Avatar of knifeman
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  • Posts: 390 (0.16 / day)
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    1. knifeman 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current taking a break from rping for a little while. i'll be back soon enough but i really need to work on my mental health. hope everyone understands sorry
7 yrs ago
@Mae saaaaaaame
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7 yrs ago
i was literally up all night and i just realized i could have written posts during that time fuck i straight up just read fanfiction and cried for like 6 hours
7 yrs ago
saw thor ragnarok the other day and now i really want to do a Sakaar rp but i caaaaaaaan't
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7 yrs ago
sorry in advance to anyone i'm rping with if my posts are slow/kinda bad, my brain isn't working right lately i'm kind of a mess bleh (シ_ _)シ


Most Recent Posts

Juno sat against the wall, covering her ears and humming to try to block out the noise. Her hands were starting to shake, and her heartbeat was quickening. She tried her best to calm herself, as she didn't want to have a panic attack in front of so many people.
She paled and froze at the mention of solitary.

"O-okay, okay, I'm s-sorry..."

Juno tried to explain herself without getting more upset than she already was.

"I just- I can't be here. It's t-too much, I can't..."

She realized she wasn't making much sense, but she just couldn't form the words.

Shit. Shit, there was a fight. Juno tried her best to ignore it, but the anger coming from the fighting boys just filled her with anxiety.

The last straw for her was when the young boy was taken into solitary and his screams were broadcast for all of them to hear. She couldn't hear that. Not now, not when it was real.

She got up from her seat in the cafeteria and made a run for the doors, starting to hyperventilate. She just had to be anywhere else. Anywhere but here.
Juno noticed the fuss over the younger inmate and observed from a distance. She felt sympathy for the kid. To be stuck in a place like this at such a young age must have been awful.

She heard a scream in the distance that made her flinch. Another echo of a past victim.

She sighed, pushing away her food and laying her head on the table. It was too loud here. Too chaotic. If they would only let her have some headphones or earplugs, this would be much more tolerable.
i'm still in. life is just being a bitch
Juno followed the guard, humming to herself. Upon reaching the cafeteria, she sat alone and picked at her food. She watched K-12 messing with the guards, chuckling a little.
Juno had already been awake when the alarm sounded. It had just been too loud to sleep. So many innocent people had died here, and they were all screaming for help, or mercy, or their families.

She had been softly singing to herself to get through the night. It was all she could do; it's not like they let her keep her mp3 player.

Juno had lived her life so far dutifully avoiding hospitals, nursing homes, or anywhere multitudes of people lost their lives. She didn't know how to deal with being stuck in one of those places. She was afraid that she might become one of those voices.

"This place is damp and ghostly, I am already gone..." She sang quietly, waiting for a guard to take her out of her room.
Name: Juno Blackburn
Age: 15
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Female
Appearance: Spooky Kid

Power: She can hear the voices of everyone who has died within earshot of her current location. She can’t talk to them, she can only hear them, and she can’t turn it off.

Other Mental Health Problems: She has severe anxiety, and is easily overwhelmed by sounds and touch. In moments of extreme stress, she sometimes has visual and auditory hallucinations.

Personality: Juno is quiet and observant. She doesn’t like to socialize much, preferring to stay on the outskirts of conversations. She can pick up on small details others easily overlook, and notice things about people that they may try to keep hidden. On a personal level, she’s nice enough, though rather morbid in her interests. She talks freely about death, and expresses interest in starting a “bone collection.”

Other: Music is comforting to her. It's the best way to calm her down during a panic attack.
dang this took longer than i expected sorry
hopefully her power isn't too close to ghost sight

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