Avatar of Inuyasha
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Suicidal
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 636 (0.17 / day)
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    1. Inuyasha 10 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Where did they move to?
4 yrs ago
Is it just me or did there used to be way more original RPs on this platform? Seems like nowadays everything is some fandom or pre-established universe RP
6 yrs ago
I just want to let everyone know I am currently 17 and have been using this platform to RP for about 5 years now, so you may or may not have RPed with a 12 year old at one point and not even known it
8 yrs ago
its 1 am and i havent started that 3 page calculus packet.... but these roleplays are so intriguing
8 yrs ago
Who else is getting smashed by testing season?


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Name: Darius Abd-al-Hakim

Nobility: Son of the Duke of Tripoli

Sex: Male

Race: Mixed, African & Syrian

Age: 25

Physical Description:

Rank: Cornet

Magic-Rank: None

Goals/Aspirations: By virtue of his father's treatment towards him, Darius has a subconscious psuedo-inferiority complex which is constantly fueling a limitless desire for power and success. He wants nothing more than to ride the coattails of affluence, almost in defiance of his father's cold, unwavering indifference towards him. Anything that serves as a materialistic currency of success is square under Darius' iron sights; the size of his estate, the wealthiness of his friends, the gaudiness of his armaments, et cetera et cetera. Darius will use any symbol of prosperity to fill his bottomless heart, and his greed for affluence is unbounded. However, above all, Darius aspires for accolades and recognition in his post. He wants nothing more than to hold higher office in the battlefield of the Imperial Tagmata; he is a cardboard cutout of a man propagated by his lust to command respect and wield the force of the Dragoons.

Personality: Darius is a well spoken individual, having been afforded the rare luxury of a complete education offered by his nobility. He is personable and kind, however places the utmost stock in his post as Cornet. He values achieving the task presented before him by the Tagmata above all else, and all other upshots are inconsequential. All he has ever known is a loyalty to his state, and this is what fills much of his shallow personality. Darius prefers to think tactically of a situation first, rather than charge headlong without properly assessing all the variables. Weighing all decisions, and considering everything a tactical choice is ingrained deeply into who he is.

Backstory: Darius' father was a French-African noble, something of an uncommon sight. His father, a diamond tycoonist, made his fortune on the backs of the manual labor and slavery of his own race. Incredulously, his father partook in the slave trade during the early 1700s, buying Africans to put them to work tirelessly in his mines. His father was not a self made man himself, his fortunes coming from his father before him. He had also inherited the oligarchy of wealth and autocracy that strangled the province of Tripoli for generations. His father was simply the next to bear the torch of nobility in a region of poverty and exploitation.

Born to a Syrian handmaiden of his father's, Darius and his father had a cordial, businesslike relationship from birth. His father showed no affection towards him, viewing him solely as a tool that needed to be sharpened. He did not believe Darius was fit to inherit his colossal economic empire, due to what he had said was his "sickly character." Instead, he deemed Darius best suited for a life in the military, claiming Darius was as brash as a Trojan. Darius was sent across the Mediterranean to a boarding school in the Arabian Peninsula in order to train to become an officer in the Tagmata. His father seldom wrote to him, and when he did it was a letter drafted by a butler or a servant informing him of how much was left of his studies. This had never seemed out of the ordinary to Darius; that is, he never truly stopped to consider it. That had just always been the nature of his and his father's relationship, and he never truly stopped to question it.

The school was not a state-sponsored affair, rather it was a private school ran for the children of the wealthy with aspirations to become decorated soldiers. Darius would spend the months practicing swordplay, studying advanced tactics theory, horseback riding, and listening to lectures on how to properly and effectively lead a unit. In the off months, a servant would come by ship to Darius' school and take him through Mosul to Baghdad in order to stay with one of Darius' uncles for the summer. Darius' uncle was a wealthy Arabian farmer, one who had little time to be preoccupied with a relative's child. This afforded Darius great personal freedom, and he spent much time exploring the crowded and teeming narrow streets of the city. Summers in Baghdad were hot and fast, and the days seemed to bleed together; it always ended too soon, and it was back to the schoolyard for Darius.

At his graduation from the Academy, his father was not able to come to congratulate him. A servant was sent as an envoy of his father's in order to congratulate him in his perseverance through his studies. After returning home by ship to little fanfare, his father paid his commission to join the Tagmamta as an officer. All that was left was to await his assignment, and to go through formal training. Darius was not worried however; he had prepared his whole life for this, dedicated his entire livelihood to this sole cause.
No lie, this is the coolest roleplay I have seen in some time. I see it says accepting in IC, does that hold true?
This is really bad timing, because of everything that just happened, but I currently have to drop roleplaying for the next month or so as something has come up. Honestly has nothing to do with what just happened, although it may seem that way, but I currently cannot hold any roleplays. Terrible timing, and I'm truly sorry about it.

