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Kurultai, Avarga

The great hall where the Kurultai was being held was nearly silent. The only sound that could be heard was the roar of a snow storm. The Khaganate's capital had been on lockdown due to the massive storm, but the people that were supposed to go to the Kurultai were still able to attend.

"Greetings everyone, and welcome to the daily meeting of the Kurultai." said Yuri Lanist, Khan of the Lanist Khaganate, breaking the silence. "As first order of business I would like to announce the temporary resignation of General Katie Anderson from the Kurultai. She had spoken to me about this after yesterday's Kurultai, and she wanted to let you know that she was resigning temporarily because she thought it was too stressful for her. She won't be leading any armies or campaigns for a while either. Her replacement is the man you see sitting in the seat where she used to sit in, General Teo Escamilla"

General Teo stood up and said "Hello, I am general Teo Escamilla. I swear to serve the people of the Khaganate and the Kurultai as best as I can. I am currently in charge of the defense of our southern border against any potential threats, and will be in command of the landship once it's been repaired until General Anderson gets better."

Probably because she nearly got herself killed a few weeks ago General Nurzhan thought to himself Nevertheless, it was her own fault for blindly trusting the enemy. She really shouldn't have done that.

"Alright, now I would like to know the progress on the ANCHIN project. General Nurzhan, you have been appointed as the leader of it a month earlier, correct?" Yuri said as he looked at the general's direction.

Now it was General Nurzhan's turn to speak, and he stood up. With his usual lack of emotion he said "I have indeed been appointed as the project's leader. We are doing quite well. The researchers in my headquarters in the east of the Khaganate have been working very hard on upscaling the power armor models, and we have been working together with the Ministery of Science to design a nuclear reactor that is powerful enough to power the machine, yet small enough to fit inside it. It of course also has to be light enough so not much of the energy that is generated by the reactor will be used to carry it around. We have also been working closely together with the AIR to manufacture the parts we need, but I would like to request the Core to start building more specialized facilities rather than the mass-production factories there are in the area now."

"AIR core, please make it so, we want the ANCHIN project to be done as soon as possible, it is vital to fighting any future conflicts with the State of Ubrax to the south, as well as the defense of our ocean to the west. Also, what is the progress on the repair of the landship, and what is the status of civilian and military industrial production in general?"

The robot sitting on the opposite side of General Nurzhan stood up. It was a rather crude, humanoid robot, not made too look like a human to avoid creeping out the other people sitting table. A stereotypical robotic voice came from a speaker somewhere in the head. "Landship repairs are proceeding fairly well, although a lot of damage has been done to it. The creatures that the fleet encountered are apparently capable of doing a lot more harm than was anticipated. Civilian production is okay, although there is a slight shortage on consumer goods while too much food is being produced. We are currently building extensive underwater factory complexes in the sea to the west, made for producing the TITAN-class NMR robots."

"In addition to that," Minister of science Isaac Plant added, "we are doing quite well on the space program, if I say so myself. The AIR has been integral to both the design and manufacture of the satellites we plan to launch into space. However, we have been struggling slighly with the construction of rockets, and were forced to buy them from the Ceoniral Kingdom, a space-age human kindom to the south-east of here, south of the strange menace the landship fleet came across a lot earlier."

"Alright, that is okay for know, but I want that we will be able to build our own rockets as soon as possible." The Khan said. "This should conclude our daily meeting, and I assume you are all very busy with things and should get going again."

<Snipped quote by jorcool>

"If you only abide to the embassy term with changes that is alright, then this pact cannot be a non-aggression pact because there's no alteration or certain involvement from a military and more like.. err.. you know.. A 'diplomatic establishment of two nations' treaty. Can we forge a short compensation or compromise from a demilitarized zone for something else that you're wishes to change? I'm not going home peacefully with a partial, half completed diplomatic mission!" tempered by the Kronfurter.

"I am sorry," the diplomat said, "but we are simply not going to give up the military control of that part of the sea. It is too vital to the survival of the Lanist Khaganate, and if it is truly a term for the non-agression pact, we cannot and will not accept the non-agression pact."

The Kronfurter then thinks for a moment.

"Nope, only the non-aggression pact is sufficient." said the Kronfurter.

