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I'd like to change my username from wxps350 to KremeSupreme

Agatha Loom

Agatha's period of unconsciousness didn't last too long. By the time she regained consciousness, the Casino was a mess, but there were still some people left, but for all she could see through the now-broken window, the FBI left. She did a quick headcount, seeing that though some were left behind, not everyone was. Come to think of it, just before passing out she vaguely remembered hearing them ask who their leader was. Maybe they completely overlooked Agatha and took on either volunteer members, or started making their own judgements...

Once Agatha was stable and back on her feet, she made her way back over to the roundtable, which the rest of the members came to for discussing what the hell just happened. Agatha tried opening her own mouth, but--

"Don't you even open your fucking mouth," Emily started, thrusting a finger at her, "I refuse to even listen to you open your mouth! Where the hell was you when all of this was going on?! Curled up in a fucking ball or something?! We were getting destroyed and if you couldn't handle it, then you can't handle being a leader!"

Agatha was overwhelmed, with both fear and confusion, trying to give a satisfactory response. Thankfully Maya came to her defense and brought Agatha back up to speed in the process.

"Hey Emily, how's your ass? And that’s a nice pair of handcuffs you got there. Why don’t you shut the fuck up and stop pretending you didn’t try to run away as soon as shit hit the fan? As if you’re not a self serving bitch who’d rather run than help the rest of us?"

Then after shutting down Emily's bullshit, she turned towards Agatha, “Not that she’s entirely wrong. What were you doing during this entire thing? What’s the point in having a leader who’s just going to freak out as soon as it gets dangerous? I’m not saying we’re going to look for it, but if we’re on the feds radar… that means we’re on other people’s too.”

Agatha just remained silent and standing there, her gaze tracing to the ground as the rest of the Coven devolved into bickering and discussion. Just like always. Even when they got raided by the fucking police, all anyone could do was stand around and bitch. They weren't a Coven, they were just a toxic fucking clique. And Agatha was finally sick of it. How in the fuck was she even supposed to react to the literal fucking FBI smashing their door down? She was just some woman with an eye for the supernatural, not a professional crime lord!

“That’s why I think it’s about time we pick a new leader. My vote’s for...,” Maya continued.

Agatha's head snapped in her direction.

"Fine. You do that. All of you just fucking do that. Because I am done with this shitshow. When I joined this group I thought we'd just be exploring the Extra-Normal and understanding magic better. Not getting on the FBI's nerves, or becoming some gang to shake down someone's fucking vampire problem!"

Agatha pulled her half-removed denim coat back on, then started walking out the front door. She didn't even pay a word to Madison and the bunch, who finally returned from the actual sort of thing the Coven was made for.

"I am not cut out for this bullshit. I'm going home. If you all still want to play around and fight over who gets to be leader of this little clubhouse while the law is onto us, then you do just that. I don't care anymore."

Shen then walked right out the door, completely ignoring whatever was behind her.
Agatha Loom

"Good point, good point, Mademoiselle.... however, maybe we just need a stronger push in the right direction. A few members of the Coven are... dealing with curses. Perhaps we should help them, I'm certain many would be willing to lend a hand... given how Kayla was able to sway them to fight vampires."

"Maybe... We might earn more respect if we actually offer an ear to members, actually try to see through and help them with their problems. You make a good point, Claudette."

Claudette extended a hand, smiling "Come on, let's try it."

Agatha managed a smile of her own, then took the frenchwoman's grasp gently.

Then before they were able to return to the room, Agatha heard a loud smashing of glass. For a split second she thought the Coven lacked the responsibility to act like functional adults for a literal fucking minute in her absence. Then she heard a loud hissing sound-- Okay, what the hell did they do now?!

Agatha ran back around the corner and saw gas rapidly flooding the room, with the rest of the Coven scrambling away from it lest it choked them into a coma.

"FBI! FBI! FBI! F-B-I!" She heard someone shout, before three figures entered the building, clad in body armor, flashing badges, and wielding guns.

Oh FUCK. The Feds were onto them! Why the fuck were they there, how the fuck did they find them?? Did Kayla cause too much trouble in her shakedown of the vampires, Agatha didn't even fucking ask her how it went even once and now the police tracked themd down! Why the hell didn't she think to tell her "No, you can't turn the entire Coven into your own personal legbreakers and go beat up a bunch of people, now her ass was going to get arrested, and even if she didn't get tased to death her Grandpa was going to murder her, and-- and--

Agatha's heartrate went from mildly agitated to fucking exploding. Her instincts immediately told her to run out the back door, but she reacted exactly like a deer-in-the-headlights where she wanted to run, but was too paralyzed with terror not to. Combined with the gas flooding into the room, Agatha's breathing started to sound like a deflating squeaky toy as she began to cough and sputter on the rancid smoke as well. Soon enough her legs buckled under her, and she fell to the ground before quickly passing out. She lay sprawled out, having desperately tried to crawl off before losing consciousness and collapsing on the floor of the now-exposed hideout, just a smidge around the corner, making her fallen body a total non-issue during the raid.
Agatha Loom

Agatha listened to the room's input, over their dismissive bickering to the new member. It might have just sounded like people complaining at her leadership yet again, but Agatha made sure to carefully tally each person's remarks. It might not have been solid and sound reasons, but Agatha counted "What the hell do we even know about them, first of all?" and "Who cares who we let in?" as perfectly valid responses.

Her thought process was interrupted as Claudette raised her hand, her official "everyone shut up" gesture before allowing a blanket of darkness to cover the room... Yet didn't. Instead she stood up and approached Agatha, grabbing her by the arm.

