Avatar of jetipster
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: jetipster
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 242 (0.06 / day)
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    1. jetipster 10 yrs ago
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Interacting With:@Belle

Sat at his desk Josh stared at his screen lost in thought. He absentmindedly watched his screen to the repetitive chug chug sound of the printer as he processed the past few minutes. Firstly, his stifled guffaw at the revelation that the greasy lawyer had the same name as his fellow Brit. The contrast couldn’t have been starker.

Then it had all gone down. He’d watched with baited breath as Charlie entered the room the clash of both these strong-willed women, yet she acted as though nothing was amiss. Then he saw the look in her eyes and knew why. In her mind, there were more important things going on. He was proved correct and his heart jumped at the news about Copper. Yet he had complete confidence that Beau would deal with it, he always awed Josh with his dedication and pioneering treatments.

Only then had Charlie turned to face their visitors and the chill was palpable. The news about Miriam wasn’t a surprise given his close communication with her aides. They’d insinuated as much but it was saddening to hear said out loud. However, the practised tone of the somewhat clinical statement really set his teeth on edge. He’d heard too many homework excuses in his career as a teacher to fall for such duplicity. His eyes narrowed at the well put together businesswoman in their midst. Something bad was coming…

Then she revealed it. His eyes popped. A million! He couldn’t help but fantasize about spending such money. Setting up more marine conservation education. Offering trips for students and grants for academics. Buying himself a decent house back in the UK and paying back his parents for a countless amount of support throughout his career. He honestly couldn’t decide. He composed himself and glanced to Sam to gauge his response. The poor guy looked completely shook. He knew how much the place meant to every one of them. But Charlie would never sell… right? She confirmed his first thoughts with a prompt curt reply. He went to place a comforting hand on their marine mammal specialist when the secondary door to their mess hall slammed open.

He stood up straight at the sight of Seirye’s bleeding arm. “Wha-?” he began before she spoke and quickly left again. He looked at Charlie for direction before the team went into action mode. This was what they did well. He looked after Seirye and Sam with concern for the both of them. Before jumping slightly at his name. He nodded in confirmation and strode out of the room to implement his refined paperwork machine.

It was now that he found himself sat at his desk, the newly completed incident forms spooling onto his desk. He stapled the appropriate packs and wheeled his chair over to their pigeon holes unable to face the small pile in his in-tray. He slipped the incident form and accompanying medical form into Seirye’s shelf, a duplicate medical form into Sam’s and a repair and supply form into Max’s. He pushed his chair back to his desk and curiously typed ‘Elizabeth Camwell’ into Google as his radio chirped with a request to help his boss with Triton. He was torn about the release. Both euphoric at the release of the beautiful reptile but utter heartbreak at the loss of his favourite island resident so far. He grabbed the radio with a heavy heart, “on my way after a quick change” . He let go of the call button and swung back to his cabana to quickly change into some shorts before heading to the turtle pool.
I’m game.

Interacting With:@2plus2isnot5

Josh groaned whilst groping for his phone as the alarm trilled throughout his bungalow for the third time. He sat up groggily and dragged himself to the shower block swiping his wash bag and towel on the way out of his abode. He no longer bothered changing first thing, knowing everyone on the island well meant that you weren’t bothered about rushing barefoot to the shower block in nothing but your boxers.

He enjoyed a longer shower than usual, glad of the others not having used up all the thermal tank. Before heading back to his cabana to change. He was NOT a morning person and was glad they were fully staffed and he wasn’t responsible for any early rounds. Yet he hadn’t a lie-in today as he needed to make some video calls that were time zone sensitive, including one with a class of primary school students who were studying the ocean, to talk about the work they did on the island.

He grabbed his glasses before making his way to breakfast. Where he normally got to eat alone, catch up on global news, plan his daily schedule and then do the washing up.
Today he was going to be anything BUT alone…

He slipped in the doorway and momentarily froze at the audience, a few of whom turned to look at his arrival. He smiled nervously before moving to put some porridge and milk in a bowl to give him a chance to scan the room. His boss and Seirye were absent, presumably on their rounds. Naomi and Beau had obviously been in the middle of breakfast, oatmeal and apple half eaten, the former also holding back an agitated Duke. That drew his attention to Max, who despite her professional exterior was obviously bristling from the fire in her eyes directed at the strangers. They were two beefcakes of private security, uncomfortably stifling in their suits along with a greasy, briefcase clutching rodent-like man. Josh couldn’t help but judge people on appearance, it was human nature. He just always made sure he was open to letting them inform a truthful opinion. However, he doubted this man would be doing anything to change his mind as he padded his forehead dripping with perspiration from both humidity and nerves, with an already sodden handkerchief.

As his eyes turned to the last figure, the presence of the previous three made perfect sense. It was the daughter of one of his idols. He’d met Miriam Camwell at a Geographical Society event when he was only a child and that had spurred his interest in sustainability and the environment. At her daughter’s glamourous presence he turned back to his breakfast and stabbed the buttons on the microwave. Amongst his network of academics and sustainability experts, he had heard that their generous benefactor was not necessarily all sweetness and light as her PR team made her appear. Yet no one could ever find any solid evidence to the contrary. Any blame for possible fossil fuel developments linked to her company always landed on a politician or partnering firm. He grabbed a banana that he absentmindedly peeled as he sidled up to Sam by the sink eyebrows raised. He whispered out of the corner of his mouth to his fellow Soton alumnus, “What's Miranda Priestley doing here, Sam?” tilting his banana toward the designer-clad CEO.
@jetipster Hottie! Definitely will fit in nicely!

