Avatar of IncredibleBee
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    1. IncredibleBee 10 yrs ago


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@Kayden S
I'm going to say we'll cap at one character per player for now, sorry. People controlling too many at once can lead to issues, especially since you're only like the third guy to sign up.

James is okay.

If you'd rather play as Claudia, I'd like to address the following before giving her the greenlight
>What can her shadow clones do? Are there multiple, and if so what's the upper limit? Are they hard-light or no? Do they run on a timer? Even Dante had a limit of one, and this is a team-based game so you'll be working alongside others anyways.
>Invisibility is hax in general without dice. Also this is personal taste, but it does not feel very DMC-ish.
>Are Miasma and Revenant Physic the same bullet type? This is more about redundancy than hax, but maybe you can swap one out for a different shot type while you're editing.

Also as a note to everyone, if you post your characters early you'll have the option to edit once the game thread's up in case you want to change anything, but I will take a look to greenlight any changes.
OK this is pretty good. You're in.

@Kayden S
Cool. Feel free to drop off a CS when you're ready.


Anything you want to comment on about my character? Just out of curiosity.

Nothing in particular? I like tanks, so a big armor man with a hammer is always nice. I think he'll mesh well into the game's setting, but to be fair there aren't many rules about what you can't make.
Ok perfect. You're in.

You're also in.
This looks super interesting. I'm going to start working on a CS (if thee's still room)

There's still room. We only have one other CS submitted. I also like to have a few extra players early on, in case of drop-outs.

Alright, I have the basics down. I'm not sure what religions DMC has, so if there are any problems, I'm willing to workshop it. Refluffing is no problem for me.

DMC doesn't go into detail about religion, beyond a cult devoted to Sparda. That said, I do enjoy modern paladin-types, so yeah Zacharias is cool. That said, an AoE that's constantly hurting demons is kinda weird to me. Would you mind changing it to like an AoE defense buff/intimdation? Otherwise you're gold.
Will prior knowledge of the games be required for this, or no?

Not really. DMC's concept boils down to "badass demon hunters fight demons", so you can pick it up quickly. And if you do have any questions about setting details, just ask away. I played the games a TON, so I can answer any question you might have.
I actually noted this in the FAQ.
The Human World is under attack. An ancient demon has sought to lay claim to the human world, after taking the Demon world for his own.
This particular demon is Moloch, an ancient, primordial being, who once attempted to usurp Mundus. With the latter sealed by Dante, he has seen fit to assemble his armies and siege his old territories. Now he has forced open a massive Hellgate, letting his infernal armies unleash an unprecedented scourge.

Dante, son of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda, has entered the Hellgate to make a stand against the new Demon King, but it won't be enough. Devil Hunters the world over have converged to form a bulwark to defend humanity.

As demons converge on the city, it's up to you and others to contain a massive invasion that threatens to spread and consume the earth.

Are you a bad enough dude to save the world?

Okay so this is a high octane, over the top action game set in the world of my favorite game series, Devil May Cry.
What is DMC? A cheesy Japanese action game about Dante, a half-demon demon hunter, who beats the everloving Hell out of veritible armies in each entry. And this rp is designed around recreating the feel and action the games are known for. Expect sick combos, bosses, and absolutely crazy action.

>What's the genre?
Action. Sweet, cheesy action.
>Do I need to know about DMC in advance to play?
Prior knowledge is nice, but no. It's simple in concept, so feel free to jump in. Ask questions if you're confused about setting details.
>So who am I supposed to play, anyways?
The Players in this game take the role of Devil Hunters, a title given to anyone who fights demons for whatever reason. I don't have many rules as to the type of character, because I want a nice variety going on; you can be a human, half-demon, samurai or whatever seems cool. That said I will accept on a case by case basis.
>What's the expected power level?
We're playing fast and loose, but DMC is extremely over the top. Everything here operates on rule of cool, so I'll probably allow it so long as it's appropriately stylish and you don't act like an asshat.
>Do we know each other in advance? Are we in a cool club?
Devil Hunters operate either solo or in small cells; you may have prior relations to each other, or even to Dante and co. (within reason). The closest there ever was to a Demon Hunter organization was the Order of the Sword. If you're not familiar, the Order of the Sword ended horribly.
>Any rules on weapons?
I'm gonna tentatively say limit yourself to one or two melee/devil arms and one or two firearms a piece. I don't want players overloading themselves with fifty million weapons and rendering other players redundant.
Also, don't steal stuff from the games. Don't run around with like Yamato or Sparda. There's like half a dozen "big sword" and three gauntlet weapons, so just put your own spin on it if you want one of the same type/moveset. That said I'll probably totally drop in a few of my favorites as rewards for beating bosses.

>Damn dude that's a lot. Anything else?
Remember the golden rule.
>What's the golden rule?
Play nice with others.

Because I know you want to post it early. Subject to change in final game.
Appearance: (Text or a photo, so we know what you look like)
Biography: (Who are you? Why are you fighting creatures of the night? Favorite pizza topping?)
Devil Arms: (Melee weapons and the like. Does not have to be an actual Devil Arm. Maybe you use an ordinary sledgehammer)
Firearms: (Guns. Does not have to be mundane in nature. Bottomless clips are in play)
Skills/Abilities: (Tell us about your cool cool trick! Special techniques and auxiliary abilities like Devil Trigger go here)
Other: (Anything extra you want to add?)
I guess I'm still here?
"Plan?" Sergei's good eye twitched. "The PLAN, you fucking IDIOT, was to LAY LOW AND WALK OUT WITH OTHER TRAVELERS." he shouted, spittle flying towards the dullahan.
"ARE YOU DENSE? DID YOU MOTHER DROP YOU?" he picked up a pinecone, and flung it at the demihuman.
"In case you haven't fucking noticed, SHE'S a knife-ears, I've got half a god-damned face, and your head can pop off! Do you think we're hard to track? You stopped us right outside the city gates! They'll probably light the woods on fire to smoke us out, if dogs don't rip our throats out first! And for fuck's sake, the only thing in this old camp is a bunch of rotting carcasses! We're gonna get rot-lung if we camp here!"

Turning, he brought his fist into the side of the cart, leaving a small crater in the wood. "I have such a fucking headache right now. Oh gods above."

Sergei slowly stripped off his bloodied surcoat, hauberk, and gambeson, hiding them under a canvas in the back. He took the a scrap of canvas, and awkwardly wrapped it around his bare chest like a cape, then brushed his hair roughly over the scarred half of his face. He took a seat next to Stephanie, and partially hid his longsword in the bed behind them, leaving the hilt close enough for a somewhat speedy draw.

"Hood up, knife-ears. Your ears are exotic, and we can't draw the eye of some lecherous guard. And me... I'll need something for my face, and a prosthetic. That can wait though. The horses will collapse if we run them much harder. We'll rest at the village for tonight, then continue further north at dawn. Next proper town after should be safe enough to grab some new threads and plan our next move."
But seriously, Cucco. A dullahan, a one-armed half-faced knight, and a half-elf, the latter of whom somewhat resembles the princess and the former shouting death threats, all of whom have very distinct looks and all of whom fled the city on the exact same night that the treasonous princess escaped from prison.

With a military traitor hidden in the cart.

They are going to be combing the forests so hard it's not even funny.
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