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As Adrian looked around he saw the group scattered about fighting individual battles. He noticed the priest taking an absolute beating but it didn't really seem to affect her and what seemed to be an ice storm, probably conjured by one of the mages in the group. Daedra carried on coming from all directions as everyone continued to fight. Where in the hells are they all coming from? Ethan thought to himself as he pulled out his other sword from it's scabbard. Before he could actually see where they were all coming from a sword slashed at his face bringing him back at to the fight. Adrian leant back quickly as the sword slashed at his head, the dremora screeching at him in some strange tongue. The creature swung at him with his huge great sword again, but Adrian jumped back just back in time. When the creature slashed at him another time, Adrian swiped at the great sword with one of his blades pushing the Dremora's sword further to side than it intended and knocking him off balance and leaving his side vulnerable and quickly Adrian lunged his other sword as deep into it as possible. He slowly pulled his sword back out of the dremora as it dropped dead, the black sludge that was the creatures blood was stuck to the blade.

Before Adrian could catch his breath back a Clannfear crashed into him and knocked him to the ground, in a split second the beast was on top of him trying to bite at his face. Adrian was just barely keeping him away with his right hand whilst his left searched for one of his swords. In the background he could hear Flavia barking orders. It took a few seconds for Adrian to actually grab one of his blades and when he did, Adrian buried it in the Daedra's head.

Adrian sighed and then shouted to himself, "Why could we not have just been fighting some bloody farmers!" As he rolled the lifeless corpse off him, then grabbed his swords and moved back to the rest of the group. Arrows were still flying around and as he looked around he noticed that some of the Dremora were on some of the remaining houses. When he got to the group Flavia had organised them fairly well especially seeing that it was a rag tag group who hadn't really had much experience fighting together. When he got to the group, he shouted, "It's all well and good staying here but we're gunna get picked off one by one with those archers, anybody got any ideas how to take them out?"
Hopefully everyone is happy with that! Haha the stories properly started now. :)
Adrian Jannus

Within the hour, the group had finally managed to set off grabbing everything they needed and finished off with their snide remarks to each other. The journey to the farming community was pretty unremarkable as far as journeys go, there was a few wolves on the edges of the forests next to the road they traveled down but they soon ran off back into the woods seeing how many were travelling together. After a while of walking down The Gold Road they had to take a turn off the main road and had to follow a path through the woods that let to Shardrock.

The weather had not really improved, it had gone the other way in fact with the clouds getting even darker, it would soon start raining. As Adrian looked up towards the sky, a look of annoyance came over his face, he hated the rain and being wet.

Walking towards the farm, Adrian and Flavia were at the front of the group both trying to look like the leader, Flavia doing the better job. The closer they got to the farm though, the quieter it got. The birds in the trees had stopped chirping, all that could be heard was the wind blowing through the woods, but not everyone had noticed how quiet it was as they talked between themselves. What was noticeable though was the smoke that started to get stronger. After a while they walked into a clearing and the group suddenly stopped to see the scenes. There was no one about. Without speaking Adrian motioned for everyone to carry on walking. Shardrock would have been a normal farming community if most of the houses hadn't been burned down, there was just smoke coming from the wreckages of the houses. Around four houses looked like they was still standing though from where they was stood. Everyone was spread out, most people had their weapons drawn as they walked closer to centre of the village.

Adrian slowly walked forward, one of his short swords had been drawn, the dread growing inside of him not knowing what was going on. He took a quick look behind to see Justin, the other Imperial crouching behind him. As they moved round the corner, Adrian froze as he looked at the scenes in front of him. A body of a young Imperial women laid on the ground with her eyes open but glazed over, her body jerked a little as the creature crouching over her was eating her insides, blood and guts covered the floor around the imp and the corpse. Adrian froze as he looked at what was going on, Justin started to walk past him. Adrian noticed the deathly look on his face as the Imperial shakily pulled his crossbow from his side. "Gods preserve me." Justin said in a frightened voice as he aimed the crossbow at the scamp. Suddenly the imp looked up staring at Justin and screeched as loud as it could before Justin had let loose the bolt hitting the imp right in the centre of its head, the body fell on top of the corpse it had been eating. In an instant, the sounds of footsteps could be heard from all directions. Adrian just stood there behind Justin as they stared at the two bodies. The thrums of bows sounded and a second later an arrow glanced off of Adrians left arm, he dived to the side and looked over at Justin who was on his knees and holding his throat, an arrow had caught him there. Out of nowhere all sorts of Daedra started to rush at everyone. Adrian struggled to his feet and suddenly had to slash at another scamp who had jumped at him, he caught the scamp's arm which easily came off as the imp ran off screaming, all around everyone was fighting different types of Daedra.
Yeah I'll try and get a post up today then! Actually get to the exciting part.
Is everyone ready for a time jump? Will start working on it for tomorrow if you all are
@Danelaw yeah just give me a heads up. :)
The new post is up, it's just a little one so people can finish their conversations, I'll jump the story forward to the the farm on my next post.
Adrian Jannus

As Adrian was about to fill the Argonian in on the current mission, two more members of the company walked in. He sighed as he heard the huge Nords excuse of taking a wrong turn. Quietly he said to himself, "How can someone miss a big sign that points to here?" He shook his head and looked back to the Argonian who had been distracted by one of the new recruits who was also a part of some order to do with the Gods. Adrian didn't really bother to ask what they did after he found out it was a religious order because he didn't really care about the Gods. "Zazar." Adrian shouted, trying to get his attention. "The farms just west of here and will probably take an hour." He kept his voice loud so the two other newcomers could hear. "They're farmers I really don't see there being any skilled fighters or mages living there, maybe retired soldiers, I don't know. We'll soon find out the reason why they're not paying."

After Adrian spoke he then sauntered over the door and pushed it open and then looked back to everyone. "Whenever you're ready children, we'll get going." As he spoke, Adrian checked his belt to make sure it was secure. He had a quick look over at anyone. There was thirteen of them all together, he didn't know whether that was a bad omen or not. They would soon find out.
Sorry about the lack of activity guys, will try and get a post up tomorrow to move the story along. :)
If you're accepting new character's I'd be interested. :)
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