Have fun guys, I was actually pretty excited about this roleplay and I think it'll turn out great :)
I'm not a weeb so this is all foreign to me
<Snipped quote by Raddum>

Is that...Teddie?

Okay everyone lets bear in mind that we wanna keep things peaceful around here, okay?
This is an amazing idea, I would love to interject myself into this.
Okidoki, I posted. :)
Hades stood over his desk, and stared long and hard at the briefcase in front of him. It had a simple black sheen with the words "Bela Corp." pressed into the metal handle of the briefcase. Hades flicked the two locks on the front of it and opened the briefcase. It was furnished with cloth on the inside, and a small inlet was cut into the base of the briefcase where a deck of cards was placed. He gingerly picked up the deck from the briefcase's cutout and fanned the cards out in front of him. The cards had been passed down from generations and generations of Bela, for as long as Duel Monsters had been around at least. Now, this deck, and all the responsibilities that came with it, belonged to him. Of course, Hades had made a few adjustments and added a few cards here and there to keep up with the times, something his father would have greatly disapproved of. His father was dead set on keeping traditions and so forth, but Hades was never one to feel strongly connected to his family heritage.

As he looked through his cards, his eyes rested upon one in particular. The Dark Necrofear. It was unsettling to look at, especially when he knew the connotation of this card and the real evil behind it. He shuddered. However, on some level, some part of him did enjoy the idea of using a card imbued with such power. It made him feel powerful, and that was what was important. It was his utmost duty to remain powerful, perfect, and upkeep the family crest.

He heard a knock on his office door, and he quickly put back the cards into the briefcase. "Mr. Bela?" called his most trusted associate, James. James was Head of the Technological Advancement Department, however, what that department did was far from anything to do with technological advancements.

"Yes, I'll be right there James, one moment please," called out Hades. He grabbed his coat, which had been slung over the antique chair which sat behind his desk, and then picked up the briefcase with emphatic confidence. He took a look out of his penthouse offices window and gazed at the ever expansive metropolis for the most split of seconds, and then he continued to exit his office.

"Ah, Mr. Bela, there you are," James said jovially, his face lighting up when he saw him. Hades was not impressed by his fake bid for friendship, but he respected the man's loyalty to the job. "There is a helicopter waiting for you on the roof, it will take you to the port. The tournament organizers wanted to send a car, but I knew you wouldn't be having any of that," he continued.

"Very astute of you James," Hades said, beginning to make his way down the hallway to the elevator.

"Uh, Mr. Bela? Sir?" James said, rather nervously, just as Hades had begun to turn his back to him.

"Yes, James?" Hades replied, turning around to look at him.

"The uh... the matters, you asked me to uh... to attend to? I will be proceeding as normal, correct?"

Hades looked at James without responding for what seemed like the longest time, letting a silence hang over the two of them, before replying curtly, "That is correct James." Hades continued down the hallway solemnly, stopped in front of the elevator, and pressed the up button. The elevator arrived, and a soft ding sounded in the hallway. The doors slid open, and Hades stepped in side, confidently.


The boat's eating hall had been rather crowded, and Hades stood in a corner of the room looking smug. He had seen the sidelong glances that people had offered him, clearly recognizing him, and recognizing the rumors about him along with it. People had their own opinion about whether they were true or not, some believed it outright, others claimed it was ridiculous, although Hades believed some of them truly did believe it but just wouldn't admit it at risk of sounding like a crackpot conspiracy theorist. He would have much rather been able to come to the island by boat on his own private yacht in comfort and luxury, however the tournament organizers wouldn't allow it. They had been lenient enough on him coming to the boat by his own means, but they would not budge on the matter of the boat. He imagined it was because they wanted to keep the location of the boat secret.

He had decided he wasn't going to eat any thing, as he wasn't willing to eat anything that his personal health trainer hadn't already given the OK on. Besides, he wasn't hungry anyways. In the mean time, he surveyed all the common rabble he was placed on this boat with. It was quite the freak show. There was a crazy woman looping around all over the place, a small runt looking character of which who's gender could not be discerned, a musician decked in an all leather get-up, and god knows how many children. Looked like his competition was going to be easy game, although he didn't dismiss the idea of some child genius running amok. He was arrogant, but he knew the type of Duelists the world could offer.

That's when his eye caught a man sitting at a table with mountains of food and a dog in his lap. He recognized the man, and if he wasn't mistaken it was Masuo Itaki. On some level, Hades related to the man as he was only a few years older than he, and also had inherited his family's multimillion dollar company at a young age. Hades smirked, knowing that his company was worth a good sum more than Itaki's. Itaki was a man far kinder than he, evidentially.


I forgot that they erratad him. Use to be any two monsters, that's my B, will put in a different level 6 Synchro momentarily. Erratad Brionac is off the banlist right? I'll probably put him in instead
@Archmage MC I'd actually rather prefer it this way so I can interact with other characters
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