Avatar of Kumori Master
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Kumori Master
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 161 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Kumori Master 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Schoolwork... ;-;


I'll get around to it eventually... >_<

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I was considering making the local rule of this Game being the group pact simply because it makes things easier for everyone (don't have to wait around for your partner and such) improvised weapons will be up to the player. I'll allow everybody to craft 3 psyches to start with, (hopefully with Evolution paths in mind) and I'll periodically come up with more. Psyches can be anything from personal weapons, to magical powers, or even summoning weapons out of magic (think Neku's shockwave blade psyche line)
M'kay, group pact is cool. I'm definitely interested in this. I think I'mma go with the 3 Psyche thing. Probably, I have like 3 different concepts I'm working out for my character. >_< It kinda depends on the setting too, like one of my ideas is a Shibuya based idea. So I'd have to tailor that... Oh yeah, another question for the GM (I'm full of these). Do you plan on running a character with the group?
Erm... I have much interest in this (Really enjoyed TWEWY when I played it.), but I do have just a few questions though. Which I will pose them once I get back to the site in a little while. EDIT: I'll just go ahead and edit this post. Anywho, depending on how much interest this gets I would definitely recommend making the group pact a thing if we don't get a lot of players. For one it makes keeping track of all the players much easier, and it's helpful from the GM's standpoint. Although, one on one pacts have roleplay advantages too. *Shrug* Guess that one is up to you. Secondly, what are your thoughts on character's abilities? Will we all fight with improvised weapons? (I.E, A stuffed animal, cell phone, skateboard) Or will Psyches be an option? Either one's fine by me, just curious is all. And lastly on the topic of location I'm with @onenote, any big social hotspot is good. If you want contiguous United Stated I think Las Angeles or New York would be good picks. If you wanna skip over the ocean for a European setting Paris and London I think are fine settings too. Basically, whatever the biggest city in X country is. >_<
Its one of those things that for even a small post you feel like you should do it properly. Which means setting aside an hour or more. And that can be a little tricky some days!
I know right. :O I spend like an hour even when it's a short post, sometimes I'll delete entire sections because I had a better idea. >_<
Another slow-posting bout... Well I'm not complaining that much, I've been busy these past few days due to various reasons. But I hope we can pick up the pace soon.
My apologies, since it was so slow for a while I kind of got out of the habit of looking at this all the time. And I'm also getting back into my character. So just bear with me please, I'll get back into the groove of things. >_<
"I'm... Afraid that I don't know either. This is my first time at this school so I don't really understand how everything works around here." The black haired boy responded, scratching his head. Rika giggled at this, feeling a little glad. The first person she talked to was new same as her. Though, she still was wondering how long it would take for the school stuff to actually start up. It already felt like it had been hours to her. "I don't think we've met each other yet. I'm Naganori Tadayoshi. And you are...?" Rika snapped out of her thoughts. "Mhm? Oh yeah, my name's Rika Tachibana. It's a pleasure to meet you!" She introduced herself enthusiastically. She paused a moment thinking, since she didn't get the answer she was looking for... "So, how's this school feeling to you so far? Because for me it's a bit overwhelming ya know? I came from a pretty small junior high." She said to Naganori, deciding that she'd go ahead and strike up a conversation to pass the time.
I'm gonna get another post up tomorrow or the next day. I have something going on this evening. Also, color hype! One of the sites I used to RP a lot on had color codes, so I always had my character's dialogue in color. :P
Oh...mah...gawd! This is the longest, Rika's thought was interrupted by her pulling her wristwatch out of her bookbag and checking the time. Ten minutes of my life!!! She stomped her foot impatiently. Looking around, she noticed various people grouping together, friends no doubt. However, the more she looked she noticed others milling about, not part of any group. Scanning the crowd, she looked for familiar faces. Alas, It was unlikely that she'd be able to find anyone from her Juinor-High. She sighed deeply, not really expecting to see anybody. Seeing as she just moved to a new city and all. As Rika stood about, the overwhelming chasm of her boredom threatened to overtake her. Suddenly, an idea struck her. She quickly reached into her bag and pulled her I-pod from it. Setting the earbuds in place she attempted to turn it on. Nothing happened, she pressed the power button again. After a few more times she figured it must be dead. Another sigh of boredom from the girl. Stowing her device she glanced around for anything to alleviate her boredom. Rika finally decided that she'd have to settle on finding someone to talk to. The only problem was, nobody jumped out at her. Tapping her foot impatiently, she noticed a black haired boy at the edge of the crowd. He seemed to be waiting, not talking to anyone in particular. Maybe he was a new student. Oh well she thought, only one way to find out. Rika approached the black haired boy and flashed a smile. "Um excuse me? I was wondering if you might have any idea how long it is until they get started?" She asked, looking up and down at her fellow student. She even stopped to stare directly into his eyes. And continued awkwardly staring at him as she awaited his response. ((It might not be entirely clear but she's talking to Naganori. >_<))
I'll get something up tomorrow, I believe that Reaper and Crimson's characters were talking. I'll just have Rika approach somebody. Captor and Rult's characters are at the school, so I'll do something with that.