"The terms for the non-aggression pact of the A.A was stated as follows:
1. The establishment of AA Embassy at your nation. This will ensure a quickest way of negotiation between us and your kind without the requirement of maintaining and deploying long range communications.
2. Demilitarization of a southern Island Lake. Upon accepting this treaty, Militarists and Lanist Khaganate will not allowed to deploy any military presence at the water of southern island lake, and only restricted to maritime police force (patrol crafts) in which marked as the map stated.

That is all for the non-aggression pact." stated by the Kronfurter and before handed him with a treaty to sign at the end.

Stephen thought for a second. Then he replied "Although the Khaganate would like a non-agression pact with your nation, these are terms we simply cannot abide to, and would give you an advantage above us. If this demilitarized zone were to exist, only our most northern ports would actually be able to launch any military ships. While you are on an island, so you could easily dominate the rest of this lake. Not to mention that we won't be able to protect any of our civilian vessels from pirates or worse using more than just the coast guard, and we can't protect our territorial waters against our southern neighbour. However, I do think establishing an embassy is a good idea, although we want to establish an embassy in your nation as well. However, seeing as this non-agression pact includes terms that are not beneficial to us, we decline it, and would like to propose a non-agression pact with only the embassy term.

The image of the map was sent somewhere else for further research.
<Snipped quote by jorcool>
The treasure ship follows the airplanes closely, before carefully making sure to land on the pad below them. Once again, a ramp opens on the lower end of the treasure ship as the crew walks out to meet their new trading partners.

The treasure ship landed softly on the concrete pad. The squadron of five planes circled above the treasure ship for a bit, before flying away to somewhere in the distance. When the crew walked out they were greeted by a twelve heavily armed men.
Their leader said "Our merchants are still on their way here to negotiate the trade deal. We would like to know what you have on board."

<Snipped quote by jorcool>
The radio message immediately receives a reply. "We are merchants of Shupoli Industries, here to trade with you! We do not mean to invade your territories. As a token of goodwill, our weapons are not activated."

The Khaganate radio operator responds: "You will be directed to the nearest airbase. Please stay close to your assigned fighter squadron, and don't try anything. What do you have on board anyway?"
Apparently from somewhere inside the base, an order is given to the fighter squadron, and they start flying at the same altitude and velocity as the treasure ship. The sky was clear, and it was sunny, so the people inside the treasure could follow the planes clearly.
After some time of flying, the blue water of the ocean changed to an intricate network of fortresses and coastal artillery inside the dunes between land and sea, and then many factories, towns and a hexagonal network of roads could be seen by those that looked down.
Eventually, the planes with the treasure airship arrived at an airbase. A large pad, big enough for the treasure ship, was located near the edge. Robots scurried away from it, as if it had been built a very short time before arrival.
"You can land on that pad." Is sent to the people in the treasure ship
Upon at the meeting room, the AA adversaries goes attentive of their military posture and the Officer #32 stood open after greeted by Stephen Michel, the diplomat of the Lanist Khaganate.

"Codename, Officer 3-2 of the Alfieq's Army. The militarists won't allowed to call over our actual names unless our commander has given a strict permission in many occasions!" proclaimed Officer #32.

"Step aside Officer #32!" interrupted by the Kronfurter.

Then the Officer #32 strife to the left side and greeted by 'the non-commissioned of high command', the Kronfurter. It was a same person who commanded the Third Expeditionary Fleet/Army and whom conducted a reconnaissance mission at Lanist Khaganate with a marginal conflict.

"Good evening. It is I, the Kronfurter of the Third Expeditionary Force, has given orders by the Commander to oversee the progress of diplomatic resolution. We're here for negotiating the non-aggression pact on behalf of the Militarist Army, to the Lanist Khaganate." said the Kronfurter.

"Non-agression pact huh?" Stephen thought about it. "What would be the terms of it, and any other treaties you may have?"
what happened to my nation?

April fools did
While the main colony was being set up, the fully loaded and heavily armed treasure ships continued on their way towards various nations (every active player nation). A white flag was raised below the national flag to show that they come in peace and wish to trade, not to attack the nations (despite their arsenal).

In a distant outpost in the recently claimed southwestern area of the Lanist Khaganate, a man suddenly saw a large blip appear on the radar screen he was looking at. It seemed to be approaching from the west, getting ever closer to the Lanist Khaganate, and the man at the radar got a little bit nervous.

