Avatar of Karisma
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  • Old Guild Username: Nenny
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    1. Karisma 10 yrs ago


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"Okay, this is the last one...alright?" Eli cooed in a hushed tone. She placed an almond towards the middle of the branch, slowly and without any sudden jerks. Then she positioned herself as she had been, her back resting on the trunk of the tree. She continued popping almonds into her mouth as she waited for her new friend to accept her gift. The squirrel, which had succeeded in scoring half of her almonds already, quickly scooped up the almond and began nibbling on it. Eli felt the smile on her face linger for too long. "It's times like these that make me forget the world's gone to hell, lil bud."

As if on cue, her new squirrel friend bolted up the tree in a frantic rush. Eli was immediately on alert, her pack of almonds now back in her bag. She knew the undead were too stupid to climb trees, but if they got a whiff of her being up there then it would be troublesome. She did not want to repeat the time she got stuck for days because of them. Eli glanced down to see the origin of what had spooked her newfound friend; a lone zombs. Instead of unnecessarily bashing its head in, Eli circled around the tree and began climbing down the other side.

It was time to find another hideout.

|| 5'9" || 165lbs || Black to Dark Blue Ombre Hair || Dark Brown Eyes ||

Eli De La Rosa



April 25

Eli has naturally curly hair but in order to save herself hours of untangling and pain, she usually straightens it to loosen the curls. She's also a bit of a freckled mess which she refers to as her personal constellations. Clothes-wise Eli puts in a lot of effort to make sure her outfits are flawless. However, the day everything turned to shizz Eli was just wearing a simple white tee under a PINK hoodie paired with black sweatpants and combat boots.

Eli is the dad friend who really wants to help and protect but is too emotionally awkward to get it across. Her instinct is to take care of others be it animals, people, plants; just name it. She is easily entertained by simple games and is always up for food. In fact, Eli always has some sort of snack hidden away in her bag or pockets.

She's always on this calm, low level wavelength where she takes things as they are. Eli's as chill as ice and rarely―at least outwardly―overreacts to extreme situations. She isn't the analytical, observant type; it just takes a lot to faze her.

Eli grew up in a relatively normal household. Both parents worked long hours and she was an only child so she spent most of her time with her own company. She grew comfortable to that sort of lifestyle so her circle of friends was always limited to those who understood when she needed some space. Wanting to pull her own weight, Eli began working as well in order to help her parents out once she reached high school.

She had no ambitions or dreams so she trekked through life making last minute decisions based on random whims. So when disaster struck, the only thing that seemed to strike hard was the fact that it happened just a few days before her birthday. That and the fact that it happened while she was in class and her parents were away at work. During the very beginning of the chaos, Eli's sole purpose was to find and protect her parents. However, she quickly found out they hadn't been unlucky enough to survive.

With her parents gone, the only ones she ever really had a deep attachment to, something seemed to just snap inside Eli. Every chance she got she'd use it to recklessly save someone or something without so much regards to her own well being.

Sledgehammer & an assortment of random small knives

Took various self-defense classes so she's able to be on par with someone stronger or bigger. Thanks to her nonchalance, she is able to calmly think herself out of a sticky situation. Eli is also good enough as a cook; she can make a scrappy meal taste like a gourmet dish.

Good Balance | Knows simple First Aid | Calm | Running & Jumping

Not very flexible | Tends to disregard her safety for others | Too trusting of others

Tends to subconsciously touch the back of her neck when lying.
ty ty i'll be moving her over to the CS side in bit


kaltenecker was the real mvp tbh
ayyyyyyyyy i'm that one more peep :DDD
yey so I finally posted, btw the green colored papers I mentioned are important since we be all getting them. It's just a way of organizing the students so that when their color called, they're gonna get their dorm assignments and whatnot.

ALSO I hope ya don't mind, @Cat@Amaterasu420@XxLyraxX. I didn't know whether your characters were inside the auditorium or not, so I kinda sent in an NPC to usher you guys in(you can respond to them however ya want.) If you guys were in the auditorium already then ignore it, haha.

As for the dorm list! I have it ready, imma post it now in case you guys wanna talk things out before they're officially known in the IC etc:
Aoi with Eleanor
Sera with Nova
Hotaru with Valencia

Damian with Devin
Orion with Nicolas
Zach with Hikari
Erion with Tomas

If I missed anyone, pls lemme knoww~

Valencia breathed in the crisp, cool air as she stood before the school's entrance. Her aunt hadn't even been nice enough to leave her any closer. So with her suitcase trailing behind her, Valencia got to walking. After all, there was nothing else she could possibly do. The whole school seemed to be engulfed by the trees that surrounded the area.

After a few good minutes of plain walking, Valencia had arrived at the school grounds. Well, to be more exact, Valencia was a few feet from the school's front door. She was standing right next to an obnoxiously fancy fountain, one that would have fit a national park better. A small angelic figure--most likely a baby cupid--was peeing clear, fresh water into the reservoir. "Disgusting" Valencia's mumble was barely audible as she turned to walk towards the school. Before entering through the main door, she was greeted by a very serious looking woman dressed in all black. Looks like a butler.

Valencia was instructed to walk to the auditorium for some sort of orientation and she did as told; apparently she was already late. She followed the lady's instructions and walked towards the auditorium, coming across a group of kids making a ruckus. "Hey ya-" Valencia cut herself off before she could finish her sentence. Ya better go inside soon.. She shook her head and kept walking, it wasn't any of her business whether they were late or not. What's more, it didn't even look like she was needed; a few adults wearing all black approached the group. They were most likely being told that it was time to enter. Valencia didn't stay to watch, instead she entered the auditorium and took a seat on the outside of the row. That way, her suitcase could easily rest on the aisle without bothering her.

The auditorium was a hateful place. Not only was it unnecessarily huge--we're talking about something resembling a piano recital theater here--but it was also inundated by the high-pitched, gruff and insufferable voices of teenage kids. Ugh. Suddenly, the lights were dimmed down and the chatter was present but it had lowered some. The boisterous chatter was replaced with curiosity in most due to the sudden change in atmosphere. Valencia noticed that the lingering adults in black suits were now handing out small colored brochure-like papers. Valencia took the green colored one that was handed to her and opened it up. "What?" There was nothing written in the brochure except for the school's name. She looked over a few rows ahead of her and noticed that some kids were getting red, blue, and even yellow papers. "I wonder what the hell this is for."

Tomas dashed out of his parent's car, slamming the door behind him. He slung his backpack over his left shoulder in the most exaggerated way. Yep, that's Tomas, everyone. Without even looking back, Tomas headed for the school, remembering what his parents had told him. They had had a conversation with some weird looking creeps in black suits and for some reason or the other Tomas was meant to follow their creepy advice. Well, not exactly creepy, he had dozed off during the long winded conversation, but he knew it was something weird! "Extremely off-putting fer sure!" Tomas belted out the sentence like he was about to sing the prelude in an opera and jogged his way towards the auditorium.

Once at the auditorium, Tomas loudly exclaimed a few 'sorry' and 'welp' and even added some 'my bad!' in there as he pushed his way through the crowded auditorium. Instead of taking a seat in the back--where there were enough to choose from, mind you--Tomas decided on a lone seat in the very middle of the middle row. He had to push past people's feet, bookbags, etc. Once in his seat, he turned his attention to the green colored paper a butler-like man had handed him beforehand.

Nighty night~
Nope! that's perf, go on your merry way and create that character
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