Avatar of Korbanjaro
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  • Posts: 125 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Korbanjaro 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current We are each an extra in someone else's movie. But we get to decide if it's a speaking part.
9 yrs ago
Currently looking for people for The Continental - Hoping we can get some traction going.


I'm no stranger to writing and roleplays, having written in quite a few over the years. I try to put a lot of thought into my characters, and even more into the projects that I take on, and I hold myself to a pretty high standard. For me, the story is king, not my characters, and I write with that in mind. Inter-connectivity and relationships between the different characters in a roleplay are what make the writing interesting, and that means that writers need to avoid selfishly making their characters the constant center of attention. As such, I try to write by a very specific maxim: Write for the story, not for your glory. If you've got an RP that you think I might be able to add to, please feel free to shoot me a message. Glad to be here!

Most Recent Posts

Hmm... Well, slavery is always a useful tool for bad guys. (I've always wondered how The Railroad would react to groups that are enslaving people instead of Synths, but F4 decided not to deal with that moral quandary, I guess, which could be interesting.)

But slavery is always an indication of strength and power exercised over the weak. It's a manifestation of the strong/smart/clever displaying their superiority by physically imposing their will upon those whom they view as their lessers. The slaver sees himself as simply "better" than those who are enslaved, and thus it is the slave's "destiny" to remain such, serving those "in charge."

Any faction based on slavery must necessarily lack in humanity, else the zealousness of the faction's members won't make sense. For the Legion, their warriors essentially compete for upper rankings by their combat prowess. The strongest are leaders because they "deserve" to be, as shown by their sheer strength. Such is why the Khans in the Mojave, or at least their leadership, found Caesar's tenets so attractive.

If we were to "reformat" our Khan off-shoot into a group dedicated exclusively to social darwinism, a group that jacked themselves up on custom chems, increasing their strengths regularly beyond that of normal humans, they could be a force to be reckoned with, using their strength to absolute conquest instead of simple survival. Knowing of the formidable factions in the former United States, they instead have been growing in the Canadian "heartland," taking over settlements as they go, and forcing them to submit.

They have enhanced themselves with chems to the point that their warriors can go toe-to-toe with Supermutants and even BoS Paladins in power armor, dishing out physical damage that should break a normal person. Perhaps they wear "Bane Masks" of their own (or some other kind of device) which delivers chems at precise doses to increase strengths and reaction speeds?

In this kind of group, scientists and doctors would also be highly-valued, in order to provide stronger chems which in-turn would create stronger warriors. Thus, they could be kidnapping scientists and intelligent individuals for this purpose, which provides other narrative entry.


Turning a Khans off-shoot into Bane-esque chem maniacs who utilize might to subdue any foe.
The... Kirks. Lol.
@Korbanjaro it could be interesting to devise an entirely new faction of our own, like an equivalent Legion, but one which is more northern focused.

My character was eventually to be revealed to be an escaped slave from the Legion, (the thought was he was a badass Legionnaire who was betrayed and forced into slavery, but had eventually escaped, but the Legion wasn't willing to let slaves, especially one like him, to simply get away... Etc.).

Reflavoring that into a new "Legion-esque" group would be relatively simple at this point, so that's a potential in.

However, I'm concerned about simply creating a "Legion Clone" if there's not something more unique about the faction. I mean, each major faction in Fallout has an overwhelming attitude that seems to define them:

  • BoS - Regular people cannot be trusted with technology.
  • NCR - Law and Order before freedom.
  • Enclave/Vault-Tec - Survival of the USA, whatever the costs.
  • The Railroad - Synths are people, and any cost is worth protecting them.
  • The Minutemen - Together we are strong.
  • The Institute - Science before humanity.
  • Caesar's Legion - The strong rule the weak.

Such is why I've always been a little less-interested in the Khans, if only because they usually seem like "Legion-lite" in a lot of ways. More "family" focused than Caesar, maybe, but still just a viking-inspired version of the Legion themselves.

But I'd be open for a new true faction if we can really nail down something unique about them, instead of just being a "faction replacement."

Does that make sense?
I have a question - Should we start discussing some kind of "big bad" to invade the Wasteland? If we want to focus the story a bit and get everybody kind of working together towards a common goal of some kind, it'd probably be good to start discussing that kind of thing.

Something that threatens not only the Coalition's trade empire, but also The Railroad's efforts... The "freelancers" can probably sprinkle their way in.

My off-the-cuff response are people like Caesar's Legion, or perhaps the Khans, starting simply. If we want to have an offshoot of The Institute in the mix that seems reasonable too, though we'd kind of be treading the same ground as Fallout 4.

But we could come up with someone, or even someTHING else entirely - from an Enclave invasion, to NCR overreach, to the BoS rearing their heads...

We could even have a hyper-intelligent supermutant beginning a revolution of sorts, or acting as his own kind of crime boss. (A cunning supermutant is pretty interesting, actually, especially given the precedence with Brian Virgil - Imagine someone with less simple self-preservation instincts, but instead, a kind of evil super-genius who is affected by the FEV. That could be a powerful foe.)

Or how about a fanatic offshoot of The Railroad that has decided that synthetics are not just equal to humans, but are, in fact, superior? They decide that Synthetics are the "next step in evolution," and that boring old humans should be enslaved, instead?

Perhaps we've got a group in Vancouver similar to the San Francisco Shi (descendents of the of the Shi-Huang-Di submarine who created a remarkable culture and an impressive hub of research and scientific knowledge out of their scrapped submersible). The Enclave/BoS has showed up to "wipe out the red menace/claim their tech" and so the area has been thrown into the middle of a notable conflict.

Just random ideas. I'm game for whatever, but if we start discussing things, we're bound to come across something interesting that can get our random characters interacting with each other and shooting bad guys. Lol.

Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Deep yearnings? Tarot readings?

You're apparantly not intelligent enough to understand that a vertiberd can not make a transantlantic flight, hence I said that specifically. I knew even you could understand that.

You have said nothing, nothing to back up anything that you've said. I've been continously poking holes in everything you've been saying because there is not a single grain of truth to be found. Amusingly enough, if you would ever participate in the chat on this website. The people there found your character quite amusing also. But of course, in your eyes they're all idiots now because they disliked something you made.

Despite your surely vast and not unremarkable Fallout knowledge, you're kind of coming off as a bit of a jerk, my friend. Reasonable arguments are one thing - personal attacks are quite something else.

We can disagree without being disagreeable, and there's no need for this kind of ranting. If you want to keep your "realism" in your roleplay, that's all well and good. Despite the fact that much of Fallout's "realism" is secondary to simply making a fun and interesting game world where certain things are just shrugged off for the players' convenience. (See stimpacks, RadAway, fast-travel, VATS, charisma checks, mirelurk cakes allowing rebreathing, et al.)

In this kind of speculative fiction, the rules completely matter, until they don't. There's no need to get one's proverbial panties in such a bunch over minor inconsistencies which A) Can be hand-waved with narrative ease and B) Only serve to make the story more interesting and therefore more engaging for the participants.

This is all for the funs. No need for "non-realism" based conniption fits.
These are looking fun - despite their obvious lack of realism. Lol. I'm excited to get things started.

<Snipped quote by Korbanjaro>

Yet another shameless abuse of authority.

Some color between the lines. I add my own lines and then even color outside of those.
<Snipped quote by Korbanjaro>

Its actually an entirely scripted performance, in order to drum up more interest in the RP.

Lol. Then I can't wait for Act 2.
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