Avatar of Kymera


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current JFC It's been a while since I've shipped something as hard as Perc'ahlia.
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5 yrs ago
Of course. I want a day off, and that's when everyone decides they can't figure out how to do their jobs.
5 yrs ago
The average human body has so much blood. It's always more than you think.
6 yrs ago
To all my partners, I apologize. I have a splitting migraine and my idiot neighbors aren't helping.
6 yrs ago
The two most abundant things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.
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Hello! I'm Kymera, so nice to meet you! Hopefully reading this won't bore you to tears.

Little bit about me:
I've been roleplaying for close to 10 years now and ran a forum of my own for 6 of them. I enjoy a more gritty RP where very few things "turn out alright in the end". That's not to say I don't like happy endings, but I enjoy bittersweet ones more. I feel I RP better the more I get to know people and their characters, so if you're willing to put up with me for that long, I like to think I make a good partner in crime!

Offline, I'm an avid LARPer and gamer, so I do my best to avoid reality at every turn. I do like to write, probably more than is healthy, and currently have two stories in progress.

Beyond that, most of my hobbies revolve around LARPing. I camp frequently, I enjoy leatherworking and various styles of armor making, and generally am a bit of an oddball.

I have a general love (read:obsession) of science, and it tends to come through in odd ways when I write.

Most Recent Posts

Sorry that took so long for me to get up. I'? visiting family for the next week, so I'm having to type and post on my phone.

Also, happy belated Canada Day @Obscene Symphony!! Hope it was a fun one!
Aleksander, Bear of the North and Kailea Arydunseyr

There was the distinct feeling that Ignis was trying to find a diamond in the rough with their ragtag group. Then again, it wasn't like Kailea had any place to judge. She had no experience in the Arena, and little as a mage. Still, they could make the most out of this situation. They'd have to, wouldn't they? Otherwise, they'd be right back where they started, and she'd be just as broke and teacher-less as she was right now. So if this group could help her resch her goals, then she'd give it her all-

"There is nothing for which to worry, sir. I am certain we will all be dead before any interpersonal problems develop." The great bear of a Tyren spoke up, his voice quieted and he reached for his wine cup. "...But I will protect us, all the same."

Kailea's eyebrow arched nearly to her hairline. She knee full well that in the face of a fully trained mage she was like a toddler learning to walk, but she wasn't so useless that she needed protecting. Or to assume she'd die by setting foot in the Arena without his help. Her fingers curled tightly into her palm, scowling at the sudden dark cloud the Tyren had cast across her hopeful thoughts, as the sudden urge to adjust his attitude welled up inside her chest.

"I disagree with the Tyren, Lord Ignis," Kailea said sweetly, her tone barely disguising her ire, "Perhaps you ought to worry, if such a clearly seasoned warrior thinks us incapable of holding our own. We've never once worked with one another and for all we know, there is little hope of us being able to work as a team."

She turned a razor sharp smile toward Aleksander, her eyes flashing with quiet anger as she held him in her gaze.

"Perhaps it would be wise to have a demonstration to put yours, and this one's, mind at ease?"

Aleksander held the girl's gaze with a steady, bored look on his face, one eyebrow raised. "I have seen you flirt, loud girl. Do you intend to bat a coquettish eye at our enemies as they put a spear through your chest?"

He was provoking her now, but truth be told he didn't really give a damn about her attitude. He'd be stunned if she was anything worth anything in a fight, considering how rigorous the application process hadn't been - but Aleksander was a soldier. A soldier learned how to survive fighting alongside fools.

Kailea leaned forward, setting her chin in the palm of her hand, as she looked the Tyren over pittyingly. She kept her other hand in her lap, clenched tightly to hide the flickering embers that were trying to jump to life. She had to remind herself to breathe, and not let this brute's words get under her skin, or ruin this chance for her.

But neither was she going to let his attitude slide.

"Is it jealousy I hear in your voice?" She said spitefully, "That I've not yet paid you and your ego that attention they so obviously deserve? I would be more than happy to rectify my mistake."

