Avatar of Karl Kadaver
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 357 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. Karl Kadaver 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I hesitate to call it a triumphant return, but let's just see how it goes. ;)
8 yrs ago
Proper spelling and grammar: The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.
8 yrs ago
"RP DM" when said aloud sounds like "Carpe Diem". Coincidence? I think not.
8 yrs ago
Haven't said anything here for a while. Let's keep it that way.
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8 yrs ago
Stumpiversary is coming up in a little over a month! ^_^
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Almost everything you need to know about me is here: tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Tropers..

Umm...what else can I say about myself? I dunno. I'm part cyborg (my leg). That's kinda interesting, I guess. I'm a brony, but I honestly haven't followed anything having to do with FIM since, like, Season 3...ish. I like creepypastas...in fact, I have a couple in the works. And I'm in the process of writing an SCP. That's cool, right? That's what cool kids do? I like anime, video games,...uh, music...and...uh...stuff. *vague babbling*

Oh! I'm on Steam! "Karl Kadaver"

Most Recent Posts

Tamra Windraven

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Class/Abilities: Wizard

Equipment: Dagger, Component Pouch, Spellbook


Tamra lived in a small village by a river, and lived the simple life of a fisherman’s daughter until she was 12, when a great lightning storm came through, nearly devastating the village. Tamra was with her father, attempting to keep the boats lashed to the shore when she was struck by lightning, killing her instantly.

Upon her death, she felt someone gently take her hand. She felt compelled to follow, and as she travelled through the aether, she ventured a glance upward at her guide. What she saw was the most stunningly beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes upon. The woman likewise glanced down at her charge and brushed a few shining locks away from her face.

The woman smiled warmly. “Child, do you know who I am?”

To Tamra’s ears, the woman’s words were like warm honey. Tamra shook her head, finding herself unable to speak.
“I am known by many names. I am the Taker, I am Death’s Guardian, I am The Dark Eyed Lady.”

Tamra stared at her, her mouth agape.

“I am Wee Jas, dear child.” Suddenly, the woman’s eye twitched. After a few moments, she looked down at her charge and smiled. “It’s not your time. I will send you back.”

Tamra suddenly shouted, “No!” She tried to grab Wee Jas’ arm, but the goddess stepped just out of her reach. “I want to stay with you! Don’t leave me!”

Wee Jas simply shook her head. “You can’t. Now, return to the world of the living.” After a pause, the goddess added, “Maybe we’ll see each other again.”

When Tamra returned to her body, she found herself back in her village with memories of the goddess fresh in her mind. Tamra had to return to her! She had to be by her side once again!

From that day forth, Tamra devoted her life to finding out everything she could about Wee Jas, and by the time she was in her late teens, she joined a Jasidan coven and now she travels the world in an attempt to find favor with her goddess so she can return to the world of the dead.

Tamra could hear the crunching of peanuts coming from somewhere behind her. The sound annoyed her, but her countenance remained serene. For the time being, she was concentrating on the prize held within the tower's walls. Having heard about the vast riches contained within, even if she had to split the spoils among herself, the ferryman, and her compatriots, she would still have an ample offering to her goddess.

But it was something that the young man said that brought her back from her reverie: "What a weird boat." She glanced at the shore and found the boat that he spoke of. "Someone has beat us here," she mused. She wasn't expecting this; in fact, she was expecting to be on this treasure hunt be herself. She really should have known better.
Just a heads up, starting tomorrow, I'm going to be in the middle of the woods for about 4 days, and I won't have internet. I want to stay with this, though. I'll try to post something today.
So, what's happening?
My character is super chill. It shouldn't be a problem.
I'll have her sheet up in a few hours.
Are we to assume that the lore is based around the D&D universe?

I have a Jasidan Initiate (someone who worships the goddess of Death) I've been itching to play.
Hey, I know I haven't posted since the beginning of this RP, and I'm sorry about that. I'm sorting through a lot of personal stuff right now, and I'm not even sure I'll be able to...I dunno...join.

With that said, I suppose you can consider me "dropped out" until further notice.

