Avatar of Konan375
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Konan375
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 368 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Konan375 10 yrs ago


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XIII smirked as he made his way to the mat. "My head's pretty spacious," he said as he knocked on it. "One of the upsides of having only four years worth of memories. You'll have to hit extremely hard if you want to knock something out, that is, if you can hit me." XIII took his stance as he faced Rozalind. "Ready?"

Years ago.

XIII shivered as he sat in his cell. It was always cold. He couldn't remember a time where he felt warm other than when he was taken of the cell. There wasn't much he could remember, but he could always remember when he was taken and what happened to him during the time he was out of the cell. They were trying to make him afraid, but it wasn't working. All they did was make him angry. So many times had he tried to lash out at his captors. Every time he had failed. But it never stopped him. Now he was waiting for the right moment. When he can inflict as much harm on them as they had on him.

When the voice spoke to him from the next cell he smiled. "Damn right!" He reached up and touched the left side of his face, wincing as he did so. The burn was still fresh and sore. "These guys are playing with fire and gasoline, and one of these days their luck is going to run out and they're going to get burned alive."
XIII nodded when Rozalind confirmed his thoughts on the second circle. Now, he only had the third circle to think about. He followed Rozalind to the punching bag and watched as she placed her fist against bag. "I figured that's what you were getting at, but I'm puzzled. There was a... I don't know, a feeling that there should have been a third circle just around the altar, but there was nothing to say that there was. Not only that, but I got a partial memory from the night of the rift, or something close." XIII stared at Rozalind's arm before deciding to change the subject for a bit.

"Is that tape on your arm decoration? If so, you up for a friendly round of sparring?" XIII asked as he jerked his thumb towards the mat set up for gym users to spar. "You look like you want to punch your frustrations away."

There are some posts I just did a lot of typing whewh!

Let us talk about Bes!

I'd like to start working XIII's past into the plot now. I was wondering if you had anything in mind already. Can you tell me a bit more about Bes?

Sure thing.

To be fair Bes was just going to be a name drop from the RP I was in pre-guildfall. But if you want a crack at it, I'll tell you what I know.

Bes is a German organization that started in the late 40's meant to rid the world of those born with abilities. Kidnapping, experimentation, murder, etc. were the norm for this group. Right before XIII went through the rift, they developed a serum that removes the abilities from people with a %50 success rate, but if it doesn't work, it'll kill you.

That's pretty much all I've got about Bes
Leith Calder

Once Leith had finished talking with Bryland, it was time that the baron made his appearance with his son. A child borne of a vampire with the blessing of a god. An impressive thing indeed. After people started gathering, Leith decided to go find his group. As they made their way to the baron, Leith noticed that Lyn looked a bit nervous. As she was glancing between the two Esyire guards he walked up to her.

"You know, you might burn holes in their armor if you stare hard enough," Leith said in a light tone, trying to lighten the mood. "Relax, they won't bite, not unless you try anything violent." He thought for a moment before chuckling quietly. "Out of everyone gathered here that might be the most true thing I said." He frowned. "Unless They're vampires as well. You know, I don't think I've actually seen an Esyire vampire before. How would the albinism affect them, I wonder..." Leith trailed off for a few moments before realizing what he had done and glancing back at Lyn. Ssarak had finished talking, and Meirin had joined him in addressing the baron.

"Anyway, what I was trying to say was relax, and get ready to greet the baron and his family." With that said he walked up beside Ssarak and Meirin, bowing to the baron before speaking.

"But that's enough about us. I do believe a congratulations is in order. It is not often that one receives a blessing from a god. Although, that could mean that you may be under more scrutiny than others now." Leith chuckled. "You said you attended the College. What were you there for; Knowledge, or Magic?"

Darius Jura

Darius had been caught off guard by the swiftness and power of the old man. Once the slaughter, there was no other word to describe it, was over, he stared hard at the man. He was certain that what he saw had to do with magic of some kind. His time at the college taught him that anything seemingly out of the bounds of normal people could be explained with magic of some kind. He kept his thoughts to himself as he felt that if the worst possible scenario happened, they would be fighting him. All Darius needed to do was try and figure out what the man did. He followed the group, lost in thought.
Fight back. That word brought back memories of his past two years before the rift, and how Rozalind said it was exactly how Wehren worked. To fight back against those who would harm the ones that couldn't help themselves. It was funny that he just moved from one secret organization to another that seemed to work similar. When Rozalind mentioned how Necromancers were the worst, XIII smiled.

