Avatar of Kelewen
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Kelewen
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 919 (0.24 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Kelewen 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current On RP Hiatus. Will be back eventually...
4 yrs ago
Free virtual benefit concert tonight: TheFarmMustGoOn.com
4 yrs ago
Good luck, @blindwoofer. Mine likes to wash his paws off in his water dish.
1 like
4 yrs ago
@Crab... see if you can find out what she's interested in. Then ask her about it. No flirting need be involved to just break the ice. :)
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4 yrs ago
Amazing how many sudden epidemiology experts there are in the world


Long time casual role player who loves tales of adventure! I enjoy tabletop games, play-by-post, and even LARP!

Wild (and sometimes weird) west and medieval fantasy games with an 'old-school' D&D feel are my favorite.

In real life, I'm a software engineer and wanna-be farmer. I have a little garden and some chickens that like to destroy my flower beds. But I like 'em anyway and they all have names. ;) Sometimes they lay me some breakfast.

Other hobbies include dog agility and archery.

Most Recent Posts

Still here, @Meep? I don't want to get too far ahead without giving you a chance to post.
Kat, maybe set up this first hallway puzzle for us to solve?
The blowing snow hid the tracks of the Wood Guard within minutes after their passage as they made their way through the dense forest over terrain too rugged even for horses. It was slow going, hampered by the weather, their unconscious prisoner, and Rook's injured leg. By the time they arrived at the impromptu camp, the sky was already beginning to turn grey with the first hint of dawn.

The camp was little more than a rocky overhang that had been blocked off against the weather by canvas tarps. Still, a small fire and no wind made it feel positively cozy compared to the elements outside the shelter. Rook sank down heavily onto a log that had been dragged inside and turned into a temporary bench. Her leg was throbbing and she wanted nothing more than a hot meal and peace enough to curl up in a blanket to sleep.

"I found the Moss Witch", she confirmed. Locating the reclusive seer and gaining the old woman's advice on how Octa might be defeated had been the objective of the ranger's mission, but her eyes reflected that those gathered might not like what she was about to tell them.

"She told me three things. First, that our captain would be betrayed." With Zula dead, it seemed this one had already come to pass. But who had betrayed him? Rook refused to believe it was one of her companions gathered here.

"Then, that a weapon to aid us could be found in the ruins of Burren," she glanced around questioningly at the others, hoping one them would have heard of these ruins as the Moss Witch had not told her where exactly they could be found.

"And the third," she hesitated, not yet understanding the meaning of the seer's instructions, "was to ask for help from the raven."

"He got me pretty good here," Dane said, rubbing his cheek where it was already beginning to darken and swell. "Nothing to worry 'bout though, I'm sure he'll make it up to us, right lad?" He patted the top of Edwin's head, as if that sealed the agreement.

When they had gone the short distance back to the others, Dane and Rook exchanged smiles and greetings, "Glad to see you back, lass."

"Missed having someone to clean up your dishes after dinner, huh?" she said teasingly, already falling back into the easy camaraderie she shared with them.

"Thaliar," Dane said, looking at the elf and indicating toward Edwin, "Want us to bring this one along?"

Rook couldn't help but feel a small surge of anger toward the bound man slung over Kan's shoulder. She knew he wasn't the leader of the crew that had injured and captured her, but in her mind that didn't relieve him of his culpability. "Or tie him to a tree without a cloak for a few days... see how he fairs," she muttered, loud enough for only the sharp-eared non-humans to hear.

Kaden's pleas grew louder and more desperate as they gained no response from Lord Octa. "Please, my lord! My father sent me! Lord Tobler! Please! Please, I've committed no crime against you!" Panic was beginning to set in and he struggled now against the dread knight, but the armored hand clasping the chain only pulled him ahead, then down a poorly-lit claustrophobic spiral staircase.

The four shackled captives were unceremoniously herded into a dirty cell, empty save for the skeletal remnants of a long-forgotten prisoner.

"Please..." the young lordling said, quieter now, as if he could not quite believe this was happening.

When the door clanged shut, he put his back to the cold stone and slid to the floor, not looking at the other prisoners... those criminals. And especially not looking at the skeleton still shackled to the wall. He closed his eyes, burrowing his head down into his shackled hands as if he could shut out everything. When my father hears of this, he will declare war on Octa!

Now that we have some (really cool) story going, any suggestions for a better RP title?
"I'll be alright. Go." Rook reassured Kan and watched him disappear into the blowing snow.

When the wolfish figure emerged from almost the same spot a few moments later, Rook's eyes widened in surprise and recognition. It had been months since she'd last seen the werebeast, both off on separate missions under Zula's direction. "Kamri," she greeted, "It is good to see you too." She glanced uneasily at the remnants of blood still around Kamri's mouth. Once upon a time, they might not have been allies, but desperate times had forced the Wood Guard to accept help where they could find it.

"That helps, thank you," she said gratefully, pulling the wool cloak tightly around herself, shackles now dangling from only one wrist.

"How far do we have to travel tonight?" she asked, looking from Kamri to Thaliar. With their base of operations gone, she assumed they had a temporary camp set up somewhere. "If it's not far this can wait until we're somewhere safer," she pulled back the torn fabric around the calf of her right leg to reveal soiled and bloodied bandages, probably a few days past due to be changed.

"Ain't that one you gotta worry about eatin' you," Dane said, grimacing from where Edwin's fist had managed to connect with his cheek.

"Get that rope from his belt, Kan. We'll bring him back and see what Thaliar wants ta do with 'im."

With Kan now there to help restrain the captive, they quickly had Edwin stripped of weapons and valuables and had his hands bound tightly behind his back. "And no need to be callin' for your friends to come help ya," Dane said, gagging him with a thick strip of cloth tied behind the neck.
Lucy smiled when saw Maya and the huge dog. "He's a beauty," she said, nodding to the great dane. "Is he friendly?" she asked, immediately wanting to pet him, but refraining until Maya said it was okay, "...to strangers, I mean."

She nodded at the girl's question. "I got an email like that. I gotta say, the game started out a little more intense than I expected... waking up in a locked room like that. I think... they drugged me or something. At least...I don't remember going into that room on my own."
"This is far from over, kid," Dane said through gritted teeth as he grappled with Edwin in the snow, using his weight to keep the young man from squirming out of his grasp, but that also left him unable to start binding his hands without first letting go.

He could vaguely hear the voices of Kan, Rook, and Thaliar. "Kan! Some help here!" he called out.

"You tell us what we need to know, maybe you'll get to keep breathin' for awhile," Dane said darkly.

Lucy felt her cheeks grow hot at the man's comment. At 20, she could easily have passed for 16 or 17. Someday you'll find it a blessing to look young, her mother assured her. Someday, maybe, but right now, it just felt like no one ever took her seriously.

"It's Saturday," she said coldly, then turned her attention to Nate instead, smiling at his joke. Her cheeks stayed a little flushed as she realized how good-looking he was. "Maybe that's next weekend's meeting?" she said, continuing his joke, "After having to solve these puzzles?"
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