The smile on her face turned predatory, as she held out a hand in the direction of the training area, and stood from her seat with a small sashay of her hips.

"Why don't I take care of that and your concern with my ability to hold my own all at once?"

Aleksander rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. "You are incredibly easy to upset, you know this? Seems very exhausting. Advice from an old soldier, stop... caring, so much."

He remembered what it was to be so young - cocky and passionate, ever ready to fight. Of course, one could argue that the 26 year old man was still young, but of course that wasn't really true. Perhaps it would not do to be so harsh on the girl; she would be tempered, by death and time, and it may be that this was not a good thing.

Aleksander sighed, sipping his wine again. "I think not, loud girl. See, I am not so easy to injure as to go gripping weapons at first unkind words - learn that. It makes man harder to hurt."

Kailea scoffed at his attitude. Arrogant. She'd seen more than enough of men like him to know that there was little she could say to sway his opinion of her. It hadn't worked with the caravan's elders, and it hadn't worked with any of her perspective masters. Still, she tasted ash at his words all the same.

"Is that why you hide behind a shield?" She asked, settling back in her seat before she did something she would regret, "You've judged me long before you know what I'm capable of. For one who thinks he has so much wisdom to impart, I do hope for your sake that won't be a mistake that haunts you later."

"I carry shield because I fear death in battle," Aleksander chuckled, his arms spread in a shrug. "As should you. As should all who hope to survive." He lifted a cluster of grapes from a nearby bowl and began popping them into his mouth as he spoke, one by one, still slouching back in his chair.

"To assume the worst is wisdom, loud girl. It may be you are capable indeed - I am not so young as you, to believe I cannot be surprised." He grinned to himself, his eyes settling on some point in space behind the girl's head. "I remember once - once, during great siege of an ancient castle, I bore shield to cover battering ram from arrows, fallen stones. Man next to me was Grigori, friend of mine, never dropped his shield. I turn once to him, to say 'Grigori, we will be made meat if we stay here,' only to see that he dropped his shield, and arrow is in his mouth, deep. Like so," Aleksander said, opening his mouth wide and jabbing a finger into it before chuckling. "And not a foot away from me! So yes, loud girl, you may have some talent - I am not too young to be surprised."

He turned away rolling a crack out of his neck. "Though I think I am right to say you are thin-skinned and somewhat a fool; this, you have demonstrated."

"And you a coward." Kailea retorted, angrily. "Death comes for us all, and I will not hide nor shy away from it. Only ensure that I leave a mark big enough that my name won't be forgotten. A shield did not save your friend, nor will it spare you in the end. But I'll be damned if it happens before I have a chance to live as I want."

Kailea looked back to Ignis, grabbing for a new cup of wine and downed it quickly to drown the rest of what she wanted to say. In the back of her mind, she could feel the prickle of magic persistently balking against her will, and feeding the urge to teach him a lesson to add to his great wisdom

"If you have no further need of my presence, Lord Ignis, I would take my leave for the evening." Kailea said, attempting to keep her voice calm, and bowing slightly as she made to leave. "I would hate to stay too long in the presence of such an optimist the day before setting foot in the Arena."

The lord paused slightly, before dipping his head. "You may take your leave, yes. However, you must reconvene with us at the Arena in town by sundown. Entrants must make themselves known before tomorrow, and I would rather not be wandering the streets in the darkness."
Sorry!!! Yes Imma get Sisyphus and I's post up. Im just on a phone and formatting is difficult.
Fair. I've got a little time now!

Here's the pad:

Well, I'm technically visiting family right now, so I can't do back and forth right now. I can set up a pirate pad to get something started though if you like.
I've actually got an idea for a post if @Sisyphus is interested?
I DO WHAT I WANT. *Digs out the blow torch and confetti*
I'm only chasing out crickets. Not doing heavy demolition.
*chases out crickets with fireworks*
Please do @Obscene Symphony! That would be fun to play out!
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