Avatar of karamonnom
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    1. karamonnom 9 yrs ago
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Current I ... just broke up with a long time boyfriend.. feeling kinda miserable. Will try to be active soon
2 yrs ago
I am like extra-dying from work and stress. I'm so sorry for going MIA.
2 yrs ago
Never thought that I would have to say that someone burnt my socks but here we are
2 yrs ago
Sorry for the late replies. Things have been bleh --> lost my passport and such and chaos. will try to post soon
2 yrs ago
Another work trip from the 27th to the 30th~


I'm pretty bleh.

Most Recent Posts

I think we could do our own Shinigamis.
Posted my sheet by following yours as a template! Sounds good then. But they could split up and follow one of our characters jome

Name: Takeshi Kawano
Age: 17
Hobbies: Loitering, picking fights, cooking
Favorite color: Red
Favorite food: Curry rice
Phobia: The ocean
Personality: Stubborn, short tempered, sarcastic, bitter, and fierily passionate
I think it would be interesting if we each had our own. So we could do both Ryuk and Rem.

I think we will work on their current relationship after we work on our characters.
This sounds really interesting to me. I would love to be your partner in this if you would let me :)

Name: Lysander Vitrerius
Title: The Bookworm
Age: 20
Class: Mage
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Home: Etruria but currently wandering

Equipment: Fire Tome (E), Vulnerary
Economy: 500 gold

Personality: Lysander is above all, a scholar. He is constantly trying to learn more about the world around him and takes notes in his trusty journal. He is more likely to be found in a library of some sort than a bar. However because of his studious nature, he finds it difficult to interact with others especially those of the opposite sex. Around females, he becomes a bumbling, blushing mess. It is not that he hates woman nor is he even afraid of them. He's just that awkward, unfortunately for him.

When in a public setting, he keeps to himself and simply observes others if he isn't already lost in his own thoughts. He is not one to join any fights and take part in any kind of confrontation. People tend to avoid him anyways because of his gloomy disposition which sometimes he is grateful for having.

He is still a good person who cannot turn away those who sincerely ask him for help and tries to use his magic for the greater good. For what good is knowledge if one does not use it to help others?

Alignment: Neutral Good

Simple description: Lysander generally wears some sort of dark-colored robe (He currently has three which he rotates). He wears a basic shirt and trousers underneath his robes. His skin is pale from lack of sunlight and his hair is shaggy, almost covering his eyes which usually have dark circles under them. If he must go out during the day, he wears his hood up and avoids eye contact with everyone.

Level: 1
Health Points: 16
Strength/Magic: 6
Skill: 5
Speed: 5
Luck: 4
Defense: 2
Resistance: 7

Health Points: 90%
Strength/Magic: 70%
Skill: 45%
Speed: 50%
Luck: 35%
Defense: 30%
Resistance: 40%

Thanks. I'll change it to a fire tome then. Just to be less confusing.
Decided to make a mage since people were planning on making knights. Hope he's okay but I can change anything if need be.

I'll try to make a character soon to balance things out when I get home :)

Edit: Thinking of a lawful good cavalier xD
I'll voice my interest in this :)
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