Avatar of Lasrever
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    1. Lasrever 8 yrs ago


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So, an upgrade thing happened which I've added to Zoe's CS.

Also, I edited the whole opinion sheet a few days ago as well as adding the new people, so have you guys can have a look at that if you feel like!

As Zoe's hands met the surface, she knew she didn't have enough power to break through quickly enough, that she wasn't realistically making it out like this - but she knew there was nothing she could do but try. And then for a brief moment, not even a second, her mind was somewhere else.

She was standing on the surface of a completely calm ocean. It was deep, powerful, and completely unknowable, but somehow she almost felt connected to it. She knelt down and placed her palm on the surface, she felt a little of that power starting to move towards her. It was meant for her somehow, born from her refusal to die even when things were completely hopeless.

But something in it changed, just as it reached her. It was touched by something dark, something wrong, just as the power spread through her.

The power was tainted - and so was she.

Suddenly she was in the same place she had been before, never really having left, standing with her hands on the surface of the stomach. Slightly bewildered, she was caught off guard as the walls of the creature's stomach contracted. Losing her balance as a result, she found herself stumbling back a few steps before falling as she regained her bearings.

At the same time, she could feel the acid's effects getting a lot worse to the point where it was really difficult to ignore, although scratching at it would no doubt just make the problem worse to deal with. It was bad enough on the surface without her risking breaking the skin. More worryingly, it meant the creature was probably starting full-on digestion. All too quickly, she was running out of time.

Oh, and the mouths. Apparently the thing had noticed she was alive, because she didn't think things usually had mouths in their stomachs. Still, Zoe couldn't let that stop her. She could feel the newfound power inside her, and just let it flow to her hands. With a glance, she saw that where before there were thin veins, they were now wrapped in thick lines of black that almost resembled tattoos - although they seemed to shift and move around, indicating that they weren't anything nearly so normal.

Struggling to her feet, she charged once more at the wall, grasping onto it and deciding to see what her new power could do. It took her by surprise, however, when a thick, black mist rose almost as soon as her hands made contact. The creature's flesh rotted so quickly it was almost melting in her grasp. For a moment, she tried to spread this new power further, but it wouldn't go beyond where her hands were touching - apparently it needed skin contact to work.

Technically, she supposed that meant it'd work better if she wasn't wearing clothes, but she'd save that one for a last resort. As much as anything, it'd take a whole lot of explaining. At least she didn't have sleeves most of the time, so that was helpful - but she'd probably need to think about her choices at some point.

Trying her hardest to ignore the biting of the mouths, she drove the right side of her body into the wall, pushing her whole right arm against it - even letting the power spread through the side of her face just for what little contact she was making there. She figured tearing its stomach open would do a hell of a lot of damage to the creature, if not killing it. With her left arm, she continued to launch punches into it. Partly for whatever damage she could do there, and partly because it made her feel better the more the thing was hurting she, wanted to hurt, wanted to do some damage, wanted to make the thing regret attacking her. Or maybe her Stigma did, she couldn't tell at this point.

Of course, while she was in a pretty good position to do damage, she knew she was also pressed up against the wall, so she couldn't help but worry about the mouths that had started appearing. Seemed like that was just how this new ability would have to work, though, and it was her only chance at a way out. It was frightening, but whatever happened she'd just have to deal with.

There wasn't even time to react. One second she was stood up, ready to keep fighting, to protect everyone, to survive - the next she found one of the noodles going straight past Savannah and snaking around her ankle, with a grip that suddenly felt impossible to pull away from. Clearly the monster had stopped playing around now, and it was out for blood.

And then she was flying through the air, barely having a second to even understand what was going on. No way to escape, no way out of it. Just tossed helplessly through the air like a ragdoll. She was dead. She was going to die. And there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

It was a strange moment. She'd expected to feel some kind of acceptance or resignation whenever her luck ran out, but that couldn't have been further from the truth. Even as she soared towards certain death, all she could think of was how many reasons there were to keep living. Grief and anger and hopelessness at how she'd never get to see any of it, and she was so, so scared-

The muffled thudding sound of her body colliding with the 'wall' almost seemed to echo, even though the space didn't seem quite big enough for it. It was soft on the surface, but dense underneath, at least cushioning the blow enough that didn't seem to suffer any major injuries as her body fell to land in a shallow pool of some kind of liquid. Dazed from the impact, it was only when she'd sat up and placed her palm on the nearest wall, finding it oddly warm to the touch, that it dawned on Zoe exactly where she was. Paling at the realisation, she scrambled to her feet and looked around with a panicked, disbelieving laugh.

