Avatar of La Fleur
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 110 (0.06 / day)
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    1. La Fleur 5 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Shu this is a “no justu” zone.
1 like
3 yrs ago
3 yrs ago
@Stormflyx Thank you! Typically I use those cleansing wipes and a face wash, but mine are premenstrual sites caused by hormones. @Dark Cloud Hear that prick? Premenstrual hormonal zits.
3 yrs ago
I swear to God, zits around my lips or in the corner of my nose are my bane. Hairline zits are a bitch too.
3 yrs ago
@Multimind The only video game characters I've cried over was losing Tali (Mass Effect 2), Beleram in LOTR War in the North, and Kara in Red Faction Armegeddon. Maybe Deimos in Jak 3...


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Sam rather indignantly pitched the gloves into the box, followed by the slab.
She leaned back again in her seat, her eyes staring blankly ahead through the windshield. Slipped the gun from her lap down into the floorboard and crossed her arms as she slouched in her seat. “Where are we going,” Sam asked,”do you have a hideout or place I can stay?”

She shifted slightly in her seat and then asked,”And, what sort of crimes? I... haven’t killed anyone have I? Anyone innocent.” She had notable fear in her eyes, which even from the side could be seen.




“I can’t believe this.” Sam said in a dead tone. She had done as her companion had instructed, searching her name, and the results were not exactly favorable. They were downright despicable really, at least that’s what Sam would have thought had she looked at someone else’s record. She bit her tongue at the urge to say ”I didn’t do it. She saw no bother in saying.

She had heard of this before, “brainjacking”, but had never in her career encountered it, nor did she know of any of her colleagues ever dealing with it. It was one of those “few instance” cases she had casually read about during break time at the office. Now she wished she had dove into it deeper.
Like I could have know though. she thought with a kind of bitter self-assurance.

She sat back in her seat. Something else this “Awestruck” said was also true. Same couldn’t remember a blasted thing. The last thing she could seem to recall was arriving at her apartment complex. But it seemed to have been such a long time ago...

She turned to her unwanted accomplice,”Alright... ‘Awestruck’, how long have I been in your company? Did you find me, stumble across me amidst one of these alleged crimes... what?”
@La Fleur, just checking in. Odd that no others chimed in though, since you have a pretty solid idea. Love the Dark Fantasy aspect of it.

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