Name: Rika Tachibana Age: 16 Gender: Female Birthday/Birthplace/Nationality: March 19th, Tokyo, Japanese Clubs/Extracurricular activities: None at his time Occupation: High school student 1st year Weapon: Dual Daggers Appearance: Rika has a small, slim figure as well as a pale complexion. She's right around 5' with red eyes, and long white hair usually hanging freely. She is albino, that is the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin. This causes her unnatural hair, skin, and eye color. Rika often prefers wearing more masculine clothes. Partially because of her skin, but mostly as a personal preference. She mostly wears long sleeves, unless she is going to be indoors. She absolutely hates skirts and will avoid wearing them as much as she can. ![Picture](http://i.imgur.com/oNvqFea.jpg "Rika Tachibana") Personality: When you ask just about anyone what Rika is like. You'll usually get a one word answer, weird. Which is rather true as she is incredibly eccentric and zealous. She's very unusual in her way of interacting with people. Mostly, it's because her way of handling things is different than most. She hardly ever gets embarrassed or flustered. Not to mention, she's an incredibly bad judge of personal boundaries. As such she will usually speak her mind or ask an inappropriate question without thinking on it much. She actually enjoys messing with people in this way to some degree. Albeit, usually only in a teasing manner as she is never outright cruel or malicious. Rika is honestly a good person, you just have to get to know her. In fact, she treats her friends very kindly and holds them in the highest regards. However, most are put off by her odd way of acting. This is only accented by her physical appearance. Many deem her the "strange girl". Which she actually doesn't mind most of the time. That is, unless it turns to mockery or outright cruelty. She'll then bite back vicously at those who mocked her. She hates this about herself, but she can't help it. Backstory: Rika grew up with two elder brothers, her and her siblings always made a competition out of everything where Rika usually ended up the loser. Partly due to the fact that she wasn't quite as healthy as a young child. She often times had to stay in the house and read, or play on the computer. As she grew older she started becoming more and more healthy and resilient. This allowed her to begin actively participating in clubs and extracurricular activities at school for the first time. For awhile she joined club after club, switching to a new one about after a week. But what her new found health also gave her was the ability to stand up to those who bullied her mercilessly while she was weak. She began pranking, mocking, and tricking all of the people who picked on her most. Due to this she was labeled as a trouble kid and her parents had to remove her from school. Soon after, her family had to relocate due to her father's job. They moved to the city of Hirameki. Her parents only allowed her to go to school under the condition she not cause trouble. Rika readily agreed as she herself was unhappy with the way she acted. Her parents were strict with her for awhile and she worked to curb her troublesome ways. Nowadays, her parents have lightened up, and she's much better about it. She's rarely as extreme in her vengeful ways as she used to be. Likes: Rainy days, pop music, tofu, anime, manga, video games Dislikes: Dogs, sunny days, hatred of any real kind, solitude, skirts Persona: [Kitsune](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune) Arcana: XVIII, Moon Skills: 1. Bash - Deals light Physical damage to one foe. 2. Agi - Deals light Fire damage to one foe. 3. Tentarafoo - Chance of inflicting the Confusion ailment on all foes. Strengths/Weaknesses: -Resist: Fire, Physical -Weak: Dark, ice
> Ok, the site should finally be working now, and I can post something. > > Idon'tremembermysignaturebeingthatbig... > > lackofstrikethroughannoysme... > > New guild is new! >_<
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