Taking a deep breathe, she spoke loudly without having thought it through first. Truly a hot headed action.

"My Lord! I shall be going on patrol! I shall attempt to see if I can find the bases of any other Servant! If I do, I shall immediately retreat and come back so we may formulate plans together depending on their class or what I can gleam of them and their master!
Please wish me luck!"

With a bow, already at the front door, she moved to enter into the night. She hadn't exactly left behind her physical form for this activity, if only because it made her more comfortable. For now that would be enough though. She was confident no one would be able to catch up to her if she decided to run away and she had appropriate clothing not to stand out. That being said all she had actually done was remove her armor for now.

So rather than her appearance that she showed her Master, she now had her hair down, no headband, and was dressed simply in her skirt, black no sleeve shirt that left her stomach bare, and those uneven socks that had the sandals. Not exactly the most typical outfit, but it definitely didn't stand out much unless one was going to school or something. Thus her venture started close to their own base, but her first stop was to search nearby areas. Possibly somewhere with a good concentration of people even at night. All she could think of was places one would shop but it was likely closed. Thus instead she just walked along the river for now.
School gets in the way of posting so much...
Uuuh at most I can think of... Nah yeah that's all I can say. Unless they decided to kill a bear
Yukimura Sanada

(Southern Miyama, Riverside Cottage - Attic)

It was very hard for Yukimura to put how she was feeling into words. Compared to what she expected her new Lord was so very… Kind may be the term? Or would it be understanding? Either way she had expected someone to be harsher as this was war. She hadn’t considered how the relationship would go beyond the areas they had already covered, thus she was suffering a small bit of surprise.

“Well… Thank you.” Smiling a bit, she tried to think. They already had a base and a class they should target first. It was more than most would go in with, if only because of how unpredictable these wars may get. Not only that but he was asking her to bring him the head of the enemy! Truly something she was familiar with, as she had tried to take Ieyasu’s head even when she was close to death. The best she could do was rip down his flag though, thus the chance to finally do the deed for her new Lord was something that made her feel excited.

The Assassin Class though… That may prove tricky. Not in a direct fight but the issue of actually finding such a servant if they aren’t actively looking for a fight. Assassins were called as such for a reason after all. But she was trusting that he had an idea for finding one.

“Ah and as for tactics I was actually more of one who was in a time of direct war. And I was more suited to having an army than tactics for a single unit. But I am sure the same things shall apply and will tell you what I think when battle comes into the question! If you want to know that is. Once in combat I am thankful you would trust me to do what I believe is best.”

Proudly responding she finally looked up at her Master, removing herself from the floor to give a look that showed both admiration and trust. Not something she should giving so easily, but she truly wanted to work with him to the best of both their abilities. There was one more thing worrying her though…

“If I may ask though… Would you prefer I stay in the form that is not physical, or do I need to acquire clothing suitable to this age so I can defend you even in daylight? While I am not a master, I should be able to use unarmed combat well enough as to not only keep myself a secret, but disable those who try to harm you that aren’t part of the War as well.”

She had decided not to bring up the fact of consumption of energy nor anything beyond that. After all, admitting she had a skill now that, from what she could tell, was basically the equivalent to dumping out half a tank of gas for a single burst of speed was embarrassing. Though this was only because she had yet to consider he might already know. After all he was her Lord. Her Master for the war. And thus he should have a grasp on her abilities already.

That and she was sort of hoping she could remain in her physical form because of two reasons. It truly would be easier to defend him if she didn’t have to waste time appearing was the first. The second was because the modern era seemed so different. She wanted to take the time to enjoy it and explore when they weren’t wrapped up in the fighting and planning of the war itself.

Gaaah I hate schoolwork. Keeping me from posting at the moment. BUT SOON. SOOOON.
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