Avatar of Kurisu Shiruba
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 85 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Kurisu Shiruba 8 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Oh my. Forgot this place exists! Well, got a new discord. ChrisFalcon#9382
5 yrs ago
I'm not lurking any profiles. I'm just snooping as usual.
5 yrs ago
DMC5, Power Rangers, so much stylish combo games to play and I don't have a good PC to try them all. #FeelsBadMan
5 yrs ago
Just can't wait to put some of the crazy plot twists I have in mind for my RP. Shit's gonna hit the fan REAL HARD.
5 yrs ago
Happy new year!


Brazilian roleplayer.

Currently not involved in any settings, and still coming back from a hiatus.
Fantasy elements are mandatory on every roleplay setting I do, since most characters I play as have typical superhero/videogame villain archetypes combined with unusual elements (Such as ninja characters being anarchist errants who toss the traditional "assassin for hire" roles through the window - being more akin to Street Samurai in Shadowrun, succubi being deceptive predators, Egyptian goddesses ruling mega-corporations...) for the sake of variety. In other words, a typical fantasy kitchen sink with tropes being twisted and blended into crazy storylines.

If you ever played Dungeon Fighter Online or Herowarz (Both of which actually offer crazy stuff like robots and mages living together in harmony), that's how my roleplay scenarios are built. I often merge this with a lot of worldbuilding. For that matter, players who are actually interested in things out of usual have bonus points in my book. Settings, characters and such will be posted as soon as I start updating my personal roster/scenarios. So stay tuned!

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I love Eurobeat. Really do. And this is my favorite song.

Walking calmly around the capital streets, Chris Falcon found something curious. A tattered rag that was used by scholar magi, with a few bloodstains on both the fabric and the ground. Looking carefully at the clothing, he saw a man breathing heavily and moaning in intense pain.

"Help me... please... it hurts me so much!"

Chris quickly rushed to the alley where the man was agonizing. He saw Zafiria's tutor suffering from the heat of the fever and the wound inflicted by the ghoul. Luckily, he had some spare medicine on his pocket and used on the magus. Soon, his body temperature lowered and the pain was dulling.

"Thank you... who... who are you?", muttered the man, as he struggled to move his body as Chris made a sign for the man to halt. He noticed that the young ninja had fierce, vivid blue eyes and he widened his own eyes. "Oriental blue...?"

"Please, rest." The young wanderer's tone of voice was calm, yet firm. The magus asserted with a smile to his savior. "Stay here, for I will slay any of the enemies you shall have in this world." Chris led the man to a place where he could rest, and he heard another hissing growl. Nearly panicking, the man screamed, but the attack was easily intercepted by a quick strike of a sword.

"M-monster!" Finally, the mentor saw the ghoul that attacked him. Some guards came to see the commotion, but froze in place with the sight of the ghoul looking furiously at them. Their fear kept them at bay, but only Chris stood firm, staring deep into the eye of the creature. A flame burned deep within his heart, and a smile formed on his face.

"Come, show me your comrades, fiend. I know you are not alone." The shock was bigger when the guards and the mentor witnessed three other ghouls appearing. Instead of running, the guards stood there, trying to figure out what was going on. Chris in the other hand, closed his eyes. A whirlwind formed around his body, and the three other men looked in awe as they witnessed that the cute female magician apprentice was, actually, a mysterious masked warrior with a majestic red scarf flowing with the wind.

Zafiria's mentor was mesmerized with the sight. He started to mutter quietly, "In a time of which great evil roamed the lands... people called the heavens for help. The falling star was revealed to be a warrior as mysterious as a shadow, with eyes that sparkled with the flames of Justice..."

To which Chris remained silently. On that moment, the Ghoul jumped to attack him. "OH, BE CAREFUL!" A loud shout was heard, and everything went black for a moment.

Then, a loud hiss was heard. The ghoul that attacked him was sliced in half, his dead body vanishing into a small smoke of ashes as the scarf kept swinging with every movement. Panic turned into amazement as the swift movements of the ninja warrior countered every single slash and his swords moved in a fearsome dance of death.

The second ghoul was less subtle and stealthy on its attack, charging furiously and aiming its fist towards Chris' heart. However, he was prepared, and two clean slashes were more than enough to annihilate the monster. Realizing defeat, the third ghoul tried to run, but it was intercepted with an explosive kunai that turned his body into ashes with the blast.