You're kidding me, right?

Somehow she was alive in the belly of the beast. Either that or she'd died, but somehow she doubted hell smelled of marinara. Of course, she had no doubt everyone else thought she was a goner. She could hardly believe it herself, and there was no way there'd be any sign she was alive for the people out there to see.

Only the faintest hint of light seemed to reach here - barely enough for her to make out her surroundings. The walls seemed to be made of the same sort of meat-like matter as the 'meatballs' outside with noodles threaded throughout, and the space itself was tall enough that she could stand up, although it was a little bit claustrophobic.

Unfortunately, it was also bright enough for her to get an idea of what exactly she was standing in - a pool of bubbling sauce-like liquid that she guessed was probably some kind of stomach acid. She sort of thought she could feel a slight irritating feeling where it had made contact with her skin, although that could just have been her imagination. Trying her best to ignore exactly what she was covered in, she took a second to think things through and look past her rising panic. Now that she was paying attention, there was something sinister lurking under the initially appetising smell. Something sickly and rotten.

So I've graduated from a quick death to being slowly digested alive. Lucky me.

Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, she wasn't really the type to die quietly. Oh, there could be no question that she was shaken, teetering on the verge of panic. Barely holding it together, if she was honest with herself. But she was alive and despite the hopeless situation, she wasn't broken yet. Wouldn't let herself be. There were still things she had to make up for and her team were fighting for their lives out there - she wasn't about to make them go it alone if she could help it, even if they all probably thought she was dead right now.

As she looked around, she tried to stay focused on her anger at the complete unfairness of it all. That was the only thing keeping her going right now, forcing her to maintain some kind of composure. She'd tried to help her team, tried to keep everyone safe, so what gave this thing the right to end everything like that? It wasn't fair for her to be killed like this. Besides, she'd be dying to a monster made up of fucking spaghetti, and that was just embarrassing. For whatever reason, it was that particular ridiculous thought which spurred her into action.

Clenching her fists, she practically charged over to the wall before pounding her fists into the surface in frustration. They sank into the dense wall of the creature's stomach over and over with a dull, meaty, series of impacts. It hurt a little more than she'd expected it to, but that was good. Pain reminded her she wasn't dead yet, gave her something to focus on. She took a second to pause for breath, staring at the surface in front of her.

Looks like this is it. Just gotta give it my best shot.

She didn't know if there was any real hope of survival, but she could still try and make it out of this. Because it hadn't killed her, and she wasn't ready to die - so as long as she was alive, she could fight to keep herself that way. In an act more out of desperation than anything else, she lashed out against the surface, she decided to extend her powers for what she feared would be the last time.

๐•Š๐•–๐•ก๐•ฅ. ๐Ÿ›, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / โ„‚๐•ฃ๐•š๐•ž๐•–๐•Ÿ โ„‚๐•ฆ๐•๐•ก๐•’๐•– ๐Ÿ™ / / โ„•๐• ๐•ฃ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•–๐•ฃ๐•Ÿ ๐•†๐•ฆ๐•ฅ๐•ค๐•œ๐•š๐•ฃ๐•ฅ๐•ค / / ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ™๐Ÿš๐Ÿž

As she finally tore off the noodle, Zoe grinned, tossing the end she still had a hold of aside - although she'd been startled into taking a few steps back as the thing came a little too close to blowing up in her face. While she was fully prepared to snap at Savannah, her attention was caught by the effect it had on the monster as she saw it falling to the floor, even if it wasn't quite out yet. Can't argue with results, I guess.

Of course, it hadn't escaped her notice that Aaron was quick to bail on them. She didn't have the time to watch where he went, though. She wasn't really in 'reasonable' mode right now, so it didn't even occur to her that he was too hurt to fight - but she had enough awareness to realise it was best she kept her distance once things were over, knowing she really didn't have the strength to avoid losing control at him. Either way, he hadn't made a good first impression.

She looked towards the plate, which was beginning to get back up from the floor, flailing its ruined noodle around in front of it. Darting forward, she tapped the edge of the 'plate' for a brief second, before retreating slightly. Now that she wasn't trying to tear anything off, there really wasn't any reason to stay closer to the creature than she needed to. She glanced over her shoulder, wary of the other monsters surrounding them, before deciding to stay at a safe distance.

While part of her wanted to suggest Savannah do the same, she wasn't sure exactly how the other girl's abilities would or wouldn't work - and besides, Zoe's mind was such a mess right now that she really didn't want to open her mouth. It was bad enough what she'd said to Aaron, and with Savannah being an 'X' like herself, it seemed a lot more likely she'd get angry, at least based on Zoe's own experience. She just didn't want to risk having the girl get herself hurt with a stupid decision. After all, she was only a kid - if it came to it, Zoe would rather have herself be the one taking the hits.

