Avatar of kryusa
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 57 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. kryusa 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool
4 yrs ago
"Do you know where that's been?" "Up your butt?"
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5 yrs ago
My self-critic criticizes my critic that is the self, that I criticize.
5 yrs ago
NOOO WHY STEVE BURTON D; I am forever sad panda.
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5 yrs ago


This is a bio. I am technologically inept and don't know how to make pretty things on the interwebs.

Leedle Leedle.

Buuuuuutttt I'll give you a little info about myself and the kinds of things I tend to rp.

I'm a female and am old enough to do all of the legal things.
I fucking love Final Fantasy 7 and 10.
I prefer M/M out of all types of pairings.
Romance is preferred, but does NOT have to be the focus...Just sprinkle some of that lurv in there.
OC rps are fine, but I prefer Canon-Character AUs for fandoms.
I tend to write mature themes.
I don't do one-liners. I tend to do my best to match post length, but quality over quantity fer sure.
I am ditch friendly. If you aren't feeling me or the roleplay, don't feel pressured to bring it up, if it makes you feel uncomfortable. I'll get the hint, haha.
I'm one hell of an anxious person, so I'll probably fret over whether or not you like me.
I'm not the best writer and I constantly worry about if my replies are good enough.
I'd like to think I'm pretty nice and easy to talk to...and downright derpy, haha.

Here are some pairings that I generally enjoy. Bold is who I usually prefer to play.

Naruto x Sasuke
Kakashi x Sasuke

Zack x Cloud
Sephiroth x Cloud

Gladio x Noctis

Devil May Cry (DMC):
Vergil x Dante

My Hero Academia:
Todoroki x Bakugou

OC x Kogami





Haha. I've been super obsessed with this mofo lately and would surprisingly, like to pair him up with someone's OC. :P

Ass Creed:
OC x Jacob Frye

These aren't all of the pairings that I like, but just a few main ones. If there is a pairing/ship or fandom/original that you are interested in that I don't have written down, please feel free to swing your idea by me! Hell, even if you just wanna chat about a fandom, hmu bruh.

I don't have much experience in F/F, but would be amenable to give it a shot. M/F...You'll have to convince me, haha.

This was super damn lengthy, but thanks for reading :P

^ ^
. . It's a kitty~

Most Recent Posts

Welcome!! :D

I see we has a Sasuke lover here...
I too, like me some Sasuke. XD

Hope you have fun on here! :3
That sounds like a really fun idea :3
I want to voice act IRL, but I dunno if I have the voice for it XD
Either way, it'd be awesome to join an RP like that.
I guess I'll try one last time~
Yeah, this has been happening a lot to me lately as well. ;o;

I dunno, maybe my writing is just extremely shitty and they lose interest fast or something lolz

I just wish they would tell me if they weren't interested anymore, that way I'm not waiting for their reply weeks on end. I do from time to time contact the other person through another message, but I just feel like I'm bothering them. I don't want to be that person who nags, haha.
In Hi 10 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hey, Treepuncher121!

I just gotta say, your name made me giggle.

Hope you have fun here :3
Hey Hey Hey!
Welcome to the site!!! x3

Hope you enjoy your stay here.

Aw man, I remember playing the first Dark Cloud for PS2. It was such a good game, but I unfortunately never got to finish it :/

Hmmm, I dunno if this genre is necessarily underrated, but a lot of people I know did not know about Dynasty warriors/Samurai Warriors.
Also, I really like the Tenchu series :3

TERA is also a really good, free, online MMO :3
Avenged Sevenfold - Unbound (The Wild Ride)
Vroom Vroom, here comes the dinosaur!
AgniSpirit said
Hi, I'd love to try and play as Naruto or Kakashi. I'm also up for being the Seme.

Sent you a PM! <3
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