As he finished slaying all of his enemies, Chris returned to his civilian clothing with the whirlwind again. When he looked to see the men who were watching him, he smiled. The guards shook hands with him and soon the mentor got up, coming close to the ninja.

"You... you saved me! You're a hero! Yes! A hero! Your eyes don't lie. I know it."

"Hmmm... thank you, but who are you, sir? I mean. I was just passing by and heard a commotion."

"I'm Ramirez. I'm a magus and the mentor of wind magic to Princess Zafiria."

"I am Chris Falcon. Pleased to meet you."

On that moment, the tutor was more than amazed.

"Then you are..."
I saved the picture of the ninja you showed me. It's from a videogame I've played a bit. It was painful to play, not because it was bad... but it was hard to play.

And I appreciate the compliment. I did my best to make sure the narration would fit the idea.
Part of why I love roleplays so much - I'm always knowing something new.

And I wish you happy holidays!
It did not take too long for him to get away and leave a cloud of dust. While most people were trying to understand what was going on, the smoke faded away and they saw a broken table and a drunken man complaining about his arm and back being hurt all of a sudden.

"Ooh... what happened? Is that lady a wind magi like the Princess?", the man muttered agonizing from getting slammed with a judo flip.

In the meantime, Chris walked slowly out of that place, remaining in a low profile. It was not a bad thing, as the man that hit on him was drunk, he barely would recognize anything and the people were upset with two euphoric strangers making noise in a place of learning and studying. People thought he was a wind magi tutor with the robes, and the ninja took advantage of the situation.

One thing that he realized is how tutors were put in a higher light. He knew the wonders of investing in universal education, Zafiria seemed to have an influence on that feel. In an interesting irony, the use of theatrics, one of the most common traits of the ninja, led everyone that talked to him to believe that "she" was a thaumaturge.

"Looks like not everyone knows about ninjutsu. That's good." He thought with a grin as he walked on the streets. However, he could feel the atmosphere of something bad going on, as the crowds, while doing their daily chores, kept constantly talking about Adam Frost and how the things could get really troublesome.

Not far from there, a man was rushing to the castle. He wore silky, white robes that seemed to fill his body from head to around his heels. He was Zafiria's tutor. However, he did not notice that someone was stalking him from behind a wall.

"Oh... I need to hurry. Is the princess safe? If the princess... wait!" He gasped, noticing that not only he was late, but also he forgot his magic books. "Oh no, I need to go back and..." His speech was halted when he felt something pull him. A firm grip, and claws. The tutor looked behind him from above his shoulder and he nearly died from the shock of seeing a gruesome ghoul clawing at his shoulder and pulling back to the alley.

To make matters worse, the tutor wasn't even able to speak, as the creature used its claws to bind him. While the tutor didn't die, the monster's poisoned claws were powerful enough to cause a severe case of ghoul fever. Then, it disappeared, as the tutor was agonizing, unable to call for help and sweating profusely from the symptoms.
I changed the post to something more fitting to the narrative.
Took me a visit to Wikipedia to understand the meaning of "mirroring each other" (English is not my native language) and I've took extra care in re-reading and proofreading the previous posts in order to make more sense.

The most difficult part was to take the mirroring one another part to an extent that it not only refers to the studying part, but also Zaph's dust cloud spell. I really wanted to make something interesting like this.
The Gate of Nemesis.

It is a protective barrier between the realm of mortals and another realm.

Eons ago, a civilization known as "Vancia", formed of Humanoid Dragons, prospered. Vancians were lovers of knowledge and always aimed for scientific and magical progress, banishing undesirables to a barren dimension, the "Realm of the Black Stone".

In order to prevent banned criminals from leaving the Realm, the Vancians set up the Gate of Nemesis as a means of sealing both dimensions and setting them apart.

Time passed, and the Vancian civilization came to pass. Humans were born, and a civilization of Humans named "Eden" prospered. Criminals banned to the Realm of Black Stone spent countless generations building up power from their existance, turning themselves into hideous monsters of many shapes, ranging from corrupted Vancians to Giants, and invaded Eden.