Curious to see if the plate counted as alive, she tried using her abilities on it - not focused, but affecting the whole thing as best as she could. If it was anything like a real plate, it'd be brittle enough that her ability would affect it pretty badly if it worked. If it did, it wouldn't take long for flaws to spread through the thing - given enough time, it'd probably snap on its own, but as it was it'd at least make it easier for someone else to break.

Part of her was hoping that wouldn't take too long, because somehow she doubted this particular spaghetti monster would exactly be her biggest fan right about now.

๐•Š๐•–๐•ก๐•ฅ. ๐Ÿ›, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / โ„‚๐•ฃ๐•š๐•ž๐•–๐•Ÿ โ„‚๐•ฆ๐•๐•ก๐•’๐•– ๐Ÿ™ / / โ„•๐• ๐•ฃ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•–๐•ฃ๐•Ÿ ๐•†๐•ฆ๐•ฅ๐•ค๐•œ๐•š๐•ฃ๐•ฅ๐•ค / / ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ™๐Ÿš๐Ÿ

Just as she felt she was getting close to finishing the tentacle off, Zoe was batted away, and struggled to regain her balance as she stumbled backwards, the breath knocked out of her and anger flashing across her face. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she caught a glimpse of Aaron... biting it? What the hell was that meant to do? Answering her question, the thing let out a noise halfway between a roar and a scream, before revealing a mouth that looked more than capable of eating any one of them alive, along with its two buddies doing the same. Oh for the love of...

Zoe was quickly reaching the end of her patience both with the creatures and with Aaron. For now, she was happy to take it out on the noodle that had knocked her away after a look back at the two others confirmed they weren't needing her help right now. A quick glance between her black-lined arm and the wisps slowly rising from the spaghetti confirmed that her power was still taking effect, which hopefully meant she'd be actually able to tear it off if she tried again considering how close the noodle had felt to snapping earlier. About time, if you asked her! Invigorated, she started to move, lunging forward to grab the spaghetti.

She didn't realise it, but her enthusiasm at the prospect of tearing the thing apart was only partially her own, her stigma-driven bloodlust unconsciously bringing a slight smile to her face. While it would have been slightly disturbing anyway considering the situation, there was also a glint of murder in her eyes that meant it wouldn't have been surprising if Aaron thought she was about to attack him for a second.

She wasn't of course - her bloodlust was at least directed towards the enemy, although Zoe wasn't about to spare Aaron completely, eyes flashing with anger as she glared at him, practically snarling. "I've half a mind to let the damn thing have you!" As she spoke, she grabbed with one hand on either side of the part she was weakening and pulled as hard as she could to finally try and rip the spaghetti limb in two. Despite her words, she really didn't have it in her to leave anyone to die. Not that they needed to know that.
@PlatinumSkink I'm going to give it a few days before I'm 100% sure, but right now I don't really feel into the idea of continuing. Stuff comes up sometimes and I accept that so it's nothing on you, but I don't think it'd be fair for anyone if I kept on with posts I didn't feel like putting effort into writing.

All the same, I hope it goes well, and I did have fun with it! Just lost my inspiration right now.

๐•Š๐•–๐•ก๐•ฅ. ๐Ÿ›, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / โ„‚๐•ฃ๐•š๐•ž๐•–๐•Ÿ โ„‚๐•ฆ๐•๐•ก๐•’๐•– ๐Ÿ™ / / โ„•๐• ๐•ฃ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•–๐•ฃ๐•Ÿ ๐•†๐•ฆ๐•ฅ๐•ค๐•œ๐•š๐•ฃ๐•ฅ๐•ค / / ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ™๐Ÿš๐Ÿ™

As they arrived at the battlefield, it took a second for her to take in what was going on. The display from the other Subnaturals had been impressive, but that didn't change the fact that her group had their own targets to take on. When she looked at their targets, Zoe did a double take. What the fuck? After a second look confirmed that they were being attacked by aggressive Italian food, she decided not to think too hard about it.

Seemed like Aaron had decided to take charge from the way he was ordering them around. While she wasn't the biggest fan of being told what to do, someone had to do it, and there wasn't enough time for everyone to sit around arguing over the role. Part of her was thankful someone had stepped up, so she just nodded as he sorted them into smaller teams, making sure to note who she was with. Shouting girl, and Chris, who was currently writhing around on the floor. Not a sight that filled her with confidence, but she just rolled her eyes.