The Khaganate's army had fortified and garissoned the area a lot after they had taken it from the tribes and city states that were originally living in the area. The refugees from that conquest went south, fleeing from the massacres the Khaganate left behind, and eventually arrived at even more city states, and a small but technologically advanced nation called Oskax. The slaughter to the north and the subsequent refugee crisis convinced the tribes, city states and Oskax to join forces and they all united to form a nation called the State of Ubrax. This nation, running roughly from the west to the east of the Khaganate, was the only neighbour of the Khaganate that could pose an actual threat, because of their very advanced technology. The Khaganate's government, fearing an attack from Ubrax, heavily fortified and garissoned the southwestern area, afraid it would would be cut off if a war would happen. General Nurzhan himself even oversaw the construction of forts on the southern border.

The man at the radar screen stood up, immediately walking towards the nearest commanding officer, who happened to be a woman called Anna Vasilyev, a lieutenant in charge of making sure the local detection capabilities were up to the Khaganate's standard.

"There is an unidentified flying object coming from the east. From preliminary scans we can see it's some kind of airship, but we do not know where it comes from or what is purpose is. What should we do?"

"Keep researching it." Anna responded. "I will try to get some planes in the air to investigate."

Fifteen minutes later, a squadron of brown fighters flew out of a nearby airbase, heading to intercept the strange alien vessel. They had wide, forward-swept wings that were located towards the back of the vehicle.

A radio message was sent to the treasure ship on the mostly used frequencies. "Unknown vessel, you are heading towards Khaganate territory. Please identify yourself or we will be forced to attack."
"All right." said by the ship captain of AA. The AA adversaries on a convoy are slowly driven towards to a nearest port where it was escorted by the three Lanist 'ship' things. Once reached, the adversaries began to disembark their transport ships at the nearest port and awaited for Lanist diplomats to arrive. Strangely enough, the Kronfurter was really there within the adversaries as a group, and his goal was to overseeing the diplomacy process for the AA in return for at least a non-aggression pact with the Lanist Khaganate. Any failures of diplomacy for the Kronfurter will going to be treated with demotion by the Commander when returning home to their HQ.

The transport ships were moored to the dock. The three NMR ships submerged, presumably to not allow any of the foreigners to get secrets from them. As soon as the AA 'adversaries' had disembarked their transport, they were welcomed by a squad of heavily armed soldiers, who escorted them towards a tall concrete building at the center of the port. The port had been built by the AIR months earlier in anticipation for an eventual contact with a foreign nation, and was finally seeing its use. After some walking and time in an elevator, the AA adversaries were let into a room with a table and some chairs where they were told to sit down. After a long time of waiting, a man entered the room on the opposite side of where the adversaries entered. After he sat down he began speaking.

"Greetings. My name is Stephen Michel, a diplomat from the Lanist Khaganate." He held out his hand in anticipation of a handshake. "And you are?"
Ioua is no longer playing, I asked him
The captain of the AA convoy proceeds to use that radio frequency and begin with a reasonable conversation.

"We are the Militarist Army of the adversaries for wishes to have a small negotiation on attaining a peaceful relations in between our coastal borders. We do not cause any harm nor rotten in a way of retaining neutrality of the nations." said the captain.

The destroyer escorts are keeping in a closed formation and protecting the unarmed transport ships from any sudden strikes from those unknown creatures.

"Alright, " The radio operator responded "You will be escorted towards the nearest port. Please follow the three ships that should be around you. We will be keeping a close eye on you."

The radio channel was closed. The radio operator rubbed his eyes. "It's those weird guys from the west again." He said to his colleague sitting on the opposite side of the room, "I want you to go straight to the commander and report this. I will contact the capital to tell them we've got visitors."

The other man walked to his commander's office. He knocked twice.

"You may come in." Came from inside the room.

As soon as the man entered the commander asked "What is the situation?"

"The NMR ships have intercepted a convoy with destroyer escorts claiming to be a convoy from the 'Militarist Army'. We suspect they are from the same group of people that landed on our shore a while ago. They say they want to negotiate about something, but I couldn't quite understand what. My colleague already started contacting the capital to ask for one of our diplomats."

