Avatar of JewelProphet30
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 49 (0.02 / day)
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    1. JewelProphet30 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I am so bored...and there is fireworks going off way to close for comfort.....
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7 yrs ago
I have finals coming up....I should be studying... ugh my brain is killing me!
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Is it fair of me to want a little extra help from a friend I basically gave everything to for months, when at this point in my life, I have nothing extra?
7 yrs ago
My stress level has been beyond what I can handle lately, I really need something to distract myself from my nonexistent real life....


Hey everyone I just wanted to introduce myself a little more here where more people will see it. I'm a single mom, nursing student, avid reader, writer and movie watcher. I've roleplayed for years on various platforms but most recently I've used Omegle which has been losing interest for me simply because I can never find anyone who is as serious about this as I am. I'm not super picky about what I play but I like back story and character development as well as a thought out plot. I have a few original characters, but only one with a full thought out story, so I'll put those all down in a moment. I hope I can find something that sounds good and that I think I would enjoy here and maybe make some new friends as well.

Jewel- 29 yr old female, who works as a nurse in a hospital in Kansas City Missouri, She is aware of the supernatural world and works in the ER on humans and Supernatural alike. She is a prophet, seeing the future in her dreams, and is unaware that she is under the watchful of a Goddess. She rides a motorcycle, is 5'9" and curvy with waist length curly hair that is dyed purple at the moment, she has deep blue eyes and several tattoos.

Tristan - unknown age, a warrior for the Gods, 6'7" a mass of muscles, black hair and green eyes. Currently out of favor with his Gods, he is sent to protect earth and those who may need him.

Xavier - 35 yr old male, Black hair, brown eyes. (Haven't worked out much of a back story for this one yet, he is versatile and can fit anywhere I want him too.)

Serenity - Female, long blonde hair and purple eyes, can be fey or any other supernatural character, usually fit her to my needs.

Most Recent Posts

In Hello 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
I've got some of it written already but the muse is missing currently, between school and my children I just don't have time to write....
Serenity was late, perpetually late it seemed these days, as she ran towards the arena where her first class was being held. Her hair was braided down her back and she was wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans as she rushed into the arena and paused seeing two of her classmates fighting in the center of the sand filled place. She saw several other students in the stands and she hurried up to them and went to sit down a bit away from the others, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear she glanced around at the other students. There was a girl with white hair who was surrounded by black flames, sitting next to a dragon? That was odd, she saw another young girl sitting with them and she wondered what they were like. There was another boy sitting by himself just a little closer to her than anyone else but he looked exhausted and she thought he must have fought already. She turned her attention to the fight, wondering if Lady Jade had seen her enter and wondering just who would be fighting next, she looked to be the odd one out at this moment.

Swallowing as she focused on the two students fighting she frowned a little as she took in the girl with glowing green hair which seemed to be moving on its own, she couldn't hear what the girl had said so she leaned forward just a little tugging on her gloves to readjust them. She was glad they looked just like her skin because it stopped her from having all the memories of the stadium seats around her, but at the same time she had a feeling that she would be required to take them off at any moment. The boy who was fighting in the arena looked a bit out of place, and she wondered what he could do, since it seemed an unfair match with a girl who could control her hair.
Name:Serenity Black
Appearance (pictures accepted):5'8" with a slim body, blonde hair that is dyed purple at the ends and hits just at her waist. Green eyes, and extremely pale.
Power:Psychometry- The ability to read any object or any person's past with just a touch. Due to this power she also has ability learning which allows her to temporarily learn skills from the object or person, omnilingualism which allows her to understand any language, and Medical detail which allows her to learn a person's health.
Background:Serenity was just a normal girl until she accidentally touched her teacher at school and learned that she had cancer, her parents were notified and they had opted to have her sent to Haven too keep her safe. She had told others as a child about illness, or had understood languages she shouldn't have at such a young age but her parents had just ignored it until it couldn't be ignored any longer. She had taken to wearing flesh colored gloves when she hit high school, as the information she could get from touch was just a bit overwhelming some times. She doesn't really have any friends, and she spends a lot of time alone. She is always covered except her face, never letting any skin show. She is nervous to start at Haven but curious to see others like her as well.
Approved by @prussianblue for next available spot

I think this could be neat, not sure if any of my characters would fit though...
If you are still accepting characters