While there hadn't really been any proof of his leadership skills, Aaron's strategy made sense to her from the powers she'd heard. From the sounds of it, the three in her group were probably the most straight-up offensive types, at least while they weren't sure if the enemy could cast anything, so putting them on plate duty was fair enough. Although she couldn't help but think that the guy was talking a lot. Still hadn't stopped, but her attention went elsewhere as he continued.

Saying that, she could probably only injure the meatball things right now as long as they were running around. Her abilities were too slow to be that useful unless she focused them, which worked fine when she knew where the vital organs were, but where the hell did meatballs keep their important bits? Did these things even have brains? Well, even if they did she didn't have a clue where to find them, so not exactly the ideal enemy. Even if they'd had a clear head or something, it'd be easier to target than this.

Nothing she could do about that, though, so she turned to her team-mate who wasn't currently flailing around on the floor. She smirked, considering Angรฉlique's offered fist for a moment before nodding and meeting it with her own. "You got it. Name's Zoe, though. 'Breaks-stuff-down' girl's not got much of a ring to it."

After Angel offered some encouragement to the rest of the groups, Zoe just gave them a joking salute before turning to look at Chris's location. Hey, maybe it'd put them at ease a bit if not everyone was looking so worried. Knowing somebody else was confident normally helped other people feel the same or something like that, right? She was about to head off to her position when Aaron's speech was cut off with a thump and a snap.

And then everything went to hell.

Aaron's speech had been cut off just as he seemed to be finishing up, as one of the creatures knocked him down and basically ran him over, along with Alexis who was out for the count... Which meant there was no-one in that group who could actually fight these things unless they started using magic. And if the things didn't? Two average humans, a blacked-out redhead and a cripple. Sounds like the start of a bad joke.

Then again, the plan said she was meant to stick with the singer girl, but as she glanced over and saw the two meatballs flailing around on their backs, it seemed to her like Angel was handling herself just fine even if she hadn't finished them off. Chris definitely wasn't in a state to fight yet, though. Seemed like whatever Zoe did, someone was getting screwed over.

While she would have spent longer thinking it through, her decision was made for her when one of the noodles wrapped around Aaron's torso. She wasn't about to sit by and let anyone get killed, even if he was only in this position 'cause he liked the sound of his own voice too much. Letting someone on her side get injured when she had a chance to protect them wasn't really her thing.

Who needs plans anyway?

She sprinted towards the creature that had a hold of Aaron, getting as firm a grip on it as she could and activating her powers. There wasn't time to try and destroy the whole thing, but she focused her ability into a small area just above where she'd grabbed, wisps of dust rising from it as black, vein-like lines started to appear on her arms. As she did, she felt a rush of adrenaline - her Stigma, of course, but that didn't change how exhilarating it was. For a few seconds everything else faded away, only the sudden realisation of what was happening bringing her to her senses.

Hissing through her teeth, she shook her head to try and clear her thoughts and then yelled to the two people still standing nearby. "Savannah, Allison, one of you go back up Angel! Hold these things off 'til Chris gets his shit together, alright?"

With that out of the way, she focused her attention on the creature again. Her ability wouldn't cut through it right away, but it wouldn't take long to weaken the thing's structure enough that she could rip off the part with a hold on Aaron. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of something that looked a bit like glitter... She doubted it was anything good, but wasn't about to let go, instead just shifting her position slightly to shield her eyes. Hopefully it wouldn't do too much damage - her clothes could probably stop some of it from hitting her anyway.

๐•Š๐•–๐•ก๐•ฅ. ๐Ÿ›, ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜ / / ๐•Œ๐•Š๐”ธโ„๐•€๐•ƒโ„• ๐”ผ๐•’๐•ค๐•ฅ / / โ„‚๐•’๐•ž๐•ก๐•ฆ๐•ค / / ๐Ÿš๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ๐ŸŸ

Zoe hadn't been doing too much all day beyond wandering around the school grounds, or rather stalking around - she moved quickly, purposefully, focusing on her stride rather than where she was going. The scowl on her face dissuaded most people from talking to her, not that she would've given them the time of day anyway. She wasn't having a good time of it, and walking around seemed like the simplest way to try and distract herself from the urge to lash out at anyone who came close.

