Avatar of Kaiachi
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  • Posts: 61 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Kaiachi 8 yrs ago


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The blatant favoritism this early on in the roleplay aside, if it's not charity, why is he any different from anyone else with money? He's not technically doing a "good deed" if he expects to get payed back.
Opalle Jardeve

I'll throw mine in as well!
And I'm back from work!
I quite like your idea. Alil'taris being a haunted sort of contraption (ghost in the machine, much?) with an object or stone from her still living self is clever, and gives the character a bit more depth than I had initially imagined. I'll rework the app accordingly and repost it myself, if it's all the same to you.

Edit: In retrospect, I don't really need to change anything in the app. Most of the changes in her origins are more likely to show up in RP instead.
I'm quite interested in this idea and I'd love to participate and help develop it. Personally, I think BurningCold has some fantastic ideas, as well. I'll stick around for more.
I'm definitely interested. The basic framework is pretty intriguing, and I'd love to know more, or help develop it somehow.

As the Earthbender passed by, Satomi shot a scathing look of annoyance, and nothing more. No need for a bigger scene to keep those jerks around..I'll let it go. She rolls her eyes and strides forward to join the group now surrounding the mango splattered girl. She was occupied with the fruity sight, noticing chunks of mango scattered upon the ground about her, until she saw the culprit jumping down from the roof carelessly. Well, she doesn't seem mean, just reckless.

"Sorry, that was my last one too."

A look of bewilderment spread slowly across Satomi's face, as she began, "Wait, I didn't wa-" Cutting herself off, she realized that it would be no use to argue. She sighed and looked back at the mango-tosser. "Never mind, just..watch your stuff. That probably hurt her."
She reached back and pet Katori reassuringly, noting the crowd gathering around. He was no doubt getting nervous, but groups of people like this are bound to have information on the festival events and locations. Sticking around couldn't hurt.

"Salutations, would you people happen to know where the tournament is being held?"

Turning her head toward him, she shrugs. "No clue. I'm here to kind of figure that out as well, among other things." Questions about some trainers or casual sparring spots sat on the tip of her tongue, but she held it and opted to listen more and gauge her surroundings.

@NuttsnBoltsI'm working on one now!

Satomi carefully took off her pack and plopped herself onto the ground with a sigh, relieved to finally be in the shade of a sizeable, yet comfortable tree. She crossed her legs underneath herself and leaned her head back, taking in the beauty of the branches above her head, covered in thick coniferous needles. She held out a hand to her pack and beckoned. "Come on out, Katori, you've been sitting in there much too long. You must be running hot."
The undersized Torchic rustled itself out of her pack, reluctant to bring himself much further than the height of his wings, his head tilted with caution. He looked around unsteadily, and proceeded to yank one foot out of the worn bag. His other foot caught on the cloth and became tangled, causing him to chirp with alarm.
She looked at him and smirked before unwinding his foot from the stray strings and plucking him out of the pack. "Go on and stretch your legs a bit, we've got a bit more walking to do before we get to the village, you know."
Travelling for extended periods of time could be exhausting, as Satomi had learned rather quickly. The roads were long, the boats were rocky, and the people were easily irritable. When a comfortable spot along the rough path presented itself, a spot such as the gentle curve of the roots between an especially soothing looking tree, one learns to take a bit of a break. Now was as good a time as ever, especially before reaching the hustle and bustle of the village nearby.
But the wandering life had it's perks too. People craved conversation and cordial visits, and there was plenty of talk to go around. Satomi was eager to strike up a conversation, with the right topic, and a festival was just the topic she was looking for. The Equinox was renowned, not only for the entertainment of every sort, but for the potential. There would be a few authorities, some political influences, perhaps a local celebrity or two, and Satomi was prepared to immerse herself anywhere she could get a foothold.
She grew lost in thought, gazing mindlessly at Katori as he hopped and pecked at the ground, circling around a small mound of bugs in their nest.

The short break passed her by, accompanied by a small crowd of rambunctious teenagers chattering excitedly about some inconsequential goings-on among friends. She huffed a quick breath of air and stood up, recollecting her pack and dusting off the back of her tunic. "It's about time we got to that village, don't you think, buddy?" Leaning over, Satomi scooped up her Torchic and set off down the path, admiring the sparse but obvious decorations along the trail to the village, signifying the coming of the festival.
The trek to the village summed up to be no trek at all. Before she knew it, she was already walking into the gate of the lively island town, and immersed in a wide street, dotted with groups of people. She strolled along, her eyes taking in all of the lovely new sights. Nogii island is pleasant enough! I wonder if there are any traine-
Her thought was cut off by the sight of a falling mango knocking an unsuspecting girl on top of her head. She frowned while approaching the girl, noting a young male poking fun at her misfortune. Tracing the fall up to it's source, she saw a wide eyed girl and her Chimchar lamenting their loss from the edge of the roof. Satomi pulled a flattened hand up to her brow and peered closer at the pair before hollering, "You could be a bit more careful with your mangoes!"
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