Avatar of ilovepapa
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 49 (0.02 / day)
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    1. ilovepapa 6 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current I just want to say that I am happy that I recently broke my own promise to myself and actually looked at all this Fallout 76 stuff, cause I almost made the mistake of buying it.
5 yrs ago
Shapeless self promotion / Hope people like superhero themed stuff roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
How are character sheets on the decline? I understand it being possible to not have a real sheet for something like a slice of life sort of thing, but for one with any sort of combat?
6 yrs ago
Perhaps this whole Mahz thing is like in DBZ? We need to gather the Dragon Balls so we can bring him back from wherever he is, even if that is death itself.
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Your first Pokemon, your first battle, your very first moments as a trainer. These are moments that a surprising amount of people forget. Living in the moment is good, but sometimes you need to look back at where you came from just so you remember who you are, and how you got here.

Hello! Call me Pap! I may not have posted much but there are a few things I have seen regarding Pokemon roleplay, mostly that everyone wants to be the Pokemon master right off the bat! ( or at least a veteran trainer. )

This makes me sad, because for as entertaining that can be, I have always wanted to explore the growing bond and early adventures of young trainers and their Pokemon! ( And no, I do not mean a pre-trained Raichu or Garydos you aquired from mom/dad. )

I don't expect too much interest but if 2 people decide they may enjoy it I would be more than willing to make this a small group deal.

Basically this story will involve my trainer Yui Kaneko and her late start into the world of Pokemon training! Where most trainers start at 10 or 11, Yui is 16. Yui was a girl raised in a reasonably wealthy family in the Hoenn region, born to an overprotective father who had her homeschooled.

Eventually she has enough and runs away from home with a friend to Slateport City, where she boards a ship headed to another region! Desperate to keep her safe, her father finally allowed her journey on the promise that she accept a gift, a Pokemon egg! White with light blue spots.


More is to be developed but I hope we can all see where this can go! A group of rookie trainers possibly from different regions, coming together to explore the world!
I myself never got the point of adding in a characters sexuality for a CS unless it was something that would obviously come up in the story. Like and even then it normall had no need to be there, for example a character being married to the opposite or same sex. You can kinda get the idea from there alone. And if it gets to the point where you feel as if it's an important part of your character, I'm all for it, but forcing it into a CS always felt weird to me.

Seeing as you have the 1x1 tag selected and seem to be looking for a 1x1, there is a seperate thread for posting 1x1 searches.
will make a post in a moment
Though I have not made too many posts ( mostly due to my nature as a lurker tbh ) I am not new to the RP scene. I am also unfortunately NOT a RP " Veteran " for those of you who remember using yahoo and other older, now either neglected or simply forgotten sites. I am simply a person who loves to read, and tries their hand at writing down the multitude of incomprehensible ideas that show up, then tries to put them into a format that makes sense.

At any rate, My question for the audience ( getting a little ahead of myself there. ) is this.

Out of everything you have seen in your time roleplaying, be it participating or simply watching silently with your popcorn like it's some sort of episodic soap opera, are there cliches, generes, character archetypes that you hate seeing? Do you enjoy anything fitting these descriptions? Why?

Personally, I myself enjoy trying to properly create older characters, not quite elderly but more along the lines of a parent. I also enjoy the whole " hopeless romantic " trope if the people involved know what they are doing.

What I dislike however, is the character type I will simply describe as ' EDGY ' though it can be so much more. When a character is sad and angry just to be sad and angry, with no real goal in mind and nothing else interesting to the point that it forces others to bring up that the character is sad and angry. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy having bad things happen to my characters, not everything can be sunshine and rainbows, but when those bad things are all that is interesting about the character, well it's a big turn-off for me.
Auriel watched over the battlefield, it had only been mere minutes after the first clash had happened and yet she flew alone against the darkness. Those left of the group of Valor and Hope were two young angels, creatures who had been mere children when they had been chosen, Their names were Erthor Angel of Valor, and Faervel Angel of Hope. The two faced alone against a host of monsters, as their mortal companions had almost immediately died in the first few seconds. Erthor fought with a short-spear, each thrust of it's silver point causing a host of ethereal blades to manifest mere inches from him, turning him into a moving storm of silver and magic. Faervel stood close to Erthor, her very voice echoing out into the battle and drowning out all else, redirecting spell and blade with each sung word.