A war of centuries ensued, and only ended when the Sorceress Maya fused her body with the wind goddess Sylph, and sealed the Gate of Nemesis. After the war of Eden, several civilizations prospered in the realm of mortals, with the Realm of the Black Stone absorbing other realities and looking for a princess pure of heart, with an affinity for wind elemental magic to complete the process.

An alchemist, turned into a vampire while seeking for immortality, set his eyes on a beautiful noblewoman. He knows about the story of the Gate of Nemesis, and wants to use its power for his own goal, while the noblewoman herself is a girl, saddened by her harsh, rigorous lifestyle, and dreams of finding someone to be happy with.

All while a wanderer raised in a distant land, who's also a young master in the ways of the ninja, suddenly gets wrapped on this intrigue...
I'm going to redo my post later.

Had barely anytime to proofread my stuff, so I apologize in advance for any troubles.
The sight of the library was a feast to the eyes of every onlooker. Disguised as a scholar, Chris managed to enter the place and gaze at the wonderful place that it was.

He patiently walked on the sea of books -- knowledge that would be considered a privilege in the eastern lands of which he was raised.

Little is known about his past, save for the fact that he was raised in Ashihara no Nakatsu no Kuni, an archipelago in the far east that was known for its rigid social structure and the beauties of the unique architecture. The Ninjas, or Shinobi, as they were called, formed a secret order of protectors of which had feats extrapolated by legends and folktales. But he was trained in this art and it's possible for anyone to attest that most of the rumours and speeches from people are, indeed, truth.

The architectural and aesthetic traits of the library offer an atmosphere no different from any of the luxurious castles he was accostumed to visit, courtesy of Zafiria's dreams and goals in providing education for all. Scholars and students in all areas of knowledge were attracted to this place, making the place to be a bit... crowded.

The first thing that Chris got his hands on was a book which explained some of the customs and traditions of the country. The explanations were rich in details and had a language accessible even for those without formal education in the delicate nuances of the Rafflesian dialects.

"Fascinating, indeed." He thought, easily getting himself immersed by the explanations in how everything came to be in the kingdom. A gentle breeze coming from the window he was close to helped him to familiarize with the pleasant atmosphere of the place and it gave him a few thoughts on Zafiria.

Though, all of his dreams about her were to be interrupted with a loud slam on the door. A group of ruffians entered the library, and from their shouts and erratic behavior, Chris noticed they were drunk, trying to make some disturbance.

To make matters worse, they came after Chris, unaware of the fact that he was a guy, attracted by his androgynous looks. One of them grabbed his wrist and tried to kidnap him, "Hey, darling... let's take a ride. I like pretty ladies like you." In self defense, the ruffian was knocked on the table, breaking it. When the other bullies came to take revenge on their buddy, he realized he made a mistake, and fighting on a library could bring him problems. He picked up a smoke bomb from his bag and tossed it.
Hey :)

I've recieved my marks back from my first set of midterms and they aren't good >.< I might have to spend less time on RPG :( I'll still post as often as I can but I might end up being a 'weekend warrior' writer for a while :/

Fair enough. I too got bad grades due to RP and I know that feel. So, please, don't worry about it.

Just want to double check.
He's in the village/capital in a library and she is up in the castle study. We are mirroring here, he didn't just like teleport into the castle with her right?

Ahh. My bad. Let me check it.

Yeah, that makes sense. I'll come up with something better later. And something that doesn't sound weird or confusing. The effects of posting while trying to struggle to sleep...

Once he got away from the guards and the princess, he left the place. Things were being very normal and nothing interesting was happening at the moment.

This meant he had two things to do right now: The first, was to find a place to settle himself, as he had some previous knowledge of the place and a somewhat good level of fluency with the language of the country. Noticing some conversations, he eavesdropped on bystanders mentioning something about the gateways of Nemesis.

That sounded really familiar.

While the bystanders did not look suspicious at first, the natural tone in conversation they had while talking sparked his curiosity. He tailed them, following stealthily, eventually finding a couple of hooded individuals entering in a building that looked like a library. A third hooded man appeared and Chris tackled that individual from behind, knocking him cold and taking his clothes. With his skill, the male would wake up with only his underwear, headache and incurable amnesia.

That was all he needed to grant free access in the library. Amazed by the quantity of books and the incalculable knowledge that Rafflesia had to offer, one of the few things that slowly pushed Chris Falcon and Zafiria together was nothing more but curiosity and a man who has plans with her...

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