That violent release zone thing was starting to seem like a much more attractive prospect. She hadn't filled in a form yet - although she'd taken the time to complete the tests, which had pretty much gone alright. While she wasn't any kind of genius, there were a few classes that she'd admit to being kind of good at. Science, mostly. Never really liked biology, but when her abilities turned up she'd done some reading in the hopes that she'd know where to avoid if she didn't want to kill anyone when she went off the handle. Which, she reflected, had backfired spectacularly. Maybe if I hadn't, I wouldn't have-

Interrupting her thoughts, the alarm startled her slightly when it went off, if only because of the sheer amount of irritating noises that were going on at once. The one that annoyed her the most was the Director's voice, a woman who Zoe had decided she'd probably never like. At least she was able to listen to the announcement well enough, sighing as she stopped in her tracks. She thought the statements over as the cuff spoke. Menagerie, huh? Nice to know. Not really my problem, but nice to know.

As the thought crossed her mind, the bracelet started talking about new students. Which, if she wasn't wrong, included her. Something about it being a combat test, so the Director herself would be paying attention. Sure enough, it started naming teams, which made sense. Sending everyone new away in one group was probably overkill. Well then, I guess it is my problem. Wonder what we'll have to fight?

Zoe glanced at her cuff as the teams finished being rattled off. Sure enough, a small green light blinked there to indicate her group. While she vaguely recognised the names, she'd never really taken time to introduce herself to any of them, much as she'd been tempted. Some of them seemed decent enough people, so she'd decided it wasn't worth the risk of getting close to them. Not that it mattered too much now - and hey, maybe being sent off to kill things together was a great way to meet new people!

"Get moving."

Apparently she'd been standing there for a little too long, as one of the soldiers approached her, weapon raised. Just once, she'd love to go somewhere without the threat of being filled with bullets. Rolling her eyes, she sighed. "Yeah, sure, I'm coming. Don't want you to miss out on a pat on the head from your owner - I mean, your boss."

The soldier escorting Zoe apparently had enough self-control not to respond to any of her comments as they made their way to the trucks. As such, it hadn't taken too long for her to get there. She didn't know any of the people in her group too well, except that several of them had also been classed as the 'violent X' group, but that was fine with her. At the end of the day, who she was with wasn't the main issue for her. The idea of just being a weapon to the director and her buddies got under her skin, but despite that she still couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. Whatever they had to fight, seemed like she'd be free to let loose on it. That was a hell of a lot better than going for other people, and maybe it'd shut down that compulsion for a while.

In keeping with her usual attitude, Zoe didn't look bothered by the situation. Of course she was pretty nervous seeing as they had no idea what kind of things they'd be fighting, but that was overridden by the anticipation of the fight. Although she didn't realise it herself, there was a glimmer in her eyes that could only really be described as bloodlust, making her expression seem almost predatory. It wasn't often that she and her Stigma were in agreement, but if she really did have to go and show her stuff... Well, why not try and have fun with it? All she had to do was keep it together for one little truck ride.

Location; Outside somewhere on campus โ†’ Elianaโ€™s room โ†’ The Fear Fest bus
Interacting With; Each other @lovely complex@Lasrever

To anyone that didnโ€™t know him well, the sight of Samuel Keats roaming around with a bundle of colorful fabrics would be more than a little unusual. The guy didnโ€™t exactly give off the vibe of being a fashionista, and even though the Fear Fest was on, he was still a sophomore so it wasnโ€™t even like he needed to set anything up. More than a few people looked at him with suspicion, assuming that he was up to something or other, that he had some kind of scheme in mind.

The truth, however, was something very different. Because today, Keats didnโ€™t have time to pick a fight with anybody. Today, he couldnโ€™t care less about his reputation, about Mayweathers or Delphinas or anything to do with any of it. Today, nothing was going to bring him down, because this was the one time of the year that he genuinely looked forward to. Not the summer break, not whatever winter holiday you happened to celebrate, not even his own birthday. No, the coming of the Fear Fest meant one thing. It was Halloween.

And Keats loved Halloween.

He made his own costume every year, had always been the first to set out candy back home, and youโ€™d better believe he had the entire soundtrack of โ€˜Nightmare Before Christmasโ€™ committed to memory. To him, there wasnโ€™t any competition - and the idea that someone could not like it was pretty much blasphemy.

So, as he made the journey back towards his room, he couldnโ€™t help but notice one person whose lack of enthusiasm stood out. Eliana Lovelace herself was sitting on a nearby bench, looking gloomier than anyone had the right to be at this time of year. He thought it over for a second, before changing direction, and strolling over to stand behind the bench and dumping the fabrics heโ€™d been holding onto the seat next to her. Resting on the back of the bench, he tapped her on the shoulder with a grin and spoke cheerfully. โ€Why the long face? Itโ€™s Halloween, even you gotta be looking forward to it a little!โ€

Eliana glanced up at the overly enthusiastic boy and internally cringed at the amount of excitement emitting from him. This was not the Keats she was use to. Far from it. Someone was excited to get spooky. She had been holding her phone in her right hand thinking of the possible excuses to tell her mom so that she could receive a get out of jail for free card and not go to the Fear Fest. Yes, she already packed and everything was set in her bedroom but there was still time for her to be like, โ€˜hey mom, I could really use today to trainโ€™.