Name:Serenity Black
Appearance (pictures accepted):5'8" with a slim body, blonde hair that is dyed purple at the ends and hits just at her waist. Green eyes, and extremely pale. (Sorry I don't have a picture...)
Power:Psychometry- The ability to read any object or any person's past with just a touch. Due to this power she also has ability learning which allows her to temporarily learn skills from the object or person, omnilingualism which allows her to understand any language, and Medical detail which allows her to learn a person's health.
Background:Serenity was just a normal girl until she accidentally touched her teacher at school and learned that she had cancer, her parents were notified and they had opted to have her sent to Haven too keep her safe. She had told others as a child about illness, or had understood languages she shouldn't have at such a young age but her parents had just ignored it until it couldn't be ignored any longer. She had taken to wearing flesh colored gloves when she hit high school, as the information she could get from touch was just a bit overwhelming some times. She doesn't really have any friends, and she spends a lot of time alone. She is always covered except her face, never letting any skin show. She is nervous to start at Haven but curious to see others like her as well.
I'm interested in this, it sounds really cool, and I love HP
Full Name (nickname) Jewel Reid (Jules)

[Portrait of the character if applicable]

Basic information

Legal name (& pronunciation, if necessary): Jewel Diana Reid
Nicknames, aliases, and/or preferred name: Jules
Date of Birth, Age (as of Dec. 2017): Feb, 1989, 28
City, Province/State of current residence: Kansas City, Mo
Gender: Female
*Social Class/Community Status: Middle class- unregistered
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Mother and Father were killed, Younger sister non super and works in business. Has a few friends where she works at the hospital.
**Alignment: Anti-government
***Powers and Weaknesses: Psychometry- the ability to read anyone or anything’s past, works best when touching the object or person. She uses the ability the most during her job as a nurse, to ascertain anything that people are leaving out of medical history. Has also used this ability to pick up several new abilities over the years, this ability also allows her to have Weapons proficiency with just a touch.
Weaknesses- Limited to touch only, and any super who has Psychic immunity or psychic shield.

Physical Description

Height: 5’9
Weight: 180 pounds
Hair: Light brown usually, currently dyed purple
Eyes: Dark blue almost purple
Detailed Physical Description: Jewel is a tall woman with hair that falls to her waist in a mass of curls that is usually brown but is currently a vivid shade of purple. She rides a motorcycle and smokes occasionally. She wears very little makeup, has her hair pulled back in a braid most days and doesn’t really like to dress up much. She lives in a non-super community, having found it fairly easy to hide her powers and enjoys her job as a nurse very much.
Day-to-day Wardrobe: Most days you can find Jewel in scrubs or jeans and t-shirts. Rarely dresses up except for very special occasions.
Typical equipment: Her hands are the only thing she needs to use her powers, but she carries a pistol and is an excellent marksman. She can also use knives, and larger guns as well.


Personality/Attitude: Jewel is a fairly happy woman, with a dark past that can linger sometimes, her parents were taken from her recently and she still holds the scars from that. She loves to help people and does her best to keep a peppy attitude in her everyday life. She is introverted most of the time but can be a bit of an extrovert if the situation calls for it, but she would much rather be at home with a good book and good food to keep her company.
Skills/Talents: She speaks several languages, picked up using her ability. She is an excellent marksman, and is proficient with any weapon she touches.
Favorites/Likes: Her favorite weapon is her 9mm hand gun, it’s the one she has on her at all times, she also has a thin dagger that she carries in her boot. Mostly she just likes to hang out at home though and enjoys just blending in to the background.
Most Hated/Dislikes: The government for forcing people who are different to register themselves and making them low class citizens just because they have extra abilities.
Goals/Ambitions: She wants to continue her schooling and move up in the field of nursing, working with children is her favorite thing to do and she hopes to aid in getting young children the help they need to control their powers or flea to a safe place.
Fears: She fears being caught and deported, and forced to no longer work as a nurse.
Education/Special Training (if applicable);Bachelor’s degree in nursing, and Emergency department certification
Place/Type of Residence: Lives in a small two bedroom house in a suburb of the city
Occupation (if applicable) and Work-related Skills: Nurse, can use Psychometry to learn things that people don’t tell or forget to tell health care workers.

In Hello 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hi, this is not my first foray into roleplaying but this is my first time on such a broad sight like this. I began roleplaying in high school which was forever and an age ago so I have lots of one on one experience. I never really got into board games sticking mostly to fan fictions roleplays and have started venturing into fantasy and writing my own characters. I have also decided that I want to write my own book one day and have used the character base for a few of my other RPs. I hope that I can find some people willing to hang out with me, I love all sorts of roleplay, long drawn out ones to short one liner ones if they have back story too them. I'm a suckers for character development and plot even in short roleplays. I look forward to getting to know some more fun people and distracitng myself from the chaos that is my life currently.

I am a nursing student and replies may be intermittent depending on the time and what I have going on, I'm also a single mom so that plays a role in my time as well.
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