Nick Bateman *swoon*
And thanks, I thought I'd make a more admin person so the animal care side didn't get too crowded.
Felix wasn't sure what to make of Connor's lack of reply. Did he think he was crazy like the few others he had told? Was his mind just elsewhere now they'd entered the gym? Was he hidden something himself? Was he just a journalist fishing for a story from him? Or worse, the new terrorist group modelling themselves off Team Rocket? He'd only just met him and already divulged his biggest discovery and led him (unauthorised) straight into the press pit of the new gym opening. He held his Vulpix closer to his chest as he both physically and mentally took a step away from the handsome stranger.

Felix watched in silent awe at the graceful power of Articuno. It was incredible. Having always obsessed with water and ice pokemon himself when playing the games as a teenager he desperately hoped there were more Articunos out there! The skill at which it evaded and then overcame the mega-evolution was simply effortless. He had no doubt that Pheobe had a stronger relationship of mutual respect with her pokemon than Julien had with his recently learnt mega-evolution however the independence and majesty of the glistening blue bird was breathtaking.

He was brought out of his reverie by Connor's voice. "You definitely are! But I'm not one for battling I don't think." Whilst tempted by his youthful experience of Nintendo games he saw the use of Pokemon to battle on a parallel with cock-fighting, dog pits and bullfighting - and therefore did not approve. However, whilst the law was yet to be decided, people of his viewpoint could only protest peacefully as many a placard wielding protester had done so outside this gym over the past few weeks of nearing completion. He liked the idea of team battles though and new that he would instruct his team to attack in self-defence of one another or an innocent.

1 - this looks like an AWESOME RP!
2 - any chance this is still open?
3 - The Greatest Showman is awesome! And likewise the Soundtrack got me out of a depression at the start of this year. Listen to it whenever I feel down.

Josh stumbled out of the fireplace trunk and owl cage in tow, still uncomfortable with floo travel. He bent double resting his hands on his knees to draw in some deep breaths, eyes squeezed shut. The psychedelic flashes of the sheer number of fireplaces he had to pass to reach Tokyo from Fiji where he had been learning concealment charms from his father as the New Zealand Ministry helped strengthen the charms hiding the fire crab reservation from an increasing number of muggle (now he was back in Japan he’d have to remember to can them Nijū again!) tourists. Stomach settled he straightened up and beat at the soot that had accumulated on his trousers. Damn not being able to use Scourgify outside of school!

He hauled his trunk out of Mitsuwa onto the platform, accompanied by some hoots from Marama. “Shush you!” he jokingly scorned. “Don’t make me cast Silencio on you again!” The owl looked alarmed before cocking her head to own side in an victorious attempt to be adorable. The young wizard smiled and hauled his trunk along the platform weaving between the many bustling students and their accompanying families. He was always prepared for a handful of ‘looks’ from the prestigious Japanese families at the New Zealander attending their renowned school, yet it still stung especially as his parents’ could never see him off. But the bewildered expression of a pretty handsome first year distracted his morbid thoughts and he smiled to the newbie with a wink, remembering how awestruck he was by the station in his first year.

It was nearly a whole minute before he spotted someone he knew. He gave a wave to Demetria as he approached, Mara hooting in delight. He rolled his eyes, why did both his and Kalder’s owls love her so? He rolled up to them with a grin. “Happy New Year guys!” he then realised what he’d said and panicked. “I – er – mean school year. You know what I mean.” He gave a nervous laugh. Why was he so bloody awkward?! Well the answer was obvious. His close friend Demi was ridiculously hot, popular AND the captain of the Quidditch team. He often wondered why she was friends with the likes of the nerdy him. If they weren’t in the same house he doubted she’d notice him. But then again she was delightfully down to earth and it was lovely to be able to talk to someone else so far from home. As for her boyfriend. Well. The crush had been there since day one. The blonde locks and English accent had initially made the Kiwi’s insides go to mush. But he had learned to lessen that emotion over the years since they started dating and he had needed to spend more time around the Brit outside of their Magical Language classes.

“Have a good time back in the States Demi?” he asked as he hugged his friend and smiled at Kalder,
"Sure did!" she replied happily, a bright smile on her face. "I missed my dad and my brothers a lot; not to mention the comfort of being back home with those you know." Josh grinned in response, "Same!" Whilst he was an only child he had loved spending time with his parents again and knew that they'd love to meet her in person one day.

Looking around he noticed a near-empty compartment in the metallic bullet train that had always awed him since his first visit here 5 years ago. Josh grabbed his trunk and an alarmed Mara, “there’s only one person in that booth” he urged the couple. “See you on there?” He said with a cheeky grin before leaping aboard the train. He stowed his luggage, passed Mara a cheek treat and found his way to the compartment he’d spotted from outside. He was always desperate for a window seat. His fascination for underwater only fuelled by this annual trip. Growing up on the coast and island hopping with his father on assignment with many a magical creature he had always had a passion for the ocean. He was now a trained junior scuba diver in the muggle world as well as electing to study both Care of Magical Creatures and Magical Languages, where he was slowly picking apart Mermish.

He pressed a simple button and the door slid open to reveal the Chinese guy from his language class. “Hey, Aniyan right?” he asked with an awkward wave. “Mind if I join you?”
PMed you!
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