Avatar of Konan375
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Konan375
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 368 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 3
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    1. Konan375 10 yrs ago


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Information Gathering/Interrogation should be on there, I think.
Workin on it
I'm still around
Darius Jura

"And if she were to fall unconscious again, who would carry her? The elf?" Darius spoke up from behind the guards. He had heard the call for help while he was patrolling the college grounds after he had figured out what his axe could do and had changed into his guardsman armor, and watched as the two guardsmen ran from their posts to help Aramir and the newcomer. He had approached them silently using his magic to silence his footfalls in the snow. "Why did the elf have to call out for help if you two were supposed to be watching the gates, hmmm?" He glared between the two guards for a moment before jerking his thumb towards the gates.

"Get back to your posts, and this time pay attention." While he wasn't as high of a rank as he was back in Yarosmere, Darius had been able to climb a up a few since he had started out as a guard, and it always felt nice to give out orders.

Darius stared at the newcomer with his hand resting lightly on his new axe as he determined whether or not she was a threat. She had taken a swipe at Aramir, but that had been after falling unconscious. Dangerous or not, the woman had passed out near college grounds and therefore needed to go the the infirmary. He would have to keep an eye on her. He glanced at Aramir before he turning back at the other woman. He nodded his head towards the college. "Come, you need to go to the infirmary." He said curtly to the woman.
Leith Calder

Leith flinched when he was poked with a flower. His head jerked to the side as he searched, wide eyed, for whoever had done that. He didn't have to look that long as the person who had poked him was standing beside him. It was Lucilia. Leith chuckled at his reaction and pulled himself to his feet. He must have been sitting longer than he had thought. Oh well, it allowed him to give Lucilia the letter and the report.

His face fell for a second as Lucilia asked what was wrong, but he changed it to a small smile. "Oh, it's nothing really," He waved his hand dismissively. "Just de-stressing from the mission. Oh! It was a success, I think we made a good impression with Lord Carmine. He gave us a journal with information on the other Barons of Djarkel." Leith handed both the book and the letter to Lucilia.

"Baron Praxis received his gift and gave us this letter to return to you. There was an attempt made to steal the box that we stopped, but one of the people that were hired to do it burst into flames due to a rune. It burned down the warehouse we faced them in." Leith finished and handed the report to Lucilia.

"There are more details in the report, but that is the gist of it."

Leith looked back at spot on the floor where he had been sitting and sighed. "I wasn't expecting a fight for my life during a diplomacy mission, and I guess it kinda weighed on me." He looked back at Lucilia as he told her his half-truth. He smiled widely as a thought occurred to him.

"Tyrael approached us to tell us that you were busy. He was covered in these flowers that just wouldn't stop growing. You didn't have anything to do with that, did you? I won't tell. I promise" Leith smiled conspiratorially and crossed his heart with his right hand. He frowned for a second as he realized which hand he had used, but he was quick to return to smiling.
Leith Calder

Leith smiled as Lyn turned scarlet due to his teasing. Success! Henri joined in on the teasing, with a bit of flirting, which made Leith chuckle. He was pretty sure that Lyn hadn't been flirted with much. There may have been some attempts made by some of the delivery people, but Althalus had always been quick to dissuade them. More than once, Leith had seen some of the workers in a hurry to finish their job with a haunted look on their faces after said attempts. It would definitely be amusing to see how Althalus react to Henri. Especially since it seemed that Lyn had become taken with him.

He did catch Henri's look of surprise at Lyn's reveal of her age, but he was quick conceal his surprise and look. He smiled at Lyn's comment.

"And how could I ever forget that, hmmm? A Naga-human child is kinda hard to forget. Not to mention that I put a lot of thought into that gift I gave you when you were this high." Leith held his hand out to his hip to indicate Lyn's height at the time.

At the arrival of Tyrael, Leith had to stifle a laugh. The Demonmancer was covered in some sort of flowers that gave off a powerful aroma. Luckily, the flowers smelled strong enough to hid the giggles under the guise of covering his nose. He listened to the instructions from the teacher and nodded. He turned to Ssarak.

"It seems that you'll get to be near that fire sooner than we thought. I can go drop off the report and the letter and you can all go relax." He smiled at Ssarak. "And maybe be able to spend time as the happy couple that people have been talking about"

With that said, Leith gathered what was needed, and made his way towards the college entrance. Waving to the group as he left. He walked the corridors for a few minutes until he was halfway to Lucilia's office before leaning against the wall and sliding down until he was sitting.

For only so long could he keep up the smiles. The mission had partially been a disaster. They ended up burning down a warehouse, he had used too much magic and had blood sickness. He couldn't follow Ssarak's order and keep Lyn safe. So much went wrong and he felt that he was at fault for a lot of it. So for a few minutes, Leith sat against the wall and let the cold of the stone seep into him.
I'm still here

Leith Calder

Leith looked over to Grey when he called out to the group and waved to the guardsman.

"Hello! You're not intruding at all."

As Grey fired off a flurry of questions, Leith chuckled.

"Feeling a bit restless, are we?" He cocked his head to the side as he thought of answers to Grey's questions.

"No wounds this time." Leith ran a hand along the scar on his cheek as he thought to his last mission. "There isn't anything too pressing to be unloaded, but there is something you can do, though. You can go let Lucilia know that we've returned from Djarkel, and that we have acquired a new student along the way." He gestured to Henri.

He looked back to the college and sighed. "It's good to be back. I know it was only a few weeks, but it's felt like years." He looked to the others. "Does anyone else get that feeling sometimes?"
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