Avatar of Kurisu Shiruba
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 85 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Kurisu Shiruba 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Oh my. Forgot this place exists! Well, got a new discord. ChrisFalcon#9382
5 yrs ago
I'm not lurking any profiles. I'm just snooping as usual.
5 yrs ago
DMC5, Power Rangers, so much stylish combo games to play and I don't have a good PC to try them all. #FeelsBadMan
5 yrs ago
Just can't wait to put some of the crazy plot twists I have in mind for my RP. Shit's gonna hit the fan REAL HARD.
5 yrs ago
Happy new year!


Brazilian roleplayer.

Currently not involved in any settings, and still coming back from a hiatus.
Fantasy elements are mandatory on every roleplay setting I do, since most characters I play as have typical superhero/videogame villain archetypes combined with unusual elements (Such as ninja characters being anarchist errants who toss the traditional "assassin for hire" roles through the window - being more akin to Street Samurai in Shadowrun, succubi being deceptive predators, Egyptian goddesses ruling mega-corporations...) for the sake of variety. In other words, a typical fantasy kitchen sink with tropes being twisted and blended into crazy storylines.

If you ever played Dungeon Fighter Online or Herowarz (Both of which actually offer crazy stuff like robots and mages living together in harmony), that's how my roleplay scenarios are built. I often merge this with a lot of worldbuilding. For that matter, players who are actually interested in things out of usual have bonus points in my book. Settings, characters and such will be posted as soon as I start updating my personal roster/scenarios. So stay tuned!

Most Recent Posts

"The calm before the storm". How many times had the young ninja heard that phrase? Well, Princess Zafiria of Rafflesia, a rather prominent individual - she always had that 'Chosen One' aura around her and that meant a bit of a hassle for Chris Falcon, who was always dragged into the most awkward situations because of his martial arts skills and his ties to the 'Blades of the Storm', which was a pompous title for the twin katana he carried with him.

Once he heard Zafiria's voice, he turned to her. She sounded and looked attractive and charming, making him fluster for a brief second. "Uh, you know... I am just a swordsman from the eastern lands, lady." The ominous winds did not cause him to falter, however. It just kept his senses sharper due to the sight of the two bodyguards along her. "It appears to be you are from the nobility, judging from those two men following you. I am Christopher Falcon, and I was once called Yasuke of Ashihara." He bowed at her, in the typical eastern fashion, a sign of politeness and genuine interest in getting immersed into the society and world he found himself in.

And so, I finally arrived here. Rafflesia.
Everything was just as the people described, with the vast and colorful fields... well, mostly because of the beautiful flowers that blossomed. Getting there was an interesting task, since I could use all of the things I had at my disposal -- beating off the second coming of the Dark clouds in my homeland, Ashihara, gave me prestige and pretty much free access to every country I could desire.

Gifts of being a ninja.

I couldn't help but watch in awe as the stories of the fantastic wind-based magic are told in such an spectacular way. While they lacked the artistry of the Kabuki theaters, the elderly storytellers were so full of vigor and enthusiasm that the children cheered with every single word told to them. It was a thing of beauty to see.

Listening closely to the crowds speaking, they often talked about a man. His name was Adam Frost, apparently a vampire of some kind. And there was also the princess. I could not imagine myself getting involved on such matters. Until now.

Walking on the grassy and flowery plains, I just end up meeting with a rather adorable woman. Fate is in need of my skills, it seems.

That's a good starter post. Really immersive writing.

I'm not much used to the OOC and IC tags in threads, so it's okay for you to go and jump on the play.

Umm, I'm going to sketch up a picture of her appearnece... I just don't know when I'll be getting to that this week. I was hoping that the two could meet in the capital somewhere, somehow. Then She can relay the info to her father and he can more formaly call on Chris. What do you think?

I am perfectly fine with it. Usually, this character of mine keeps often a low profile, but it wouldn't be hard for her to find him.
Roleplay I've combined to do with @Hidden Lilly.


