Avatar of Kyline Ren
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 23 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Kyline Ren 8 yrs ago


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B.B. Kiddo

"She rides in a car like a queen on a card."
- Beck

+ + +

What is your name?

B.B. Kiddo

What gender do you identify as?


How old are you?


Do you have any skills or expertise that you might be able to offer to the team?

Spanish Fluency
Good Listener

Is there anything you plan to carry with you while you're on duty?

Secondhand Army Backpack
Longboard (because I hate walking)
Pocket Knife
First Aid Kit
Dart Gun
Large Blanket

Do you work well in a team? What is your previous experience in the workfield?

I've seen joy and I've seen a lot of pain. My life has been good and simple and I would do it all over again. Some people think I'm unhappy but I'm not; I just appreciate silence in a world that never stops talking. My biggest pet peeve is pride. My cousins tell me that there must be milk in my blood because I'm just too calm (believe me, it sounds better in Spanish).

Is there any additional information you'd like for the manager to know?

May the Fourth be with you.

That's about it.

I'm working on mine now as we speak.
@Kyline Ren Hi and welcome to RPG! :D If you want to RP or chat sometime feel free to ask! :)

Thank you, Nallore!

I love chatting so I'll totally take you up on that offer.
@Kyline Ren Thank you! It's actually one of my favorite pictures taken from a trip to Africa a few years ago. You're too kind :)

Wow, that's amazing!

The only country that I've gone to visit is Mexico; I live in the United States.

Welcome, Mistress of the Knights of Ren.

Haha, thank you so much, Hank, and May the Fourth be with you!
I'm glad I got past the edgy character phase before I was introduced to the Guild. My first RPs were on a Runescape forum and a game development community, respectively. I was thirteen, my characters were terrible, and I don't have the proper credentials to nuke those posts to virtual oblivion. It's like a forever-looming cloud of cringe that I can't truly escape from.

This is insane, you literally just described my pre-teen years with RuneScape and everything. I actually have fond memories and it was how I got into the interwebz and all that good stuff. I laugh how I would play through my avatar to roleplay and flooded the chat room with chat-plays with my "boyfranz". It was all very hilarious like I was intentionally following the the K-I-S-S-I-N-G kids' song.

I will never forget how much I abused the "blow a kiss" action.


There's something even more to cringe about so have fun with that story of mine!
Thank you, @Finn!

By the way, I like your name and your avatar.
Banned because he's a Green Arrow imposter.
Friendly roleplayers are the best roleplayers!

I'd love to play a male character in any of your general pairings and about the majority of your fandoms so you pick which one you'd like to do.

If you have a hard time deciding, I can help with that too so I'll be sending you a message right now!
Oh, I see! I thought you've might have been one of my other online friends. I don't recognize that name, though I was on the Guild for about three years before Guildfall. And take your time with your character sheet since the OOC isn't even up yet! No rush!

Haha, yeah, I was just a "greeter" until I got sucked into oblivion.

Yee-haw, thanks for putting me in your roster too!

I won't let you down, Captain.
Huh, really? Did I link this into a chat you were in or something? It's not freaky at all, just flattering.

And I'm also wondering who you are, haha. And no worries. If anyone who had a placeholder wanted to join over the seven limit than they'd be more than welcomed, essentially. I'll add you to the list now!

Oh, phew! I was already making a paper bag for my face. Haha, I actually saw it when it was posted in the General Interest Checks! But I was a guest the whole time. I was Karoline awhile back but never really came back until now if you ever saw me! I had one roleplay but stuck around to say hi to new people. I'm on a different site but on Zetaboards for Steven Universe fans.

Anyways, I'm on my phone so I'll do my character sheet when I get home! I'm pet-sitting for another hour or so.
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