"Alright then," The commander replied, "Give orders to the NMR ships to escort them to the nearest port. Make sure the shore batteries know they can't shoot at the convoy, but tell them to keep an eye on it in case they do something stupid. Get the diplomat the Khan sends to the port as well."

"Yes sir!" The man replied, and he went to do all of those things.

Meanwhile the radio operator contacted the capital to tell the news of this new nation, in the capital the Khan made the decision to send the diplomat Stephen Michel as envoy, as he had the most experience with this new unknown nation because he was there when they landed on Khaganate soil.

The Creature-like NMR ships slowly started moving in one direction, towards the port where the convoy was supposed to be greeted.
Avarga, capital of the Lanist Khaganate

Stephen Michel, one of the best diplomats of the Lanist Khaganate, had been drinking a cup of hot coffee when he got the call from Khan Yuri Lanist, telling him that he should get to the western coast immediately, even telling which port he was supposed to go to.
"Seriously?" Stephen said after he received the news from Yuri Lanist, nearly spitting out his coffee.

"Yes, Stephen," Yuri replied, "It seems that the mysterious nation to the west has decided to pay us a visit once again. I do not want this to turn out like last time, so make your way towards the specified location as soon as possible. Understood"

"Understood, sir" Stephen said as he hang up the call. He swallowed. This is going to be hard he thought to himself. He got to the nearest governmental helipad and called for a helicopter. The area around the shore didn't really have any train connection yet, so most transport was done via air. "Get me to port 6" he told the pilot. The helicopter took off and went west, arriving at the port nearly an hour later.
Landship Leviathan Alpha

The landship fleet slowly withdrew from the crater created by the thermonuclear bomb. They were already far away enough to be unaffected by the fireball, air blast and radiation from the nuke. General Nurzhan had sent the relief force away to the south again, and the Omega Order's Flaming Army and Anvil Regiment were going back to Site 5. Doom Squad and Phalanx Alpha were still on board, currently patrolling the landship to find any more of the alien creatures they were fighting but an hour ago.

General Nurzhan was with General Anderson in one of the many interrogation rooms the landship had for interrogating people that they captured when conquering towns and villages. He was sitting on the opposite side of the table of General Anderson.

"So what happened for you to get in a situation so dire that required both me and the Omega Order to help you?" Arman asked.

Katie, still slightly in shock from the terrifying event she had been in earlier, replied "Well, I had received a map from an old tribal chief, who claimed it would lead me to great treasure, as long as we let them surrender."

"And it didn't occur to you that this may have been a trick and the chieftain didn't want his entire tribe to be slaughtered because they tried actively fighting back?" Arman said, his voice slowly getting louder.

"No! I thought I could've retrieved the treasure and brought it back home to give it to the Khaganate."

"You do realise that you brought the entire landship, the fleet and its crew in grave danger do you? Do you even know why we built these landships in the first place? As a general you should!" General Nurzhan was now shouting.

Katie shrank from his sudden outburst "Yes, I mean no" she replied. In truth she did know, she had learned it at the Khaganate Military Academy of course, but she was too stressed to think properly at the moment.

Arman spoke calmer now, seeing the effect of his loud voice on the general sitting on the other side of the table "The landships are there to serve as a rallying point to the rest of the Khaganate army. It's supposed to inspire hope into the rest of the soldiers and instill fear in the foes we want to surrender, so there will be no further bloodshed. On these massive threads there's more than just weapons and armor. There are also many munition depots, medical stations, communication equipment and everything that's needed for the landship fleet logistics so long campaigns can be maintained without extremely lengthy supply lines. In the lower levels there are garages to repair the tanks and IFVs. From it generals like you can command armies over an entire continent. We had to get in four Omega Order task forces here to save the remains of your fleet and the landship. They should not be used for personal gain. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir" Katie said, although she was technically higher in rank than him because she was in command of a landship fleet, an honour not many of the Khaganate's generals have been given.

"Good. I'll be going back to the south now. You may go whenever you feel like it, general." Arman said. With those words he stood up and left, getting back to his army and going back to the southern front.

General Katie Anderson put her hands on her face and wept for a while.
Also, FairyFloss has apparently left the RP, so if someone wants to take their nation they can
Okay, I think I'm gonna bow out of this for now, as I've been quite busy as of late and am more involved in other RPs.

I'll keep your nation safe but I'll probably give it to someone if they specifically ask for it
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