"Mademoiselle, a word."

Agatha was about to protest, before Claudette firmly pulled her from the seat and away from the roundtable, just about the corner.

"Claudette? What's up? Why are--"

"I am sick of all this bickering and constant fighting among the Coven. I think it really has something to do with the leadership and lack of direction in the Coven - and don't get my intentions wrong, I think you are doing an amazing job but maybe you could use a second in command? Perhaps even a third? Another leadership figure for the Coven to help you out. And keep control of the Coven. The only place I can see this going towards is Emily and the others voting you out and this cycle will begin again for the next one."

Agatha listened carefully to Claudette lecture, almost forgetting yet again who was really in charge of the Coven. Which was exactly the problem Claudette wanted to underline.

"I mean, I thought trying to actually organize things would be... Overmanagement, I guess. Just look where trying to throw ideas at the board got me yesterday. We've only ever had one leader or so at a time, no chains of command... But then again, if I managed to get put into a position of leadership, I guess they really wouldn't care who runs the show or how they want to do it. Yknow what? I'd be down for that... Would you mind being my "second-in-command?" She asked. Coincidence aside, if Agatha was forced to hand over her leadership she would've been prepared to hand it to Claudette. She was the person she'd trust the most with a leadership position, and the best bet for helping her lead things.

"And as for the other issue... perhaps we should try to lead the Coven towards working out their issues and maybe having some more bonding? For all honestness, all a majority of the Coven want to do is learn more about magic and find companionship... maybe we give them what they want? Try to tighten the bonds of the group and I think the best way to do that would be to have more fun, yes?"

Agatha frowned.

"Believe me, digging deep into actual magic things is why I joined the Coven in the first place, so I'd love to get around to stuff like that. Companionship..." Agatha paused for a moment, "I really don't know how we can wind all these people together."

"I know it's a lot, but I can see the growing toxicity in the Coven and I can't stand it anymore."

Agatha wheezed through her nose, "Well the reason the Coven is toxic is because it's got toxic people. Emily acts like an alpha-bitch straight out of some 90's high school movie, don't even get me started on Babylon, Kayla's headstrong and acts like she's the leader and even used the Coven to go and beatdown her own vampire problem. Sin threatened to kill me for telling her to stop her summon from nearly killing somebody yesterday-- you want me to keep going? I get what you're bringing up, but I think what we need most is a firmer leadership, like you suggested. We do have fun, and we do bond. We've went out to lunch, hung out at the beach, even just loafed around the same building for who knows how long! If you think fun and friendship would be a better way to lead the Coven, then-- Maybe we should also get Nina or Herik on board with helping to actually run things around here."
Agatha Loom

Ironic. Apparently seeking out some oddly morbid murders was too dangerous for the Coven, but not seeking out a literal personification of death for literally no given reason? Regardless, Agatha bit her tongue. She didn't really want to snark at or pick a fight with Madison, especially after she surrendered the floor. At the very least, it was sobering to see the Coven wasn't turning into everyone's personal chore-takers.

"Is there something you had in mind, leader? Because you can't keep calling us here for nothing, some of us have things to do, you know."

"Alright, if we're done with the day's share-and-care, we can get onto the agenda. The only real order of business I called this meeting for, is that I wanted to bring up that we have a new potential member," Agatha began, folding her hands together.

"Just last night I was contacted online by somebody. They said they knew about our Coven, and that they wanted to join with us if we'd let them. Obviously I was a bit skeptical and on guard at first. They said they lived in the area, and were willing to go through whatever initiation we had for them. I told them I'd get back to them soon, but before I went and took them in, I wanted to check by each of you guys first. A vote, I guess. What do you guys think?"

Agatha remained silent, giving each member of the Coven a moment to think before answering. In her own opinion, she was extremely uncertain. While she herself managed to join over the internet, she didn't know whatever thought process the leader at the time used to consider taking Agatha in, so she really didn't know how to judge the merits of a complete stranger. So instead she left it up to group instinct for now. If needed, she'd just change her opinion and use her vote as a tiebreaker if needed.
Agatha Loom

Agatha watched as the conversation almost immediately drifted from where she had hoped it would have gone, and instead steered back in the direction of Kayla's own problem. Honestly, made her own efforts of finding something to do today a bit redundant. She even made herself late just trying to find something worth the group's attention. Then Kayla just threw her own problem out on the floor, and watched everyone magnetically draw themselves to that, eager to head on down and bash some heads for Kayla(and her dog)'s sake. Honestly, it wasn't quite the worst way for the meeting to go, Agatha confirmed to herself; Regardless of how toxic the group had been to one another so far, they were still looking out for each other. Of course it'd make sense to tackle some... 'vampires', which Agatha doubted the word-for-word legitimacy of, which directly threatened one of their own over some obscure yet violent killings.

However, she was robbed of the chance of making any sort of decisions or confirmations towards handling the vampires. Once attention drifted away from what Agatha laid out on the table, the Coven returned to chatter at Kayla, overwhelming her with questions until Claudette threw out a blanket of silence, only to hand the entire floor over to Kayla at that point. She'd basically said anything Agatha thought to, but with a lot more authority and control than she could probably even muster.

By the time Agatha was even able to squeeze out a single word, Kayla had already gotten up and left for preparations, with most of the rest of the coven egging to follow after her.

"Alright then, uh...", Agatha began again, standing up and quietly picking up her folder, "I guess that should conclude today's meeting. To anyone who doesn't want to participate, we can either get this place cleaned up or head down to the beach, if you guys want. Either way, rest of the day is yours."
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