She hated Halloween.

This holiday itself glorifies death and people get a kick out of otherโ€™s tears and ultimately their fears. What was so great about that? Donโ€™t get her started with the scantily clad costumes for women. It seems nowadays, Halloween was just another excuse for horny teenagers to get laid. But that is not the problem today. The problem is this event is being hosted by Delphinas and it just smells like an utter disaster waiting to happen. Lucas was going to be there and she was sure he was going to go out of his way to make her life miserable. He could try but at this point in time, his childish antics just bored her. She doubted anything he threw at her could beat the images in her own mind. Regardless of his sorry attempts to get her emotionally stirred, she was still not looking forward to this festival that would give her a chance to have fun. Fun was not an option when the Tournament was just around the corner and she doubted that anything about the Fear Festival would be fun.

The further the semester went, the more Eliana wished she was homeschooled. Her friendships were dwindling and if she truly got what she wanted, she would have peace, quiet, and complete solitude. Of course, this day was not one of those days and neither was tomorrow or the day after, or the rest of the school year for that matter.

God, today was going to suck.

โ€œOh Keats, this is just how my face naturally is. Canโ€™t you see how excited I am? Iโ€™m literally jumping for joy.โ€ Her tone was sarcastic and dull. She was not enthused and she doubted he would change her mood.

โ€To be fair, your face normally is like that when Iโ€™m around. Still, you really donโ€™t like Halloween, huh?โ€ he muttered, but wasnโ€™t discouraged by the setback. So, she really wasnโ€™t a fan of all this. Now to most people, that might have been a cue to leave her alone, but Keats took it as a challenge. After thinking for a second, he spoke again.

โ€Well, I guess that settles it. Change of plans.โ€ he jumped over the back of the bench, taking a seat next to her. โ€See, normally Iโ€™d leave you alone, but I get the feeling youโ€™re gonna try and avoid the festivities. As an upstanding citizen, I canโ€™t let anyone be left out like that. So, Iโ€™ve got an offer you canโ€™t refuse.โ€ Despite knowing that he was probably annoying her like nothing else, and that they hadnโ€™t exactly been the best of buddies in the past - not to mention the arrogance that unintentionally came through everything he was saying - there was something about Keatsโ€™ tone that indicated it was coming from a sincere place.

โ€Youโ€™re going to Fear Fest. With me. Because no way in hell am I letting anyone skip this. Like it or not, you are going to have some fun and stop moping around for once.โ€ Before Ellie could cut him off, he raised a hand. โ€And if by the time itโ€™s over I havenโ€™t convinced you to start enjoying Halloween, then you can decide on a forfeit of your choosing. That way, at least you know youโ€™ll get some kind of entertainment out of this, guaranteed.โ€ Keats laughed. He was confident enough making that offer - it was mostly just to stop her trying to talk her way out of it. Still, by the expectant look he gave her, it was obvious the guy wasnโ€™t about to take no for an answer.

Raising an eyebrow, Eliana kept silent and contemplated his terms. A forfeit of your choosing. Oh? Was Keats making this a game? With someone like her? Huh, who wouldโ€™ve thought. If she didnโ€™t enjoy herself, sheโ€™d get toโ€ฆ punish him. This was interesting. Intriguing, even. She already figured he wouldnโ€™t take no for an answer.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Would he be able to get her to have fun? If Keats, someone she wasnโ€™t necessarily well acquainted with, gave her the time of her life - sheโ€™d be surprised. Glancing over at him, locking her green orbs with his blue, she surveyed his expression. There was a glint in her dangerous gaze. Those eyes that were the window to her overwhelming power. She knew better than to get close with others, especially after seeing Elijah with Gianna that one fine morning. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. But for a challenge? Maybe she could make an exception. It wasnโ€™t like Keats had anything to do with the individuals of her past.