"I'd say that's a matter of perspective," XIII said before grimacing slightly. He rubbed the tattoo along the back of his hand before continuing. "For me, personally, I'd say Mentalism, well, our Inherent Mentalists would be the worst. Those people can take everything from you without a second thought." The air around him started growing warmer as he worked himself up. "Your memories, your name, even your-" He hissed in pain and glanced at his hand. Funny, he hadn't even noticed that he had clenched it into a fist. He glanced at Rozalind. "Sorry, touchy subject." It wasn't often that his anger got the better of him. Taking a few deep breaths, he calmed down, and the temperature around him dropped back to normal.

Thinking over what Rozalind had said, a thought occurred to him. "You said the outer circle was from Occultic magic. I take it that the second circle was from Necromancy?"
Haha, whoops wrong name in my post. That's been fixed.
XIII needed a lot of time to think. He had been quiet ever since he had the memory resurface. Lost in thought trying to figure out everything that had happened so far, but much to his frustration, he had come up with nothing. Finally, he had had enough with just thinking. He made his way to the gym and went a few rounds with the punching bag. Once he had worked himself tired, he sat down on a nearby chair and watched as people started gathering.

He overheard Roziland briefing the group on magic and how one should be clever and prepared. When he heard Vaughtar ask what they needed to be prepared for, XIII smiled. He felt like he could have some input on the matter. He stood up and started making his way towards the group. Once he was close enough, he snapped his fingers, and a series of small sparks appeared before Vaughtar before it turned into small ball of flame that just hovered in front of the gargoyle.

XIII frowned for a fraction of a second. His abilities seemed to be slightly different in this world. He needed to practice. Pushing that thought aside, he spoke up.

"Technically, you should be prepared for anything." He made a beckoning motion with his fingers and the ball of fire floated towards him before he made a swiping motion and the flame cut out. "While I'm not the leading expert on magic, being prepared for anything, even if it isn't possible, is a good viewpoint to have." XIII grinned at Roziland. "Sorry for butting in, couldn't help it."
I'm still here as well. I've just had a bit of a block. Should have a post up sometime today
Leith Calder

"Not exactly." Leith looked at his hand while he answered the question. "Wearable Daemon Artes can fuse to the wearer, and if left long enough without any help, can turn them into demons. It can be halted, and if I can't find help soon, I will stop what progression has been done." He clenched and unclenched his hand before looking back at Bryland. "But for the time being, the strength I have can be put to good use." Leith looked around the ballroom for a moment as he gathered his thoughts.

"So, what can you tell me about Lord Carmine?"

Darius Jura

Darius followed Yolin to the Arena in silence. He was on edge with the amount of guards that they had now. They had appeared quite quickly considering how the attack was out of seemingly nowhere. He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of the crowds chanting. Quickly, they entered the arena and soon had a view of the battlefield. As Khalitin Cah made his way into the arena, Darius snorted.

"That old man is going up against seven Sand Cobras? This will be something to see."
Darius Jura


Darius stayed silent while the man he warned and his men attacked Yolin's guards. Only standing so that he wasn't at a disadvantage if these men decided to attack him as well. Once everything was done, one of the Resistance fighters was dead, as well as Yolin's guards. Three from their group had gone through the portal and, luckily, Yolin believed them to be kidnapped, and promised to do his best help retrieve them, saying that there was little chance they'd be found alive. Darius nodded to the man.

"If they are found and they were... sympathetic to the rebels, how likely is it that they will be returning with us?"

Leith Calder


Leith chuckled. Now that he thought about it, he knew quite a few people that were skilled with weapons. "I understand how the mages college doesn't seem like a place where there are a lot of fighters, but you might be surprised at how many mages there know how to fight. As for myself, I have some training with long-swords, it's not much, but it has helped me when I needed it. They come in handy when magic fails. However." He paused to look at his right hand. "Long-swords don't quite feel correct for me right now." He offered his left hand for Bryland to shake. "And please, call me Leith."
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