Rafflesia kingdom is a place where flowers blossom, blessed by the light of the sun and the power of the winds. In other words, Netherlands in a fantasy setting. The king of Rafflesia has a beautiful daughter named Zafiria.
She's a wind magician (The elite guards of the land), and learned the big stuff so she can fend off for herself in times of crisis.

Zafiria however lives in a rather compromising situation in terms of social relations. A high-ranking member of the nobility herself, she's constantly dragged into political plots and diplomacy - things that carry her away from the things she wanted to have the most, like a friendship and someone to trust.

One day, a vampire lord named Demitri Maximoff Edward Cullen Adam Frost appeared and started causing havoc. He wants to use Zafiria's powers as a vessel to open Stargate The gate of Nemesis, of which would release monsters under his control to take over the power of the Wind.

That's when a young ninja drifter named Chris Falcon appears. Being the sort of Maverick that he is, he ended up in the Rafflesia kingdom for the sake of just wandering.

I'm giving total freedom of choice for the moment of which the plot starts, and the appearance of the princess is of her choice.
I'm very interested if you would like to have me give it a try...
do you need to see any of my previous posts to judge?

Mind showing them to me?
A rather simple premise.

He's an androgynous and yet rather skillful and fearsome ninja.
Words of his deeds reach the kingdom of Rafflesia, on which the king is concerned about the safety of his beautiful daughter, Princess Zafiria.
Princess Zafiria has magical wind-based powers, and she's constantly hunted down by a vampire named Adam Frost, who wants to use her soul as a vessel to open up the gateways to a realm named "Nemesis", a barren wasteland filled with fearsome monsters.

Looking for somebody to take the role of Zafiria, and have the bonds of friendship and love grow stronger as Zafiria and her new ninja friend/lover face off dangers and tribulations together. Post Size doesn't matter, since one-liners can actually provide good stuff.

Frequency is just one week, if there's any delay needed, just PM me.
If there's anything else I can add, please tell.

Ain't afraid of no ghost.
Chris Falcon

Basic Traits:

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Class: Ninja (忍者)

Sexual orientation: Straight

Filiation: None, for now

Voice actors: Hosoya Yoshimasa (細谷 佳正) (JP), Justin Gross (EN), Hermes Baroli (PT-BR)



- Ki mastery
- Stealth
- Martial Arts (Ninjutsu)
- Lockpicking
- Dual Wielding
- Infiltration
- Intimidation
- Parkour
- Enhanced Marksmanship
- Monster detection (Tied with Ki Mastery)
- Trap detection (Tied with Ki Mastery)



Seishinteki Sanmitai - Spiritual Trinity

"When the three elements of life, Heaven, Earth and Man are under the command of your mudras, you can summon the forces of nature as a weapon. Ninja can't hide in shadow forever, and for 800 years, we have been training to become spiritual warriors ourselves."

Heaven, Earth and Man (Chi, Ten, Jin in Japanese) are a system of Mudras. "What is a mudra?", you ask. It's a gesture that allows the user to use awesome powers (At least in the context of roleplays, in real life, Mudras are used for meditation and praying). This system is the same used in Final Fantasy 14 (I would use the Black Desert ninja class as a reference for this character, but the BDO ninjas are glorified samurai).

And as such, he uses a power named ninki to execute his ninja arts.

All of the texts are of my creations and I posted them on Aminoapps as well.

Tier 1 Skills

Fuuton Ninpou: Sakura Shuriken (風遁忍法:桜手裏剣)

Mudra: Ten
Chris Falcon's most basic technique, forming shuriken out of Sakura petals - which aren't the flowers themselves, but rather a physical manifestation of his ki.

Shinkuu Ninpou: Kage Bunshin (真空忍法:影分身)

Mudra: Chi

His Kage Bunshin is more of a defensive technique, as he creates the clone for the sake of distraction, sometimes creating a ki-infused force field around the decoy that attracts enemies and explode when they're close enough. (This is just the same ultimate dodge skill from Yae Sakura - Darkbolt Jonin on Honkai Impact 3, one of the most stylish moves I've seen in a videogame!)