After this weekend, they will return back to not acknowledging the otherโ€™s existence. At least, that was Elianaโ€™s plan. โ€œItโ€™s more effort to refuse, so youโ€™re on. Donโ€™t expect this to be easy.โ€ She pocketed her phone in her backpack purse pouch before standing up and turning on her heel to face him, โ€œMr. Upstanding Citizen, how do I look? Because I am NOT wearing a costume.โ€ Deep down, Eliana knew her fate, but she could hope he didnโ€™t have any plans on getting her festive. The fact that she was going should be good enough for him! Right?

Looked like she took the bait, worked like a charm. At the costume comment, Keats just raised an eyebrow. โ€That right? Looks like I really am in for a challenge.โ€ He grinned as he stood up, pausing just long enough to give her some hope before shaking his head. โ€But you donโ€™t really get a choice about this. Step one of Halloween is a good costume. Donโ€™t suppose youโ€™ve got one lying around?โ€

After a second, he realised that was a stupid question. โ€Right. How about any old clothes lying around? That, or I could make you one myself - I donโ€™t think I need this much material just for my own. Not sure how good itโ€™d be if I havenโ€™t planned it out, though.โ€

Heโ€™d clearly decided that this was going to happen, and nothing was changing his mind. Costumes were non-negotiable. โ€How about we check your room, see if thereโ€™s anything lying around we can make into a costume. That way it definitely fits, and I get an idea what youโ€™re okay wearing.โ€ Of course, if she was really uncomfortable with the idea, she could always refuse whatever he came up with - but Keats was definitely starting to look forward to this. The whole thing was kinda impulsive, he had to admit, but that was just how he operated.

With indifference in her stare, Eliana stood up, grabbed her things, and led the way, in complete and awkward silence for a brief moment or two. A sudden cold breeze passed her by, causing her to shiver slightly. Observing her surroundings, she noticed how excited everyone seemed. Talking to their friends, wearing costumes, some surrounded by the school newspaperโ€ฆ

โ€œOh did you read the newest article?โ€ A small strawberry blonde girl gestured a couple of her friends to look at the paper in her hands.

โ€œIt looks like Lovelace is straying away from her good pal, Elijah.โ€ A tall boy with a hoodie on, rolled his eyes at this new craze around campus.

โ€œDonโ€™t you mean Illeana and Isaiah?โ€ The tiny girl with the paper looked up and dumbly blinked at him - not realizing that Dear Sophia articles were based on actual people.

โ€œYou know just as much as I do that theyโ€™re TOTALLY based off of--โ€ He stared at her baffled. This was the third article within these past two weeks and she STILL didnโ€™t catch onto the similarities? Both Eliana and Lucas were basically โ€œhouseholdโ€ names at Mayweather because of their infamous feud, which unfortunately has settled down a little, causing the fans to agonizingly wait for more. Elijahโ€™s reputation started crawling out of the shadows once Dear Sophia started publishing her articles.

โ€œTeam Lucas! OR Lukeโ€ฆ itโ€™s really the same thing.โ€ A new female with glasses, two braids, and jumper dress on, entered the conversation.

Eliana brought her attention to Keats and grimaced, โ€œRemind me to burn on the school newspapers when I get the chance.โ€

Keatsโ€™ expression showed a flicker of annoyance as he glanced over at the students. He hated people like that - people whoโ€™d spread shit around behind peopleโ€™s backs. Part of him wanted to ask how much of this went on, but it wasnโ€™t like they were close. Knowing Eliana, it seemed to Keats that sheโ€™d probably just clam up. Too personal. So instead, he just sighed, sounding almost tired. โ€Yeah. Donโ€™t blame you.โ€

In due time, Eliana found herself back in her room with Keats. Taking a deep breath in before opening the door, she unlocked it and gently nudged it open to see if the Cat was home.

Oh, thank god. She wasnโ€™t.

Elianaโ€™s โ€˜giftโ€™ (the now turn up wedding dress) was on Sabrinaโ€™s bed, since it now became something she scratched every so often, if she didnโ€™t find herself waking up right next to Eliana in cat form. โ€œI guess thereโ€™s that?โ€ She gestured to the expensive fabric lying on Sabrinaโ€™s bed, โ€œThere was a time it was in good conditionโ€ฆ donโ€™t worry. No one is getting married.โ€

Keats looked a little taken aback for a second - he was pretty sure this dress cost more than half his stuff put together, and that felt like an understatement. Guess it wasnโ€™t that important to her, though, โ€˜cause that was basically permission for him to use the thing from what he could tell. He picked it up, and sure enough that was actually a wedding dress. For a second, he was about to question how and why this thing was in her room, but thought better of it. Whatever the reason, it probably wasnโ€™t normal.