I'm sorry, I really am.
I'm liking the posts so far, especially the collabs. Is anybody interested in interacting with the Red Claw, or is he likely to be doomed never to interact with other vigilantes in the night hours?

I'm currently working on a post where Mister Business finds Cape's remains, but it's going to take me a while to finish (I have to return to work soon). I'd be interesting to have a little cat/mouse thing going on.
Josh Wright

Name: Joshua Aaron Wright
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Extraordinary
From: Campsite

Ability: Wing Manifestation - Josh has a pair of large, white, birdlike wings. He can use his wings to lift himself off the ground to take flight and glide. He can't fly too high, however, as the lack of oxygen at higher elevations would quickly cause him to suffocate. He also needs a wide area to take off and land without risking injury. He normally keeps his wings folded behind his back, but they are always present. While he is able to fly, his skill level is more "gross motor skills" than anything too dexterous. He can take off, land, and fly in straight lines. He hasn't mastered finer things, such as turning or hovering.

Light Manipulation - This gives him the ability to focus the light particles in his vicinity into orbs or beams. The most focused of these manifestations can cause concussive injuries, but doing this quickly drains his stamina. Using this power makes the area around him darker and colder. He has mastered basic shapes, such as orbs, and since these were the only requirements for his "miracles", he never attempted to improve, either by experimenting with different shapes and forms, or with varying intensities. In other words, his abilities are rather basic.

Light Healing - He is also able to focus light particles for the purpose of healing others. This power doesn't seem to affect his own body, however, and once again, using it too often or in too high of concentration drains his stamina. He is quite skilled at recognizing wounds and injuries, and he can heal most injuries with his abilities. He is completely unable to heal lethal wounds; the more intense the wound, the more time and energy it takes for him to heal.

Weaknesses: Josh is at a very confusing point in his life right now and his willingness to "go against the grain" could possibly be exploited. While he is slow to anger, it is difficult for him to calm down afterward. He tends to see things in black and white, and he's very self-conscious about his wings, and worries about hitting people or objects win them.

Personality: Aloof ~ Sarcastic ~ Patient ~ Cynical

Likes: Being by himself, Being useful, Rain, Learning New Things

Dislikes: Being Alone, People who take advantage of others, Conflict

Job: Assistant at the General Store

Bio: Joshua is the only son of an evangelical pastor and his wife. Because of several complications with the pregnancy, no one was sure that Josh would even survive to come to term, so when he did, his parents considered it a miracle. Then, as if by divine design, their child pretty much became the angel that they had thought he was! From an early age, the winged child would be taken to service after service, and made to perform small "miracles" using his light manipulation abilities. To the devout, Josh was seen as a messenger from God, while those who were more cynical merely saw the whole thing as a sideshow performance.
Josh grew up knowing only the church and its ways, and he had taken to it, like any good angel would...though he could never, for the life of him, reconcile his personal moral compass, and God's alleged love for all living things, with the atrocities that he knew happened in the world on a daily basis. This internal conflict came to a head when he turned 18.
He and his family were at a service, and Josh was laying hands on a sick, elderly woman. Outside, he and the rest of the congregation heard a loud commotion. A few of the churchgoers, including Josh, ventured outside to see what was the matter, and found themselves confronted with an anti-Extraordinary demonstration. Upon seeing Josh, the crowd turned angry and belligerent, accusing Josh and his family of being "freaks" and "charlatans". Josh's father stepped forward to attempt to quell the angry crowd, and was struck with a blunt object for his trouble.
This set Josh over the edge. He stepped forward, gathering as much light energy as he could around him while quoting bible verses about the wrath of God and calling himself "the Hand of Righteousness". He unleashed the energy he gathered, injuring several of the protesters and even some of the congregation.
When he saw what he had done in his blind fury, he felt extremely guilty and immediately turned himself in to the authorities, where he spent time in the local jail. While there, he had a lot of time to reflect on his actions, and the life which had led him to this point. He decided then and there that he wanted out. He wanted a new life, and to be beholden to no one but himself.
His parents were oddly accepting of his decision, and it was here that the prospect of the Summer Camp was brought to his attention. A place where he could be among his own kind? And maybe sort out his life?
He couldn't wait to sign up!
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