Avatar of KiltmanBagz
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    1. KiltmanBagz 10 yrs ago


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This is looking fairly filled up, but if room opens up, someone drops out, or even if the GM wants someone to play villains or side characters I would happily volunteer :D
So...ya'll still need a lust. I'll see what i can pull together if the space is still open.
Yeah I feel you Rune, long time no see! Life has been kind of...time consuming lately.


Oh my goodness, kilt!

I am so sorry. I feel kind of bad that you won't get to use Klisa for this.

If I would have known you were going to be around for this, I would have used a certain timid bunny instead. I do think it would have been neat to see how Eira and Klisa interact though...ah well, not my call.

And we could ship the two of them again like always

Howdy rune! Long time no see :3 kind of been on a leave of absence from the guild due to real life getting to real but I'm back and ready to be a huge dork on the interwebs again!!!

And yeah either of those would have been a lot of fun eriaXklida 5ever

But this way we both get to try something new :3 and hey who knows maybe our characters will be ship-able again ;) ( maybe a un-refined plant or timid fire dragon slayer for them kiss to bump heads with)
@Neo Is Delight

No worries neo :3 I totally understand. I'll whip up a new slayer asap.
Well shoot, @Rune_Alchemist, our dragon slayers are like...two opposite sides of the same coin. While this could be very fun to play up, I do also understand in terms story there are certain similaties. Perhaps to similare...

Well I'll go ahead and give ya'll Klisa's CS, and if you Rune or @Neo Is Delight think that my character is to similar to your already accepted one I'll construct a new one.
Ha looks like we've both went AWAL for a bit @CrimsonCastle, I'm still alive mostly and still interested in a homestuck style game. Normally I would offer to CO-GM but life and other projects have my hands P full atm <.<;;;;; But I'm more than happy to help world build or flush out details/story ideas :D
gonna have to agree with my invertabrother with the wicked speech pattern here. Going by the old biblical binary then going further with the 'well angles aren't inherently good and demons not inherently bad' cliché of the modern era is kind of...well… a really well treaded path in general. Calling them by those specific names is rather pointless. If at the end of the day each race has an equal

We also have basically no information on nature of these creatures in a physical or socially sense. If I were to make a casual suggestion on this topic; especially we do go A and D here.

Thoughts on 'Angle' like race.

A race of beings based on an affinity for light. How about they have the ability to manipulate light. To create matter and constructs from said light. It would go a long way to the cultural astatic if that was an intrinsic part of their nature. Hence glowing halos and shining wings ( though the wings could perhaps be organic, meh either way, I do like the idea of wings being a constructed thing tho ) They have built a nation of flying cities of pure solid light among the clouds to separate themselves from everything and to allow them to create a world whole their own.

How diverse is the race of angles. We thinking all pale peeps with white clothing’s? That’s kind of boring as shit. How about system built on the Order of the heavenly hosts. 9 orders of 'Angels' divided into three sphere ( we will come back to this concept later ). Maybe some basic appearance differences ( I'd recommend aspects that are reference to the name sake angles EX: angles of the Cherubim have some sort of animal like feature from one of the animals who are associated with them ( ox, lion, eagle ) ) Perhaps the higher up you go in the angelic rank the more powerful they are at manipulating light and can do bigger and crazier shit with it.

A society built on order to a fault. Everything is beaucracy. You practically have to file paper work to cross a street. Order is all. To that end the three spheres ( told you I'd come back to this ) of angelic hosts work something like a cast system. Angles of the lowest sphere hold almost no policy making power in the society, the second sphere holds some power, the third holds most.

Thoughts on Demons:

Demons traditionally take many forms and have a great many aspects. So potentially the variations on a demon's racial aspects could be infinite. But that would be silly so lets narrow that shit down a little. How about we make them sort of Environmental? Demons take after their environment. Demons from fiery lands have fiery aspects (red skin, high body temps, immune to fire, fire powers) Demons of earth have earthy qualities/powers, water of water, ect ect. To that end maybe while the Angles live in high flying cities of light in the sky, they take up life on the harsh ground below where ever environment is a super esteem version of said environment, hence they have evolved to take on aspects of their respective environment to survive them. I feel as if this also works with how diverse the concept of 'Hell' can be. To one hell could be a fiery abbys, to another a endless freezing wasteland, to another dark suffocating tunnels with no escape, ect ect.

Their world is chaos and so is their society. If you could even really call it that. Everyone does what they need to survive. For weaker demons that often means banding together for safety and cooperation. For more powerful demons that sometimes means taking what you need from someone else. Power is a decider, be it the strength of the one or the strength of the many. Perhaps each specific realm of 'hell' has one demon everyone recognizes as the strongest and would be the defacto leader of said hell, though I don't know if that would play any part of our story outside of a culture building trope.

Anywho those are my thoughts. Take em or leave em. I'm perfectly happy doing trolls/humans/what evers xD
I'm here for this

or if yall go off and make your own game.

I'm here for homestuck shinanaings.
Me and my status for this game regardless if it is remade or If one of the other lurking members decideds to remake it:
I'm still hella in
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