Shinkuu Ninpou: Kawarimi (真空忍法:変わり身)

Mudra: Jin

Classical ninja technique of escaping an attack and leaving a wooden log behind. He'll sometimes put a bagua tag on it, making the log explode.

Tier 2 Skills

Raiton Ninpou: Raikiri (雷遁忍法:雷斬り)

Mudra: Ten → Chi

Thunder-based ki energy is used to strenghten attacks. It's based on Suju's Inferno buff from Dungeon Fighter Online.

Raiton Ninpou: Inazuma Kekkai (雷遁忍法:稲妻結界)

Mudra: Jin → Chi

Borrowed from SEGA's shinobi series. A shield of thunder that can deflect a few attacks before fading away.

Hyouton Ninpou: Hyoushou Ranryuu (氷遁忍法:氷晶乱流)

Mudra: Ten → Jin

A rain of kunai-shaped ice shards that explode when they hit something, releasing a freezing mist.

Hyoutou Ninpou: Hakuryuudan (氷遁忍法:白龍弾)

Mudra: Chi → Jin

A dragon-shaped projectile of spiritual energy, imbued with the ice element, is unleashed.

Kuchiyose: Inari no Mitama (口寄せ:稲荷の御霊)

Mudra: Chi → Ten

Summons the spirit of the Fox Goddess Inari. Enemies hurt by his attacks will occasionally suffer burns from kitsunebi (Fox Fire). Also, thanks to Inari's influence, Chris will sometimes become a kitsunemimi when he has a good social link with a woman (Usually, a lover or an older sister).

Fuuton Ninpou: Izuna Otoshi (風遁忍法:飯綱落とし)

Mudra: Jin → Ten

Hell yes. The legendary technique itself. But Chris Falcon prefers to call it the true way (and the most badass way, no useless flowery like "first lotus" or "rolling crush"). Real ninja MUST always use this!

Tier 3 Skills

Kuchiyose: Ao no Ryuujin (口寄せ:青の龍神)

Mudra: Ten → Jin → Chi

A giant Ice Dragon appears and unleashes a devastating freezing breath.

Chouetsu: Rokudourin'ne (超越:六道輪廻)

Mudra: Jin → Ten → Chi

Six Seals, each containing a powerful mudra based on the cycle of six rebirths, explode when the ninpou is properly cast.

Hissatsu Ougi: Hiei Zangetsu (必殺奥義:日影斬月)

Mudra: Ten → Chi → Jin

Strider Hiryu's Ragnarok. God help you if you're "debuffed" with Inari's mark or he has Raikiri.

Chouetsu: Musou Tensei (超越:無想転生)

Mudra: Chi → Jin → Ten

This Ninja lives a tough life. Hardships from training, loss of beloved ones... the emotional weight eventually led to awakening a state of spiritual transcendence that makes him uberpowerful for a time.

Personality traits:

He's a mixture of Dandere and Kuudere, too much time in ninja training and too little time properly socializing himself made him quite the introvert. He has a strong sense of Justice and prefers using his Ninjutsu to fight against evil doers in a fashion similar to the swordsmen from Wuxia novels.

Once he gets a chance to open his heart, he reveals himself to be trustful and loyal. He dislikes men, thanks to the fact his feminine looks (A trait that he likes and he's not afraid or ashamed of) often attract all sorts of perverts. He hates fetishists with a passion and will be cold or even aggressive when a man tries to get more intimate.

With girls, however, he's more than happy to deal with, since his androgyny always attract at least one lovely lady who ends up swooning over his looks. Bonus points if she's a buxom like Super Sonico, or a docile "girl next door" type like Aeris. And thanks to Inari's influence, any girl who gets in good terms with him gets an overdose of cute thanks to how much of a sweetheart he becomes when the deredere kicks in. In TV Tropes terms, "Dude looks like a lady" becomes a "badass adorable" with fox tail and ears when he gets past the barrier of timid.
Just let me know when you want to kickstart the game.
This is gonna be a blast!
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