โ€Yeah, that should work, if youโ€™re sure itโ€™s okay to use.โ€ he picked it up, looking it over. โ€Itโ€™s pretty torn up, for sure, so that limits our options. Letโ€™s see...โ€ There was a pause while he thought through the possibilities. Normally, there were a few things he could offer, but this thing was so well-made that repairing it properly seemed like a no-go. After a second, his eyes lit up, and he looked at her with a smile. โ€Tell me, Eliana, how do you feel about zombies?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m so prepared for the apocalypse. Iโ€™m just going to assumeโ€ฆ you want me to put makeup on to look dead, so Iโ€™ll just do that now. Iโ€™m not here to disagree. Iโ€™ve already agreed with you this much, might as well keep the train moving.โ€ The next thirty minutes were used with both of them getting ready (no, not in front of each other - get out of here) and then they were on their way toward the bus that would lead to the festivities.

The bus driver grabbed their belongings and put it away in the luggage compartment. Glancing up at Keats, her festival partner? Eliana gestured for him to lead the way inside, โ€œEntertain me, Keats. Show me what Halloween is all about.โ€

Zoe's stigma did not mix well with the shooting. She wasn't shocked or especially horrified, but seeing that kind of violence enacted right in front of her only made her own urges spike tenfold. If anyone was paying attention to her face in that moment, they might have seen something worryingly close to hunger cross her expression, indicating exactly the kind of effect her stigma was having. She found herself unconsciously taking a slight step towards the scene, a smile crossing her face briefly before an instinct of self-preservation brought her to her senses. Playing it off with a shrug, she pretended to look the carnage over in pretend shock until the director continued to speak.

What the Director said made it pretty clear their status around here. The idea of the cuffs reminded her of those shock collars some people got for dogs except, you know, people actually gave a shit about animal cruelty. And isn't that just depressing. Still, despite the overwhelming urge to try and kick the guy locking the thing onto her in the teeth, Zoe managed to keep her cool.

While some people might have expected her to protest again, she didn't say anything against the 'violent' classification, considering what she'd felt just a couple minutes before. Being locked up with someone else, shock cuffs or not, seemed like a really bad idea. She wasn't enough of an idiot to try and argue with it, any more than she was dumb enough to pick a fight when there was a gun pointed straight at her head.

Once all of the 'good kids' had been split off to their own building, Zoe glanced around at the remaining people in the group. All of them had the same mark on their necks, of course. And, funnily enough, it seemed like they were all girls. There were comments she could have made, but it seemed too easy. "So, does this make us the problem children?" She asked the guard, disrespect clearly showing through in her voice. "Guess you guys got the fun job, looking after the crazies. You draw straws for this or something?"

Okay, so there might have been a bit of provocation there - but they'd have to be used to that by now. Besides, no way was Zoe getting out of the cuff. It wasn't like she could actually do anything, so backchat would be enough for now. She just wanted to make it perfectly clear that she respected these people about as much as they respected her. Fair was fair.

Despite keeping the same attitude towards the situation throughout the walk, she was quiet enough for the rest of it, and at least paid enough attention to realise that it was after curfew as she was shoved into her room. With one last glare at the soldier as the door closed, she turned and headed further into her room with a sigh. So, this was it. Her own little place in the asylum. She had to admit, it actually wasn't looking too bad. Not that the positives outweighed the constant surveillance and shock bracelet, but at least getting sleep in here would be bearable.

Looking over the desk, the stack of tests wasn't really welcome. Seriously? Not like she was a dumbass or anything, but this did not feel like the time. She looked over them briefly, but decided not to bother trying anything right away. There were a few days before they needed to be done anyway. The other stack was a bunch of information as well as those 'violent release zone' forms, which would probably be needed at some point unless she wanted to blow a fuse at someone. Speaking of blowing up, there was one hell of a noise coming from the floor above - clearly someone wasn't handling this too well.

At least she had her phone, which still seemed to be working fine. Next to it was a small wallet. She was curious to see if they'd taken anything out of it, but as she reached over she couldn't quite bring herself to look inside. Not like anything in there would be worth money, so why bother? Besides, it was where she normally kept her photographs, and looking at them wasn't something she felt prepared to do. A few other bits and pieces were there, but nothing she felt like paying any attention to yet.

There also wasn't a bathroom in her room, so that was fun. Seemed like all of that was communal. Eh, she could get a shower in the morning. Hopefully there'd be some kind of separation in there. It wasn't like she had confidence issues, but she preferred to at least have clothes on for first impressions. Nothing she could do about that either way. She'd have to figure that one out tomorrow. Right now, all she wanted to do was sleep. Maybe a bit of rest would do her some good.
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