Shadows fall.
And hope has fled.
Steel your heart.
The dawn will come.

Auriel nodded, there was little she could do for the pair. She spared a single sideways glance at the approaching army, massive winged beasts whose wing-beats echoed across the plains, hoards of untold terrors both from this world and others that trampled each-other for a chance to raise a blade against the last angels. Auriel faced her own foe however, and she had no choice but to face them.

The night is long.
And the path is dark.
Look to the sky. For one day soon.
The dawn will come.

Her very presence illuminated the battlefield in place of the sun, her aura so bright that it forcibly carved a path through the battle, completely blinding any lesser foe foolish enough to approach. Auriel's foe however, seemed the exact opposite. The creature, hidden somewhere within the mass of shadow, was one of her own people. There is a difference when power is stolen versus when it is willingly given up, and this foe had stolen chunks of energy from Fate, Justice and Wisdom.

The Shepard's lost.
And his home is far.
Keep to the stars.
The dawn will come.

" Betrayed, by our own people! " Auriel's voice echoed from her lips as she faced the approaching abyss, her hand already filled with a three foot long blinding spear of light. " Tell me! What do you gain from this? " He did not speak, he made no outward display of emotion. Tears ran down Auriel's face as she rose her spear, ready to strike out at her foe. " TELL ME! Speak, SAY SOMETHING! " He said nothing as he approached the trembling Auriel, she thrust her spear at the living abyss, and it was swallowed whole. The host was now mere inches from her, and still he did not speak. " Please, at least tell me why. " Her voice was but a whisper. Below, the final two angels cowered in Auriel's light, fending off any foes powerful enough to approach, but weakened enough by their Archangel's light for them to defeat.

The night is long.
And the path is dark.
Look to the sky.
For one day soon.
The dawn will come.

It was only when Auriel stopped speaking, when the angels below called out her name in blind terror as her light ever so slightly faded, it was only then that the host of the abyss thrust his hand forwards into Auriel's stomach, his hand coated in a spear of shadow as he spoke in a whisper to the already fading Archangel, now close enough to see that he held his own tears.

" I'm sorry Mother "


A click and the sound of metal against stone, these were not exactly the things Auriel attributed to death, then again wherever she was gave her the idea she had been there for a while. Almost as if she had spent years or more in a dream, or more likely a nightmare. She was curled up in the center of the cell with her knees drawn up to her chest, her wings splayed out at odd angles. She really did hope this was all some elaborate dream, and that soon she would wake up and everything since the first god's death would be a nightmare, but she was nowhere near lucky enough for that.

She stayed there a good few more seconds before rising to the sound of footsteps and others stirring. She rose in her cell, the glow around her brigtening from a sickly flicker to a concerningly soft glow reaching a good 2 feet around her. She stayed there a bit longer, standing and stretching as well as preening herself. Her feathers were sufficiently ruffled and ruffled feathers are never very comfortable, plus it always provided a semblance of normalcy to any situation and helped her think.

One, Two, it was only two that she held currently, feathers that is, or at least those that could still hold some semblance of power. Auriel stuck them in the now empty leather sack at her waist. By this point she had sufficiently wasted 2 minutes since she woke up, though now she was in a slightly better mood than before, a mood capable of ignoring her most recent memories at the very least. In the hall before her she was unsurprised to find a person smaller than her, near everyone was smaller than her. What was surprising though was the room itself and how that person seemed to tie into it, Auriel was in a prison and that much was a given, and as far as she could tell, this young masked fellow released her, and apparantly a few others.

" It seems I owe you some thanks friend, I have many questions though I suspect they can wait. "

Err, no so much Lich as " Awakened Undead " Though certainly he could be mistaken for one. He was is an ancestor to one of a group of adventurers who fell to your BBEG. Before they did of course, adventurers being adventurers and necromancers being necromancers, the party had gone to kill a necromancer who had defiled the tomb belonging to the ancestors of a party member.

Long story short, when they killed the necromancer, one of the skeletons ( who happened to belong to a long dead, once powerful high king ) decided they liked being alive and developed a sort of " Manacore " of the energy lefover from the Necromancer's death.

Skele-gramps barely knows anything about who he is, let alone everything he is capable of, though he does know a fair bit about runic magic.
Have an idea for a skeleton-gramps going on, hope that's alright @Lumiere
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