Avatar of Kale19
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 308 (0.28 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Kale19 3 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current So far my best quote on this site: RANDOM FATHER GO!
3 yrs ago
Random face in the water
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3 yrs ago
@deadwolves if I was your mom I would tell you to help me cook dinner (it's dinner time where I'm at) Since I'm not and want people to join my RP...
3 yrs ago
Me: Makes interest check Me after three seconds: Why hasn't this check generated any interest? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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The best of my Dumb One liners:
"Is your refrigerator running?" "Yes..?" "Good, mine too, I will see you at the refrigerator race tomorrow."

Two fish are in a tank, one turns to the other and says, "How do we drive this thing?"

I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather, not like the screaming passengers in his car

An early bird my get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese

Evening news is when they say Good evening and explain why it isn't

You don't need a parachute to sky-dive you only need one to sky-dive twice

I'm such a good friend that if I was on a sinking ship with you with only one life jacket I would miss you, and think about you lots

People only call me ugly until they realize how much money I make... Then they call me poor and ugly.

And a romantic little poem for anyone who suffered through that:

Roses are red, my name is not Dave, this makes no sense, microwave

Most Recent Posts

I like how you changed your avatar from a Tortoise to a Tortoise
@Tortoise Forgot about that. Plus when you spend three hundred years mining you probably forget about some of that 'space magic'
I'd be, I've put in a few ideas about this type of thing in the past and none have generated any interest, so I'm glad for the chance to join one that already has two people interested (You and me)
Man, I just missed out about a whole conversation about my nation.
In Kale's test 3 yrs ago Forum: Test Forum
At this point I'm just tagging along with my fellow hulks.

Yeah, been a while since I've played too, so not everything is the same as the real game. I wanted to add in the extinct breeds, as well as slightly modified ones (Apis can be any form of cattle) as well as new ones (Bunyip, Roc, Plus a turtle one I'm still thinking about) and the mockery breeds because I thought it could be fun for players to have more options. If this generates more interest I'll make an OOC.

Caravan 1, Unknown location, The Appalachia

"Ah-ah-ah-AHCHOO!" A few bottle caps clinked to the ground as a Glowing one sneezed them out. Dr. Fatta sighed, as the only remaining of the original founders he was highly disappointed of how much his people had gone down hill. Sure they had increased a hundredfold, but the latest trend was to stick bottlecaps up your nose. A trend which had at least three Glowing ones hospitalized. Or at least, if you could call it a hospital. Majority of the 'equipment' was rusty knives, but they did the job, and with the healing factor gifted to Glowing ones by radiation, the cut didn't even have to be precise, although you did have to pull out the bottle cap before the skin closed over again.
At least we found a way to tame the mongrels right? He thought to himself. Majority of the glowing ones though of anything that glowed as a friend, and after offering food and water, the feeling was usually mutual. The mongrels had been found as pups, and since then been ghoulified and turned glowing, now they were Vicious attack dogs, at least, to anyone who didn't give them food.
"Speak of the devil!" Shouted out Dr. Fatta, the hunters had returned with food.

"We found this weird thing!" One of the hunters shouted back. A few ghouls they had picked up in the Appalachia murmured among themselves.

"Where did you find this? Was it alive when you found it?" One asked.

"Just outside where we're parked now, it was dead with some slash marks on the neck."

"This is a Yao guai, one of the most deadly creatures of the of the Appalachia. At the moment I can only think of one creature who could do this."

"We'll cook it later then, everyone pack up, we're heading out." Interrupted Dr. Fatta, waving everyone back to their caravan carts.

Soon all of the glowing ones were on the move once again, each cart being pulled by a few Brahmin or radstags, led by a single glowing one sitting on the roof. Inside Glowing ones were feasting on the remains of the meal from the previous day, or trying to get some sleep to prepare for their shift driving the carts. The mongrels play-fought with a glowing super-mutant. A rad-gull flew around it's owner. Older glowing ones told new recruits about traveling all the way to the Mojave with the Bottle Caps United. All was good, but that would change.

Caravan 2, Unknown location, The Appalachia

"Be careful around this cliff Ted, we don't want to fall off." The last of the carts in caravan two trudged along the side of the cliff. If they dropped not even the glowing ones with a higher healing factor could survive... And of course if they did they would have to worry about the gulpers at the bottom. Without warning the cart in front of them suddenly veered off course. Then, the driver, Ted let out an ear piercing scream. Then jerked hard to his left off the cliff.
"What was that?" Shouted out someone from the caravans in front, before driving his caravan off the cliff.

"Everyone down! Raiders are-" Then a bullet shut him up.

Radstags were fleeing everywhere, quite a large number of them leaping off the cliff, caravan and all. Luckily a few hunters and soldiers remained from the attack. Charging up the hill they emitted enough radiation to match a nuclear bomb. Every wound they got healed over within seconds. The raiders may have killed a few ghouls, but the glowing ones massacred all the raiders. In the end the warning got out to the other raiders, don't mess with glowing ones.
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